One for All (No Matter Who You Are) - Passing_Ghost_Friend - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Kyu! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Koi! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Anubis! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Sakura! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Adora!! + Izuku’s B-Day party Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Makaria Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Zarius! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Lili! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Mataha and Dagato has appeared! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Diana and Charlotte! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Kagami! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Deku #2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Ebony! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Halloween! New friends! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Tsun! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Surge! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Mercury and Griffin + a little Christmas thing Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Violetta! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: More friends!!! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Please Read! Chapter Text Chapter 21: Swampy! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: 404 and Duplica Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Legolas! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Bop! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Pokemon Key Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: All Might POV Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Sir Nighteye Meets Izuku Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Tangela, Dancing, Dating Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Dammit Doom/Aura Training with Anubis Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Mallow! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: A Step in the Right Direction Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Inko’s Night Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: In the Near Future Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: The Official Start? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Two Surprises in One Day Chapter Text Chapter 36: But Dad! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Because He’s Nice Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Just the Beginning Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Kyu!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

In this world, 80 percent of the world had quirks -- superpowers that could range from the ability to read in the dark to being able to withstand the weight of a building collapsing on them. However, 20 percent of the world didn’t have these kinds of powers; they are normal and don’t have any quirks to call their own. Those spare few were termed “quirkless”. Not only do most people have powers, but there are also creatures called Pokémon living amongst everyone. Some people with quirks aim to become heroes, Pokémon trainers, or a combination of both -- Heroes that use the help of Pokémon and quirks to bring down evil and save civilians. In this world, Izuku dreamed of becoming one of those mixes, to become a hero and a Pokémon trainer that will help everyone. But, like those other 20 percent, he was quirkless. And he didn’t have a single Pokémon yet. This brings us to the beginning of our story.

“Useless Deku! Where are you? Get back here!” Kacchan shouted, Cyndaquil right behind him, while they both walked through the forest. Izuku hid from him behind a bush that helpfully looked like his hair, so that was a plus. Some tears were shed down his cheeks as Kacchan’s footsteps grew farther and farther away. He sniffed as he peered over the bush, no sight of Kacchan in the immediate vicinity.

Izuku sighed in relief as he closed his eyes and sank to the ground. Ever since he got diagnosed as quirkless a few weeks ago, everything has changed with Kacchan’s friendship. The blonde boy started attacking him with Cyndaquil's moves and his explosions. Izuku ended up finding places to hide around the school and around the park just for cases like these where Kacchan would hunt him down for no reason at all.

Izuku slowly opened his eyes only to be greeted with bright blue ones. Shocked, he let out a loud gasp upon seeing the mythical Pokémon, Mew!

Mew smiled before flying around his head and twirling in the air. Izuku stood up, watching as Mew flew past him, heading deeper into the forest.

“H-hey wait!” Izuku called out to the psychic pink Pokémon when it flew out of sight. Izuku chased after it, pushing through the bushes, running around groups of trees, and scrambling through vines. His process is halted when he tripped over a branch, falling to the ground and losing sight of Mew’s tail.

A growling call of “Deku” close by has Izuku bolting up from the ground and sneaking in the opposite direction. After some time, he breaks through a thick patch of vines and stumbles into a clearing, a derelict shrine practically shining in the middle like a beacon. Izuku is pulled from his observations by the sounds of Kacchan’s explosions, coming near. Making a split second decision, Izuku leaped up the stairs of the shrine and hid behind a stone statue of Arceus.


At the soft voice, Izuku turned to see a strange looking Pikachu with a tilted head. He looked closer to see that it was a ragged cloth with a depiction of the popular pokemon on it. He stared at the Mimikyu peering around the corner of the statue. The two held a long staring contest, almost like one does with a wild cat, the only sounds around them were the approaching explosions and the steady water dripping from inside the shrine. Mimikyu looked at him as he looked back at them. “H-hi. My name is Izuku.”

“DEKU!” A shout that sounded much closer than before came from right behind them. Mimikyu looked at Izuku’s trembling frame and the angry shout’s source before nodding.

Mimikyu chirped, “Mimi!” before tugging Izuku’s shirt bottom with it’s shadow hand, and pointing toward the abandoned shrine’s entrance.

“Are you sure?” Izuku asked. Mimikyu nodded, their cloth bobbing with their movement, before leading the way into the darkness beyond the entranceway. “Okay. I’ll follow you.”

Izuku trailed after Mimikyu as they went inside the old shrine. He followed the disguised Pokémon down a hallway and into the farthest room on the right, the door opening to show a room that was stacked with old furniture and boxes of all shapes and sizes on top of each other. The pile reeked of mildew, dust, and water caused by the water dripping from the ceiling onto the tall pile. The two sat in silence as they heard Kacchan come inside the abandoned shrine. Izuku curled up tight into a ball, listening to the angry footsteps before they paused and confused, angry shouts took their place. Curiously, he peeked out the door to find a hilarious sight.

Kacchan was hanging upside down in the air while his Cyndaquil was jumping around on the ground trying to get the blonde boy down. Kacchan was shouting to whatever or whoever had a grip on his leg to let go of him. Cyndaquil was panicking as Kacchan was brought higher into the air before he was tossed, only to land in another invisible figure’s grip. The game of catch seemed to go on forever while Izuku watched on, trying to keep his giggles silent. Soon after, the explosive boy was finally dropped to the ground, where he scrambled up, scooped up his pokemon and ran out the shrine while screaming out that he wanted a rematch.

Izuku brightened up as his bully ran out the door. He finally laughed without reservation, wiping away a happy tear from his eye as he turned to look down at Mimikyu. “I could have been hurt without your help. Thanks for saving me! You are my hero.” Izuku said with good grace to the now blushing Mimikyu, who tried to cover the redness coming through its disguise with their shadow hands.

Once calmed down, Mimikyu introduced Izuku to the ones who caused the mischief, pointing to the Shuppet, Gastly, Phantump, and Litwick each as they came closer. Izuku said hello and thanked them for their help. Litwick invited Izuku to play with them with a gesture of their arm. Izuku smiled and played with the ghost Pokémon until sunset.

“Well, it’s getting late. But I promise to come back to play with you guys!” Izuku said goodbye and headed home. It took him a little longer with the sudden change of route. He never had to walk back to his house from the forest from a spot he has never been before. He made his way through the trees for what felt like forever, and eventually he ended up at his front door.

Inko opened the door with tears pouring down her face, “Oh, Izuku! I thought something terrible happened! I was about to call in some help to find you! Are you okay?!”

Izuku said while rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous gesture, “Sorry, mom. I was playing with my Pokémon friends.”

Inko pulled him into a bear hug and just held him for a few moments. She eventually calmed down and smiled softly at her son, seeing his flushed face. She was so happy he found some Pokémon friends, but he better not scare her like this again. “Well, next time make sure to not worry me by not staying out this late, ok?”

“Okay!” Izuku said, smiling at the thought that he gets to see his new friends tomorrow.


Izuku did indeed visit his new friends the next day. And the following day. And the day after that. It became a regular routine for him to visit the abandoned shrine to see his friends. He even gave them nicknames! Mimikyu had the privilege of first having the first nickname given, Kyu, while the rest were named Shiro for Shuppet, Nyx for Gastly, Willow for Phantump, and Amethyst for Litwick.

Izuku’s life started to follow a pattern: go to school until the end of the day, avoid Kacchan and his cronies, and trek his way through the forest to get back to the shrine where he played with his pokemon friends. With such an obvious routine, however, Kacchan was quick to pick up on it and the blond followed the nerd one day a few weeks later, after having come to a conclusion that Deku had set him up.

“HEY DEKU! GET YOUR WORTHLESS BUTT BACK HERE!” Kacchan yelled as he ran up to Deku before pushing him over onto the ground. Deku gasped in pain and shock.

“THINK ABOUT THIS THE NEXT TIME YOU IGNORE ME, YOU USELESS DEKU!” Kacchan continued, before he pulled back his hand to let out a quirk-powered punch. Deku braced for the impact, closing his eyes and placing his arms over his face. But the impact never came. He peered between his arms to see Mimikyu attacking Kacchan with Astonish and Shadow Sneak. The others from the shrine stayed behind in case Kyu needed help.

Kacchan got up from the double attack to bring out Cyndaquil, but he saw the group of ghost Pokémon ready to tag in to the fight. He only had one Pokémon, and he didn’t want to waste their health onto these creepy ghosts. Scoffing, the blond boy put the pokeball back into his pocket and headed in the direction of his house, leaving behind a parting remark of: “This doesn’t change the fact that you can’t become a hero. Or Pokémon trainer, for that matter.”

After Kacchan left, Izuku apologized to his ghost friends about the commotion and trouble he had caused. He stayed to play for a while before heading home early. The ghost Pokémon were worried about him, but the most worried was Kyu. So Kyu followed Izuku home, dodging people on the streets. Kyu arrived at Izuku’s apartment just as the boy shut the door behind him.

When Izuku was in his room, he heard a small knock on his window. He looked at the window to see a ragged Pikachu waving at him. Wait, that isn't a Pikachu. ...Kyu?

Izuku opened the window to let the Pokémon inside. “Kyu? What are you doing here?”

Mimikyu jumped onto his desk after he opened the window. Izuku closed the window behind them softly, trying not to wake up his mother.

“Kyu! Kyu!” Mimikyu said as he moved toward Izuku, gesturing to the boy’s face. Izuku covered the spot where the newly applied bandage was with his hand.

“Don’t worry, I’m okay now,” Izuku said, only to receive a breath of relief from the Pokémon. Then the Pokémon seemed to remember something as it’s eyes started to search the room.

“Kyu? Kyu!” Mimikyu said as they finally found what they were searching for. A pokeball.

“What?” Izuku crouched down to kneel at his friend’s height and asked softly as Mimikyu placed the pokeball in his hands. “Do you...want to become my Pokémon?”

“Kyu!” Mimikyu nodded happily in agreement.

Izuku cried real tears as Kyu pressed their head against the button, causing the pokeball to open and capture them inside. He waited as the pokeball moved for a few seconds until it stopped with a little sound.


Izuku cried out in joy as he released Mimikyu from the pokeball and enveloped the Pokémon in a hug, overflowing with happiness.

Inko rushed in at the loud cry from her son, wanting to make sure her son was alright, only to see him cuddling a Mimikyu to his chest.

“MOM! Mom! I have a Pokémon!” Izuku whooped as he hugged his friend. Kyu looked so happy. ‘My first friend is also my first Pokémon!’ Izuku thought.



Chapter 2: Koi!


Izuku makes two new friends at the beach. Kacchan is getting angry that Izuku is getting Pokémon. Inko’s pokemon makes an appearance.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!


Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi

I don’t own anything from MHA/BNHA or Pokémon

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku wasn’t expecting the reaction he got from his elementary class when he walked in with his new Pokémon, Kyu. Kacchan recognized the Pokémon from yesterday and gave Izuku a nasty glare when he walked in with Kyu on his shoulder. The rest of the class had shocked expressions because they could not believe that someone quirkless got a Pokémon. Mimikyu was staring the class down, daring them to make a sound against their new friend.

“Sorry. Kyu didn’t want to go into their pokeball today,” Izuku said nervously with a smile as he avoided the gaze of the teacher who was looking at him.

Mimikyu responded with a chirp of “Mi!”

The teacher turned back around and continued on with the lesson while the children weren't paying attention at all.

Mimikyu changed positions quite a bit throughout the time he was there. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to being in one spot for too long because he was a wild pokemon for so long. At the beginning, he stayed on Izuku’s shoulder and looked at the notes he was taking. Next, he was sitting on his lap and pretending to take notes of his own on a piece of paper that Izuku gave them. During lunch time until the next class, Mimikyu took a nap on the top of Izuku’s school bag after eating all the berries and snacks Izuku had packed for him.

By the end of the day, everyone went back to normal as they could be; now knowing that Izuku had a Pokémon, but at least he doesn’t have more than them! Yeah, they all had at least two, he had only one!

Izuku hummed as he watched everyone going home, even Kacchan, which was surprising since the blond boy would usually take this time to nag at Izuku to never become what Izuku wanted to be. Izuku decided, since the day was turning out to be a good one, he should train Mimikyu at the shrine.

“You ready to train, Kyu?” Izuku asked, receiving a short nod of approval. He looked into Kyu’s eyes to see a look of determination. “Okay! Off we go!”

Izuku walked back to the abandoned shrine that the rest of his ghost Pokémon friends were at and trained Mimikyu as the ghost gang either watched on or helped. Izuku took down notes after each practice battle, categorizing which moves to use on fellow ghost types that would prove more effective.

Each practice battle was a bit different because of which Pokémon battled against the other. Kyu used their speed against Phantump, but couldn't fool Litwick. The sounds of Mimikyu crying out as they launched at their opponent dissolved into laughter.

After an hour, he called the training to a stop and instead played with the ghost types with Kyu before heading home. He made a note last time that he would pass the beach when he took the long way, and soon enough Izuku and Kyu passed Dagobah beach as the sun was setting. Bright orange and pink lighting illuminated the clean beach. Izuku smiled at the sight while Kyu’s eyes widened. Kyu’s eyes traveled along the beach until they started to make a loud call of, “Kyu! Kyu!”

At Mimikyu’s worried cries, Izuku looked to where their shadow hand was pointing. Izuku gasped at the horrid scene of Kacchan and his two lackies kicking around a poor Magikarp. The poor Magikarp was bruised as they desperately flopped against the sand, trying to get away from the kicks from Kacchan's lackeys. Kacchan stood back from the two, only pushing away the Magikarp when it got too close to him. Izuku ran up to them, holding Mimikyu back from trying to attack them while upset. A tall, stocky blond who was jogging by in a tracksuit stopped at the sounds of the commotion to see what was going on.

“Hey,stop it! You are hurting them! Leave Magikarp alone!” Izuku shouted as he ran straight to Kacchan, flinging his backpack on the ground and protecting the hurt Magikarp with his body. Kacchan sneered before tasking Cyndaquil to use Ember, aiming at Izuku’s back. Mimikyu blocked Izuku from the attack with its disguise. Once Ember hit, Mimikyu's headcloth flopped to the side. Kacchan scoffed at Deku’s Pokémon before looking back at the worthless Pokémon’s owner with the equally useless Magikarp. Scoffing once more, Kacchan spun on his heel and stomped off the beach, his two groupies jogging after him.

The tall blonde hid from sight as he watched the group of bullies head his way.

Kacchan looked over his shoulder and mockingly called out, “A useless Pokémon for a useless Deku! What a match made in heaven! Ha! See you later, Deku!” Kacchan and his groupies walked away, leaving Izuku alone with the hurt Magikarp. The tall blonde peeked from his hiding spot to watch the little hero in the making and how he would approach the situation.

Izuku rose from his protective position over the Magikarp and gasped at the bruises and scrapes on their body.

“Don’t worry, I’m here now. I can help you,” Izuku said before desperately looking around for something to carry the Magikarp home in. His eyes widened at the sight of a blue bucket which had a slightly broken rim and marker drawn all over it near them. He scrambled to the pail, scooped water inside, then ran back to the hurt Magikarp.

“I am going to take care of you. My mom knows how to heal Pokémon, she works at the Pokémon center under Nurse Joy. Would you like to come home with me?” Izuku asked nicely to Magikarp, who was tearing up at the kind gesture. Magikarp flopped around to give Izuku the best nod it could manage.

Izuku smiled before he and Mimikyu placed Magikarp in the bucket. He picked the pail up after placing his thrown school bag back onto his back, however after a few steps, Izuku noticed that with the combined weight he was walking very slowly. The tall, mystery blonde decided to help out the young boy after seeing what went down, approaching the edge of the beach in his other, All Might form. The struggling boy only noticed the blond man after bumping into him since all his focus was on Magikarp. When he looked up and realized who it was, he stumbled backwards from shock.

“ALL MIGHT?!” Izuku yelped. Mimikyu got spooked by the yell, having been watching the Magikarp in the bucket instead of their surroundings, but upon seeing a stranger close to his friend, jumped down from Izuku’s shoulder to stand protectively in front of him.

“HELLO! I AM HERE!” All Might said enthusiastically, before quieting his voice down. “I see you helped a Magikarp. Would you like me to hold it while I escort you home? It seems a bit heavy,” All Might offered, extending a hand toward the green-haired child.

Said child hesitated because he didn't want Magikarp to get hurt, but All Might wouldn't hurt him because he's a hero! He handed over the bucket to All Might. The number one hero walked Izuku home, following the boy’s directions and steadfastly ignoring the suspicious looks Mimikyu was pointing his way.

“Wait, I don’t know your name, young hero,” All Might said as he walked up the stairs of the boy’s apartment building.

“Oh! My name is Midoriya Izuku,” Izuku said, blushing at being called a hero by his favorite pro. Thank goodness that he guided All Might through the unused back way so that no civilians would see All Might.

Soon, they both arrived at the door, and Inko answered the door expecting to see her child. She didn’t expect to see the number one pro hero carrying a bucket with a Magikarp inside while her own son was looking happy as ever next to him.

“W-What? All Might?!” Inko asked in bewilderment. Inko’s Delpohx peeked around the doorstep to find out what caused her to freak out, eyes widened at the scene before her. “Phox?!”

All Might smiled sheepishly as Izuku giggled. “All Might helped me carry Magikarp here!” Izuku’s eyes widened. “Mom, Magikarp is hurt! We got to help them!”

Inko’s mom refocused on the Magikarp, carefully taking the bucket from All Might’s hands before inviting them both inside. The rest of Inko's pokemon -- Wobbuffet, Delphox, Bewear, Florges, Marowak and Blastoise -- were all scattered about the living room, lounged on the two sofas and recliner with Moomoo Milk and snacks scattered on the remaining tables. All of them looked relieved to see Izuku unhurt, but the looks turned worried at the new Magikarp.

