Finding What's Lost - Chapter 16 - Greenanon (2024)

Chapter Text

The rumble of heavy machinery moving through what was left of the jungle echoed in Higgins’ ears as he slammed another magazine into his assault rifle. He peered around the massive stone column that served as a barricade, now pocked with char marks and holes where pieces had been blown out of it by missiles and tank shells.

Looks like the Nekos have mostly fallen back, he thought grimly, that means they expect regular human soldiers soon. He glanced at his men, who were checking their own weapons, wiping sweat from their brows, tending to the wounded… We can’t hold out much longer.

The pop of automatic gunfire sent him back into cover, and he heard the clank of treads against the recently paved exterior of the complex. He nodded to one of his men, who hefted a shoulder mounted rocket and stepped forward, ready to deal with the latest charge of fighting vehicles.

“MISSILE, MISSILE,” the electronic voice warned.

“Yeah, I see it!” Oklahoma shouted, banking the helicopter left as the projectile streaked through the sky.

“I’m going to be sick!” Cécilia moaned, hugging the back of the seat in front of her as the helicopter bobbed and weaved through the sky.

“T-This is nothing,” Oklahoma stammered, giving her a weak grin. “Get ready with that gun…” She turned back to the sky before them, banking wide and gritting her teeth as she brought the gunship’s weapons to bear on one of their would-be pursuers. Cécilia shouted a battle cry that was drowned out by the roar of the engine as she squeezed the gunner’s trigger. The roar of the three-barrel 20 mm rotary cannon could be heard even through the headphones they wore, and Oklahoma swore angrily as the old soviet gunship billowed black smoke, but stayed in the air.

“U-Use a missile!” Cécilia shouted, squeezing her eyes shut.

“This thing was set up to fight Chloé!” Oklahoma snapped, “it’s got some air to surface missiles, dozens of rockets and nothing for air to air, if you want me to get them with rockets we need to get close enough to shove the damn thing up their nose!”

FLARES DEPLOYED” the computer announced, the helicopter zipped through the sky as the burning pieces of aluminum trailed behind.

“sh*t, those were our last ones,” Oklahoma muttered. “Okay, guess we’re going in close!” She leaned on the throttle, bringing the helicopter to nearly it’s top speed as she circled around to charge her pursuers again, “Yippee kay aye,” she muttered, watching the large gunship grow larger in her sights. At the last minute she pressed her thumb on the “fire” button, raining rockets down on it.

“Yes!” Cécilia squealed as they banked hard over the now burning gunship. There was a boom a moment later as it hit the ground.

“That’s how we do it back in-“ Oklahoma’s taunt was cut off as the helicopter rocked from an impact.


Alarm lights lit up, and Oklahoma gritted her teeth, holding the control stick of the helicopter as they began to descend, falling into a spin.

“HOLD ON!” she shouted, desperately angling them towards the river. Oklahoma squeezed her eyes shut as the surface rose up to greet them, and the least thing she heard before the impact was Cécilia ’s cry of terror.

Chloé gasped as she emerged from the far side of the shimmering barrier, feeling like she was surfacing from a thick muck as the energies clung to her. She blinked at the bright light, looking up and finding no sun to light the vast blue expanse of sky above.

The surface of the place, wherever it was, was grass, rolling green hills of it that seemed to expand in all direction, without feature or end. Flowers bloomed here and there, and the wind carried a sweetness to it that put her oddly at ease, even with what she’d come here to do. The only feature in the open landscape was a massive tree, stretching into the sky, taller than Chloé , taller than the skyscrapers she’d seen in the human cities, with branches that stretched overhead and overshadowed her as she slithered her way beneath them. The breeze picked up, blowing her hair as it seemed to circle around the massive tree, swirling the grass in a cyclone pattern around it, as if guiding her towards the center.

Turning round, Chlo was reassured to see the huge portal floating above the grass.

“Chloé!” Emilie shouted, waving to her eagerly.

“So it would seem,” Natasha growled angrily. She’d returned Mika to his full size, and he stood at her side, eyeing her warily.

“Natasha, Chloé is here now, you can’t possibly think she’ll just let you do…” he glanced up at the immense tree, “whatever you’re planning?”

“No,” Natasha chuckled as Chloé neared them. She even spared the Naga an almost jovial wave, “So we’re all here, aren’t we?” she looked around to Emilie, to Mika, and then up to Chloé herself.

“Step away from my friends,” Chloé said in a low voice. Emphasizing her point she reared up like a cobra, ready to come down on the Neko at a moment’s notice.

“Do you really think you can settle things like that here?” Natasha laughed, “just gobble me down, like your people did to so many of my brothers and sisters?”

“I don’t know, but I’d love to find out!” Chloé said with a grin, licking her lips ominously.

“An object lesson is needed then,” Natasha sighed. She drew her miséricorde, and with a casual flick of her wrist sent it flying into Emilie’s chest. Mika gasped, Chloé’s eyes went wide, and Emilie looked down at it in horror. “Feel anything?” Natasha asked with a smirk.

Emilie blinked, then slowly withdrew the blade. There was no blood on it, nor any wound on Emilie herself, and not even her clothing was ripped as she traced a finger over the cloth in wonder. Natasha walked back to her, snatching the blade away and sheathing it in one smooth motion.

“This place, this tree, is beyond the material world,” Natasha explained, looking up at it with a grin. “Since you’ve managed to make your way past my army, there is only one contest left to us.”

“And that is?” Chloé asked.

“The tree itself,” Natasha said, looking at it with a smirk, “Lay your hands on it with me, and we will see who it obeys.” She grabbed Mika’s palm, pressing it against the bark with her own, laughing as a rippling wave of light came over them.

“Chloé, quick, before she can do anything!” Emilie shouted, pointing to it.

Chloé nodded, racing forward and placing her own hand on the tree’s bark. Immediately an electric sensation went through her body, and she gasped, feeling herself go rigid as she was connected with the ancient web of thousands of years of memory, instinct, and threaded magic. Her hair stood on end, and goosebumps rose on her arms as she struggled to make sense of the swirling energy and information from the tree that coursed into her. Mika was there too, a familiar node of glowing fibers in the back of her mind, and so was Natasha, a dark stormcloud that moved through the tree’s enchantments and memory.

“My god,” Mika whispered, blinking as he tried to comprehend the vastness of the tree’s memory, “I-It’s a record of everything, the DNA of every plant, animal, bacteria, virus, it’s all here!”

“And all of their magical elements too,” Natasha said with a grin, “or close enough to magic that we can call them that, anyway.”

Chloé felt the dark cloud of Natasha’s presence beginning to access the Lemurian trees, and in her mind’s eye she could see tendrils coming out from Natasha, magical threads that carried the Neko’s shrinking power, ready to pass it on to the trees themselves, grafting it to them even as the world tree itself seemed to shift and groan in pain at the unnatural change Natasha was so eager to make.


