Ghost in a Shell. - Chapter 2 - Benmatt123 - 니케: 승리의 여신 (2024)

Chapter Text

It was quiet the feeling to be standing across as a one of the group of graduating students. Spirit was high, as the Commander to be, chat adamantly amongst themselves. Most already planning ahead with dreams of grandeur, other overwhelmed by it all but all agreed that it was a momentum start to what would hopefully be a long and successfully career.

Our instructor stand infront of us, giving a lengthy speech about the seriousness of being humanity first and last line of defense against the Rapture and future hope for recovering the surface.

Yeah....most of us just zone him out, far too excited by our future prospect to listen to the old blowheart (their words not my). Although to be fair, I think he just as happy to be ride us as well....hehehe, we were while the rowdy bunch.

So with some final heartfelt words, he was quick dismissed us. Loud cheer erupted across the crowd and why not? It was office, we finally graduated and now full on commander. It was a tough road getting here but it's was worth it.

The crowd continue conversing among themselves, some saying their goodbye while other promising to kept in touch. As for me? Well actually I quickly slip outside after the announcement, the person I wanted to see.... wasn't allowed on school grounds... weird I know.

It didn't take long to find her, granted it was mostly because the blue theme girl stood out like a sour thumb. Just as I about to call out to her in excitement, she made a beeline toward me with speed no human should possess and scope me up into a hug.

I whined and struggle knowing full well that it was useless in the face of Marian world famous hug.

*Giggle* not that I mind, far to used to it by now to be bother by her antic. After all Marian and I have been best friend since forever. Our parents moved in to same neighborhood when we were kids and we quickly became friends. Granted because Marian was the older one, she soon don on the big sister role, becoming overly protective and fussing endless on me, no matter how many time I complainted.

Still I had to make her cut it out, as people around us were started to give us odd look. Probably sensing this, she finally and (incredibly reluctantly) let go. We both wore the biggest grin on our face, the promise we made years ago was finally coming true.

See years ago, I made promise that I was to become a commander and help reclaim the surface. A bit corny I know but back when still a kid, it all everyone talk about. The Commander was seem as some kind of large than life figure, the final hope of the all humans in the Ark....kinda like a superheroes, now that I think about it but really I just wanted to help people.

When I told Marian about it, she declare she was going to become a Nikke so that she can protect me all the time even as I complaint that I can take care of myself.... Even so we promise to always stay together.

Years later and it was finally happening, I was now an official field Commander and Marian was Nikke of the sliver guns squad and we were even assigned to same mission. As exasperating as her endless fussing and mothering can be at time, i don't think I would want anyone else rather than my best friend watching my back.

A serious expression and a quick hand on the phone from Marian, told me that our first mission was coming sooner than either of us expect.

Smile softly like she always does, she offer me her hand which I gladly took because even as we were both thrust into the unknown but I wasn't worried, so long as we together, we get though it.....right?




It wasn't supposed to happen, was the only thought that occupy my mind as I had to duck to avoid another steam of rapid fire, flying over my head.

How did a supposedly routine rescue mission quickly deteriorate in active war zone?

It start well enough, our mission was a simple search and rescue. Some Nikkes had gone missing in the old abandon city and it was our job to find or recover them. Unease that came with first mission jetters was expected and i quickly swallow it down.

Regardless, owning to the fact that we were mostly Rockies. A much more experience squad was station on the ground to take the lead on the actual mission, we were just there to provide support. It shall have been easy except it wasn't.

Just mins in and our transport get shot down(I think?). We clash landed hard and apparently I almost die if it wasn't for Marian (not sure how to feel about).

My head is pounding and am having trouble remembering a few things...I need a moment to sit and caught my breath but there no time for that. The transport was a burning wreak and we needed to moved now! It wouldn't be long before the Raptures home in on our location...

If I was to describe my first exposure to real life combat, it would be in one word: loud. As in ear shattering loud. The sound of rapid gun fire and explosion was all encompassing.

I got teeth from under the bunker I was hiding in. wincing and nursing my still aching head, everytime sound of bullets pounding away at it with a enough force to cause my bone to rattle or stray shot ricochet just inches from my position. Our enemy the Rapture a endless sea of red.

It was becoming painful apparent was how little the academy actually prepare me this.....any of this. What good was learning Ark propaganda in the face of cold ruthless machinery.

A chill ran through my spin as primordial fear took hold and it was getting harder and harder to squash the instinctive urge to panic.