Inko hurried the Magikarp into the next room, closing the door before anyone could follow to allow them privacy to fix his injuries. While they waited, Izuku sat with All Might in the dining room while the other Pokémon settled back into their previous spots, all of them worrying about the Magikarp. Inko eventually came out with a healthier looking Magikarp with a few bandages wrapped around their fins. Izuku was so happy he started to cry happy tears at the sight of the Pokémon looking okay. He took the bucket from his mom and sat down on the ground next to it.

All Might said, “Well, they look much better!”

Inko smiled, “Yes he is okay now. He just needed a potion for the bruises and bandages for the scrapes. He will be better before we know it. Though it will be safer for him to stay here for a few days before returning him to the ocean.”

Magikarp shook his ear before cuddling the best he could to the side of the bucket closest to Izuku.

All Might chuckled, “It seems like he wants to stay with young Izuku.” Inko smiled at his statement, watching how happy Izuku was looking at the Magikarp.

“Okay, did you hear that Izuku? Magikarp wants to stay with you,” Inko said to her son.

Izuku smiled and said, “Okay. Oh! Let’s call you Koi!” Koi happily nodded at his new nickname. “Koi, do you want to become my Pokémon friend?” Magikarp had tears in his eyes at being accepted while he nodded once more, this time more enthusiastic. Izuku smiled, laughing as Mimikyu celebrated their new friend.

Inko’s pokemon smiled at the adorable scene. They were tired of Izuku coming home looking so alone. And now with these new additions, Izuku could live a more happy life filled with the fun and laughter of his new Pokémon friends.

All Might and Inko also smiled down at the young boy. They had a feeling that this wasn’t his last time coming home with a Pokémon.


Next Chapter: Izuku visits his mom’s friend abandoned Pokémon shelter. He catches attention of a Riolu and wants to be his friend. Riolu turns out to be sort of a Tsundere


I just want Izuku to walk in with like over 10 Pokémon to UA. What? You heard me. Probably like over 15 while Kacchan over there has only like 3.


Chapter 3: Anubis!


Izuku goes to a shelter ran by his mother’s friend. There he finds an abandoned Riolu that he is determined to become friends with.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors to fix!


Here is the list of Pokémon requested for Izuku to become friends with/ become Pokémon:
Lycanroc dusk form

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku was so excited!

He was about to go visit his mother’s friend -- Kiku -- who ran an abandoned Pokémon shelter, housing Pokémon that got left behind by their trainers. Their whole goal is to let the Pokémon know that they can be safe and happy without their original trainers. They are allowed to meet people from the outside when they are fully healed from their experience of trauma that they suffered. Once they form a true bond with another person, they are allowed to leave. Of course, the person has to file paperwork to allow them to take the certain Pokémon out. The reason being that if THEY abandon them again, they will suffer the consequences.

He couldn’t wait to meet the Pokémon there! Maybe he will make more friends!

Kyu and Koi were excited too. They have been buzzing all morning with excitement to meet new Pokémon friends. Kyu had jumped on his bed to wake him up and Koi splashed him when he opened his eyes this morning. Koi swam around in a large clear container that they filled with water the night before so he could sleep by Izuku's bed. They knew what today was, and they were excited for what it could turn out to be.

They all traveled outside the apartment, bid their farewells over their shoulders, and continued on their small quest. Izuku and his pokemon followed after his mother to the train station and waited patiently until their train came.

On the train, the three of them sat beside his mother, who was carrying her six Pokémon in their Pokéballs inside her purse. It had been too long since they had seen her friend Kiku. She was looking forward to seeing them again. She brought snacks for their Pokémon for the trip, and in another bag she carried toys for the Pokémon there that needed some.

Before too long, the train came to a stop and they scuttled out onto the platform and into the street. Izuku had Kyu on his shoulders and was dragging Koi behind him in a portable pond they made with his old baby stroller and a large fish bowl. Izuku skipped after his mom as she walked down the street, eyes taking in all the buildings that spanned both sides of the sidewalk. Buildings gave way to trees and Pokemon trainer's pathways, but the two ignored the latter in favor of walking until they found the driveway they were looking for. The paved driveway winded through the trees until it stops in a roundabout which sits in front of a traditional Japanese house.

More like a mansion! Izuku’s mouth dropped at the sight of the three story building with cherry blossoms blooming in the garden behind the large fence. It was picturesque! He spotted a little window that was slightly open on top of the building, but he guessed that it was just a little breeze that knocked it open. There was a sign at the front that read ‘Pokémon Shelter’ in a pretty script.

A woman with brown hair stood at the front in a white apron covering a red skirt and simple pink top. When her eyes found them, they lit up in joy.

“Inko! It’s been too long since I saw you!” Kiku called out, rushing to meet the two halfway. “Apparently too long!”

Inko looked the slight woman over, “It has! Time has really passed, but that’s why I came to visit. I wanted to introduce you to Izuku, my son.”

“Hello Izuku. I’m your mom’s friend, Kiku. I run the Pokémon shelter here,” Kiku explained as she leads the two inside her building. Izuku noticed how warm her brown eyes were when he was closer to her. “This is a home for all Pokémon that have been treated badly, and it is welcome to all Pokémon, no matter the story. Here, these Pokémon can move on to a new chapter and heal, some even move on to find new trainers that they form a real bond with.”

When they walked into the two-story traditional building, it had a western influence to the inside with a living room, a kitchen, and next to the kitchen was an open door leading to the backyard. Straight ahead of them were wooden stairs leading to the second floor of the house.

Izuku took the scene in with wide eyes as Kiku explained more about the shelter and how it came to be. There were so many Pokémon! There was a Gothita playing catch with a Smoochum near the kitchen area. A Silcoon and a Cascoon hanging around the living area on one of the soft chairs. Several Unknown were following a Yamask through all the rooms playing tag.

Looking out the window, he saw a Surskit, Luvdisc and Corsola hanging out in the pond, splashing each other. A Snorunt and Typholsion looked to be out of the water, playing a game of hide and seek. A Buneary looked to be dancing with a Steenee by the forest line.

He was smiling at all of the Pokémon as Inko and Kiku chatted. He looked around in excitement with Kyu and Koi until his eyes caught something that was peeking out from the top of the stairway.


A Riolu was standing at the top of the stairs with their arms crossed and brow furrowed as they looked at the newcomers. Riolu is a small, blue pokemon with black torso and legs. They have a blue tail and a collar of yellow around their neck that stands out from the black and blue. Riolu had rounded white bumps on the back of their paws. They also had a mask of black fur around their red eyes like a mask. Upon seeing that they had caught the boy’s attention, they huffed and turned away, disappearing around the corner.

“Riolu has been here the longest. I was on my way back to the shelter with groceries when I noticed him and that they were abandoned by their trainer,” Kiku said while leading them out the front door to talk more privately about the Pokémon’s backstory. She didn’t want to trigger or make the others sad.

“On my way back, I saw a trainer run out of a trainer’s trail with Riolu bounding right behind them in tears. The trainer looked back at him and said some of the meanest things, like they could have won if not for him, that he was weak, and how he should have never chosen him to begin with. Riolu was bawling and insisting for him to slow down and come back. I thought they would come back, would take mercy on the poor thing, but they didn’t. They left Riolu behind, so I did what I knew to do. I offered him a spot inside. He agreed, but his attitude changed. He acts really nice to me and the other Pokémon that come in, but when a trainer comes in, he grows irritated and leaves for his room in the attic. If you noticed the little window before you walked in, that’s where he keeps his lookout.”

Izuku frowned at the story. He thought, ‘That’s so sad. Why would a trainer abandon their Pokémon? Riolu must be so mad at the other trainers because they remind him of his original… I’m going to be his friend!’

“I’m going to try to be his friend!” Izuku guaranteed. Kiku smiled at him.

“From what your mother has told me over the phone, I have no doubt you’ll be able to form a true friendship bond with Riolu,” Kiku said as his mother gave him a gentle look. “I hope you can bring Riolu out of his hate shell.”

Izuku nodded. He couldn’t wait.


During lunch, Inko prepared lunch for all the Pokémon. She brought out her Pokémon to help while the others came in to chow down at the long dining table. The only one missing was Riolu.

“Hey Izuku, can you give this little Pokémon bento to Riolu upstairs. First door on your left,” Kiku asked, since he had finished his lunch earlier to help with the rest of the Pokémon. Koi and Kyu were happily munching down next to each other with Bewear right next to them.

Izuku nodded and headed upstairs with the bento in his arms. Izuku opened the door that led to the attic slowly, so he wouldn’t make any noise.

“Hey, um, Riolu? Just wanted to say hello. I, uh, brought you lunch,” Izuku explained as he walked up to the attic. Riolu was sitting with his back turned to him, facing the outside world. “I’m just going to -- yeah.” Izuku walked a little closer to place the lunch down next to him. “My mom made it with love, here you go.”

Riolu made a scoffing sound as Izuku came too close, causing him to straighten up, since the last thing he wanted to do was make Riolu uncomfortable. “Okay, I’m just going to go back downstairs. You can come down whenever you would like. Okay, um, bye-bye,” Izuku said as he made his way out the room again. Riolu glanced back over his shoulder when the boy disappeared down the stairs. He reached out for the bento and started eating.

It was tasty, he will give it that much. But he wasn’t in the mood to be bribed to be another Pokémon to a trainer, just to be abandoned again.

After he was done, he heard laughter coming from downstairs. Riolu exited the attic and headed to the second floor landing once again. They didn’t want to be seen by that annoying brat, so he peeked through a decent sized hole in the floorboards to look down into the open space of the first floor. Thank god he found this hole in the second floor.

Riolu peeked through to see the young boy surrounded by the Unknown while Yamask danced in front of him. His mother’s and his Pokémon were watching on as the boy smiled. Riolu’s hardened exterior dropped a little when he saw how ‘Izuku’ treated the others.

Many who traveled here to pick a Pokémon just ignored the ones they didn’t want and focused on the one that they wanted, not giving the others any chances to prove themselves. Miss Kiku always escorted them out when she saw their attitude and behavior to the other Pokémon. He had always respected Miss Kiku for doing that as it saves him the trouble of scaring them off himself.

But this child. This child let his Pokémon be free to play with the others. This boy made sure that he paid attention to every single Pokémon in the shelter. As Izuku went outside to play a game of hide and seek, Riolu tried to collect his racing thoughts.

‘He might be different. But that is a big might. Right now, he needs to prove that he isn’t, and won’t become, anything like the others.’ Riolu watched his fellow shifter friends have fun with the child. He blushed when he thought about it ever happening to him, and distantly wondered if he would be that happy?

He shook his head. No time for that! This boy needs to prove himself before he ever thinks about spending time with him.


And so Izuku’s week went like this:

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, after he arrived home from school, Izuku would stop by the shrine and train with Koi and Kyu. And on the remaining weekdays, he would go to the shelter with his mom and help out Miss Kiku. Sunday was his fun day.

Each time Izuku went to the shelter, he would make sure he played with every single Pokémon there.

And he still tried to make Riolu his friend by any means possible; he brought him his dinner every time, but was still met with silence. Izuku could have sworn that he saw a blush on his cheeks when he stepped too close. Izuku brought Riolu pokéberries that he picked in the forest, only to be met with a scoff. He invited him to play tag outside, but Riolu wouldn’t even move. Izuku tried again and again to make small talk, but all he ever seemed to do was make Riolu annoyed with his presence. He really thought he was making it worse every time he went to see him, but that didn’t deter him from trying to include Riolu in the fun activities.

Riolu, himself, was feeling conflicted. At first, they thought the child was bribing him, but with every decline the child just continued coming back. No matter how many times he refused or ignored him. He was beginning to warm up to the boy despite his body language saying otherwise. They actually looked forward to when the green haired boy would come back again to talk endlessly about how much fun he was having. Riolu even let a worried expression slip when he saw Izuku with burn marks on his clothes, though he covered it up before the child could see. But still, Riolu felt protective of the boy ever since then.

He noticed how sometimes Izuku would come into the shelter sad, only to brighten up when he played games with the others. Riolu witnessed how Izuku almost tripped while coming up to the attic, and glanced back to see the limp that Izuku was walking with. Riolu tried to stop himself from caring, yet the smile on the face of the child almost reassured him that he was different from his original owner. Riolu' s face reddened at the thought. ‘You know, when he comes today, I might actually play with him this time if he asks politely,’ Riolu thought as he watched from his little window.

Izuku and Inko came on time, as usual. They started to make dinner before Kiku realized something.

“Oh goodness, we ran out of milk. I’ll go to the store and get some,” Kiku said before Izuku stepped in front of her.

“I can get it!” Izuku responded. “I’m a growing boy!”

Inko and Kiku smiled and laughed slightly at the boy’s determined little face. After a little bit of thinking they agreed, since it was only a little down the street. Izuku took the money and made sure to leave Koi and Kyu behind since he didn’t want to disturb their nap near the couch.

Riolu watched as Izuku walked out the shelter to get the milk, eyes following the boy’s progress through the trees until the foliage got too thick.

It wasn’t long at all before Izuku had the milk in his arms and was heading back to the shelter. But when he was passing the forest trail, he heard a growl. Scratch that, many growls. He looked to the bush to find many eyes staring at him. Izuku yelled out as he stumbled backward into a young trainer that just exited the trail.

“Hey! Watch it!” The trainer said before taking a good look at the boy with two Pokémon balls on his hip. “You’ll pay for this! Let’s battle! Now!”

Izuku shook his head, “I’m sorry for backing into you! I was just scared from whatever was behind that bush. I-I don’t have my Pokémon with me, so I can't battle you.”

The trainer retorted, “Tch, that doesn’t make a difference with me. You are weak, I can beat you no problem. Magnemite, go!”

Magnemite appeared in front of the child with rage in their eyes that reminded him of Kacchan and how he treated him at school.


Riolu was looking out the window, waiting for Izuku to come back to the shelter. It has been about ten minutes already, and the boy should be back by now. He furrowed his brow before jumping out of the window onto the roof above the porch. He jumped down to the ground and ran to the road to see if he could see the boy, but what he saw caused his eyes to widen.

Riolu’s eyes narrowed to focus on his target. He charged head on.


Izuku put the milk behind him as the trainer got ready to order Magnemite to attack him. Before Magnemite could lay one move on him, the pair were hit with a quick attack. Izuku’s eyes widened, seeing Riolu standing in front of him protectively. The trainer grew more upset at the sight of the Pokémon, while Magnemite grew more hungry for the battle.

Riolu nodded to Izuku over his shoulder before hitting Magnemite with Force Palm and Counter. Riolu pushed him away with the force of the fighting moves. Magnemite was too slow to dodge the sudden moves, and they fainted. The trainer picked up his Pokémon and ran off with their metaphorical tail between their legs.

Riolu smiled at the feeling he missed for so long before stiffening up to turn to Izuku to see him smiling and thanking him for saving him from the trainer. When he saw that grateful smile, he knew it. Izuku had passed his test. Riolu smiled back before heading back together to the shelter. Once they arrived, Izuku explained what happened to his worried mother, the Pokémon gathered, and Miss Kiku. After the small talk, the rest of the Pokémon went back to playing, and Riolu joined the others for a game or two outside.

Miss Kiku watched the smile that she missed on Riolu’s face when he played for the first time in forever with Izuku. She was glad that he had finally found someone.

It took some time, of course, before Riolu wanted to become his Pokémon. He was just starting to heal from his abandonment issues when they became friends. But, overtime, Riolu came to genuinely trust that Izuku would never do that to him. He came to know Izuku as he truly was. Therefore, some time after the incident that brought them together, Riolu had told Miss Kiku what he wanted to do.

His reasoning was that Izuku didn’t stop visiting the shelter, and that meant that Riolu wouldn’t have to say goodbye to his friends. Along with the fact that Izuku was a good person and trainer. Riolu had made up his mind.

Izuku had come over again, and Miss Kiku told him that Riolu would like to be his Pokémon if he would let him. Izuku smiled and nodded enthusiastically, fast enough that the gathered Pokémon feared that he may get whiplash. After grabbing a new pokéball, Izuku headed to where Riolu was in the attic. This time Riolu was facing him when he came in.

“Is it true? You w-want to be my Pokémon?” Riolu nodded at Izuku’s words. Safe to say, that night ended in celebration. The Pokémon from the shelter were sad to see Riolu leave the house, but were just as happy to see him better and with someone he cares for. Riolu wouldn’t have it any other way, and neither would Izuku.

Riolu didn't think it could get any better, but it did when Izuku decided to nickname him. Not even his original owner did that. Izuku named him Anubis and he couldn’t be happier at the name.

Riolu was excited for the days to come with Izuku, along with his close new friends Koi and Kyu. He couldn’t wait for the adventures they were going to have together.


Next chapter: Evee. Field trip. Professor. All Might.

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis



Chapter 4: Sakura!


Izuku goes to a field trip wit his class to see a Pokémon Professor. They take an interest in Izuku and how he treats Pokémon kindly. But they aren’t the only ones who take notice of him!


Hope you like it! It took me a while to write! Tell me if there are any errors, I type fast, so there is bound to be a couple I didn’t notice!


Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Okay kids, today we are going to visit a Pokémon professor. These are the people who research Pokémon and distribute pokédexes to trainers. They are the ones you will come to in the future or have already visited to receive your first Pokémon,” the teacher explained while the elementary students listened from their places on the bus. Izuku sat at the back looking out the window, face turned to watch out the window, but still listening to the teacher talk. Kyu was taking a nap on his shoulder while Koi and Anubis were resting in their pokéballs in Izuku’s pocket.