Her own presence shot out, cutting the Neko off, tying their minds together in a battle of will that caused Natasha to gasp in shock. As they wrestled mentally, she could feel the magic of the tree itself starting to react, ready to expel both of them as unwanted interlopers.

“I will not fail here,” Natasha growled. She lashed out mentally, and the tendrils of the trees own magic withered away like burning cobwebs as she turned her attention back o Chloé. “When I’m done with the Lemurian trees, I’ll rewrite your DNA, and your magic next! You’ll be nothing but protoplasmic goo!”

“No, you’ll be dinner!” Chloé promised, gritting her teeth as their two minds clashed.

Higgins scowled as he saw the Nekos lining up, flourishing blades for another charge as their human mercenaries fell back. Dust rose in the distance behind them as the outer ring of their defenses moved closer, no doubt full of professional soldiers that would cut his ragtag team of mercenaries to ribbons.

“Get the machine guns ready!” he called.

“We’re out of ammo on all of the belt fed weapons!” one of his men, Richard, shouted, his voice hoarse.

“Flamethrowers?” Higgins asked hopefully.

“Empty,” someone shouted.

He sighed, looking down at the remaining magazine on his tactical vest. He dropped the empty rifle, taking the pistol ammunition and sliding it into his handgun, racking the slide and listening to the *click*.

This is it then, he thought. He spotted Yukia, over with the other Neko, near the back of their lines as she sharpened her Katana. If she saw him she didn’t react. He couldn’t help but chuckle, at least I got to see a few nicer sides of life before the end. He reached into his pocket, drawing out his dark black sunglasses that had always hid his eyes, dawning them and enjoying the dark hue of the world as the slid over his ears.

Oklahoma gasped for air as she pulled the unconscious Cécilia in a side stroke towards the shore. The catgirl had been knocked unconscious by the crash landing, and the pilot had just barely managed to get her unbuckled before the helicopter sank into the river. The Neko groaned as Oklahoma hauled them onto the rocky shore with a pant, collapsing into the gravel as the sounds of gunfire echoed from the temple entrance.

“Did we make it?” Cécilia rasped, blinking slowly.

Oklahoma chuckled, “yeah, I think we-“

“On your feet,” a man growled, pointing a gun down at her.

“f*ck,” Oklahoma muttered, looking at the group of mercenaries, all with rifles drawn on them.

“Bring these two up to the cats,” the captain ordered, producing a pair of handcuffs.

Yukia licked her lips, looking at the group of Nekos preparing to charge the human lines. Her sisters in battle were laughing excitedly, pointing to the human defenders and talking about which ones they’d be eating first. For her part she kept glancing at Craig Higgins, wondering if there was some way she could get to him before the others did…

No, she thought, her mind racing, I need to figure out a plan.

“H-Hold the attack!” she shouted suddenly. The nekos all looked at her in confusion.

“They’re out of the big fast-shooty guns!” one protested.

“They’re down to sidearms and knives,” another growled, “we can simply run right up to them and have our way with the little morsels!”

“Just wait a few more moments!” Yukia shouted desperately. She flourished her sword, “Or do you want me to show you why I am giving orders here!?” The nekos backed away, and Yukia breathed a sigh of relief. There, I’ve got five whole minutes to figure something out! She looked at the defenders, hoping an idea would come soon.

Emilie watched as Natasha and Chloé dueled for control of the tree, then looked down to Mika, who had an overwhelmed expression on his face as he tried to sift through the vast web of information and magic that was pouring into his mind.

“Mika!” Emilie shouted, “you’ve got to help her!”

“How!?” he shouted desperately, “t-this tree wasn’t made for humans, it’s meant for-“

“You’re not just a human,” Emilie said, “you’ve got some part of the Neko tribe within you, and you’re the Chloé chosen!”

Mika grimaced, then nodded, focusing and trying to bring his thoughts together. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, and a moment later Natasha cried out in pain as his own mental energies joined with Chloé ’s.

“Mika!” she gasped, grinning.

“Y-You fool!” Natasha stammered, “if you tie yourself too closely to her in this mental realm, she’ll consume your very mind!”

Mika closed his eyes, seeing only the bright threads of the magic. The feeling of Chloé’s essence entwining his own sent shivers up his spine, and a moment later Chloé was glowing all the brighter, feeding off of his own energies as she readied herself to face Natasha again.

Natasha howled with rage, and Mika fought to keep himself from blacking out as she willed their very minds to fray, but Chloé held firm, drawing on his presence to steady herself. He felt his own life force passing into her, fueling her, but every time he worried she would draw too much, snuff him out like a candle in the wind, she stopped.

She won’t use me up, he thought with a smile, she’s completely in control of herself!

Thanks for trusting me Mika, her voice echoed in his head.

An immense column of light pierced the clouds and fell from the sky, enveloping the entire tree. The two smiled together as their energies united fully, driving Natasha’s dark fog back. Chloé took the moment of freedom to parse the threads, feeding them through Mika’s own mind as they translated them together.

The curse, Chloé realized, seeing the dark cloud around Natash’s mind, they couldn’t remove it then, but what if… She and Mika wove their spirits together, creating a weapon of pure energy unlike anything that had been seen by the Naga, humanity, or the Neko. Natasha’s wail of pain reverberated through their minds as Chloé and Mika set to prying the darkness off of her.

Time froze around the tree, the raindrops remaining motionless, just like the cyclone.

A rumble from the depths of time rose in pitch from low to high as the column of light grew around the immense tree.

YOU CAN’T! Natasha roared, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!

She shrieked, falling away from the tree as her hair went from dark black to a bright blonde matching Emilie’s. Natasha blinked, looking at her trembling hands in awe as Chloé looked down at her smugly.

“N-Natasha?” Emilie asked hopefully. “The curse, i-it’s gone!?”

“It was never a curse Emilie, it was a blessing,” Natasha growled, “and I’ll have it back soon enough! One human, that’s all it will take!”

“No,” Chloé said firmly, “I don’t think you will, Emilie, help us!.”

Emilie nodded, steeling herself and shutting her eyes as she placed her hand on the tree’s trunk too. She gasped, feeling her spirit tied into the same mystical web as Mika and Chloé .

Strands of light descended upon Natasha as Chloé , Mika, and Emilie engaged the tree’s magic again, harnessing the Neko’s own power and turning it against her. Emilie watched, stunned, as Natasha began to dwindle, mewling in a mix of pain and shame as her form shrank in size with each passing second. Finally Natasha was released, and she looked up at Emilie, wide eyed.

“No… NO!” Natasha wailed.

“This was what you had in mind for humanity, wasn’t it?” Mika asked with a grin.

“Regrow me!” Natasha ordered.