I look at Marian and only saw laser guided focus and determine, seemingly unbothered by the fact that we were vast outnumbered by our enemy. Even battered and bruised, she kept a cool head like alway and return fire with her machine gun, tearing through enemies in spades.

I bit my lip in frustration. What am I doing?! Am not a kid anymore, I can't hide behind Marian's trench coat forever. Not matter how out of my depth I was or badly prepared I was. I was still a commander, I can help! I can fight!

Quickly getting off my ass and I stood up, releasing a series of orders, directing Marian's fired toward any Raptures that slipped her notices. It was by far the longest 19mins of my life but we made it somehow...

By the end of it all, I was completely exhausted, the adrenaline in my blood long since ran out, leaving me dead tired and throat soar but happy to be alive.
Marian pull me into a hug and I was too drain to protest, just simply ease into.

Glancing at her, I notice that she was sporting a bullet wound at her thigh. Eyes widen, I went full panic mode, tearing a piece of my uniform and using as as a make shift bandage despite Marian protesting she was fine, I wasn't having any it......hmmm, maybe she not the only one that overprotective.....

By noon, we meet up with Rapi and Anis...

After the attack we continue our search to rendezvous with the other squad. We eventually found them....well most of them. Rapi the red nikke (which I think is look really cool in her military get up...just don't tell Marian, hehehe~) explained that their commander had apparently lost it under pressure and went on a suicide march against the rapture and well die....

Marian scolded them for not protecting their Commander and while this was happening I felt growing unease. With the dead of the other Commander, we were now on our own and i was now the highest office in this squad. Me, a inexperienced Rockie that was 2 sec away from running like a headless chicken..... doesn't that full you with confidence?

We kept moving and it becomes easier, oddly enough. While I still finch a bit every time I heard gunshots. With two more Nikke on board to cover our backs, It was a hell of a lot easier to deal with Rupture. Am even getting better at giving order(I think).

Maybe am a optimist but i think we doing alright, even so it didn't take long because the two new Nikke become suspicion of me and even shorter time to discover that am a barely trainer novice. Marian defended of me course, she always does but i couldn't quiet help but agree with their claim that I shouldn't be here, that I really shouldn't be here....




This has to be a dream! A sick dream. I thought frantically, practically begging Marian to snap out of. It had all gone wrong so very fast.

it started with Rapi leveling a gun at Marian with accusation of her being the one that destroy our transport ship.

Angrily I yelled at her because Marian is my friend and there was not way in hell Marian would do something like....right?...... Marian......!.....Marian!?

I turned back and grasped in horror as Marian's deep blue eyes glowed blight red. Same cold, mechanic, lifeless red that the rapture possessed. I felt sick to my stomach, my call getting more and more desperate for her to snap out of it but nothing I said reach her and she just kept mumbling same broken phrases like a lifeless doll.

Rapi warned me to get back as the phrase was actually a beacon to alarm the Rapture. She aim to terminate her and I scream at her to stop.

Within secs, we were surrounded on all side by Raptures but no matter the terrifying such a sight was. It was nothing compared to the sheer horror of watching Marian get swallow up by Tryrant class Black smith.

Quicker than I ever done anything in my life, I roar for all Nikke to aim and fired at the Tryrant. My order come out more as of desperate cry than anything else.

She has to be alright....she just as to.....please be alright.....

In the end i won and also loss it all....




From across blacksmith remains, I desperate search for Marian. Shattering across heap of grey metallic junks for any sign of blue, continuing like this for a while before hearding the same hunting call. I turn around and grasped in horror when i saw the state she was in. She was missing a large chuck of her arm and leg and her left eye was a empty bleeding husk of glowing red. I felt like I going to be puke at the sight, tears already gathering in my eyes.

Without hesitation or thought, I raced toward her and hold her tight, sobbing for all am worth. I whisper what comforting words I could, that we find a way to fix this, that she be ok, that am here and never letting go.

But.... nothing I said or deed has any effect on her. Like she was completely dead inside and just struck in a endless loop of repeating same broken phrase, over and over again.

....over here....over here...

I could hear Rapi and Anis conversing in the back ground, turning to them with tearily eyes and desperate pleas, I beg.

..... please we have to help her.... please.

They look at each other, downcast and sad as if there was something that needed to be done but they hate themselves for doing it. Rapi was the one to approach me, cautious and slow before placing a hand on my shoulder and trying to find the right words to say.

I eyed her with completely confusion.

Rapi what are you doing? We have help to Mari-! What are you putting in my han-!.......Oh God!