Bakugo had his Cyndaquil sitting next to him while he glared straight ahead at the incoming facility. ‘New Pokémon mean I can become stronger more easily and defeat the extras in my way,’ he thought as Cyndaquil nudged at his fingers for attention. He scoffed before scratching their head.

The class arrived at their destination to be welcomed by a professor at the front entrance. The building towered over them, bright white interspersed with modern windows and a glass dome as the roof. “Hello everyone! Welcome to my research site where I learn more about Pokémon each day. My name is Touma. I’ll be the professor that will guide you on today’s trip.”

The kids cheered and clapped for the chance to see more Pokémon. ‘But it might just be because they want to add to their team,’ Touma thought as he watched one blonde in particular look very threatening while looking at the Pokémon inside. “When it is time to leave, one Pokemon may join you on your future journey outside, but they must accept you and WANT to come with you. If they express denial, you will not be allowed to come back to this facility when you begin your journey.” The kids went silent and nodded at his statement while Izuku looked at him with admiration.

Izuku’s look threw Touma off for a moment. Most children were disappointed when they realized they may not be getting a Pokémon at the end. ‘Why did he react differently? Does he really understand the responsibility of taking care of a Pokémon and respecting them? Or is he a kiss-up that wants to get on my good side?’ he thought before he opened the front doors. The kids awed at the breathtaking sight when they walked in behind the Professor.

The beautiful scene of nature recreated in the research site was so amazing. Most of the building was taken up by a large, glass cylinder that they could see right into. Walled off rooms took up the rest of the area with the hallway between. Inside the ginormous cylinder, there were several sections where real-life nature was re-created to fit all the diverse Pokémon and their needs.

The grass-type Pokémon had their own little forest with vines hanging down from the tree branches and berry bushes sprinkled about. Flowers bloomed in fantastic colors that were beautiful to look at! A Bulbasaur was rolling around in the grass with an Oddish, both play fighting while several other Pokémon cheered them on. Within the trees, flits of Cottonee, Pidegeots, and Tranquils could be seen both resting and flying around in graceful arcs. Even through the glass, the class could hear the chatter of even more Pokémon that were hidden behind the shrubbery.

Intertwined with the forest were streams that came out and joined into a sizable lake, one side of which was decorated with lily pads. Along another edge was the beginning of the ice biome and on the opposite edge pressed up against one of the walls, was a grandiose rocky mountain where a separate pond rested at the top, and a waterfall fell off to connect the two bodies of water. The students watched as a Squirtle cannon balled into the lake below, letting off quiet sounds as the beginning of a big wave showered over a resting Seel and Poliwag. Under the ripples the cannonball caused, Goldeen and Chinchou's distinct looks could be seen. No doubt more water-type Pokémon resided around and under the blue depths.

Grassy plains separated the water and forest area from the more rocky, fire-type Pokémon area. Caves decorated the hills of rocks, where they could see glances of groups of Torchics, Charmanders and Houndors. Wherever they looked, Pokémon of all kinds were resting, playing, and enjoyed the no doubt nice atmosphere

There were so many different biomes! Each of the different types of Pokémon -- Ghost, Dark, Dragon, Normal, Poison, Steel, and Fighting -- had their own homes as well. There was probably more, hidden behind the forest and the hilly area but since they were only a class field trip they didn’t have enough time to see them all. They were just focused on the place the professor specializes in, giving Pokémon to starter trainers. One day, Izuku hoped he could see the other places the site had to offer. It all seemed so interesting!

Izuku smiled at the sight with Kyu making awed noises at the view as well. Professor Touma guided the children through the research lab first, introducing them to the equipment and different harmless experiments he does each day. While he was talking about the many different Pokémon he’d studied, he looked back to see most of the class uninterested except the curly haired one he noticed earlier. He vowed to himself to keep an eye on him while he continued. As anticipated, many of the children were disinterested in learning more about the logistics of Pokémon and just wanted to have one at the end.

The last exhibit the class stopped at was an Eevee that the professor recently came into contact with during one of his expeditions. The window peered into an empty room with a bed, a desk and a computer. The class didn’t see anything, but Izuku could see a hunched form in between the bed and the wall.

“This is an Eevee that was rescued a few months ago from a terrible research facility that forced them under... treatments. They have been in my care since, but they don’t like strangers, so don’t go too close to the glass,” Touma explained as the class lost their interest quickly. Izuku viewed the hunched form a bit longer before continuing with the rest of the group. Unknown to anyone else, a brown eye peeked out from their position to look at the curly boy heading back toward their class. They couldn’t help but feel curious upon seeing the first human since the professor to look at them with such kind eyes. They watched as they walked away before making a decision.

Eevee escaped from the room by opening the door with their long, fluffy tail. Out of view of anyone, Eevee spied on the backs of the class, focusing on the fluffy green hair that bounced at the very back.

Before long, the tour ended and the professor stood at the doors entering into the lunch area, a paved area near the edge of the plains habitat, that allowed the class to eat in the same area as the Pokémon they saw at the beginning.

“So, any questions before we go outside to eat lunch and take a closer look at the Pokémon in their habitats?” Touma expected no one to raise their hand, but the boy from earlier, the curly haired one with a Mimikyu on his shoulder, waved his outstretched hand. Touma pointed to the boy, feeling a bit guilty when the other children looked back to glare at him.

“Um,” Izuku started, “are there really all different types of Pokémon Professors?”

Touma nodded and smiled. “Yes. Each professor studies different things about Pokémon. I study overall behavior and relationships that Pokémon can form with each other, while others may study their origins, their attacks and defenses, and their breeding patterns.”

The class looked bored as the professor answered the question. ‘No doubt trying to get this tour over with early so they could get a chance at getting a new Pokémon to join their team,’ Touma thought before he looked at Izuku’s happy expression. ‘I would be happy to talk with him more afterwards. He probably has more questions.’

“You can ask me any other questions you might have while we continue with our lunch outside.” The class sighed and continued on with their loud whispering. Izuku smiled softly at his Mimikyu before following out the rest of the class, but noticeably at a distance.

The children settled down in groups at the scattered picnic tables, leaving Izuku by himself. The professor allowed them to have their Pokémon out for the duration of lunch as long as they behaved. While the class focused on taking out their Pokémon, Bakugo watched with Cyndaquil as Izuku pulled out two pokeballs. Bakugo’s confusion turned into annoyance as Izuku called out a Riolu and Magikarp. He scoffed at the Pokémon. ‘It doesn’t matter. Because I’m going to be the best pro hero with my strong quirk and Pokémon behind me.’

Anubis took his meal and sat down next to Izuku, while Kyu ate his food near his feet, and Koi snacked on his portion in one of the empty small ponds. Izuku ate his own lunch consisting of a small portion of katsudon, a juice pouch and a snack of homemade cookies his mom made. He finished his food before the rest of the kids because he had no one other than his Pokémon to talk to.

So he chatted to his Pokémon about what he learned on the tour since the other two were in their pokéballs. Touma noticed Izuku sitting alone and went over to offer him something that he thought the other boy might enjoy. Izuku quieted down as the smiling professor approached him. Izuku said, “Hello.”

“Hello there. I didn’t catch your name,” Professor Touma said as he crouched down to his level.

“My name is Midoriya Izuku,” Izuku said politely as his Pokémon kept an eye on what the older man was planning.

“Well then, Midoriya. Would you have an interest in helping me feed the other Pokémon on the site? It takes me a while since I have no help,” Touma asked the young child whose eyes widened in excitement.

“Okay!” Izuku answered, receiving expectant looks from his friends. “Can my friends help too?”

‘He said friends instead of Pokémon. That is a good sign that he has a good heart,’ Touma thought to himself as he nodded at Izuku’s question.

Bakugo watched in confusion and envy as the professor led Izuku away into a small shack near the entrance of the area. His look then became furious as the two left the building with food sacks in their arms. ‘What the hell is he doing now?’ Bakugo thought.


‘Feeding the Pokémon is so much fun!’ Izuku thought as he placed food on the floor for a family of Torracats. They had black and reddish orange markings all over their furry body. He noticed a Litten peeking at him from behind a rock, not daring to approach the bigger cats. He placed their own small food bowl in front of them, earning him a look of calm appreciation.

“Okay, the other habitats don’t get fed lunch until after you guys are gone, but there is one Pokémon that tends to have a big appetite,” Touma said to the Izuku after approaching the boy once they finished with most of their food sacks. The professor had noticed that some of the usually more wary Pokémon were actually a bit accepting of having their food handled by someone new, and the man attributed it to the Riolu, Mimikyu, and Magikarp that have yet to leave the boy’s side. Riolu helped with the smaller lifting, Mimikyu helped with the shy Pokémon, and Magikarp helped gain the attention of the water Pokémon swimming deep in the water.

Touma guided Izuku to a sleeping Snorlax that was resting near the edge of the plains biome. “This guy always wanders over here to sleep under the shadiest tree for his napping. It takes a while for him to eat the food given,” Touma said after he set down the bigger bag of food near the sleeping Pokémon. "When he wakes up, he will eat all of this and go back to sleep.”

Touma led Izuku and his friends back toward the other children, who were ready to get another Pokémon of their own. Touma sighed before saying to the children, “Okay. You may now go out into the habitats to view the Pokémon. I want to remind you that they may not want to become your Pokémon, so don’t get upset. Feel free to roam, but please don’t engage in any sort of misbehavior or there will be serious consequences!” Touma said while the children ran off toward the strong Pokémon. Bakugo headed straight for the fire biome with his Cyndaquil, earning him a look of curiosity from a loner Houndor.

The other children went off in different directions leaving Izuku alone to make his own decision. He wasn’t looking for any Pokémon, so he took his time to look at each Pokémon in their habitat. First, he visited the grass types where almost immediately a Pidgey mistook his head for a nest. Pidgey, a bird looking Pokémon, was primarily brown with cream colored feathers on their face, underside, and flight feathers. Their beaks were a grayish pink color with gray claws. He laughed when Pidgey settled into his hair. Anubis stifled his own laugh while Koi stared at the interaction and Kyu ventured off toward the bushes.

Izuku looked toward the bushes in time to see a shy Ralts hide from his gaze. Ralts looked very human-like with a white body. They had thin arms and legs that widened towards their feet. Most of their face was hidden by green hair that resembles a bowl cut with two flat, pinkish-red horns on their head. He smiled softly before introducing himself to both the Ralts and the Pidgey. He spent more time playing around with Pidgey, eventually leading the Ralts to trust him enough to come out and play, too.

The class’s teacher carefully observed her students by slowly walking around the sites while Touma paid attention closely to each interaction the students had with the Pokémon. He frowned at some rough attitude before scolding them to not act like that. But his attention was stolen by Izuku each time he interacted with a new Pokémon.

Not only was the professor’s attention drawn to Izuku, but also Eevee’s was as the child made his way to the water site where he helped his Magikarp into a pond to have some fun playing with another Magikarp. He greeted each Pokémon that was curious enough to come up to him. Eevee liked the way he didn’t look mean, he looked so kind. She could tell from the way he behaved with his Pokemon, allowing them to roam free and play with others. He didn’t look anything like the classmate with blond hair who was currently spending time with a Houndor near the fire types.

When Izuku ventured to the fire type’s biome, he made sure to stay toward the opposite end of where Bakugo was. The Litten from before came up to greet him, which was soon followed by a lonely Charmander. He made sure to have fun with them before time was called to head back to the entrance. He said goodbye before heading toward his class.

“Alright class!” The teacher said while looking at their students. Not all came back with a Pokémon, but they made sure to fawn over Bakugo’s Houndor. The class awed at his new friend next to his Cyndaquil. “Let’s all say goodbye before heading back to the bus.”

The class said farewell, but Izuku was stopped by Professor Touma.

“Hey. I noticed how well you take care of your Pokémon. Are you interested in learning more about Pokémon?” Touma asked.

“Yes! I love making new friends!” Izuku said happily with Riolu, Magikarp, and Mimikyu all nodding furiously behind him, trying to communicate a message that they knew all too well.

Touma smiled before asking, “Would you like to become my apprentice? You could help me here by taking care of the Pokémon.”

“I’m going to have to ask my mom. But I would love to!” Touma chuckled at Izuku’s answer before handing him his card with instructions to ask his mom later on today about his offer.


The class was waiting by the bus when Izuku and the Professor caught up to them.

“Goodbye for now, Izuku,” Touma said when Izuku headed quietly to the bus’s steps. But before Izuku could take another step, a brown ball of fur ran straight into him.

“Woah!” Izuku exclaimed before falling over. The class of kids began to laugh before getting a look at what caused him to fall over.

“An Eevee?!”

Sure enough, to the surprise of everyone, an Eevee proudly sat on top of the fallen Izuku’s chest. Touma was quick to say:

“Huh, it looks like Eevee wants to go home with you, Izuku.”

“But wasn’t this the Eevee that you said-,” The class’s teacher began in protest.

“Eevee seems to trust him more than me and that is saying something from what exactly she has been through,” Touma said with a strained smile. “I think Eevee will be taken care of correctly with Izuku than anyone else.” Bakugo scoffed at the professor’s words.

“Really?” Izuku questioned, astonished. Riolu rolled his eyes slightly at the reaction.

“Yes, Izuku. Now I hope I will be seeing you soon,” Touma whispered to the small child as he helped him to his feet as the rest of the class started filing onto the school bus. He handed Izuku a pokéball for Eevee. “Bye for now.”

“Bye-bye!” Izuku said before remembering to call Koi and Anubis back into their own pokéballs before entering the bus. The children held their own envy at seeing the quirkless kid not only have more Pokémon than them, but also being chosen by a Pokémon. Bakugo sneered at him as Izuku passed his seat on the way to the back of the bus, before looking out the window. Izuku took his seat with Kyu on his shoulder and Eeevee sitting right by him.

He waved goodbye at the Professor through the window as the bus pulled away and headed back to Aldera Elementary, happy thoughts running through his head.


After school, he rushed back home, gave his mom the card from the professor, and watched as she walked off into another room to call him to talk about the offer.

As the voice of his mom filtered muffled through the hall, Izuku put Eevee on his bed and looked at her.

“I think I’ll call you… Sakura,” Izuku said, earning a delighted sound from Eevee. He smiled at her reaction, and he couldn’t wait to get to know her better.


Next Chapter! Happy Birthday Izuku! All Might appears?! New friend?

Any new Pokémon requests will be going into future after he arrives at UA!

I might not add some Pokémon, or might give them to someone else. Please don’t get upset if that happens, I will try to give Izuku as much as I can
Here is list so far:
Lycanroc (DuskForm)
There will be encounters with legendaries and mythical Pokémon in future

Chapter 5: Adora!! + Izuku’s B-Day party


Izuku has a birthday party. And befriends an injured Pokémon that his mom brings home after work


Hope you like it! Tell me if I made any errors!


Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura

I love all you suggestions for Pokémon for Izuku! Any suggestions for class 1-A’s Pokémon. ( i need help with literally everyone except iida and uraraka)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku turns five in a few days! He was beyond excited!

His mom was gone later than usual, but her Pokémon made sure to take care of him when he arrived back from school. He would start his apprentice job soon after his birthday party, and he was so ready for it!

Delphox and Florges were the ones to greet him at the door like normal, when he finally arrived back home. The fox-like fire Pokémon gave him a hug while Florges, with her fairytale-like elegance, helped him take off his school bag. After he was smothered by their affection, Bewear gave a low, teasing growl and pulled the boy to sit between them and Wobuffet. They both wrapped their arms around the boy while Sakura and Anubis made themselves comfortable on his lap. Blastoise set Koi in the bathtub gently while Izuku was surrounded by the other Pokémon friends in the living room. The final pokémon in the house were Marowak and Kyu, who were playing a game under the dining table.

Everything was calm until the door banged open to reveal Inko with a Pokémon held to her chest, wrapped in his mother’s coat. A shiny blue head with sunset colored eyelashes peeked out of the warm coat to gaze at them with some sense of trepidation. “I didn’t have time to go back to the shelter. I found this girl all alone, but she was hurt so I had to bring her home,” Inko rambled as she carefully made her way to her bedroom to set the injured Pokémon down on her bed.

Izuku followed closely behind with Bewear, Sakura, Anubis, and Kyu on his heels. As he got to the doorway, the jacket fell to the side to reveal an Amaura with several small scrapes across its body. It lifted its head, looking with bleary eyes in the direction that Izuku was in, and mumbled out a sound.

Izuku approached cautiously, the other Pokémon standing in the doorway watching on, as Inko reappeared from her closet.

“I can give them potions to heal faster, but Izuku, can you go and get some berries from the bushes outside? Bring your friends with you to protect you.” Bewear made a noise from behind him. “Bewear, please accompany Izuku so he doesn’t get hurt. I’ll watch over Amaura until you get back.”

Izuku nodded and answered back, “I’ll be back soon, mom!”

Leaving Koi behind, who was playing with Blastoise in the tub, Izuku and his three friends ventured towards the park to look for berries. Maybe he could stock up while he looked around, and thankfully no trouble arose while he was taking some berries from the bushes.

He silently thanked the bush before heading back home with his friends in tow.

It didn’t take long for him to be back inside his house and give his mother the berries needed to help out the injured Amaura. Izuku waited near the edge of the room as he watched his mother take care of Amaura with everything she could, for who knows how long, before she finally slowed down and smiled at the resting pokemon.

“She will feel better in a few days. She just needs to rest right now. I saw her run through a wire fence which gave her a lot of cuts, while escaping from a Pokemon that poisoned her. Within a few days, she’ll be back to normal and will be able to go back home,” Inko said softly as she petted Amaura’s head, causing the Pokémon to let out a rumbling purr-like sound in their chest.