Emilie knelt down, picking up her one time friend gently, “I… I don’t think I can now,” Emilie said sheepishly “As you know, Mika makes our magic permanent.”

“I’ll kill you all for this!” the tiny Natasha squeaked, becoming more cute than threatening as Emilie, simply cupped her hands around her with a sigh.

“I think that’s it,” she said finally, looking up at Chloé, then down to Mika. “I’m going to take her back… I believe you two have one last rite to complete here?”

“Yeah,” Mika sighed, looking up at the tree. “Go, we’ll catch up.”

Emilie nodded, carrying the furious and ranting shrunken neko with her. The portal back to the temple shimmered, then they were gone. The wind blew through the tree suddenly, sending a shower of emerald leaves down around the pair.

“Mika?” Chloé asked softly, “are you ready?”

“More than ever,” he grinned, pressing his hand to the tree’s bark once more.

There was a ripple, and the two felt their magic, their spirits, intertwine again. The world shimmered, and the Naga goddess appeared before them, her own high priest on her shoulder and looking down at them proudly.

“Well done,” the goddess said with a smile. “You two have truly become one, you’ve shown great willpower as individuals, and trust for one another. I cannot exaggerate how happy I am to welcome you two to our ranks.”

“I personally hoped to see you graduate college,” Mika’s dad said, appearing next to him, “but this is pretty impressive too.”

“It’s funny,” his mother laughed, appearing next to her husband as the two embraced, looking at him, “we wanted to guide you as much as we could… but now? I think you’ve visited more places than we did when we were alive!”

Mika blinked away a quick tear, “T-Thanks,” he managed, smiling through the sadness. “So what now, do you two go to heaven, or what?”

“They go to wherever they go next,” The goddess said, “they were allowed to stay with us for some time, just to see your journey done… but I’m afraid they’re being called beyond our reach now.”

“She’s right,” Mika’s dad said with a sigh, “we’ve got to go on our next adventure.” A glowing hole in the world opened behind them, and his mother and father looked at it with forlorn smiles. “Goodbye son,” he said softly, stepping through it.”

“We’ll always love you,” his mother finished, fading away with him.

They were all silent for a moment, until Mika turned back to the two Naga, and his fellow priest, wiping away a tear.

“Thanks for helping me see them one last time,” Mika said finally.

“It’s but a fraction of what I would give you if I could,” the goddess said softly. “I wish we could speak more, but you two must return to the physical world.”

“Yeah,” Chloé sighed, stooping down to pick Mika up. He relaxed, letting her fingers curl around him and lift him high. “Things weren’t looking great when I left, they might need a little help.”

With one last wave Chloé carried Mika towards the shimmering portal, taking the same path that Emilie and Natasha had taken moments before.

Yukia marched up the steps of the temple, her sword in hand as the rest of the Nekos cackled wickedly behind her. She could see Higgins, taking cover behind some of the rubble, like the rest of his men he was waiting until they got closer to open fire, with only small arms left it was their only hope.

I’ll just go straight to him, she thought, shrink him down, then take him out of here-

The Nekos all gasped as Chloé’s form appeared in the temple’s entrance. The advance halted, and Yukia’s own heart skipped a beat. A cheer went up from Higgins and his men, and in spite of everything she couldn’t help but reflect that it was nice to see the dour mercenary smiling.

Emilie walked down the steps, overshadowed by Chloé and Mika, but still holding the writhing and furious form of Natasha in her hands. She stepped past the men, who watched her silently, except for Higgins, who gave such a soft laugh as she went by that she almost didn’t hear it.

She finally made her way down to the line of Nekos. They shifted uneasily, many of them recognizing her, and Yukia nodded at her curiously, as if inviting her to speak. Beyond them the human mercenaries of Ouroboros hefted their weapons, and she even caught sight of Cécilia and Oklahoma, seated in the back of a Humvee with their hands cuffed, faces pressed against the windows as they smiled and waved at her.

With a sigh Emilie knelt down, releasing the tiny Natasha, “It’s over!” she called. “Natasha has been permanently shrunk, and the curse has been removed. Anyone who wishes to be free of the compulsion to consume humans, or the madness that comes with it… It’s possible now.”

“Don’t listen to her!” Natasha shouted, sprinting towards the Nekos. Emilie just watched her go, impassive. Natasha panted as she made her way to Yukia’s feet, looking up at her with fury on her face. “Yukia, kill them all! Use my nuclear weapon and reduce the Naga to- EEEP!”

Yukia knelt down, plucking Natasha up by her tail, letting her fellow Neko dangle before her face. She chuckled for a moment as she glanced back at the other Neko, who were looking on in a mix of awe, fear, and envy.

“Yukia!?” Natasha cried, “What are you doing!?

Yukia didn’t answer, instead opening her mouth and dangling her former leader over it. Natasha’s shriek of terror echoed in all of their ears as she released her grip on the now blond neko’s tail, savoring the rich, sweet flavor as the tiny catgirl made contact with her tongue. She closed her mouth, running her tongue over Natasha’s tiny body and enjoying the way the once powerful Neko leader tried feebly to fight the slimy appendage.

“Yukia, you will die for this!” Natasha screamed.

Yukia didn’t bother responding, instead simply tilting her head back, swallowing loudly, bringing her finger up and tracing it down her neck as the tiny and flailing catgirl slid down her throat, disappearing into the depths of her body. With a smile she patted her belly as Natasha landed in it, screaming in terror as the black haired Neko’s stomach churned, ready to digest the latest morsel.

“Yukia… y-you…” Natasha looked around at the dark stomach walls, then burst into mad laughter. “Fine then, our people are yours now!” she shouted, “and you will greet our sisters from the stars Yukia!”

Yukia frowned, ready to ask what her old leader had meant by that, but she hadn’t eaten at all that day, and her stomach quickly filled with acid, eager to take Natasha in and send her on her way to digestion... There was a quick spasmic flailing that felt like a butterfly sensation in her belly, and then nothing. She felt a sensation at the back of her mouth, and then-

“Urp-“ she belched, a quick, quiet, and feminine sound that would have been missed in most circ*mstances, but which today held the attention of hundreds. She blinked, giggling, “excuse me,” she muttered. With a sigh she turned to the other Nekos.

“Y-You ate Natasha,” one said slowly.

“Yes,” Yukia said with a grin, “and now I’m in charge. Does anyone have a problem with this?” she flourished her katana once for emphasis. Silence answered her, and she nodded. “I’m glad we’ve all agreed, I love democracy!” She looked up at the commander of Ouroboros human forces, who was still wide eyed with shock. “You!” she shouted, “order all of the military forces to retreat, tell them the exercise or whatever nonsense we fed them is done!”

“B-But miss, the Naga is right-“

“We’re falling back!” Yukia screamed angrily, “or do I need to eat a second course!?”