I just stare at the pistol....and stared and stared....

Rapi is talking now, even if I can barely hear her behind the emotion raging beneath. She talks about how Marian is corrupted. She talks about how the Ark will not let an irregular back in. She talks about how Marian is dangerous and we have to.....we have to....

My vision turn red and I exploded. What the hell are you saying! Marian is your comrade,
My friend....My sister! You can talk about putting her down like she's mad dog. She need help....we can...

I would have continue yelling until my throat turn red but comforting hands grab hold of me and pull me into a familiar hug.

In shock, I look up to see really see Marian for the first time since this nightmare started. Gone was cold emptiness of red and in place eyes as deep and loving as the sea.


Tears well up, happy tear this time. Marian was back, we can get through this.....we could. I did know how...but so long as we together, we make it somehow.....we....

She pull me closer while I release a ugly sob, her gentle hand tracing closer to my own until they cover them...and laced around the trigger.....

A shot was fired and I wonder which of us truly die that day.....




Eventually a transport was send to pick us up. The mood inside was tense and strained, nobody said anything. As for me, I was sitting at the corner, curl in a tiny ball, eyes completely dull and despondent. My cheeks traced with tears cried until i had no longer any more to give, throat soar from over uses and heart broken.

Anis glanced at me every so often. Concern clear on her face. She wanted to say something.... anything to left this oppressive mood before it's becomes suffocating but really what there to say?

Rapi was a similar story but was better of the two at keeping her emotion hidden behind a cold military facade.

Every thing that happened after felt like a blur, my mind far from present. Still trap it last few moment. It so hard to believe any of this actually happened, hard to believe it wasn't all a dream. That if i tried hard enough i wake up and Marian would still be with me because the alternative.......

We arrive at the ark and news spread like wide fire. Already there was rumors about the newly graduated commander that defeat Tyrant class Rapture. I didn't pay attention to any of that but then again i was having trouble paying attention to anything anymore......

Shifty, our navigator, informed me that the Deputy Chief wanted to see me personally. I moved to his office, more out of automatic motion than anything else.

He welcome in and praise me for a job well done. I felt a rush of angry as easily Marian's death was brush off to the side but I was too emotionally spent to lash out, too downcast. So I asked one, simply but loaded question.


That made him stop and look at me, really look at me for the first time during this entire conversation. Flash of sympathy flied across his eyes, like he being in my shoes once upon a time. Broken, tired and forever left wondering why friends and family had been sacrifice upon the alter of war.

There were no real answers not for him or me or the many in between.....




We were back on the transport now. After my meeting with deputy, we were promptly send off to the simulation for evaluation. Perhaps as a testimate to how far technology in the Ark had progressed, these digital copy felt almost like the real deal.

Even so, I could hardly find the motivation to take this seriously, half-heartedly issue commands as the malicious machines began to swap and overwhelmed us. I made the mistake of staring one directly in the eye, looking into those endless field of crimson and suddenly it wasn't the rapture that can there but Marian with all the dead, emotionless, lifeless red that came along it and me with a gun in my hand and finger on the trigger.


When I flinched and hope no one noticed......




we are heading out now. Another mission, this time we supposed to investigate the power station near the coast. Rapi and Anis are surprised their assignment same commander for other mission.

I blink in confusion but didn't question it, just another reminder of just how inexperienced I was. We also got a new member Neon, I couldn't quiet hold back the bitterness as just how replaceable the Ark though Marian was.

Sorry you loss your doll, here a new one, hope it make you feel all better.....

I bit my lip hard enough to leave a mark but kept it to myself. Neon doesn't deserve my tick, it not her fault.... it's my.

We are near the power station but we decided to go from the back though a secret tunnel as going through the front would be suicide with amount of Rapture crawling around.

So here am I staring at the mouth of the tunnel but couldn't quiet will myself to go through. It not that I didn't try, mind you but my body remain stubborn.

Bags were present across my eyes, my movement were sluggish with weariness cutting to bone. I didn't have a mirror but I wouldn't be surprised if I aged a couple of yrs, I sure felt like it.

Funny, barely a day has passed since I graduate but it feel like a lifetime ago. Funny how things had changed in such a short amount of time.

Mission I used to approach with blind determination, now full me with fear and dread but more than that, I just couldn't overcome just how utterly done I was.

.....I was tired.