Izuku, and the rest of the Pokémon in the apartment, smiled in relief knowing that the new addition was largely alright and would get the care it needed. Now it was just recovery time.


The next day Bewear was left in charge, as one of the most gentle of the pokemon friends in the Midoriya household. Bewear watched over Amaura so she did not cause any further injuries, and to help with any needs while the two humans were out of the house. When Izuku arrived back from school, he took over right away, making sure the new addition was alright and that she didn't need anything. Bewear happily stepped back to allow the child to take care of Amaura because she was aware of how caring the little boy was. But she still kept a close eye on them just in case Izuku needed help. Izuku told Amaura all about his day at school and the ghost shrine after making sure she was alright.

Amaura relaxed as she listened to the child's stories, and was delighted that he told them with such enthusiasm. It made her day brighter. He spent the rest of the afternoon next to her with Anubis, Kyu, Sakura, and Koi in his little water wagon.

Inko showed up a little later than Izuku, and when she did rush in, she checked on Amaura’s status to make sure she was feeling better. In about three days, Amarua should be ready to go back into the wild.


The next day, it was the same routine of Bewear watching over Amaura, Izuku telling her stories, and Inko making sure she was okay. But while Izuku was telling her stories of how he met his friends, Inko planned Izuku’s birthday party in the kitchen. She already called Mitsuki, though it turned out that she will be bringing Katsuki with her to work on Saturday to see her husband’s fashion show, so they wouldn’t be able to attend.

“That little brat needs to see the world Masaru lives in someday, but thanks for the invite. Tell Izu-kun happy birthday for me!” Mitsuki replied on the phone. “Oh great! Gotta go, the brat looks to be setting things on fire outside again. Talk to you later! KATSUKI!!!”

Inko smiled sadly when she put down the phone. ‘Who else could we invite to Izuku’s party?’ she thought before she realized just who exactly would just love to see Izuku.

Kyu was enlisted to invite the ghost Pokémon from the shrine, while Inko called up Kiku and the shelter Pokémon, the Professor, and All Might. She wasn’t expecting the pro hero to come, but she might as well try.

She just wanted Izuku to be happy for his birthday in two days.


Kyu decided not to go with Izuku to school that day, which was surprising since Kyu had always stayed by his side when there was even a chance he would be near Kacchan. Though, maybe they just needed some alone time and didn't want to be cramped in the classroom all the time. So Izuku allowed Sakura and Anubis to go with him instead with Sakura on his opposite shoulder and Anubis walking by his side.

It was a strange day since Katsuki wasn’t there because his mom excused him for the day. But hey, it was the start of the weekend, so he was feeling great. Inko said to come straight home, so he complied instead of stopping by the beach or the shrine.

As he headed home with Anubis and Sakura, Izuku grew more excited with every step they made toward the house. Izuku knocked on the door, only to notice it was already unlocked. Confused, he opened the door to darkness that suddenly burst into light with all his friends coming out of nowhere.

Anubis and Sakura jumped to pose in a ridiculous position with Kyu and Koi near the entrance, all with bright grins on their faces. Further back, Izuku could see the rest of the Midoriya household, Kiku and the rescue center's Pokémon, and the Professor. The latter of which was watching the floating ghost pokémon from the shrine do a cute dance in the air.

“Happy Birthday Izuku!” They all cheered out.

As Izuku made his way around to all the guests to bid them welcome and give them hugs, the boy couldn't have felt happier. All his friends were here to celebrate his birthday! Anubis was right there with him in greeting the shelter's Pokémon, giving hugs to all his friends. There were a few changes in the group which made Izuku both happy and sad. (Later on, after the party was dying down into something more calm, Kiku would explain the reason Gothita was in a noticeably happier mood was because she had met a lovely trainer with a bird head that she was fond of.)

In the meantime, as Izuku made his rounds, presents piled up in his arms that he took great care of opening. From Kiku and her Pokémon, he got a cookbook on Pokémon snacks that he just couldn't wait to try out for his friends. The professor gave him a special guide that held all sorts of information on a lot of Pokémon. And his shrine friends gave him a beautiful traditional kimono they had found and restored. He wore the kimono for the remainder of the night, his face beaming whenever he caught his reflection in the window or mirror.

As Izuku made his way around talking to the guests, Inko kept checking the door, even though she kind of knew what the answer would be.

It wasn’t until after the professor, the ghost quartet, and Kiku left with the rest of the Pokémon that her worries were assuaged. Just as she was about to wrap up the cake, a solemn knock echoed throughout the now quiet home.

And when Inko opened the door, there stood All Might with a gift for Izuku in his hands. A wise Lucario stood behind him, bowing in respect. The man joined the bow in apology.

“I’m sorry. Patrol ran a little too late into the night. But fear not! I brought a present for Izuku!” All Might exclaimed, though he was trying to be more quiet since he was still in public and didn’t want to disturb the neighbors.

Inko was surprised but welcomed him in, nonetheless. Izuku looked up from his spot next to Amaura to see All Might enter his house. His mouth dropped open and once his surprise passed, he called out, “All Might!”

He rushed to greet the hero with Anubis jogging up right behind him. The hero visited often with his own Lucario partner, which made Anubis act more like Izuku. While Izuku looked up to All Might, Anubis looked up to the hero's strong friend that followed him into battle the most.

Inko was glad he stopped by as she watched him closely interact with her son. He behaved like Izuku’s father even though his actual one is overseas.

Eventually, All Might got caught up with how Izuku was doing since the last time he saw him.

“Wow! You have four Pokémon friends now?!” All Might asked in astonishment.

Izuku nodded with a bright smile.

“And you are helping out an abandoned Pokémon shelter? AND you are going to apprentice under a Pokémon professor to learn more?!”

“Yep!” Izuku said. Lucario looked impressed from his spot with Anubis. All Might laughed at the proudness Izuku displayed.

“HA! My boy! You are looking to be a great Pokémon trainer!” He said, which received a bright, happy look on Izuku’s face. After a moment, the happiness and light dropped, being replaced by unsurity.


“Yes, my boy!” All Might declared with no hesitation. Izuku’s friends cheered while Izuku beamed at All Might’s words.

Inko was so glad that she could make her boy happy. Hopefully, this will numb down the feeling of Amaura possibly going away tomorrow…


The day after Izuku’s party was the day that Amaura was ready to go back into the wild. Though Izuku knew that Amaura would go back to the wild after she was healed, he couldn't help but cry after realizing that she would be leaving that day.

Inko and Izuku led Amaura to a park where Pokémon of all types hung out. Ice-types in particular liked it since some cooler caves were nearby. Inko set her down on the ground before taking a few steps back.

“I’m happy to have healed you from your injuries. I hope you have a nice life,” Inko said gently as Amaura looked excited at seeing the forest. But Amaura was confused at the sad tone of voice from Inko, so she turned back around to watch Izuku trying to hold back another round of his tears.

“I hope we see each other again, Amaura. I’ll miss you,” Izuku said sadly before following his mother’s slow footsteps away.

Amaura looked at their fading backs, to the forest, and then back at them. She shook her head and charged into the back of Izuku, causing him to topple over. He rolled back around to see Amaura happily smiling and dancing around him.

“What does this mean?” Izuku asked quietly to his mom as Amaura continued her dance.

“I think it means she wants to stay with you, Izuku!”.

“Yay! Amaura, you want to be my friend?” Izuku asked, receiving a happy nod from the Pokémon.

“Okay, then I’ll call you... Adora!” Adora lets out happy noises at her new name before jumping around Inko and Izuku. Izuku giggled as he watched her circle them in joy.

A new friend has joined the team!


Next Chapter: First Day at Apprentice Job. 2 new friends join his family.


Can you guys help me with some names? The Pokémon listed below are the Pokémon requested, but I need some help with the nicknames that Izuku will give them.

Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Missingno and M
Shiny Ampharos
Shiny Axew

Also by opinion, would you guys like to see his four ghost friends, join him or just support him from the shrine? Like would they be part of close fam or play the role of the other mythical and legendary Pokémon. (Which means they come to help when close)

Chapter 6: Makaria


Izuku makes a fire friend and defends her.


Hope you like it!


Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora

I got recommended Hades and Persephone. So I looked up their children and chose Makaria as her name. Don’t worry, I am going to make sure the genders will even out mostly..

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the first day of Izuku's apprentice job and so far, he was doing alright if Touma's gentle expression was any indicator. One of the first jobs Touma had given him was to feed the Pokémon in the rooms, then go into the main room to feed the rest, which was where he was now.

Izuku approached Ralts shyly. “Hello, I’m here to bring you your food. I hope you like it!” he said happily as the Ralts peered around from behind a tree to look at him. Ralts' white cheeks flushed as they hid behind the tree again. They didn’t come out to get their food until Izuku walked away.

Izuku was super happy for his friends since they were allowed to play with the Pokémon at the shelter. They were able to come out of their Pokéballs and roam throughout the facility. Sakura bounced between all the habitats while Kyu started playing with a Pikachu. Anubis listened to Snivy while they talked on and on, gesturing wildly to themselves. Koi raced against other water types in the big pond while Adora danced near the edge of the water.

Izuku placed the final food bowl for the small pack of Houndor at the fire Pokémon biome with some hesitation at how rough they were acting. After he backed away, he noticed a lone Houndor a bit away from the pack. They were lying down looking longingly at the bowl of food. Izuku stepped away from the other Houndors to greet the lone one with an extra bowl of food.

The Houndor looked up at him with surprised, overjoyed eyes before digging into their food. Izuku giggled at how enthusiastic they ate. While the other Houndor roughhoused, the lone Houndor finished their meal by themselves under the gentle watch of Izuku.

Izuku had faced Bakugo’s Houndor before. They were meaner than a Cyndaquil with the way they fought, and they viewed life with a glare as menacing as its trainer’s. But this Houndor, she was different. She was kind of like him in a way, spending more time by herself than with others because they ignored her presence. Almost exactly like what his fellow classmates do to him. She wasn’t mean or menacing, she was gentle and lonely.

He knew what to do after she finished off the remaining food in the bowl. He smiled before sitting down in front of her. She tilted her head in confusion when he pulled out a red ball.

“Want to play fetch with me?” he asked. Houndor’s eyes grew wide.


Touma was sure that he made the right choice in his apprentice.

His choice was backed up with the evidence of how gentle Izuku was with the other Pokémon while feeding them and playing with them.

Touma was genuinely surprised when he saw the reclusive Houndor hunting down a red ball that Izuku had thrown.

He smiled as Izuku laughed at Houndor antics. 'I'm glad to know that she made a good friend in my young apprentice,’ he thought, placing a hand under his chin. ‘They will be great friends.’

Soon, it was Izuku’s time to leave with his Pokémon. Before saying goodbye to him, Izuku said a little farewell to the Houndor he played with. “I’ll be back tomorrow! Let’s play together again!”

"Bye, Professor!" Izuku yelled out with a wave as he made his way to his waiting mother.

Touma smiled back. "Goodbye, young one. I'll see you again soon."


It was already the second day, but Izuku was more prepared than the first. He knew what to expect, but when he went to grab the food bowls for everyone, Professor Touma stopped him.

“A mother and her child will come here to pick a fire Pokémon starter. I want you to accompany me while I give them a tour of all the available fire Pokémon that are able to be adopted. Are you ready?”

“Yeah!” Izuku said loudly in excitement.

Professor Touma and Izuku guided a young child who looked quite bored at the other Pokémon. The mother just looked very uptight. Touma answered all of the very repetitive questions that the mother barked out as the child played with their handheld game.

After a little tour, Touma guided the two to the fire Pokémon habitat. He gave them advice on which ones were good starters and talked about the responsibility of caring for a Pokémon and how a bond will be formed.

Izuku could see how some of the fire Pokémon began to notice the two strangers heading towards them. It was like they realized that one of them will be chosen to begin a journey for the small boy. A few of them stepped forward because they were eager for an adventure while others hid because they wanted to stay at the shelter longer.

The large pack of Houndor stood by watching while the child walked around the fire habitat. He ignored the smaller Pokémon and headed towards the Houndor that Izuku played with yesterday. The Houndor jumped up from where it lay and wagged its tail, only for it to stop when the mother pulled her son back.

“Heavens no! I will not have my child pick a dangerous Pokémon such as that. Houndor’s burns last forever. I will not have my child being hurt by such an abomination. Why don’t you choose something more safe, something that isn’t a monster.”

Izuku was angry at what the mother said about Houndors. The Houndour in question was one of the nicest Pokémon he had ever grown to know!

When Touma was about to step in, he noticed Izuku’s expression. He couldn’t stop the boy as he ran to defend his friend.


Houndor was heartbroken and it showed clearly on her face. She was so happy to find someone that would actually wish for her to be their Pokémon, but she guessed it was hopeful thinking that anyone would want her. She wasn’t as strong as the others, and she didn’t really fit into their group, but she wouldn’t burn anyone! Why? Why can’t she just belong?

“Hey!” A shadow stepped in front of her. “You are wrong about her!”

She looked up to see the boy she played with yesterday. What was his name? Izuku?

Izuku glared at the woman holding her disinterested child. “Houndor wouldn't hurt a fly! She is the sweetest fire Pokémon I have ever known! And for you to come here and discriminate against her just based on what she is capable of... I’m disappointed. Adults are supposed to know better, yet here you are discriminating against a Pokémon that hasn’t done anything to you!”

Houndor listened to Izuku arguing with the woman, looking up at him in awe. Even the professor had a smug smirk on his face while listening to his apprentice stand up for her. The boy is only five, yet he was telling a grown up how to do their job better.

“Houndor is one of the nicest Pokémon I have ever met! You don’t deserve to get a Pokémon for your son until you know how to not judge a Pokémon on their looks and abilities,” Izuku finished off.


The child was embarrassed since they actually wanted a Pokémon friend and their mother ruined it. The mother was very irritated at just being told off by a small child. Her face was red and she looked ready to snap back at him before Touma interrupted.

“I agree with my apprentice. You, ma’am, have done enough. Pokémon have feelings and they deserve to be treated better than what a household that will force judgement on others before they meet them will give. I am hereby banning you from my center. Your child may get a Pokémon at another facility alone and without your advice to persuade him. I’ll be taking you out with security detail. Izuku, you stay here with Houndor. Keep her company while I deal with the trash mother.”

The mother gasped and the child nodded silently. They were led out by the Professor and were joined by a large security guard that escorted them from the building. Izuku made sure to keep Houndor company. Izuku’s Pokémon heard him yelling and watched the incident quietly from the sidelines. When the adults moved on, Izuku looked around to see his friends approaching him.

Izuku sat down by Houndor as his Pokémon watched on. “Are you okay?”

The Houndor yipped while nodding slowly. He smiled. “Good. Don’t take what that woman said to heart. She doesn’t know what she is talking about.”

The Houndor sniffed and looked at him. She nodded her head quickly while barking at him. Izuku could tell it was out of happiness from the speed at which she was wagging her tail.

Izuku glanced at his Pokémon before turning back to her. “Want to play with me again?”

The Houndor nodded joyously, and the Pokémon cheered for her. Anubis rolled his eyes fondly before clapping with a grin.

They all joined together to play hide and seek in the plains area in the middle. Professor Touma even joined in the game for a bit before pausing the game so he and Izuku could feed the Pokémon their lunch.

While his friends played with Houndor, Izuku followed Touma to a sleeping Snorlax. The Professor looked back over his shoulder to see Izuku glancing back every now and then at the playing friends. “Houndor seems to consider you a close friend.”

“Really?” Izuku’s eyes sparkled in happiness.

“Indeed.” Touma chuckled.

“That’s good! I want to be her friend.”


The boy tilted his head. “Yes?”

“If Houndor wishes it, you may take her on your journey,” Touma stated as they walked closer to the sleeping Snorlax.

Izuku muffled his squeal of joy with his hand as the Professor set down the food in front of the napping Snorlax. He couldn’t wait to ask Houndor when they were done. And his excitement continued while he fed the rest of the Pokémon.

When they were done, the two watched how well Houndor got along playing with Izuku's other friends. Izuku looked up at Touma and received a nod. He gulped before proceeding to make his way to the friendly Houndor.

“Hi. I don’t want to pressure you but I would just like to know if you would like to be my Pokémon? I want you to join me in my journey as my friend. It’s okay if you don’t want to,” he asked slowly, making sure to be polite.

Houndor stared at him in silence before launching at him. Houndor knocked him to the ground and covered his face in grateful licks. Touma laughed as Anubis went to help his friend up.

Izuku sat up, still laughing, before looking at his new friend. “I’ll call you Makaria.”

Makaria yipped in happiness before gratefully licking his face again. He giggled as the rest of his Pokémon tackled him back to the ground for a group hug.

Even Touma joined in the laughter.


It had been only a day since Makaria had joined the family, but she had already begun to fit in.

Wubaffet welcomed her with a Lava cookie while Delphic talked to her about future fire moves that they might learn in the future. Florges showed some dance moves to Adora while Bewear taught some fighting moves to Anubis. Marowak helped his mother in the kitchen to get ready for lunch.

Koi chatted with Blastoise about how he could become stronger in the future. Kyu watched Sakura prance around curiously while Izuku watched some news about heroes.

A knock on the door interrupted the pleasant atmosphere.

Izuku approached the door with Bewear following. Opening the door, he was greeted by a tall blonde in his hero suit.

“Have no fear because I am here! IZUKU! Young man, would you allow me to train you?”




Izuku was so happy that All Might offered to train him! This was going to be so amazing. They were both at the beach with all of Izuku’s Pokémon friends.

“First up, I hear you have two new Pokémon?” All Might asked with his hands on his hips. Lucario, one of All Might’s Pokémon, mirrored his stance.