The man gulped, pulling his walkie talkie from his belt, “Congratulations to all participating military forces,” he said, “you’ve passed the international jungle training exercise, please withdraw to your respective bases to receive your uh… certificate. Alpha, Tango, Foxtrot.” In the distance the sound of rumbling engines paused, then started again, this time becoming dimmer as thousands of soldiers reversed their direction. The man cleared his throat, “Miss… Princesse Yukia-“

“I’d like to be called Shogun Yukia,” she said with a grin. “Princesse was Natasha’s thing.”

“Shogun Yukia, this is going to create a great deal of paperwork and expense…”

“Figuring that out is human work,” Yukia said dismissively, “Prepare our planes, we’re leaving.”

“B-But, the humans!” one of the Nekos said weakly, pointing to Higgins and his men.

“I said we’re leaving!” Yukia repeated. She turned back, making eye contact with Higgins one last time. She blew a quick kiss that left the mercenary just as perplexed as ever

“Well I’ll be damned,” Mika whispered, watching the Nekos fall back. The mercenaries slowly abandoned the complex, and for a bizarre quarter hour the exhausted defenders of the temple entrance just watched them, waiting for their sweat to dry as the camp emptied out. Oklahoma and Cécilia were forced out of the vehicle they’d been held prisoner in, and one of the men even had the presence of mind to take their handcuffs off before driving the Humvee off along the makeshift road with the rest of the vehicles.

“Whoop!” Oklahoma laughed, sprinting up the steps of the temple with Cécilia at her heels, “Y-You guys, we f*cking won!”

“I think we did,” Mika said, stunned.

The pilot cleared her throat, looking up at Chloé, who stared down with her arms crossed, “Uh, Chloé, I have an apology to make. I chickened out, I got the yips and almost ruined everything…”

“You came back though,” Chloé said with a smile.

“With a helicopter!” Cécilia added.

“How did you get dragged back into this?” Emilie laughed.

“I called her for money, and she kicked my ass into gear,” Oklahoma replied with a shrug.

“Yeah, that’s how it happened,” Cécilia said with a blush.

“Sir?” one of the mercenaries asked Higgins, “what do we do now?”

Higgins looked up at Chloé with a tired expression, “I think this temple is yours, as much as it is anyone’s… Can we stay here tonight?”

“Of course!” Chloé beamed, “I think a celebration is in order!”

“Sweet, they paraded Cécilia and I past a big catering tent,” Oklahoma said eagerly, pointing to one corner of the now abandoned compound. “They’ve got food, booze, and a whole tray of French eclairs!”

“Natasha’s favorite,” Emilie sighed.

Mika moved close to her, “Are you going to be okay?” he asked in a hushed tone.

“Yes,” she said, looking to him, then up at Chloé . “Our friendship ended a long time ago.”

Higgins cleared his throat, stepping up to the top of the temple entrance, standing in front of Chloé, “Uh, hello everyone,” he waved. “I’m not really one for speeches,” he began slowly, “I think most of you followed me because of my reputation, rather than my words.” That brought a few chuckles, and he gave a nervous smile, one which soon faltered. “I was a monster,” he said quietly, “and maybe you thought another monster was the only chance you had at getting free of the ones you were working for…” The men’s expressions were mixed, and Higgins chuckled. “It’s been a strange few months for all of us.” He looked up at Chloé, then at Emilie, “I’ve been rethinking what it means to be a monster, I don’t think we have any here.” He paused, chewing his lip, “Anyways, we’ve lost some people, I didn’t know them as well as I should have, but maybe some of you did. We’ve got wounded too-“

“Chloé can fix them!” Mika volunteered. Higgins turned to him, a skeptical look on his face.

“It’s true,” Oklahoma shouted, “if you’re in her stomach with that weird jungle fruit, you’ll heal right up!”

Higgins groaned, kneading his temples, “Okay,” he said finally, “I repeat, it’s been a weird couple of months, let’s get the wounded in a row for the naga… for Chloé, to swallow them. Does anyone have a problem with that?” The silence made him chuckle, “Good men… Anyways, I don’t have much else to say, except that we will toast the victorious dead when we crack open Natasha’s French wines.”

It didn’t take long to have the wounded men lined up in front of Chloé , some conscious, others not. The Naga watched as the medics worked, arranging them as carefully as possible as she chewed a piece of the Lemurian fruit, swallowing it down as the last of the medics backed away.

Right, that should be enough of the fruit to fix these guys up…

Chloé beamed, “Let’s see, I’ll have this one first!” her hand darted down, snatching up a man who had a few bandages over his arm. His eyes went wide, and she shouted in surprise as he was brought up over her face, then dumped onto her tongue. She swallowed loudly, enjoying the way the mercenary felt as he slid down her throat. With a giggle she patted her belly as seh felt him land, “Mmm… I don’t know if I told you guys this the last time I ate you, but you are just delicious!”

Oops, these guys might not be in the mood for teasing today, she thought, feeling slightly guilty as she looked at the men’s uneasy expressions. Still, they didn’t run as they were once again plucked up one by one, swallowed down by Chloé as Higgins, Mika, and Emilie watched. Her stomach churned as the Lemurian fruit washed over them, and she heard amazed gasps and hushed whispers in her stomach as the men watch their comrades, once on the brink of death, sit up in the fleshy interior of the Naga’s belly, their wounds sealing shut and not even leaving scars.

“Okay, is everyone done?” she said loudly. A chorus of agreement came from inside of her belly, and she giggled, savoring the feeling of a dozen humans inside of it. It might be a long time before I get this many of them in there at once, she thought, sighing wistfully.

Slowly she regurgitated them up, spitting them gently into her cupped hands and lowering them down to the ground, coated in her spit, but alive. One by one the wounded men emerged, all of them looking up at Chloé in a mix of fear and wonder, and behind his sunglasses Higgins wore a stunned expression.

“What’s the extent of that healing ability?” he asked Mika quietly. “Could it be used on a lost limb? Cancer? Or is it just for battlefield injuries?”

“I don’t know,” Mika chuckled, “I suppose we’ll find out together.”

“She’s the most deadly creature on the planet, and also the planet’s finest doctor,” Higgins muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

“We’re all fixed up sir!” one of them men shouted, waving at him eagerly.

He chuckled at the way they smiled at him, it wasn’t an expression he thought he’d ever see directed at him.

“Good, now I do believe the cats left a large amount of food and drinks for us? Go get started on it! That’s an order!”

The men cheered, moving to carry out his orders. Higgins sighed, collapsing to the stone, looking down at his handgun, and reaching up to pull his reflective sunglasses off. He carefully folded them, placing them in his pocket, then glancing up at Emilie with his true eyes.

“Are you sure you didn’t mess with me somehow?” he asked quietly.