And that was the crux of the issue, I was tried, frustrated, in pain and more alone than ever. I don't know who to turn to for help and there no Marian here to offer comfort or advice or any of the billion little things only she could do that somehow put a smile in my face. Despite the fact that she has be the most constant part of my life, she's gone just like that and I.... don't....I....don't....know how to deal with it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turn to see it was Rapi, concern was naked on her face. Hmmm, I guess I took too long and made her worry.

Taking a deep breath and i graze into the abyss. Just one more, i told myself. Just one more time and the nightmare will be over....

Now if only I could actually believe that....





I curled in on myself, tears streaming down from my eyes. My face wincing in pain while my hand clutched my abandon, blood bleed out in a steady stream.

My head on Anis's lap and she tried to provide help she can but nobody here is a medic and we can't afford to draw raptures to our location.

Neon isn't present, having gone to find help. She was the smallest of the group, making it easier to sneak pass undetected and Rapi.......

I turn my eye briefly to bag contain her head. The only solace any of us had was that a Nikke could be revived so long as their head was intact....

I winced again, squeezing my eyes shut. I really do have the worst luck.

It hard to recall how it all went wrong. We had managed to infiltrated the power station though we needed to sneak through the sewer to do it.

We stumble on the strange sight of Rapture operating humans machinery and weren't sure what to make of it. Before we could even discuss it further, a glow in the distance and fix it's grazes on us.

We don't know how but we were somehow spotted by our enemies. We moved to engage but that when it all went down hill.

Faster than any of us could react, a beam shot toward our exactly location and sever Rapi's head clean of her body.

It took me 5 sec to realize I was screaming....

I stare down at the head, frozen in horror. Unable to process what I witnessed.


It's took Anis yelling to snap me out of it. By the time I came to, I realized we were running with Raptures hot on our tail.

Neon report the signal of a approaching Tyrant class, we needed to get out now!

Going through the way we came while
dodging a hail of bullets was no easy task, especially since am the slowest of the group. I spotted Anis holding Rapi's severed head but there was no time to question it. We finally reach the exist, we were home free....except as we reached closer, seemingly out of nowhere Raptures spring forth.


Within sec, they released their deadly payload. bullets slice thought the air to reach their!

Anis and Neon try to evade but it wasn't possible, we caught out in the open and surrounded. Anis screamed at me to get down at shooting began and a hailstorm of bullet tore though metal on both side.

What do I do?!....

Despite Anis and Neon were fighting tooth and nail but it was only a matter of time before they succumb to ever increasing number of injury and that without discussing the Tyrant that currently on it's way here.

If we don't get out now...

I searched around desperately for an answer. We were running out of time and then I saw it. The Raptures were so busy concentrating more and more on our location that they had inadvertently left an opening. It was a risk but if we made a mad dash from it.. if we could make past the raptures....we might just make it.

I scream at Anis and Neon to get their attention as best I could. Lifting my hand up and pointing toward our escape, hoping my voice wasn't drown out by the constant roar of bullet fired. It's seem I succeeded because Anis turn to look at me briefly and this prove to be fatal mistake.

For you see, one of the Rapture wasn't like the rest. Unlike it's brethren, it's wasn't firing relentless at the Nikkes. No it lone predatory graze was focus on the most vulnerable of the group. It watched and waited for an opportunity that now present itself, a split second hole in the Nikke's defense.

It took the shot and my world exploded in red....




By the time I came too, we managed to escape. We still deep in Raptures territory and I was bleeding profusely, the pain all consuming. Anis tried to stop the bleeding to no avail.

I look up at her with teary eyes to see she just as hurt. Bullet wounds were numerous across her body and the bleeding just as bad.

I took her hand and squeeze it as it's was the only thing I could give. She squeezed back and told me to save my strength, she was a Nikke and can survive worst. She said it only a matter of time before Neon back with help, we just need to hang in there just a little bit longer....

I wish I could answer to any of that but all I can do curl in closer and sob.....




I don't know when long we being like this. Am sure i blackout once or twice, both times Anis had to wake me. We talk about random things to pass the time. She asked me about my time in the academy and i asked how how she became a Nikke....I like to think we knew each other a little better now.... maybe even be friends....




Neon is still not back yet and we are both out of time. I feeling light headed now and my strength fading fast. It becomes harder and harder to stay wake. This pain in my stomach is gone but am not sure if it good or bad.

Anis isn't responding anymore, I think (hope) she just asleep....something that startling to more and more tempting...

Yes...maybe I my eyes for sec...maybe...if...I.... sleep...this.. nightmare will go away.