“Yes All Might sir,” Izuku replied. Thank goodness no one was around Dagobah beach at this time because everything about the man in front of him just screamed All Might, even with his signature hair hidden beneath a large beanie. There was no hiding his tall, muscular stature after all.

“Great. You are making many new friends each day, young Midoriya,” All Might stated to the young boy.

“Thank you.”

To start the training, Izuku called up Sakura.

“Now, let’s see what Sakura’s moves are so far.”

Izuku nodded and turned to Sakura. “Show him all you’ve got, Sakura!”

Sakura nodded with a determined gaze. She showed off her quick attack move and her baby doll eyes to All Might. Izuku smiled before he saw a bright light envelope her.

She evolved into a Vaporeon?!

Sakura used Water Gun if the jet of water shooting out of her mouth wasn't obvious. All Might was astonished as well as the rest of the Pokémon. Kyu just looked like they said, ‘I knew it all along’ with their expression.

“Did she just evolve?” All Might asked in surprise. But before Izuku could answer, she once again evolved her form.

Jolteon?! Sakura used Thunder Shock which sent static shocks through her fur before careening through the air to strike the ground. She evolved again, this time into Flareon. Flamethrower scorched the sand in front of her from the powerful flames that came from her mouth. After that, she changed back into her original Eevee form.

“Well, that’s new.” Izuku stated. Sakura just wagged her bushy tail. “At least she showed all she had?”


Next Chapter: Training! Apprentice Job! New Friends!


I need some help naming these Pokémon. First name given will be chosen.

Shiny Axew

Chapter 7: Zarius!


Izuku gets training from All Might, gets to see a show, and gets a new friend!


Hope you like it!


Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria

Also, wouldn’t it be nice if Koda also had his Pokémon nicknamed so he and Izuku have a little bonding moment?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After that little surprise from Sakura, Izuku remembered that Sakura had been recovered from a facility that experimented on her. He relayed the information to All Might after praising Sakura for a job well done. All Might nodded at the news. After that, the rest of Izuku’s friends showed their four moves as well.

All Might clapped his hands together. “Okay, now to begin training.”

All Might released his Pokémon friends from their pokéballs. Lucario moved proudly to his side while the rest were unleashed.

Gallade, who could mega evolve, was revealed first. Right behind him were Poliwrath, Machamp, Throh, and Sawk. Izuku held back his fanboy freak out as the familiar Pokémon that helped All Might frequently with his fights were revealed.

“With my Pokémon and I here, we can officially start training. To begin, I will send Machamp out,” At his words, Machamp stepped forward, “then you have to decide which Pokémon on your team can be used effectively against him. This is like a pop quiz of sorts to see what you know about Pokémon’s weaknesses and strengths.

Izuku nodded and thought hard about which Pokémon would be best suited to this fight. Fighting-types were weak against Psychic, Flying and Fairy... Wait, Fairy!

“Kyu!” Izuku shouted out his answer and Kyu stepped forward.

All Might nodded. “Yes, Fairy-types are effective against Fighting-types, and I have mostly Fighting-types on my team. So, what are Fighting-types strong against?”

Izuku rubbed his chin in thought. “Umm.. Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark and….”

“Steel,” All Might finished for him. “Very good! Do you know anything about the Pokémon on my team?”

“Poliwrath is a half Water-type, Lucario is half Steel-type, and Gallade is half Psychic-type,” Izuku relayed the information excitedly.

All Might’s smile widened. “Yes, good job young Midoriya! Now, continuing on with training, I would like your Pokémon to train when you have the time. This will allow them to become more familiar with their moves and allow them to become stronger. ‘Level up’ as most would say. My Pokémon and I will help you become more aware of your abilities as well.”

Izuku nodded happily while his Pokémon friends jumped in excitement. Adora even danced in circles around Makaria.

All Might continued, “I will also be here to help you learn about other Pokémon events, like trainer battles and Pokémon performances, where trainers show off their Pokémon’s talents in front of an audience. I’m sure your Amaura would appreciate the performance part.”

Adora smiled in agreement.

Izuku giggled. “I have always wanted to see what an actual performance looked like, as they’ve popped up on television before,” Izuku said, thinking about all the times he had watched and hoped that one day he would get Pokémon friends like those trainers. He smiled when he looked back behind him at the friends he has now.

“Well, I would be happy to show you a performance or two! There is one happening a week from now if you would like to attend it with me? But you have to ask permission from your mother first, of course. And she can come if she wishes,” All Might offered.

Izuku’s face brightened up at his words. He started talking to Alł Might concerning the next event while All Might’s Pokémon talked to Izuku’s to help them gain a better understanding of what they were capable of.

Lucario took Anubis under his wing while the others separated into small groups. Sakura was taken in by Poliwrath, Gallade went over different strategies with Adora, Machamp talked with Makaria, and Throh and Sawk helped out Kyu and Koi.

Izuku was excited for how things were going to turn out!


Inko and Izuku sat next to an All Might in disguise in a reserved seating section for the show.

“Thank you very much for inviting us to this show. I’ve always adored how Pokémon get to show off what else they can do,” Inko said to All Might.

Izuku sat next to them, feeling happy with Kyu on his shoulder and Sakura on his lap. Adora sat right next to him. All Might had a special place right near the top that allowed Pokémon space to roam around and sit next to their trainers. And since the place was behind a tinted glass, no one would notice him and cause a scene.

Izuku was so ecstatic to see the show he had always dreamed about.

The show soon started after All Might and Inko finished their conversation. To open the show, three Primarinas sauntered on stage to perform three separate Oceanic Operettas that made two gigantic water spheres collide softly into each other and form a heart over the audience. When the singing started, the heart burst into raindrops over the crowd. They bowed while they received applause.

Izuku and Inko were astonished as they watched numerous talented acts perform. A Buneary and Cyndaquil joined forces to perform an icy dance that ended with Cyndaquil producing flames around an ice sculpture with Buneary inside the hollow ice. A team of Eevee evolutions performed a huge dance combining all their moves into one huge Lutino colored petal flower.

The performance allowed many trainers to show their Pokémon’s talents, but not as a competition. It was only for entertainment for the masses. The show ended with a massive bow towards the audience with every Pokémon that had been featured. Inko and Izuku stood up and clapped with their Pokémon following. Adora danced around, unable to contain their happiness any longer. Izuku noticed how she looked at the stage longingly.

“Adora?” Izuku asked while Inko and All Might moved off to the side to talk. Adora looked back at him. “Do you want to perform?” Adora nodded with a bright smile.

Izuku smiled, “Okay! I guess we have to get you ready for your first debut then!” Adora jumped up in joy, circling him while he laughed.


Two days after the performance event, Izuku was walking home from a bad day at school. Bakugo assumed that Izuku got a Houndor to mimic him and pointed it out to the class during recess, which resulting in them laughing at how he was trying so hard to be like Bakugo. Recess didn’t last long after that, because Makaria started barking at Bakugo’s Houndor, who snarled right back. Izuku pulled her away from the negative energy that the other gave off. She apologized by licking his hand when he went back to his spot with the others.

And then it started raining halfway home.

Izuku sighed before pulling out his umbrella to shield Kyu and him from the downpour. He spotted a burning light in an alleyway when the water really started to kick up. He squinted, trying to see what it was, and realized that it was a Charmander who was desperately trying to keep their tail lit while navigating through an empty alley. They held a piece of cardboard above his tail to try and shield it from the drops of water pouring down from the sky. Izuku rushed to help them because he remembers hearing that something bad happens if their tail fire goes out.

The Charmander turned around quickly at the sound of footsteps only to slightly relax at the sight of a child who wasn't clutching a pokéball in their hand, only an umbrella. Izuku rushed forward to allow the umbrella to cover the Pokémon’s tail flame.

“Are you okay? Is your tail flame alright?” Izuku asked, worried for the Charmander. Kyu expressed her own worries for him as well. Charmander shyly nodded and crept further under the umbrella.

“Hey, is it okay for me to carry you? My mom is a Pokémon nurse. She is probably off work and home by now. She could check you over, but I would rather get there soon just in case the rain gets more unbearable,” Izuku offered sweetly, trying to speak over a sudden thunderclap.

Charmander seemed to think it over before nodding slowly, gathering himself up in Izuku’s arms. Kyu jumped on the boy’s shoulder as he stood up and began jogging to his house.

Izuku rushed into the house as soon as Delphi opened the door. “Mom! Charmander! Tail flame with the rain, help!”

Inko appeared from the kitchen to check on the Pokémon in his arms. “What? Oh, poor dear, stuck in the rain? Well, we just need to warm you up. Your tail seems to be stable and okay right now. And you are just in time, too! It’s dinner time. A nice home cooked meal will warm you right up.”

Izuku’s umbrella and coat were taken by Wubbaffet as Bewear checked his own condition. When they saw nothing peculiar with his temperature, they released him from their paws. Florges led Kyu away to help with placing the dishes. Izuku released the rest of his friends from their pokéballs to get them ready for dinner. Blastoise already had Koi’s little water wagon out to place him in as soon as he got out from the ball.

Charmander sat with a blanket around him as he was given a bowl of warm Pokémon food surrounded by a loving presence that just came naturally from the household. Marowak and Makaria sat on either side of the Charmander in order to give him their natural heat to help warm up as well.

Charmander looked like he was warm just from the way they sighed and snuggled up to both of the Pokémon next to him.


Charmander didn’t really know why the random stranger cared so much for him, he was a wild Pokémon.

Nevertheless, he felt very warm and safe here, not like in the forest where he was constantly pushed to have battles with any kid who came toward him. He mostly ran away before they even took their pokéball out, he didn’t want to be owned.

He wanted to belong in a family. And by the looks of it, he found his, just because he happened to run across one of the nicest kids in town.

The next day, Charmander was invited to work around the house with Marowak and Delphox while the humans were away with school and work. He learned a lot about the loving Midoriya family; the parents were divorced but still well functioning friends that came together for Izuku. The father worked overseas and provided money for them to live, which was supplemented with the extra money Inko piles in with her own job.

He learned many other stories as well. Inko used to train to be a performance trainer, but changed her dream when she became a mother. Izuku was quirkless, but he wanted to be a Pokémon trainer that is a hero to all. At the words “Pokémon trainer” he froze. He didn’t want to be forced. When the others noticed his apprehension, they were quick to calm him back down. They told him that Izuku wasn’t like the others. He didn’t battle if he didn’t need to, and he just wanted Pokémon to be happy. He considers each one as a friend.

Charmander eased with their calming words. He might finally let himself be open with this Izuku individual after all.

Before long, Inko and Izuku came home and Charmander was given the clear to go back if he wished. Charmander stood staring at the door before confidently walking toward Izuku.

Izuku asked, “Huh? Don’t you want to go back?”

Charmander shook his head, earning him a knowing glance from Izuku’s friends and an excited cheer from Adora. Izuku looked curious, “Do.. Do you want to stay here?”

Charmander nodded before taking his place by his new friends to further execute what he wanted visually to Izuku. He gestured wildly with his claws at Izuku’s Pokémon friends and at himself, then towards the pokéballs Izuku had on his hip.

“Wait, you want to be my friend? Really?” Izuku asked gently, receiving a short nod from the Pokémon. Izuku shouted in joy before hugging Charmander tight, and after getting accustomed to the tightness of the hug, Charmander reciprocated the embrace.

Izuku nicknamed him Zarius after they released from the hug, only for the two to be pushed together once more in a group hug by the rest of the Pokémon, Zarius and Izuku in the middle.


Next Chapter: Apprentice Job! Izuku gets a new Pokémon friend and another friend that turns out to be more of his mother’s


Ask me stuff and stuff

Chapter 8: Lili!


A new friend and a new protector


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius

Updates two or threes times a month.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Litten watched him from behind a pile of coals as Izuku treated every Pokémon he saw with respect. She remembered that Izuku noticed her the first day, even though she was the runt of the litter.

Nobody really paid attention to her, but he did. He makes sure she eats her food and plays each day he is there.

He was so… awesome!


Izuku had made a note of Snivy’s eating habits, and it turned out she was really picky with her own food. She always wanted it a specific way so he made sure that he did it just right so she was happy. As Izuku made sure that Snivy had no green parts in her food, he felt a pair of eyes on him. Turning to look at the grass Pokémon habitat, he saw no form of the shy Ralts that usually liked to watch him. Frowning, he turned to the fire Pokémon terrain to see Litten staring right at him.

“Huh,” he started before he shrugged and continued making sure everything was to Snivy’s liking.


Izuku walked home with Kyu on his shoulder and Koi in his little water wagon. Makaria and Anubis walked right next to him.

He smiled. It had been another amazing day at the site, and his apprentice job was really working out for him. He had so much fun playing with the different types of Pokémon and he learned about each one with Professor Touma.

But he wondered why Litten had been watching him today.

Just then, he saw a tail swish behind a dumpster. What was that? What was it doing outside of his house? Frowning, he went to check it out but before he could get far Makaria stepped in front of him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s just a Pokémon in need of some kind of help,” he assured her, but it didn't do well to vanquish her worries. Nevertheless, she backed off. He smiled and thanked her before turning his head down the alley to see who that tail belonged to.

He didn’t need to search very far to find the dusk form of Lycanroc lying in front of a large dumpster, trying to grab a half eaten bowl of food that was under it. Lycanroc had a fluffy coat of orange fur and bright green eyes that stared at the food.

“Oh no,” Izuku started, gaining the guarded attention of the Lycanroc. “You must be very hungry, but I wouldn’t try that food if I were you. The lady who makes it doesn’t really… clean.”

Lycanroc gazed at him before pushing away from the potentially gross food with its snout before it turned away. “Um, thanks for listening. If you want, you can come home with me and I will get you some good food. Trust me, my mom is awesome in the cooking department. She is the best, you would like her.”


Lycanroc raised his brow at the excited sounding young boy before he turned his eyes to look at the Pokémon standing next to the boy. The young Houndor was giving him a warning glare while Riolu looked mildly impatient at his slow response. A Mimikyu jumped off the young boy’s shoulder to get a closer look at him while a Magikarp splashed to get a better view.

Lycanroc listened to the words that Mimikyu had relayed to him with a contemplative look on his face. With her astounding praise of how well the young one treated Pokémon, he finally decided to follow up on the boy’s promise.

As long as he gets food. It had been a while since he had eaten a good meal.

His old trainer died which left him to wander around the streets. It had been so long since he had actually been in the comfort of a home. So many nights spent under cardboard boxes to get out of the pouring rain. So many days scavenging for food out of trash bins with different wild Pokémon.

He followed the young one up the stairs until they hit a door with a Florges peeking out.

“Hey Flora! Is mom home?” the boy asked while greeting Florges, who responded with a gentle nod. “Great! Is there enough food for another guest? He is really hungry.”

Florges looked at him and smiled in greeting. She opened the door wider to let Izuku and the new guest in. He trotted in behind the boy, but stopped in his tracks when he recognized a familiar figure in the kitchen.

He rushed up to the figure in the kitchen to see his old owner, but it wasn’t his owner.

No, it was someone different.

A young lady with green hair pulled back into a bun worked on dinner. She wasn’t his old owner, but she did remind him of her. Especially the way she held herself.

The boy rushed into the kitchen. “Mom! I met someone today and— oh looks like you already met him.”

“It seems I have.” The boy's mother smiled and petted him behind his ears. Again, the lady reminded him of his old owner who always greeted him with a scratch behind his ears.

“Well, he is really hungry, so.. Could we invite him to dinner? He was all alone.” The boy scuffed his foot on the floor.

“Oh, alright. Anything I can do to help,” the lady replied before straightening up to work on the rice cooker.

Lycanroc stared up at her with acid green eyes.


“Dinner was delicious!” Izuku complimented his mother before getting up to help her with the dishes. Lycanroc watched the two move past him on their way to the kitchen.

“Thank you. I was trying out a new recipe. I’m glad it worked out,” Inko said happily, both disappearing around the corner.

After he was done eating, Lycanroc laid down by the kitchen counter and surveyed his surroundings. There he was in a warm home when only a few hours earlier he was scavenging in the cold alleyways of Japan.

He was thankful that the little boy, Izuku, rescued him from the outside, but he felt more inclined to the young woman in the household. It might have been because she reminded him of the last trainer he used to have, truthfully. But either way, he wanted, above all, to stay and protect them.

He owed them that at least. Lycanroc rested his head on his front paws as he watched the others play with each other in harmony.

“Hello,” Inko greeted the Pokémon when she appeared back in the room. Lycanroc responded by tilting his head her way.

Inko took a deep breath before saying, “I know it might be sudden, but will you stay here with us? My son and I don’t want you to get hurt outside. You don’t have to become anything else beyond what you want to be right now. You can just be a protector, you can be my Pokémon, his Pokémon, or none of those things, but it is all up to you. Would you.. like to stay here for now?”

Lycanroc took one look at her earnest eyes before barking out an agreement.


Litten watched Izuku for what seemed like the fourth or fifth time. She couldn’t help it, he was so kind. Not like how her brother treated her. He always ignored her in favor of his friends, and never seemed to want to play with her anymore. Others called her childish and said that she should grow up. She tried! It ended with her getting a scar on her chest from her brother’s best friend.

So now was her chance, today would be her day to finally approach the boy.

Litten watched as Izuku made his rounds with the food. He fed the fire Pokémon first today, which meant that after she ate her fill she could try to follow him, and hopefully that will make her grow on him.

Now’s her time!


Izuku was on his way to Snorlax when he was joined by a familiar warm presence. He looked down to see Litten following him on his walk.

Izuku welcomed her. “Hello there. Are you joining me?”

Litten looked up at him before bouncing around happily, jumping on top of his feet. She glided past his ankles with a delighted purr.