“I most certainly did not,” Emilie said with a giggle, “I did many things to your mind, but I never influenced your will or your character.” She reached up and touched his cheek, causing him to flinch. “You were always this man, even if you pretended you weren’t.”

Higgins backed away, blinking a moment, “I need a stiff drink,” he said finally. Without another word he stumbled down the steps after his men.

“T-That was pretty exciting!” Gloria said, making her way out from behind one of the destroyed columns. She held up a tiny remote control drone excitedly, “I got a lot of good footage!”

“Have you been back there the entire time?” Mika asked, stunned.

“Gloria,” Chloé grumbled, “we said no filming!”

“People need to know the truth!” Gloria protested, “they need to-“

She squeaked in surprise as Chloé plucked her up, dangling the panicking journalist over her open mouth. She released her grip, letting the woman fall with a scream into her gaping maw.


Chloé smirked as she heard Gloria’s protests echo up her throat.

“That was a little harsh,” Oklahoma chuckled.

“I’ll let her out later,” Chloé said with a shrug.

The sun had set, and the men had built a large bonfire in front of the temple. A low music played from the makeshift base’s speakers, adding to the mood as everyone laughed, drank, and tried to sing along with the words of the French pop song that the late Neko Princesse had chosen for her victory celebration.

Chloé had spat Gloria out, giving her one final warning about filming before taking her human form. borrowing a baggy spare set of clothing from one of the mercenaries as she joined the celebration. She was in Mika’s arms as they watched the fire dance, laying together under a survival blanket. Emilie was with them as well, staring up at the stars with a smile on her face.

“Anyone want some of this?” Oklahoma laughed, stumbling towards them, a half empty bottle of wine in hand as she joined them around the fire. Cécilia was coming along behind her, carrying her own wine in a refined crystal glass, a slight flush to her face.

“If nothing else, Natasha always did have excellent taste in drinks,” Cécilia said with a grin.

“I’ll say,” Oklahoma muttered, taking another swig from the bottle. “Good food, good drinks, good friends, and we even saved the world,” she laughed. “I just wish I’d have had the chance to save some of those jewels and stuff we found in those temples… I guess I’m back to being flat broke!”

“Oh, if you want I still have access to the corporate accounts,” Emilie said offhandedly, “would you like a few million dollars?”

Oklahoma stared at her a moment, “S-Sure!” she stammered, beaming excitedly. “Holy sh*t, I’m a damn millionaire…” she looked at the bottle thoughtfully, “I need to figure out how tax havens work…”

“I’ll be in Luxembourg next month,” Cécilia offered, “you can come along if you’d like!”

“Sounds fun,” Oklahoma nodded.

Mika glanced down at the bottle of wine he and Chloé had been sharing, seeing that it was nearly empty. With a smirk he got up, tucking the blanket back around Chloé as he stretched.

“I’m going to see about finding us some more of this,” he said, pointing to the empty bottle, “and maybe a dessert.”

“Get me another of those chocolate pastries!” Oklahoma called as he left. He waved in acknowledgement, making his way back towards the concessions tent.

“We should really surprise him with something fun,” Chloé giggled, leering at Emilie.

The Neko gulped, her ears going flat for a moment, “Yes… I ah, suppose we should.”

“What are you so nervous about?” Chloé giggled, “you had fun with him on the plane, didn’t you?”

“Emilie,” Oklahoma cut in, “I’m pretty sure Mika really gets off to giant girls messing with him, use your cat-powers to make him tiny and he’ll love it.”

“And don’t forget to put him in your mouth,” Cécilia giggled, her face going red as many glasses worth of wine took effect. She purred, her feline tail twitching behind her excitedly, “Mika has such a fine flavor, humans already feel so good when you swallow them Emilie, but Mika…” she giggled, flopping backwards, “he’s something else entirely!”

“That’s the curse talking!” Emilie snapped.

“Maybe,” Cécilia slurred, “sorry…” she draped herself over a suddenly embarrassed Oklahoma, “still, many humans do find it enjoyable to be a cat’s toy…” she snuggled up against Oklahoma, who laughed and rolled her eyes.

“Okay, Cécilia is cut off from the wine,” the pilot said.

“Nooo!” the Neko whined.

Emilie blushed, licking her lips at the thought, “I suppose it would be… enjoyable, to toy with Mika at a smaller size again,” she admitted, “but he might be frightened if I put him in my mouth like that so early-”

“No, he’d be the happiest man on earth,” Chloé giggled, “trust me.”

“She would know,” Oklahoma said with a shrug, “just go for it Emilie, go have a taste.”

Emilie nodded, standing up with a determined grin. Mika returned a few moments later, carrying a plate with several eclairs on it, along with a fresh bottle of wine. He frowned as he saw the four women around the campfire, all giving him almost predatory smirks.

“Here’s your desserts,” he said, setting the plate down next to Oklahoma. “What did I miss?”

Emilie marched up to him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a forceful kiss. Oklahoma wolf whistled, and Cécilia clapped drunkenly, giggling as Mika’s eyes went wide in surprise, then closed as he leaned into the Neko’s embrace.

“Good job,” Chloé said with a smirk. She stood up, moving to Mika’s side. As Emilie broke her kiss, Chloé pulled him into another one, causing him to start as both girls squeezed his bottom, sharing girlish giggles as he looked back and forth between them.

Emilie suddenly licked up the side of his face, “Mmm…” she said, her tail swishing behind her excitedly, “I think I’d like to take Mika somewhere private, to sample him a bit more.”

He cried out in surprise as Emilie’s shrinking power coursed through him, causing him to cry out in surprise as the Neko snatched him out of the air, giggling as his clothes descended around them. Mika found himself naked in her warm, tight grip, as the Neko looked down on him smiling, Chloé licking her lips as she peered over the catgirls shoulder.

“Look at how appetizing he looks at this size,” Chloé giggled, whispering in Emilie’s ear. “You haven’t played with a lot of tiny humans, have you? Don’t you think you deserve to eat one?”

“C-Chloé!?” Mika gasped.

“I think I do!” Emilie giggled, her grin widening, “and he’s just so small and helpless like this, a cute little mouse waiting to be swallowed down!” She looked down at him, smirking as she felt his erection poking the side of her hand. “Hmm… Looks like you were right,” Emilie said, winking at Chloé, “he’s just natural born prey.

The two girls linked arms, and Emilie kept Mika tightly in her hand as they walked towards the privacy of the temple, giggling and shooting each other excited glances.

“Damn,” Oklahoma laughed, sipping her wine, “good luck kid…”

“Emilie is so lucky,” Cécilia pouted, flopping over in Oklahoma’s lap. “Hmm… Oklahoma, will you scratch my head?”

Rolling her eyes the pilot reached down and started petting the Neko’s hair, scratching behind her ears like she would a cat. Cécilia purred, closing her eyes as her tail lazily traced back and forth.