With drowsing eyes, I turn to Anis but it not Anis anymore but Marian...she smiling at me and I smiled back. Gentle hands ran though my hair, while She place soft kisses on my my brows. I asked her if she would stay and she lean in and whisper me to sleep.....

My eyelids fell but this time i don't resistance....




Once upon time, two kids stare at the night sky except it wasn't the real night but a illusion made the Ark. One of them, the younger one, boldly claimed that she would see the real sky one day.

The older giggle and pointed out that only Nikkes and Commanders are allowed at the surface. Not deterred, the younger say then she become a commander, help people and reclaim the surface.

The older teased the younger about it, saying then she was have to become Nikke so she can protect and spoiled her forever, much to the younger embarrassment.

Still they both laugh good naturedly and promise to stay together even a comets sailed across the night sky.

Suddenly something in the mood changed and older look at the younger with curiosity in her eye. She asked the younger if she stay true to her dreams, even if it hard. The younger blink for a moment before answering with a confidence yes. The older still isn't satisfied and pressed.

Even if it's painful?......

Even if it hurt?.....

Even if she was all alone?....

It was like a switch, suddenly it all came back. The Graduation, the mission,the power station and....and....Marian.

I look at her again expect now she older and has a sad look on her face. there a bandage at her thigh where she was injury and at her head, where....where..

I rushed and hug her while crying uncontrollably. I tell her how much I miss her, how badly things have gone ever she left, how I just couldn't do it anymore and am sorry I broke my promises. She hold me close through it all and waited until I calmed down.

She pull my tear stained face up to face her before she spoke. She said she miss me too and sorry she left, she knew I try my best and that all she asked and finally she sorry I ever felt like I was alone because I never was.

Slowly I rub the tear out of my eyes and told her I wanted to remain with her forever but my mind goes back to Anis, Rapi and Neon. I remember the state Anis and Rapi were in and that Neon fate is unknown. Even if we don't know each very well, I can't stop the guilt for forming that am abandoning them to their fate.

Troubled and uncertain, I turned at Marian and asked her what to do? She smiled me and asked what I wanted...I thought for min but it feel like hours, I looked at the night sky that was same as all those yrs ago. Finally I look her with tear and determination in my eyes, I answered.

I wanted to keep my promise....I wanted to help.

She smiled, even if it a little sad because it mean letting go. She hug me and say she proud of me. She promise that not matter long it takes, we see each again and I promise same.

She look at me with one final request. The bandage around her head, she wanted me to fix it.

Smiling a little, I moved my finger around it to tighten the knot and take a step back.

There we go, picture perfect! we both smile and laugh together one last time even as the world around us is consumed in white.....




With a grasped for air, I shoot up widen awake, take just a min to center myself before frowning a bit... something is different now, I could feel it in my bone.

Was it always this cold...

I turn around searching for Anis, the area was similar enough that it didn't take long. My eyes set on her and grasp at I saw.

Anis is still unconscious but what shock me to the core was what was one her

It certainly look me but the skin was pale to a unhealthy degree and body completely motionless, even the occasional rise and fall of a body taking in air was absent. As if the very life had been drain out of it as surely as the blood that stained the ground.

Wait a min....

I took my eyes off the body and focus on myself.....Oh God!

My hands......I can see through my hands...

Panic, began to rise as well crushing realization that fellow.

When I went to sleep, I didn't wake up....

A sound echo in the distance and knock my out of my downard spiral. Blinking in confusion, i went to investigate, leaving Anis behind for now. It took me a while to pinpoint the source...... it's was just beyond the rock cover. I went around it.....only to come face to face with blood red optic of a rapture.

I froze up immediately, my heart stopping from sheer terror alone while icily dread full me. The rapture eyed me for what felt like hours....before promptly continue on it way.

I blinked, terror and confusion both hot on my mind before grazing back at my own hands for answers.

Oh right! Am ghost now. They can't see me...

Such a thought was only a cold comfort now. As it all but confirmed all my worst fears but these was unfortunately more pressing matter than existence dread.

The Raptures wasn't that far from Anis's location and she isn't hadn't waking up!

There was no time to waste, I rushed back to Anis with all the speed I could muster. She still motionless as ever, I tried to reach for her but my hand just pass through.

My eyes widen in realization, if am a ghost that mean I can't touch her but the rapture is getting closer.

I try calling out to her or pick up some things to wave at her but didn't work. It was like I simply didn't exist, I couldn't intact with anything.

The sound of the Raptures get louder and louder....