“Okay then. After I feed the rest, do you want to play?” Izuku offered. He started to laugh when he noticed how big Litten’s eyes widened.

“Alright!” Izuku replied, which sent Litten circling around him once more in excitement.

After feeding everyone, Izuku kept his promise and played with her. Makaria joined in after seeing a more welcoming face from the place she used to be. Zarius joined in after a while as well. While the three fire Pokémon played, Kyu ran out of nowhere and jumped on Izuku’s shoulder. Izuku laughed as he watched his three Pokémon — yeah that sounded right — as they played together.

It was soon afterwards that Professor Touma came out of his laboratory after his intensive research on the new Pokémon in another region and approached Izuku.

“Hello, Izuku. It seems you made a new friend,” Touma greeted, and sent a smile at Litten next to the boy’s legs.

“Yeah, I did,” Izuku replied, looking down at Litten.

Later, after Touma had seen Izuku and Litten’s pleading expressions, he approved of her going home with him. But Touma hoped that Izuku wouldn’t take every single Pokémon he had at the site.


Lili was now a part of the Midoriya household, and Lycanroc was very confused at the new addition. He watched Lili play tag with Makaria from on the couch. Izuku laughed as he also watched over the playful fire types playing on the floor. Lycanroc then looked at Kyu only for them to giggle at their expression.

He assumes this is a normal thing in this home. And he couldn’t be happier he is a part of it.




Thanks for everyone who recommended names for the Pokémon! The only thing I’m working on

Chapter 9: Mataha and Dagato has appeared!


Izuku makes two new friends while having fun at the park. While Anubis has a surprise for Izuku.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Updates once or twice a month

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Inko sat on a plaid picnic blanket with her Pokémon surrounding her, helping her with distributing the food from the large basket. She looked over and smiled at her son playing with Makaria, Zarius, and Lili. She was glad that he was no longer hesitant toward fire. Inko noticed how often he would flinch when she would light a candle or when Delphox would use one of her stronger moves.

She thinks that it might be Katsuki that was making it that way. Inko didn’t want to believe that the young boy was hurting her son. The two boys were friends the last she saw of them, but what were they like now? She could only hope that Izuku was safe from harm because she just wanted what was best for him. Delphox seemed to read her mind, and placed her paw on Inko’s hand.

“I’m fine, Della. You don’t have to worry. I just hope my son is safe and will stay that way,” Inko told them and smiled, knowing that Izuku’s friends would do anything to protect him. Inko was so glad that he had Pokémon friends to help him out and protect him from anyone who tried to hurt him.


Izuku watched as Zarius tried to run after Anubis while Makaria and Lili played together. Kyu leaned against his head while he watched Adora dance by Sakira and Koi. He smiled, thinking ‘This is a great day. It’s so calm and peaceful in the park. Best day for having fun!’

“Kaku!” a Pokémon’s voice called out from behind him.


Izuku furrowed his brow at the sudden cries from close by. He turned around to see a green kakuna and a shedinja being kicked around by a few kids around his age. Izuku’s eyes widened, remembering a lesson that Professor Touma told him once about those specific Pokémon. Kakuna were basically immobile until they evolved into Beedrill, but they are capable of defending themselves with Poison Needle. Shedinja had great defense, but were incapable of movement when using their Hard Shell as defense.

But from the looks of the situation, neither Pokémon could defend themselves against the kicks. The green Kakuna seemed to be tied up in String Shot, a sticky cocoon of webbing.

“Ha! I always wanted a shiny Pokémon. Must be my lucky day,” one of the kids said, bending down to take Kakuna from the ground while they struggled against their bindings.

Izuku frowned, heading straight towards the mean kids. Anubis, Zarius, and Kyu followed right behind him.


The others didn’t seem to notice the missing boy just yet except Bewear.

Bewear tilted her head before slowly following the others into the forest where she had seen Izuku disappear into.

She didn't want anything to happen to the small boy who was her trainer's son. She had become quite protective over the boy since he was born.

And that meant following him when he disappeared out of sight.


“Hey, stop it! They don’t want to go with you!” Izuku yelled out to the group with a frown.

The two looked up and sneered at him. “Yeah? What are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to stop you!” Izuku stated confidently. His Pokémon behind him readied themselves, with Anubis cracking his knuckles and Zarius breathing out a puff of smoke.

“Oh really?” The taller of the two asked, puffing out his chest.

“..Yeah!” Izuku hesitated to say as confidently against the leering stares the other two had.

The kids snickered when Izuku posed with Anubis right next to him, readying his fighting stance. Zarius was about to move in next to them, but a large paw stopped him in his tracks. Zarius looked up before stepping back to allow Bewear to pass. The kids stopped laughing and started to run away from the sudden appearance of the very tall Bewear.

“Oh, okay. I mean, yay! We beat him,” Izuku said before turning around to address the large shadow that had fallen over him just moments before, which was most definitely the real reason for scaring away the bullies. “Thanks for helping!”

Bewear nodded. Izuku smiled before rushing to help the green Kakuna and Shedinja free their bindings. “Are you two alright? Are you hurt?” Izuku unbound Kakuna while Kyu helped Shedinja right themselves up.

Both Pokémon looked up weakly and nodded, and Shedinja floated over to settle next to Izuku.

Inko appeared through the brush, looking around frantically. “Izuku?”

“Over here mom! Sorry but I needed to help these two,” Izuku apologized while rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

“Oh, thank goodness you are alright,” Inko said while running her hands through his hair.

“Yeah. Is it alright if I invite them over to our picnic? I think they need some energy.”

“That’s alright with me.”

Izuku wrung his hands together before turning to look at the Pokémon kindly. “Would you two like to come sit with me and my family? I promise we won’t hurt you. We just want to make sure you are okay.”


The two Pokémon looked at each other, weighing their options.

Kakuna reminded Shedinja that Izuku helped them and so far has made no ill move towards them.

Shedinja breathed out and floated over to him, wings not moving at all since they didn’t use them to fly.

Kakuna hopped into his arms with Kyu following right behind him to perch herself on Izuku’s shoulder.

Together they all met back up with the rest of the Pokémon who were all seated around the blanket, ready to chow down on some food. They all welcomed the new additions with a good portion of food on plates to give them back their energy.

Shedinja looked unfamiliar with the attention while Kakuna was so happy that he was actually welcomed. Both of them hesitantly took part of the basket feast surrounded by welcoming presences of other Pokémon that seemed eager to get to know them.

Shedinja started to enjoy the open meal with the others and talked with Kyu. Kakuna chatted with Florges, eating a mini poke berry dessert.

Kakuna laughed in their own way, which echoed across the bright blue skies with the accompaniment of the mumbled sounds of Shedinja.


Izuku smiled as the two newcomers settled into the happy atmosphere. He thought to himself about inviting them to stay with him if they so wished. Maybe they would allow him to nickname them, though he didn’t want to pressure them into anything. Especially since they seem to have been kicked around a lot in order to be captured. Izuku just wanted them to be safe and comfortable enough to make their own decisions.


Shedinja and Kakuna were set up to sleep overnight in their home just in case their minor injuries acted up. They lay side by side in the guest room with Lycanroc guarding the door.

Anubis watched from Izuku's bedroom doorway as his gaze swept the room, checking to make sure everyone was there and resting. Lili, Makaria and Zarius laid on a warm, heated bed on Izuku's bedroom floor. Adora slept under his desk while Sakura slept right by the foot of his bed, her leg twitching while she slept. And Anubis could see Kyu curled by Izuku's head on the pillow.

After he carefully stepped around Lycanroc, he made his way to the living room to continue his nightly routine.

Anubis sat down near the bookshelf with an old storybook in his hands. As he flipped through the pages, trying to comprehend the words in front of him, he remembered the story from when Izuku’s mother would read it to Izuku and Anubis when the boy had trouble sleeping.

Anubis shook his head from the doubt that filled his mind before trying to speak.

“Geee oooo da mmoorr ninng,” Anubis whispered to himself, trying to see if it sounded right. Frustrated with himself, he grunted and softly banged his head against the book.

He desperately wanted to communicate with Izuku to strengthen their bond. Anubis just wished for them to actually have a conversation like Izuku would have with humans. He wanted to be helpful. Anubis gained back his determination to continue.

He had been practicing for many nights now, and he wasn’t stopping until he could greet his friend.

Anubis continued to scroll over the words while the night hours continued to pass.


Izuku welcomed the day with a yawn, stretching his arms over his head. Kyu slowly rose from her spot next to him on her little purple pillow before plopping herself back onto the pillow with a groan.

“Good morning, Kyu,” Izuku giggled at her as she looked more than ready to go back to dreamland for another five minutes. He burst into laughter when she dug her head into the comfort of her velvet cushion.

Adora sang up to him with a smile from her own spot. “Good morning, Adora,” Izuku greeted kindly, petting the top of her head softly. Her soft cheek rubbed against his fingers.

Sakura greeted her morning to him by jumping onto the bed from the floor, very excited to jump on his upper half. With a surprised yelp, he went backward into his pillow before falling into another fit of laughter. “Good morning, Sakura.”

Makaria rose first from the pile of heat from her other fire friends to say hello by running in circles at the foot of his bed. “Good morning to you too, Makaria.”

Zarius rubbed his eyes and yawned, raising his arms over his head. “Good morning, Zarius.” Zarius responded with a tiny ball of smoke erupting from his mouth.

Lili meowed and stretched out her back with a groan. She slowly reached his bed to receive a nice rub to her head. “Good morning, Lili.”

Izuku carefully climbed out of his bed to greet his mom and other friends in the other places of his home. He stopped by his mother’s open room to see his mother sitting upright in her bed, rubbing her eyes. “Morning, mom!”

Inko gasped before laughing slightly at the sight of her son’s bright smile. “Morning, Izuku.” Izuku giggled lightly before continuing on his journey.

He found Florges and Delphox already helping out with the preparation of breakfast in the kitchen. “Good morning Della and Flora!” They greeted the small child with a gentle smile.

“Morning, Jamie!” Izuku greeted Wubaffet, who was getting the plates out from the cabinets.

“Wubbaffet!” they greeted back with surprising volume.

“Bewear,” Bewear welcomed from behind him with her light pink and brown apron on.

“Oh, good morning Belle,” Izuku said, turning around to greet the tall Pokémon with a smile.

“Marowak! Blastoise!” Marowak and Balstoise greeted from their seats on the couch.

“Good morning Morticia and Marine!” Izuku responded with a wave before going to head to the next room.

“Good morning,” Izuku pet the calm head of Lycanroc before continuing inside.

“Hello, guys. Good morning. I hope you two had nice dreams!” Izuku said to the tired Shedinja and awake green, shining Kakuna. He turned to the wide open door of the bathroom. “Good morning, Koi! I’ll come back with your wagon in a bit!”

Izuku went back into the hallway after petting the heads of Koi, Kakuna, and Shedinja. He didn’t know where Anubis was. Izuku went into the living room only to notice Anubis standing near the kitchen counter.

“Anubis! Good morning!” Izuku happily greeted his friend.

“Good morning,” Anubis replied slowly, making sure to pronounce the words he was saying. Izuku went still while the other Pokémon in the kitchen and living room were shocked at what Anbis did. He talked?

“Did.. did you just talk, Anubis?” Izuku asked, receiving a nervous look from Anubis.

“...Yes?” Anubis questioned softly with a slight shrug to his shoulders.

“Oh my gosh! Anubis! Anubis, you can talk! That’s so amazing!” Izuku yelled out loud, alerting his mother who rushed in to see what was happening.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. Anubis talked!”

“Good morning,” Anubis repeated to the shocked woman. Izuku hugged him tight in celebration while Inko watched over fondly. Izuku’s friends gathered around in the kitchen, Blastoise making sure to grab Koi right away to see what was going on.


Shedinja, now named Dagato, claimed his spot on top of one of Izuku’s bookshelves. The shiny green Kakuna, happily named Mataha, claimed the hanging spot for his cocoon on the shelf below. Both were in their own little spaces, happy to be considered family and not pets. Together, they listened silently as Izuku read to all his friends a lovely story of friendship.

Dagato watched as his new friend welcomed his Pokémon onto his bed, allowing them to huddle around the book he was reading them to get a closer look at the drawings inside.

Koi sat in his wagon next to Adora, eyes sparkling as Izuku continued to read to all of them. Zarius leaned onto the bed covers, falling asleep until Makaria woke him up with a bump. Lili listened from a comfortable lying down position right next to his legs.

Dagato turned to see Inko watching from the doorway with Lycanroc by her legs. He could see the fond expression she had on her face.


Next Chapter: Izuku learns a lesson with the professor before visiting the shelter to visit some old friends.

Thank to my beta reader/ editor:


Come ask me stuff and stuff

Chapter 10: Diana and Charlotte!


Izuku learns a lesson shiny Pokémon which reminds him of a friend back in the shelter.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are errors,

Updates once or twice a month

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku looked amazed, and his sparkly green pen floated above the paper of his notebook. “Shiny Pokémon?”

“Yes.” Professor Touma laughed. “You recently came in contact with a green Kakuna, you said?” Izuku nodded. “Kakuna usually are a more golden brown, but this one has a different color. Which means that they are slightly different.”

“Oh wow,” Izuku mumbled, writing down more notes.

“Yes, it is quite rare to see. I was very surprised when you told me you came in contact and adopted one into your friends. Now, there is a special name for these types of Pokémon that are slightly different from the rest. These Pokémon are called Shiny because they have a different color than what is typical for their species. It makes them stand out from the rest, so it is quite remarkable that you found one,” Touma added, and nodded his head toward Mataha hanging upside down from a tree nearby.

“Oh my god, that’s so cool! That makes them more unique than the others,” Izuku whispered to himself, eyes sparkling in wonder.

“Yes, but sometimes trainers think that just because they are a different color, it makes them better; the color doesn’t make the Pokémon stronger or better,” Touma stated, circling the picture of the green Kakuna on his mobile device’s list of Shiny Pokémon.

As Touma began to go over the rest of the list, Izuku noticed the pink coloring of the Shiny Buneary. He tilted his head in confusion. ‘Wasn’t the buneary at the shelter that color?’ he thought, making a note to visit the shelter again. Until then, he was going to hang out here and help the professor.


Izuku had time to visit the shelter after school the next day. He traveled the short journey with Sakura, Anubis and Kyu accompanying him on the train with Anubis sitting right next to him to gaze out the window.

Izuku walked into the Pokémon shelter with a set goal in mind. Sakura just skipped behind him and Kyu rested on his shoulder.

Anubis strolled in behind them and welcomed Kiku, “Good morning.”

“It’s the afternoon,” Izuku whispered while Kiku looked shocked.

“Oh. Right. Good afternoon,” Anubis corrected himself.

Izuku watched from the window as the Buneary and a Steenee sat near the pond in the backyard. He took in the Buneary’s pink coat of fluff.

“Ms. Kiku?”

“Yes, Izuku?”

“I learned about Shiny Pokémon recently.”

“Oh really? That’s so neat!”

“Why do they look sad?” Izuku pointed to the two Pokémon he had been watching.

“Oh,” Kiku began. “Their original trainer came back. But the person didn’t come back to apologize to them, he just tried to take Buneary away. Buneary got upset when he tried to grab them and attacked him with a kick to the face. He got very upset when I refused to let him go anywhere with them, and I banned him from ever coming back here. He doesn’t deserve another chance with the Pokémon that he threw away so carelessly.”

“Are they both okay now?”

“Yes, they just need to relax their minds from the encounter. They are both calmer now, so you can go and see them.”

“Thank you,” Izuku said before he traveled outside to check on the two.

“Hey! I haven’t seen you guys in forever!” Izuku greeted, watching their faces burst into happiness. They rushed over to give the small child a hug.

“I heard about the incident..” Steenee looked to the side while Buneary looked a bit upset at the mention. “I just want to say they wouldn’t even know the first thing about you two! Anybody would be lucky to have you guys for friends! Because you two are awesome,” Izuku complimented, making the two friends much happier from his kind words.

Izuku asked if they would like to play with Sakura and him. They agreed and Izuku called Sakura over.

Izuku laughed as Sakura evolved into Vaporeon just long enough to splash some water over Steenee, which enacted Buneary to splash some water from the pond at Sakura. Izuku participated in the water splash fight before getting called over quietly by Anubis.

“Friend bye,” Anubis stated, pointing towards the front of the building. Izuku raised a brow before following him. Sakura, Steenee, and Buneary were distracted from their playful game when he left, so they followed Izuku.

Outside, Kiku was talking to a young child with a bird’s head. Izuku looked past the boy to see Gothita saying goodbye to a Smoochum.

“Oh, Izuku! You might want to say farewell. Gothita is joining this nice young man on his journey,” Kiku called out to him from the side. The young boy wearing a back hoodie looked up at the other child, and a shadowy form came out from under their hoodie to also look.

“Hi!” the shadowy figure said, waving at Izuku.

“Dark Shadow, behave. Hello, I’m Tokoyami Fumikage,” the boy greeted with a small wave.

Izuku tilted his head, approaching the other boy. “Hi. My name is Midoriya Izuku. Are you going to take care of Gothita? She needs someone to care for her and give her those marshmallow kind of Pokémon treats.”

“Yes, I will. I won’t let any harm come to her. And I already bought, on Ms. Kiku’s recommendation, her favorite sweets to let her be more comfortable,” Tokoyami replied, and Dark Shadow nodded his head.

“Okay. You check out,” Izuku responded, watching Ghotia look happy as ever to be chosen to be a friend to Tokoyami. “But if you do anything...”

“I won’t. I promise,” Tokoyami retorted. Gothita came out from behind his legs to hug Izuku’s legs. “I’m sure she will miss this place.”