The dark expanse of the temple echoed with their footsteps as they two women, and their shrunken lover, made their way inside. Chloé glanced backwards, grinning to herself as she realized that they were far enough inside of the massive stone structure to insure privacy. She let herself fall behind Emilie. A dim light appeared and crystals lit up along the walls. The Neko paused, not realizing what was happening until she turned around, finding herself face to face with Chloé’s towering Naga form, grinning down at her.

The temple is reacting to her presence, Mika realized, she wants light, so we’re getting light…

Instead of fear, Emilie felt excitement, and she giggled to herself, “What do you think Mika? She looks even bigger now, huh?”

“Y-Yeah,” he stammered, his mouth going dry and his heart pounding as he took in the truly mountainous form of Chloé’s full sized body.

“I can just barely hear him,” Chloé giggled, slowly circling around the pair, forming a gigantic wall with her scaled tail as she coiled closer to them. “At that size, Mika wouldn’t even be much of a meal for me…” She sighed, leaning over Emilie to watch her with an amused grin, “I guess that I’ll have to let something lower on the food chain have him.”

Emilie lowered her gaze to Mika, “Well, you heard her, you’re all mine!”

He nodded, “Okay… I trust you Emilie!”

“That’s funny,” Emilie giggled, “if you didn’t trust me, well… it would be too late by now, you’re already in the cat’s clutches!” she lowered him down her body, teasingly pressing him against the mounds of her breasts and giving a low moan as his body slid over where her nipple was beneath her shirt. She paused, holding him at her belly, reaching down to undo the buttons. She pulled her shirt open, revealing her cute belly button in the center of a toned tummy, and a second later she pressed him against the velvety soft surface, letting him hear the slight gurgles of the neko’s stomach beyond the wall of flesh.

I would be the first human to ever be in there, he thought, finding some bizarre excitement at the idea. He looked up at Emilie, his friend, the sweet and bookish Neko who had crossed the world with him, and felt a mix of fear and arousal at the predatory grin she gave him.

“At that size, it’s very clear where you belong on the food chain,” Emilie giggled, “even more than when you’re with Chloé, at least when she comes for you, you’re still human… with me? You’re more of a mouse!” Her tail waved back and forth eagerly at the remark, and her eyes lit up as she saw the hint of fear in his face, his tiny heart pounding as he yearned to escape her and be one with her at the same time.

“You’re so beautiful like this,” Mika whispered, startling her.

She giggled, a blush coming into her pale cheeks, “Threatening to eat you makes me beautiful?”

“That’s Mika for you!” Chloé chuckled overhead.

“You just seem so natural,” he murmured, looking up at the neko’s enormous face, “in your element…”

“I guess we Nekos are predators, even if I don’t want to be like… others,” she said slowly.

“You’re not,” Mika said softly, “I trust you, Chloé trusts you.”

Emilie nodded, fighting a wave of euphoria as she realized she would be swallowing her first human in a lifetime of trying to avoid it. She felt her mouth watering, and the sultry scent of Mika, a human mixed with that distant remnant of the Male Neko line, filled her nostrils. She brought him close, sniffing so hard that his hair billowed like in a storm, and her rumbling purr vibrated his whole body as she held him close against her pursed lips. He felt the warmth from her body, the distant thrum of her heartbeat, and as her lips parted the her hot, humid breath spilled across his face as he looked into the dark cavern of her mouth.

Slowly, she tipped her hand, letting him tumble in. Her tongue was rougher than Chloé’s, but not in a way that was unpleasant, and he found himself shivering with pleasure as it curled beneath him, slurping his tiny body into the center of her mouth. Her breath was warm, almost hot, billowing out of the black abyss of her throat. Her breathing was faster than Chloé’s or maybe she was just more nervous than usual, but the humidity had his head swimming as her tongue casually manipulated him up to the hard roof of her mouth.

“Mmm…” Emilie purred loudly, vibrating the world around Mika as his light disappeared.

“He tastes good, right?” Chloé giggled, leaning in close to watch. Emilie almost fell backwards as a wave of euphoria washed over her, and the tip of Chloé’s tail braced against her back, slowing her descent and curling around her as she moaned loudly. Chloé giggled, reaching down to trace her finger over the Neko’s body, curling her fingernail around Emilie’s shirt and slowly pulling.

“MMM?” Emilie’s eyes shot open as her shirt buttons popped, and the garment came away as Chloé undressed her like a doll.

“Don’t mind me,” Chloé giggled, “I’m just unwrapping my treat, just go ahead and continue enjoying yours!”

Emilie nodded, closing her eyes and savoring the flavor of the tiny human in her mouth while the Naga continued undressing her, occasionally stroking her increasingly naked body with her giant fingertips or the tip of her tail.

Inside of the Neko’s mouth Mika felt himself swished backwards as her the warm goo of her saliva pooled around him, easing his slide towards the back of her throat. She caught him at the last minute, and he heard the rumbling growl of her stomach, a hungry lion that wanted to swallow him up.

She almost sent me down that time, he thought, feeling suddenly nervous.

Slowly Emilie worked him back to the front of her mouth, flicking her tongue over him and tasting more of his body. Each flick of her tongue sent a shiver through him as the Neko groaned happily from the flavor of the tiny human, the ancient instinct of her people sending waves of excitement through her every time she felt his tiny body struggle.

Again! She thought excitedly, tilting her head back to swallow.

Mika shouted in surprise and fear, his stomach lurching as Emilie once again caught him just at the precipice of her throat. The stomach rumbled again, a sound loud enough that he could feel it vibrate his whole body as it called out excitedly for him.

The neko once again forced her tongue upwards, catching him just as his body would have been sucked down her dark throat. The wave of saliva carried him forward, and he coughed and sputtered as some of the warm liquid made its way into his own mouth.

“E-Emilie, what are you-“ he was cut off as the wet sound of her swallowing sucked him backwards again, causing him to scream as Emilie stopped him just before sliding down her esophagus for the third time.

Mika was now sitting on the back of Emilie's tongue. He could see the oozing uvula swaying above him, and followed with his eyes a drop falling further down. With his legs in the air and balancing in front of an open throat, he contemplated the abyss beneath his feet as the undulating esophagus called out to him.

Chloé watched the Neko’s blissful expression, smirking to herself as she guessed what was happening, “You look happy, but now I want something in My mouth.” Emilie’s eyes shot open, and she looked up in alarm as Chloé’s fingers came down, gripping the Neko gently around her midsection, leaving the pooled clothes the Naga had stripped off her behind. “It feels nice, doesn’t it?” Chloé said softly, playfully running a finger over Emilie’s hair, petting her softly. “You can enjoy this with us Emilie,” the Naga said reassuringly, “we’ll help you do it right.