Am on my knee now, holding my head. Panic setting in, it was just like with Marian or Rapi. No matter what I did it wasn't enough to save anyone. I realized the only thing for me now was to be a unwilling witness to her ever approaching demise, completely helpless to stop it...

I can't.....

Even if it's hard?


I refuse! I refuse to just sit there and watch this happen! Not again!

Ever if it's hard, painful and am all alone. Still have a promise and not letting anything stand in way!

I got up with determination ablaze in my eyes. I approach Anis again and without a second to spare, reached out to hold her hand.....




The Raptures arrived on the scenes, their been tracking the squads for hours now, like a pack predators hunting down a wounded animal. The trail of blood lead straight to their prize....there was no escape now, not from any of them...but as they reach the end of the trails, only a dead human laid as their reward.....




With Anis on my back, I ran for all am worth. It not easy, in fact it feel so strange doing this. Am surprised it even worked but there not time figure it out how. It won't been long before they find us again.

I gritted my teeth under cold breath, I felt my energy draining fast. Whether it because my non-corporeal body isn't uses or supposed to be carrying adult size Nikke was something I don't know but one thing for sure, I couldn't keep this up for long....

I kept running until I spot the entrance, on my way. A flash of light caught my eye and made me stop for a min to look.

It was Neon! She was also unconscious. The trail of blood had it own story to tell, she must have reached just meter from the exist before succumbing to her wounds.

I gulped as I mental prepare myself for the impossible task of drag two Nikke (and Rapi's head) to safety.

*Groan* I really have the worst luck...

It was slow, tedious and back breaking work but I... eventually managed to drag them both out.

We were finally out. Witnessing the light of day after begin trap in that hellhole was enough to bring me to tear. It was tomorrow, I realized as the sun rose in the distance.

The nightmare was over and a lot of things will it....

I had to drag them a bit further to put some distance between us and the Raptures.

By the end, I was exhausted and quiet ready to pass out (can ghost even do that?). The communicator is buzzing, it's Shifty and she look like she worry out of her mind. I wanted to say something to her but suddenly sheer exhaustion hit like a truck. I collapse and within sec darkness overtook me...




"....... don't...worry...Anis....just a little... further...and..we...b...."


Two figure graze at the screen while the record play on over and over again. The voice in the record was distorted almost to point of non-recognition...but even so it owner was unmistakable.

As for the figures in question, Deputy chief Anderson and Elysion CEO Ingrid that were currently listening to it, the revelation shock them to their impressive feat giving how much both have experience throughout their life...

"That it can be...can it?" The Deputy chief questioned, completely baffled.

"It would appear so but it doesn't make an sense, we know the commander of that squad was long dead by this point. So why are we still hearing her voice". The CEO was just as confusion. The deputy meanwhile hummed in thought. None of this made any sense. Was it a simple recording error? or a trick of the rapture? No, either answers felt right...but the only other alternative was preposterous.

"The records...they stop roughly same time shifty pick up the squad signal. One way or the other, their obviously tried to our mysterious benefactor?" He mused. The CEO look at him skeptically.

"You can seriously be thinking....what I think you are?". The deputy wasn't bother by the claim, merely countering.

"For now we don't know. Keep analysis the record. Perhaps there something we miss..... Also the Commander's body, how go the recovery". Under the Deputy questioning graze the CEO facade turn to pure irritation, granted it wasn't directed at him.

"That the other thing, as per you orders. I personally send my best squad to recover the body or a least what left of it but by the time they arrive, it was gone, just gone." As Ingrid explained the situation, the deputy's face which before this point was pure stoic professionalism now change to pure shock.


" *Sigh* just as I said. They found no sign of her and they search everywhere and I do mean everywhere. We just don't know who could have taken it. The only things there were Rapture and what would they want with it?" She question.

"I could think of a few things. Especially if her blood produces what I think it does". He thought but keep to himself. This situation was worse than he had imagine. He had to make a calls to a certain AI.... But first.

"I see. Well keep searching. Oh! And Arrange for Team Counter to be transferred to the outpost". This got him a raised eyebrows from Elysion CEO.

"Your still planning on keeping them together?" He smiled at the question.

"Certainly, our mysterious benefactor seem invested in their safety. Perhaps we can use the squad to lure him/her out of hiding". He finished but she not convinced but don't press.

" *Shrug* if you say so. I get on it". She comply before exist the room. The Deputy doesn' least not yet. He stay behind for a while, listening to same broken record and all the implications that they bring....

Ghost in a Shell. - Chapter 2 - Benmatt123 - 니케: 승리의 여신 (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.