“Yes. You might want to take her here a few times as she gets situated, as she might want to see her friends. But don’t take her too often or else she will get more homesick,” Izuku explained, giving tips to Tokoyami who nodded at Izuku’s rambling.

“I understand,” Tokoyami said. After Kiku told him some last minute information, he left with her in his arms, smiling at the excited Gothita.

Izuku watched them go with a smile.


Anubis watched closely as they walked off. ‘His aura was sincere, he would take care of Gothita,’ Anubis thought to himself.

He watched as Izuku talked to Kiku before announcing that he was heading back home now.


Izuku said goodbye to each Pokémon at the shelter, ending with Steenee and Buneary.

When he turned around to go after giving them both a hug, they followed him to the door.

“Izuku. It looks like you have two friends who want to join you.”

Izuku turned around to see them behind him. Kyu greeted the two with a snicker and Sakura yipped at them happily.

Izuku questioned, “Do you really want to come with me?”

The two looked at each other before turning their attention back to him. They nodded with determination in their eyes. He smiled and outstretched his hands to them

“Okay. Let’s go,” Izuku said, smiling wider as Steenee and Buneary looked even more excited.

Diana and Charlotte were welcomed warmly into the home by Inko when they finally arrived there.


The next day was training with All Might, and Izuku made sure to bring everyone, even Dagoto. All Might was sort of shocked to see the four new additions, but he was getting more used to the magnetism that Izuku had specifically for Pokémon.

“Hello, young Midoriya!” All Might greeted.

“Good afternoon!” Anubis greeted before Izuku could even open his mouth.

“Ah, yes. WHAT?!”

“Hi! Anubis learned how to talk,” Izuku stated simply, smiling way too big. Kyu snickered at All Might’s expression from her spot on Izuku’s shoulders, and Sakura, sitting by his feet, joined in.

“Whoa. That is very surprising… and impressive. Very good, young Anubis!” All Might complimented. Lucario smiled and clapped his paws together for the young Pokémon.

The training started.

Gallade helped Sakura with her moves when she evolved into her three different forms.

Poliwrath helped with Koi and Amaura for focusing on more defense moves.

Machamp trained Zarius, Lili, and Makaria with their strength training and combining their fire moves with it.

Lucario stood with Anubis and watched Dagoto being coerced into training by Mataha who looked very excited by hopping as best they could.

Throh and Sawk combined their expertise and helped Diana and Charlotte in their fighting.


Diana and Charlotte, the two newest additions, got really into the fighting because they wanted to help protect Izuku. Izuku was so kind to them. The trainers that came to that shelter only ever wanted to have strong or shiny Pokémon. They never even looked at them, but Izuku cared for the both of them. He understood that they were friends, like sisters, that couldn’t be separated.

They wanted to repay him for his unending kindness that he showed to them the multiple times he had been at the shelter. They both looked at each other with an unsaid vow in their minds.

To help Izuku.


Izuku had a lesson with All Might about Pokémon and their effectiveness against certain types. As he was taking a break, he looked over to check on the newest additions to his family, watching as Diana and Charlotte showed off their punches to their teachers. After they were done, Throh and Sawk showed them a few graceful moves to incorporate into their normal fighting style.

It was nice to see how well they were doing. It’s no doubt that together they were stronger than ever.


After a long day of school, where he actually had to hold back Buneary when Bakugo said something about him being weak, he finally came home.

He got to his room where he greeted every one of his friends. He moved over to where Mataha was hanging asleep on the bookshelf, but when he got close, Mataha started to glowed. Izuku stepped back in surprise, watching Mataha evolve into a shiny green Beedrill!

“Beedrill!” Mataha greeted, having been woken up from the evolution, and flew right over to Izuku.

“Whoa! So cool!” Izuku exclaimed after seeing the surprising sight. Dagoto seemed most surprised at seeing his friend transform into a new form.


Next Chapter: Kagami!

Thanks to my beta reader/editor:


Thanks for helping out! All Izuku’s Pokémon have nicknames and every character has their own team of Pokémon. Btw, Inko’s Pokémon will now go by their own nicknames.


*edit* Thanks MaydayMarbear for the name suggestions for Koda’s Pokémon! And I went ahead and added another to his little friend group. I can’t wait for him and Izuku to be friends.

Chapter 11: Kagami!


Early update! Izuku helps a Ditto running away from a corrupted breeding facility.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Updates usually once or twice a month

I don’t own anything my MHA/BNHA or Pokémon!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- Diana
Steenee- Charlotte


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Go, Mataha!” Izuku yelled out to Mataha, watching them fly in the air.

“Bee! Beedrill!” Mataha called back, effortlessly doing flying tricks in the air.

Izuku watched as Dagato floated by him to soar into the sky with Beedrill. He turned around to see all of his friends playing together like Diana and Charlotte practicing their punches. Sakura turned into her Vaporean form just so she could swim in the pond with Koi while Adora danced by the water's edge to the music that he brought to the park.

Izuku giggled, walking a few feet away from the blanket to view Mataha’s tricks more closely. While Izuku was watching his friend fly, he saw out of the corner of his eye an Ekans change into an Oddish.

Izuku tilted his head in confusion watching the now Oddish change into an Oshawott. The Oshawott looked desperate as they rushed towards the bushes that Izuku and his friends were near. After a few minutes, Izuku gently approached and pulled back the bushes’ branches to reveal a Ditto quivering amongst the leaves. Izuku crouched down as Ditto shivered, terrified at what he might do. When Izuku reached out his hand, they backed away.

“Please let me help you. Are you running away from something?” Izuku asked gently, and watched as the Ditto looked back in the direction they came from. “Or someone?”

Ditto looked questioningly back at Izuku. Izuku nodded with a smile. “You can hide with me and my friends. Just change into another Pokémon and hide with us.”

Ditto hesitated before following Izuku out of the bushes. They changed into the form of a Tepig, trembling as they walked toward the blanket. As soon as the Ditto sat down next to Lili, two sketchy looking scientists with lab coats came out from the direction the Ditto had come from, obviously searching for something amongst the greenery.

Izuku stiffened up, wishing his mother was there to call the professor. He knew that the Professor would know what to do if these strange scientists were doing something bad. His mother was over on the other side of the park getting some ice cream for him. Most of her Pokémon stayed home to look after the apartment, so Della and Belle were the only ones with her that day. She left him with his own friends because she knew they could protect him for a short time. Hopefully she came back soon in case these scientists were really dangerous.

Izuku glanced over to Ditto to see that their eyes gave away their disguise. Izuku hurriedly put his sunglasses on them to hide their eyes from the prying gaze of the doctors.

Wishing for Belle to come out to protect them like last time, the scientists started approaching. Buneary and Charlotte went in front of him while Anubis threw an arm in front of Izuku to protect him.

The scientists tried to look more kind as they stopped in front of Izuku but Izuku didn’t believe it for one second. He saw one of the scientists look suspiciously at the Tepig in their sunglasses.

“Hello, child. Did you happen to see a Ditto around here? It ran away from us you see,” the male doctor said, going to take another step forward before jumping back when Buneary stepped forward menacingly.

“We run a breeding facility for Pokémon. Have you seen ANY Ditto around? We need to find it before it gets too far away,” the female asked, looking down her nose at the Steenee who was glaring at her.

Izuku shook his head silently. The strangers nodded before walking away from them just as Inko appeared with ice cream cones in her hands. Belle ran over to sit down on the blanket, watching the two doctors as they continued their search.

Inko looked worried and curious about what had happened. Izuku hesitantly took the ice cream as his mother started to fret over him.

“Are you okay? What happened? Oh, have you made a new friend?” his mother asked back-to-back. Izuku glanced over to the doctors who were on the other side of the park now. He slowly removed the sunglasses to show his mom the Ditto in disguise.

“I think the scientists aren’t real scientists, mom,” Izuku said, gesturing over at the woman and man in their lab coats.

His mother nodded and got out her phone to call the Professor and the police. Izuku held Ditto in his lap, the sunglasses back on their disguise. Kyu and Sakura stood guard, soon joined by Zarius and Makaria who were fully awake now.

Della shielded his mother’s call from the creeping eyes of the scientists. A while later, the Midoriya family watched several police cars pull up, followed by the blue car that belonged to Professor Touma. The scientists tried to run back the way they came only for three police officers to come out and arrest them.

Touma rushed over to Izuku and his mother. “Are you both alright?”

“Yes. We are fine now, thank you.”

The Professor looked over to the two arrested people. “Corrupt breeding facility. They’ve been charged before with messing with quirks, Pokémon, eggs, and anything they can get their hands on to make different hybrids or a new species entirely.”

Izuku hugged Ditto close to him as Mataha finally flew down from their patrol in the sky to guard Izuku closer to the ground.

Ditto, for once in their life, felt safe. All their life they’ve felt trapped under someone else’s control. From the egg to just an hour ago, they’ve felt like they weren’t given a choice . But after they broke free, they finally found somewhere safe. They finally found someone to make them feel safe, a friend.

Lili sat beside Izuku as everything got settled, pawing at the hand of the disguised Ditto as the police drove the scientists away. Izuku breathed out in relief with Ditto following with their own sigh. Izuku reached to take the glasses from them, only for them to escape from his lap intent on keeping the glasses on their face. Ditto let go of their transformation to be back in their original form.

Izuku giggled at the happy expression on Ditto’s face with his sunglasses perched to hide their eyes.

“Hey, you are free now. I don’t think you’ll need sunglasses…”

Anubis stepped forward and put his hand on his friend's shoulder. “Want to stay.”

“What?” Izuku turns to Anubis only for Ditto to cheer in joy at what Anubis said. Izuku turned back to see Ditto bouncing around. “Do you want to stay with us? You want to be friends?”

Ditto nodded excitedly. None of the Pokémon looked surprised at this. In fact, all of them knew that they might as well embrace any Pokémon that Izuku comes across and helps.

Izuku nodded. “Okay! Welcome to the family!” Izuku tried to think of a nickname, and came up with, “Kagami!”

Kagami celebrated by bouncing around, only stopping to fix the sunglasses on their face.


The next day at school, Bakugo walked into the classroom with Cyndaquil right behind him only to stop when he saw Izuku sitting at his desk wearing sunglasses. Bakugo was immediately put into a bad mood, worse than the bad mood he was already in.

“Deku, you nerd! What do you think you are doing, huh?” Bakugo asked as he stalked forward.

Izuku showed no response, only looking over briefly before turning back to the window.

Cyndaquil tilted their head at the other’s strange behavior. Bakugo, however, was annoyed. “Hey, don’t ignore me!”

Izuku chuckled really weirdly before turning back to him. Bakugo’s anger reignited at the sight of Izuku’s co*cky smirk as he pulled down his sunglasses.

“What the hell?!” Bakugo yelled in response to the blank dots that replaced Deku’s normally bright green eyes.

“Oh, good morning.” The real Izuku appeared behind Bakugo. Izuku turned to Ditto and smiled. “That’s enough prancing for today, don’t you think?”

Ditto pouted in Izuku’s form before turning back into his original purple self. They turned to Bakugo to blow a raspberry at him.


“And the look on his face! Oh my god! You guys should have seen it.” Izuku laughed as he recounted the prank to his ghostly friends at the shrine. Shiro got the most joy out of the story, but Nyx, Willow, and Amethyst also enjoyed it. They all snickered as Izuku retold the bit about Ditto and himself both wearing sunglasses at the same time, which threw Bakugo off so much he ended up blowing up his lunch tray into his own face. Amethyst even congratulated Ditto on their job well done and gave them tips for the next time that they wanted to prank the hot-headed boy.

“You know, I never would have imagined that my life would change so much since I visited this place,” Izuku reminisced, laying down on the smooth pavement in front of the shrine. “This is where my journey began. All of you were my first friends.”

Izuku smiled as his eyes grew misty. “I never would have thought that I would be this happy.”

His journey began at that shrine, and it wasn’t going to end there. He had more memories to make and more friends to take with him.


Next Chapter: Deku #2.

Kagami joins the family with some pranks to unleash.

Thank you for my beta! My_Inner_Introvert!!!

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff!

Chapter 12: Deku #2


A Tough almost Tsundere Chikorita approaches.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Updates once or twice a month. Three times if I’m feeling adventurous.

I don’t own anything from BNHA/ MHA or Pokémon.

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Wow! You have Torchic?!” A classmate exclaimed when Bakugo strolled into class with the fire Pokémon holding onto his arm.

“That’s so awesome, Bakugo!” Bakugo smirked at the praise, Cyndaquil snickering as they sat up brightly at the attention.

“I know, extras. I got this guy from training in the forest near that cave uptown.” Bakugo bragged, Torchic sticking out his chest proudly.

“You mean the ones where the trainers go to? That is so cool!” Another classmate piped in, admiring Torchic’s brightly colored feathers.

Izuku watched Bakugo receive so many praises with Kyu on his desk. Diana surveyed him closely, making sure he didn’t do anything to Izuku as long as she was watching. If he or that Torchic so much as go near him with malicious intent, she will kick them just like Sawk taught her. And if she needed backup, Charlotte was in her own pokeball.

Izuku was already thinking ahead of Diana which led him to hold her back with his hand gently from letting her have any fighting interaction with Bakugo. “Hey now, calm down. It’s okay.” He reassured her, combing through her pink fluff to make her relax.

Kyu suppressed her verbal dislike when Torchic’s Ember move got a little too close to Izuku. Izuku ignored his classmate’s praises towards his bully and instead focused on the time ticking down to recess. Recess is when he can finally let out all his friends from their Pokémon balls. He can’t wait for that time, but for now he has to pay attention to the monotone teacher.

Finally! Recess time!

Which means friend time! Yeah!

IUku let loose all his Pokémon friends that wanted to come today. Kyu and Diana watched as Charlotte, Anubis, Sakura, and Koi. Koi automatically jumped right into the nearby shallow pond in the field area to swim around. Charlotte walked immediately over to Diana to practice their kicks. Sakura sauntered over to the edge of the pond and watched Koi swim around while glancing over to Diana and Charlotte practicing their kicking moves. Anubis and Kyu stayed near Izuku as he jotted down in his hero journal about a hero named 13. He was really interested in how powerful and dangerously strong their black hole quirk is.

While he was writing in his notebook, he heard a shout of “Chik!” from close by. He looked up to see Bakugo looking annoyed at a Chikorita who looked very angry at him. Izuku looked closer to find a little cardboard box near the tree had been burnt on the sides, no doubt from Bakugo’s Pokémon. Izuku assumed that box belonged to Chikorita and they are very upset that Bakugo had caused some unnecessary destruction.

No doubt it belonged to Chikorita with the way their eyes were lit up in anger towards the dandelion hair blonde. They seemed to almost growl at him. Izuku only just now seemed to notice how their eyes weren’t red like normal, they were instead a shiny green.

Bakugo sneered as Chikorita got closer before they unleashed Razor Leaf on Torchic. “Alright! You want to fight?! Bring it on! Cyndaquil use Flame Wheel!”

Chikorita dodged the attack, only to receive a direct attack from Torchic’s Ember. Chikorita winced, looking down to see a burn forming on her chest. Instead of backing down from the fight, she gritted her teeth and used Tackle on Torchic. Izuku watched as Cyndaquil surprised them with another Ember move right on their back when they weren’t facing her. Chikorita cried out, using Poison Powder to knock both of their opponents back.

Bakugo noticed how both of his Pokémon got affected by the poison, so he clicked his tongue at Chikorita. “Whatever. It’s just a box anyway, get a new one if you like it that much.” Bakugo took out two antidotes for both of his Pokémon while Houndor stood watch, glaring at the Chikorita.

Izuku noticed how proud Chikorita looked that they won, but also noticed how they winced when they took a step towards the box. He stood up to take out a burn held from his bag before approaching Chikorita carefully.

Bakugo looked over to see Izuku on his way to go help the Chikorita, he scoffed when he saw the burn heal in his hands. “She is just like you Deku! Sticks her face when she doesn’t need to. Hah, she is like you because you don’t know when to stop getting in my way! She is like Deku 2. Heh.” He remarked at him, making sure his own Pokémon were healed from the poison.

Chikorita growls at Bakugo before quieting when Izuku comes near her.

“Hey, I just want to help you with your burns. Is that okay?” Izuku asked, making sure Chikorita was comfortable with him first before he did anything too fast.

Chikorita growled softly at him before relaxing when Anubis gestured something towards Izuku. She rolled her green eyes before letting Izuku walk up to her to apply the burn heal to her chest and back burn from the recent fight. Charlotte came over to watch over the fellow grass type as they were cared for by Izuku. Diana watched from a close distance with her arms crossed, impressed by Chikorita’s determination.

After Izuku was done, Chikorita had calmed down from her original anger. She still looked over at Bakugo with hate in her eyes, but her green eyes soften when they met Izuku’s gaze.

“I’m sorry that your box had been damaged by him, he doesn’t really care about other people’s things. If you want, I can help you get a new box.” Izuku suggested softly.

Chikorita looked over at her box before saying, “Rita.” With a nod, she took off into the bushes fast.

“Oh, okay.” Izuku said, surprised that she had disappeared so quickly. “She must be on her way to find a new box.”

With that thought, the recess bell rang. Signaling to Izuku and the others to gather most of their Pokémon inside their balls before heading back inside. Anubis decided to stay out with Diana took a shift inside her own pokeball. Kyu took her spot back on Izuku’s shoulders as they headed inside.


It felt like years before the school bell rang to signal the end of the day.

Izuku waited until everyone especially Bakugi left before going outside to head home. When he was walking, he heard a familiar sound of “Chiko!”

He turned around in surprise to see the Chikorita from before with something in her mouth. When he stopped, she came up in front of him and dropped something at his feet.