Emilie nodded eagerly, and within her mouth Mika was brought back to the tip of her tongue.. Chloé lifted the Neko overhead, opening her mouth and letting Emilie look down into the vast cavern. Rather than dropping her, Chloé gently placed Emilie onto the tip of her tongue, letting her feel the warmth and humidity of her natural predator’s mouth in the same way that Mika was within hers. The light dimmed slightly as Chloé lips sealed shut behind her, leaving the Neko cut off from escape.

Rather than fear, Emilie felt excitement, and she crawled along the squishy floor of Chloé’s tongue towards the back of her mouth. With a mix of trepidation and anticipation, she peered down the back of Chloé’s mouth, fighting a giggle as she saw the long tunnel of her throat.

“MMMPP!” Emilie squeaked in surprise, barely keeping her mouth closed as the Naga’s tongue undulated beneath her, throwing her onto her back and matting her hair with Chloé’s pooling saliva. She looked up at the ceiling of Chloé’s mouth, seeing her dangling uvula as the saliva dripped around her and the warm air of each breath flowed slowly over her.

Mika could see nothing of what was happening outside of Emilie’s mouth, simply trying to keep his bearings as he was rolled and tossed against the sides of her mouth, each time pinned and toyed with by the catgirl’s tongue. The sensations were growing to be too much, and Mika wondered when he’d be pushed over the edge.

Emilie felt Chloé’s mouth begin to tilt as Chloé tipped her head upwards, readying to swallow, “W-Wait!” she shouted. Chloé paused, pressing the back of her tongue upwards against the roof of her mouth, pinning Emilie’s tail and keeping the Neko from sliding any further back.

Her words had given Mika a brief moment of light, and a moment later she was spitting him into her hand as Chloé’s head tipped further, keeping the Neko’s tail pinned as an anchor as Mika took in his surroundings.

It’s like a cave, he thought in awe, looking up at the fleshy walls on all sides of him. This was a new way of looking at Chloé’s mouth, from his now even smaller size, he was less a morsel that she would gulp down, and more like a crumb, a pathetic thing the hyper-predator wouldn’t even notice if she chose to swallow.

“O-Okay,” Emilie giggled, leaning upwards and placing him on the puffy outer lips of her sex, “Chloé’s getting hungry,” as if in answer a gurgle rose up from the throat below them, and Emilie looked down, biting her lip in excitement before turning back up to the shrunken human. “You’ll get washed away and lost if you get swallowed down on your own!” Emilie said with a grin, “you’ll need to ride down somewhere safe, somewhere inside of me…”

“Sounds good!” Mika said, still awed at the sheer size difference between them. What she’d said clicked suddenly, and he looked down at the puffy pink opening of her womanhood, already glistening wet, ready for him.

“That would be a good choice,” Emilie giggled, spreading her lips open for him with a wink, “or if you’re feeling a little naughtier…” She pointed just a few centimeters further, where her puckered anus clenched and loosened, as if excited to take him in.

That would be something new, Mika thought, feeling himself growing hard at the idea. He looked back down at her grinning face, his eyes lingering on her mouth.

“My mouth is an option too,” Emilie laughed, “but… I don’t know how much longer I can hold back!” She ran a hand over her belly, patting it playfully, “you might end up in here for real, after all, it's where a mouse belongs!”

Chloé’s tongue lowered slightly, releasing Emilie’s tail and letting the Neko slowly begin sliding downwards, and the tunnel of the Naga’s esophagus swelled and shuddered in excitement as gravity slowly drew the meal closer.

I’ve got to make a choice, Mika realized, struggling to keep his balance as the giant Neko’s body shifted.

“Hurry!” Emilie called. With a teasing wink she pressed her chin down against her breastbone, opening her lips and extending her tongue as if it was a ramp into her mouth.

Mika then witnessed a unique scene: two greedy mouths trying to engulf him.

In the background, Chloé's throat opened as Émilie descended. Her esophagus was slowly undulating in anticipation behind her head.

And in front of him, lower down between Émilie's breasts, he could see the Neko's head with her magnificent falling blonde hair and her pleading blue eyes also expressing desire and excitement. Her outstretched tongue bridged to her waiting mouth: another chasm from which saliva was slowly sliding by gravity, inviting him to jump in to satisfy the hungry Neko.

I know what I want, and I know what she wants, he thought with a grin. He leapt down her body, sliding along her belly, well lubricated from the dripping saliva, and between the twin hills of her breasts, and then up her tongue as if it were a waterslide. She snapped her mouth shut, trapping the prey instinctively and sealing him in.

“MMMM!” Emilie growled excitedly, her tongue once again assaulting Mika’s tiny body as it pinned him to the roof of her mouth.

Mika tried to resist, but after all of the torment, and the teasing idea that he might just be Emilie’s meal for real, he couldn’t last long. He came with a roar, spraying his seed across Emilie’s tongue.

His seed, it’s so GOOD! Emilie felt the motion of her throat muscles, almost not realizing what she was doing until the sound of her own *gulp* was sending the tiny human’s flailing form down her throat.

At that exact moment Chloé swallowed, her own *gulp* echoing over the Neko’s, sending Emilie down with a cry of pleasure and surprise. The Naga exerted expert control over the muscles of her esophagus, squeezing the Neko tightly and controlling the upside-down Neko’s descent.

Emilie shuddered, feeling her arms and legs pressed together by the powerful forces of Chloé’s esophagus, like a tight sleeping bag that coated her with saliva and mucus as she was slowly pushed towards the Naga’s stomach. The sensation mixed with the pleasant warmth of Mika, moving down, or rather up, her own throat. She shuddered, moaning as she felt Mika squirming within her, fighting feebly and futilely against her soft food pipe even as Chloé’s carried them both downward.

Chloé swallowed her, Mika realized, I’m food for food, the thought was oddly exhilarating, and the pull of gravity reminded him that while both he and Emilie were being drawn down, Emilie’s own esophagus was pushing him up. The sensation was odd, to say the least, Emilie's rapid heartbeat gradually giving way to the gurgling of the Neko's stomach, which was growing closer with each passing second.

I did it, I swallowed a human, Emilie thought, moaning and feeling the euphoria wash over her. Was this what it always felt like? No wonder our people loved this… She gasped, every forceful press of the Naga’s esophagus muscles was like a full body massage, adding to her elation as she felt her human prey near his destination, his destiny, in her warm belly.

Mika felt himself pushed up through the tight opening leading to Emilie’s belly, pushing his naked body into the small chamber with a final heave.

The sphincter quickly closed behind his back, and he was now lying on the ceiling of the Neko's stomach. It was dark, and while there were some similarities to Chloé’s human stomach, there were differences too, the smell for one, there was a distinctly sour odor in the air, more than a human’s would carry. He nervously felt around the walls, and sighed with relief as he found no acid had been excreted yet. He scooched himself back against one wall, hearing her breathing and the steady *thump* of her heartbeat as he stared into the darkness.

“Emilie!” he called, “Emilie, I’m in your stomach!”

Emilie giggled, closing her eyes and listening to his squeaks, his motions fluttering like butterflies in the center of her belly.

He’s mine! She thought excitedly, he’s mine forever and he’ll NEVER get out!

She basked in the fantasy a moment, imagining her stomach digesting him, absorbing her love, making him one with her forever, and then with a sigh she let her rational mind retake control.

Right, how long can he stay in there? Will I digest him? Can he be removed by-

“AH!” Emilie screamed in surprise as she fell into the opening of Chloé’s own stomach, landing amidst a pile of the Lemurian fruit as she rolled down to the soft, spongy floor of the organ.

“Careful!” Mika shouted as loud as he could, “Emilie, when I’m in your belly any change in direction is a lot bigger to me!”

“He’s right!” Chloé’s rumbling voice boomed, “I try to move a little slower, especially with turns, when he’s in there.”

“Oh gods,” Emilie growled, shuddering as another org*smic wave of bliss raced through her body, “I-I ate Mika! I feel so good when you're inside me!”

She felt a wave of warmth sweep over her, like a strange power gradually taking possession of her.

“Emilie?” he called, punching her stomach wall and hoping to get her attention, “It’s okay to enjoy this, but you need to focus on getting me out now.”

Emilie looked down at her stomach to see slight bumps from Mika's blows, and pressed her hand down to feel them more. It was a unique moment and part of her wanted to enjoy it even more while her rational mind tried to regain control.

“I-I don’t think I can!” she whined.

“You can,” he said firmly, “Chloé and I do this all the time.”

“I…” Emilie gulped, then the world began to blur, “Oh no,” she whispered, “Something’s happening!”

The Lemurian fruit, Mika realized, she’s having a vision!

Emilie walked out of the meeting of the Naga leaders, numb at the decision to destroy her people. She looked down at her grimoire, her hand shaking as she opened it, penning the account of the Naga’s decision.

“The curse is unbeatable,” she whispered, “my people will be consumed by their own madness…”

There was a burst of light, and she blinked, seeing Mika and Chloé standing before her. She didn’t know who they were, but a sense of hope filled her, a sense that someday, somehow, the Neko line could carry on.

As quickly as they came, they were gone, and Emilie looked down at her grimoire, hesitating. With a sigh she simply closed it, writing nothing down. She smiled to herself, looking up at the sky and wondering what the future would hold.

Emilie blinked as she found herself once again in Chloé’s stomach, “D-Did I have a vision of you guys?” she asked weakly.

“Uh, I wouldn’t know,” Mika said from inside of her stomach, “the Lemurian fruit can do that when you’re in here.”

“Right,” Emilie giggled, “I just… I just remembered why I kept hope all of those years.” She sighed, closing her eyes, “hold on!” Emilie got down on one knee and straightened up.

Mika felt his world lurch, and Emilie focused all of her willpower on seizing him, forcing him up her throat in a way she hadn’t thought possible until just that moment. The tiny human was slowly squeezed up and out, finally entering her mouth. Emilie leaned forward, spitting Mika into her cupped palms, shivering at the odd sensation the regurgitation had wrought.

“Are you okay?” she asked softly.

“I’m fine,” he said with a smile.

“I think… I think I see how we can remove the curse now,” Emilie mused, “though it might be difficult to convince some of my people to go through with it.”

“We can worry about it another time,” Mika laughed.

Emilie smiled, letting herself fall backwards and bouncing on the bottom of Chloé’s stomach. She placed Mika on her own, sighing and stretching as her catlike ears flickered happily. She placed Mika onto her soft tummy again, letting him feel the slow rising and falling motion as she breathed. Mika glanced down her body, between her legs, and grinned, slowly making his way across her soft body and jumping over her beautiful navel. She started, looking down at him with a frown.

“Where are you going?”

“Just relax,” he said, looking down at her womanhood. He leapt down, landing on the soft floor of Chloé’s belly and turning to look at the massive slit. With a grin he walked forward, rubbing his hands across the lips of her labia in a way that made the giant Neko gasp.Her lips parted, he climbed upwards, causing her to wince in pleasure as he forced his way into her.

“Oh,” Emilie whispered, her eyes going wide as Mika’s body made contact with her most intimate places.

Mika forced his way into the warm and wet canal, feeling her heartbeat thump against his body as her walls squeezed him tightly. The warmth enveloped him, and the musky scent and taste of her arousal filled his senses as he struggled to crawl deeper inside of her.

She had a different feel than Chloé’s insides, firmer in some areas, softer in others, and as he moved further he found the sensitive ring of soft flesh, toying with it as the shuddering motion of her hungry womanhood forced him further in, massaging his entire body as her throat had before, but with more pressure, more excitement at his movements.

“M-Mika, be careful!” Emilie squealed. She went rigid, taking deep breaths as the waves of pleasure roiled over her body like a storm at sea. She closed her eyes as she clenched around Mika, causing so much pressure on the tiny man that for a brief moment he worried he’d be crushed.

I want him further inside of me! She thought, squeezing her thighs together with a squeal, trapping her human inside her. The motion pulled Mika further in, the tightness around him increasing in pressure as his body was forced rigid by the overwhelming force of Emilie’s nearing org*sm.

“AH!” Emilie screamed, trembling and collapsing as her body went limp from the force of her org*sm. She blinked numbly, feeling tingles as Mika slowly climbed out of her parting her lips, sliding to the floor of Chloé’s stomach.

“Well?” he laughed, looking down at his body, still glistening with her juices.

“It was wondrous,” Emilie whispered.

“It sounded pretty good!” Chloé’s laugh shook their world, startling both of them. Chloé looked at her own glistening fingers, having enjoyed her own self-pleasure while the two had played in her stomach. “Now, I wonder if I can be shrunk when I’m in human form?” she mused. “Emilie, want to come back out and test it?”

Emilie grinned, “Sure, let me just put Mika somewhere safe for the return journey!”

“We’re not getting any sleep tonight, are we?” Mika laughed as Emilie’s massive fingers curled around him once again.

“No,” Emilie giggled.

“Uh, if you’re still wanting to reproduce, I didn’t finish while I was inside of there,” he said, pointing between her legs. He gave her a grin, “Maybe I could try again on our way back up?”

“There will be plenty of other opportunities,” Emilie purred, raising him to her mouth, “for now though, I want to taste you again!”

Her lips opened to welcome Mika in, and the wave of euphoria that washed over her as he hit her tongue was no longer a forbidden pleasure, but one that she’d earned. She savored the taste as Chloé’s stomach lurched, sending them upwards once again.

Finding What's Lost - Chapter 16 - Greenanon (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.