“Thank you..” he started saying before taking a closer look at what gift Chikorita had given him. “Is this a rare candy? Wow! I have never seen one of these. They normally are hidden really well in the wild. Thank you so much!”

Chikorita proudly smirked but the shy blush on her face gave away her true feelings about his gratefulness. Her behavior became even more subdued when she stared at the pokeballs that he carried in his pocket. Anubis noticed her longing stare.

Anubis crouched down and listened to what she had to say. When he finished, Anubis turned to Izuku. “She wants to be friends too.”

“You want to be friends?” Izuku questioned, nodding his head towards the pokeballs containing his other friends. She nodded with a determined look on her face.

“Okay! Now what should I call you? Maybe..” Izuku thought out loud before being interrupted by Chikorita.

Anubis stepped in to report, “She likes name Deku 2.”

“Alright. Deku 2, 2 for short. Is that okay with you, 2?” Izuku asked, making sure she was good. Deku 2 smiled happily, running into his arms so he could carry her the way home.

Kyu swayed her head, glancing down at the happy new addition to the family that just keeps growing.


Diana gained even more respect for Deku 2 the day after she got welcomed into family. When Izuku held back Diana from kicking Bakugo’s legs, Deku 2 launched off his desk to deliver a blow right to his stomach.

Safe to say, Deku 2 was a very awesome friend to have by his side.


Next Chapter: 3 new friends? Wow, that’s a lot.

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to chat about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 13: Ebony!


Izuku visits a Pokémon trainer’s cave after training with All Might


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Updates once or twice a month!

Incoming Halloween Chapter will be next!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- Diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Deku 2 growled when Bakugo walked in with his newly evolved Pokémon, Quilava. Every classmate watched with envy. They kept whispering that Bakugo is the first person whose Pokémon evolved. Izuku held back Deku 2 as the thought finally sunk in and he quieted his giggles. If only Bakugo knew that Mataha had already evolved. Izuku started to hold back the funny thought, he would probably try to fight him!

Izuku turned his attention back to Deku 2 who was now pouting since he held her back from trying to fight him. 2 was getting along well with everyone back home, she made quick friends with Charlotte and Diana from her intolerance of Bakugo. She became close friends with Lili and Makaria because of their hidden snark behind their usual behavior. 2 also gets along well with Mataha because he reminds her of Izuku with his constant trying to calm her down from fighting.

Flora seems to have taken her under her wing by giving her advice the first night she spent under the roof of their home.

He was glad that she was fitting in well, and today she would get to meet All Might!


Izuku ran over with his tote bag filled with pokeballs to make it to All Might. Anubis ran by his side and Kyu sat on his shoulder, Kyu held on for dear life while Izuku gave her a bumpy ride.

“Sorry! Sorry, I’m late!” Izuku apologized, slowing his run down when he saw All Might standing on the beach.

While Izuku took all his friends out of their pokeballs, All Might said, “No problem, young Midoriya.” All Might then noticed the new additions since he last saw Izuku. “Oh hello! And what do we have here?”

Izuku straightened up with a tired smile, “Oh yeah! This is Deku 2, 2 for short. She recently joined the family. And this is Kagami!” Izuku introduced, Kagami changed into Izuku’s form with his sunglasses on. 2 just nodded at his tall presence, but still had her warning glare trained on him. All Might chuckled at Kagami's antics from transforming into his student but with sunglasses hiding their real face.

“Alright. Today I have planned a training session and a short lesson down by the classic Pokémon trainer’s cave. Are you ready for today?”

“Yes!” Izuku eagerly replied. Anubis felt Izuku’s determined emotion and nodded with the same eager expression. Sakura reared up, ready to fight in any form needed.

All Might suggested that today half of Izuku’s friends would train independently and the others would battle to find any weaknesses that they might personally have. Charlotte and Diana guided 2 in their own kicking exercises, 2 trying to kick in the air with her back legs. 2 had a strong leg kick from the mountain of sand that launched into the air.

Adora danced around near the crashing waves of the ocean, Kagami copied her form. So now there was two Amauras, one with sunglasses, dancing by the water. Koi and Zarius had their own little mini fight, trying to counter each other with their moves.

The first matchup was Gallade and Poliwrath vs. Mataha and Dagato. Izuku and All Might stood on their respective sides, waiting for the first move to help their Pokémon through the battle. Dagato prevented damage Poliwrath’s water moves with their Wonder Guard ability. They flew up with Mataha when Gallade tried attacking with Fury Cutter. Dagato was close to winning with Mataha until Mataha accidentally focused their poison attack on his own team, resulting in Dagato being poisoned. Luckily, Izuku stopped up with a berry to heal Dagato with.

All Might approached Izuku after the short battle, “Good try. Do you see what went wrong?”

“Mataha accidentally didn’t focus his aim, resulting in making him and his teammate go down with poison,” Izuku answered back, feeding another berry to Mataha who looked rather regretful from his mistake. Izuku smiled reassuringly at him, patting their head. “It’s okay. You did great, Dagato and you worked as a good team together. You just have to watch your aim.”

Dagato comforted their friend by floating over to rest next to them, closing their eyes in relaxation. Mataha looked relieved, resting next to Dagato as they prepared for the next battle.

Then there was Makaria and Sakura who transformed into her electric form, Jolteon against Throh and Sawk. Makaria used Ember, but Throh dodged. Sakura used Thunder Wave causing Sawk to take quite a hit. Sakura grinned at her move, smiling back at Izuku. Makaria used Smog, making Throh step in front of Sawk to save him from the poison move. Makaria and Sakura won barely with Throh and Sawk both being poisoned.

All Might gave his Pokémon a potion to heal the poison effects before heading over to Izuku to praise him, “You did excellent with the guiding.”

Izuku smiled, “Thank you. Is it almost time for the last one?”

“Yes. Then afterwards, I will bring you to the cave to show you a lesson or two about the surrounding where some trainers will usually go to continue on their journey.” All Might smiled, giving a thumbs up before heading back to his spot.

After that, Anubis and Lili teamed up against Machamp and Lucario. Machamp took on Anubis while Lili tried to take on Lucario. Lili caused damage Lucario with her Ember, but Anubis wasn’t getting anywhere with Machamp using fighting moves. The fight ended up in a draw.

“You all did amazing! That was so great!” Izuku complimented his friends that battled. Izuku then traveled off to gather the rest of his friends who were scattered around the beach, training. He guided them back with a smile, “Is everyone okay? You feel tired?” 2 nodded back, making Charlotte slightly giggle. Zarius looked pumped up for the next training day, while Koi looked like he was getting a head start on napping.

With everyone accounted for, he helped most of them back into their pokeballs except for Kyu, Anubis, Sakura, Makaria, and Mataha. All Might did the same to his own Pokémon team with personal praises to each one about how they did that day. And without further ado, All Might guided him to the next stop for his lesson.


“This is the Dagobah cave. This is where young trainers would travel to evolve this Pokemon with battle experience further or just to get one step further into their journey. This is where the cave dwelling Pokémon will jump out and challenge them to battle to let them pass. Some will capture them for their team, some will just run away from them to continue on, or others will fight them until they faint.” All Might introduced, spreading his arms open to reveal the mostly dark cave.

Izuku was in awe from the dark caves with the only light being provided was the from the holes letting the sunset’s colors in. And in the darkest of corners, there was sometimes crystals from what Professor Touma told him once. He wondered if this cave had crystals to light the way.

Izuku looked down from a higher platform with All Might as a few trainers traveled along the way. Izuku watched as an energized Zubat kept trying to challenge trainers only for them to roll their eyes.

“Geez, another one. Ugh, nope.” One of the trainers said, walking past the Zubat with their Venasaur.

Izuku furrowed his brow, watching as the same Zubat kept being rejected from each battle he tried to intimidate. Each time when a trainer would walk away from the fight with annoyance, the Zubat would look disappointed.

Izuku questioned, “Why does Zubat look so sad? Would he rather be free?”

“Oh, well. Some Pokémon in the caves like to be free from the life of a Pokémon trainer, when that happens they promptly run away before being captured. But there are a few who look forward to traveling. Some Pokémon hope that they could see the world with their trainer, they look into a future where they can help and prove themselves.” All Might explained.

Izuku looked back to the Zubat who kept trying to gain attention from the entering trainers, only to be shut down in favor of the other Pokémon further ahead.

“Not now. I heard that I can get a sableye if I head down further.” A trainer mumbled, walking straight past the Zubat, knocking their wing aside . Zubat looked so sad when he saw the trainer walk away.

By this time, Izuku’s friends felt for the Zubat and glared as the next trainer walked past him. Izuku had enough, firstly walking down the platform with Kyu on his shoulder to encounter the Zubat.

“Hello!” Izuku greeted the sad Zubat, Zubat looked up hopefully and got into battle position by flying around menacingly. Which was basically flailing around in front of Izuku crazily. Izuku smiled, “Kyu, use Astonish!”

“Kyu!” Kyu shouted out before launching into their attack which Zubat dodged with ease. They were started to look happier since they were battling. Zubat used Wing Attack, making Kyu’s disguise flop over. Zubat screamed in glee, flying in flips while Izuku looked more determined.

“Okay, Kyu, use Shadow Sneak!” Izuku said, Zubat took the hit straight on. Zubat wobbled a little in the air from the damage before falling to the floor. Izuku widened his eyes, stepping in to catch Zubat before they landed on the hard floor.

“Hey, are you okay?” Izuku asked carefully, tilting his head to his right. Zubat lifted his head, belting out a sound to try to see Izuku in the darkness with echolocation. They nodded, he smiled.

“Do you want to be friends?” Izuku questioned, making Zubat lift his head further from Izuku’s palm. Izuku reached in his pocket to give him a fresh water to feel better. Zubat brightened up after the last sip, flying up from his hand. He launched into the air in a flurry of happiness, flying all around Izuku’s laughing form. “I’m taking that as a yes?”

Zubat screeched happily. Izuku’s friends ran down the platform to celebrate, leaving All Might on top of the platform shaking his head fondly with a smile. ‘So, that’s how he makes so many Pokémon friends. Wow, no wonder he has so many..’ He thought to himself as he watched the Zubat do flips in front of Izuku.

“I’ll call you Ebony.” Izuku said to his new friend. Kyu nodded in approval of the name.

While Izuku laughed near the cave entrance with his friends, there was a pair of eyes that watched him from the shadows of the bushes in the nearby forest intensely. Their yellow and red eyes watched Izuku smile with a feeling they didn’t recognize before. With another glance, they sunk into the shadows of the incoming early night.


Next: Halloween Special Chapter

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 14: Halloween! New friends!


Halloween trick-or-treating and a festival with friends!


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Shrine Pals;
Banette- Shiro
Litwick- amethyst
Gaster- nyx
Phantump- willow

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2
Zubat- Ebony

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku was so excited for Halloween! He was going to go trick or treating in the neighborhood with his Pokémon! And then they would all go to a pumpkin lantern show in the park during the Halloween festival.

His mother made a costume just for him, he was going to be a ghost! Of course, the white sheet was a little boring so his mother added a little bow tie and sewn on some patches to make it more artsy. She also planned to be a ghost, so they would be a ghost kid and his mama ghost. She had the same details as him with a bow at her bone I and colored patches to make it more unique. And they weren’t the only ones dressed up!

Diana, Charlotte, and Deku 2 were all dressed like they made their own girl gang. They each had leather jackets made of black shiny faux leather and each of them have Pokémon lollipops in their mouths. Diana wore a pair of pink colored lens sunglasses perched on her forehead, Charlotte had a pink handkerchief around her neck and 2 had a light pink skull hair tie on top of her head. They all looked so good and very threatening too!

Anubis was dressed in Izuku’s old traditional kimono that he wore for tat one light festival with his mom as his costume, next to him, Kagami chose to transform into a Bulbasaur with his sunglasses on. Anubis was trying to teach him a few words to say in English so they can pretend to be Izuku even better to freak people out.

Sakura was so proud of herself in her Eevee form wearing a bright orange pumpkin costume. Koi was right next to her dressed as a pirate in his little mobile water wagon ready to go. He had a little eyepatch and a hat with a bright red feather to match his scales.

Adora had on her prettiest pink tutu with a pink ribbon around her neck, pretending to be a ballerina for tonight. She also had a little tiara on her head that made her feel very special.

Dagoto decided to go simple. Mataha helped him with his costume of a toilet paper mummy. Mataha was dressed as a flower with little petals around his head and a green scarf wrapped around his arms to give illusion of stem and leaves. Flora helped make his costume.

Lili, Makaria, and Zarius all teamed up to make themselves the three musketeers. They were all dressed accordingly with plastic swords at their hips, sauté shirts and awesome hats.

Ebony excitedly flew around in his costume of a vampire. He had on a little black cape that was lined on the inside with red. It felt so soft against his back as his wings took him high up in the air in anticipation.

Kyu made her own special handmade costume to make herself look like Izuku. She had the cloth made an off white to match his ghost costume and his little face with green buttons and green curly thread.

Morticia was dressed as her namesake with a pretty black dress with lacy sleeves. Bella was dressed as a frighteningly good Frankenstein. Della was dressed as a witch with a dark purple dress and little point hat. Flora was dressed to impress in a simple zombie costume with a few stitches her and there. Marine chose to be a lifeguard with a whistle dangling on a necklace. Jamie was just dressed as a lamp with a lampshade over their head with only two eyeholes poked out.

Lycanroc didn’t have a costume on, but he still agreed to come with them only to protect everyone during the Halloween festival.

And Izuku’s friends from the shrine showed up to celebrate with them! And they were super excited to play tricks on the children who dared to come too close. Haha! Nyx was helping Morticia with the last of the decorations that appending to fall down. Amethyst helped adjust the lighting with Bella by floating up to readjust the battery operated candle inside the jack-o-lantern. Shiro was floating wildly down the hall excited for the tricks he had planned out. Willow was busy talking to Marine about if one decoration was crooked or not.

Izuku looked around at everyone gathered in the living room, “Yay! Is everyone excited?”

He received many agreeing noises especially with a loud whoop from his mother.

Inko smiled, “Everything is ready. Is everyone ready to go?”

Izuku nodded and looked around but couldn’t see Kyu anymore. “Wait, where’s Kyu?”

Inko looked around, “I don’t see her. Maybe she is in your room? Go ahead and check. We aren’t in a hurry at all.”

“Okay. Be right back!” Izuku remarked before heading back towards his room.

“Kyu? Kyu?” She asked, opening his door only to see Kyu with her disguise askew, showing what’s underneath. When Kyu saw him, she immediately fixed her costume quickly. Izuku tilted his head. “Kyu? What’s wrong?”

She backed up with confusion in her eyes. Izuku remembered the backstory that Mimikyu had scared someone to death when they saw what was underneath their cloth. ‘Kyu must be scared that I might reject her as my friend now. Maybe that’s why she is hiding and cowering away from me,’ Izuku thought.

Izuku approached only for her to cower away and try to fix her costume to cover herself every more from him. “Kyu? Everything’s okay. You don’t have to hide from me. We are friends, remember? And we will always be.”

Izuku picked her up into a hug that shocked her, little tears appeared at the corner of her eyes. “Are you okay now? Your costume isn’t ripped or anything right? I could help if there was a tear or anything like that.”

Kyu sniffed before shaking her head. Izuku smiled, “Then are you ready to come and trick-or-treat?”

Kyu sniffed again a pond cheerfully yelped, “Mimi!” Her tears disappeared as happiness replaced her feeling of rejection. She was so happy that Izuku was her best friend and accepted her. She was so afraid that she might have scared him to death like the legend says. She didn’t want to lose him! But now, she doesn’t have to worry anymore.


Izuku walked with his mother with their Pokémon around them as they traveled down the street. Ebony flapped his wings around in the dark night, Mataha following after him. Izuku giggled while he watched them dance under the star’s light. Kyu called out to them from Izuku’s shoulder her disguise’s curly yarn hair flopping down.

For the first house, Izuku got a big handful of assorted candies from a sweet old woman. The next house provided his basket with Spinarak rings and Zubat bracelets. He immediately out on the bracelet and ring, Ebony diving down to let Izuku adjust a bracelet onto one of his tails.

The other house down the road with inflatable ghost types in the yard gave him some chocolates. A house at the end of the street had a large bowl of lollipops sitting on a table on the front porch for easy grabbing. Izuku grabbed a few before heading back to his mother. When he started back on their regular route through the neighborhood, he spotted a white sheet with two holes near a bush. He looked up to his mother to see if she saw it too, only for it to disappear by the time he looked back.

Nyx gave the bushes a look before continuing to walk with their shrine friends. Amethyst floated up past the crowd of Pokémon to keep an eye on Izuku as the group headed toward the next street.

Inko smiled as she walked with her son, Della at her side. Then she heard laughing further down the street. When she looked down the street, she saw some older teens pranksters who looked to be throwing eggs at some poor woman's house. She frowned, the expression mirrored by her son.

“Hey! Stop it!” Izuku cried out, rushing forward.

Both of the teens had a tired Camerupt and a smirking Pansage with them. The boy was combining Pansage’s Vine Whip with their ammo of eggs to throw the eggs all around the front of the house. Camerupt stood back and let Pansage do most of the work as they tried to take a nap.

They looked over to him before continuing with their egg throwing. Izuku pouted, getting closer to give them a piece of his five year old mind right before the same figure in a white sheet appeared in front of the teens to try to stop them from continuing.

Pansage took a nod from their trainers to swipe at the sheet to uncover who was behind it. Izuku gasped when he saw it was a little scared Teddirusa. One of the teen called up Pansage again, Izuku saw that Pansage looked ready to attack. Izuku rushed in to help them before the teens tried to do anything. Kyu released astonish on their Pokémon before hopping off Izuku’s shoulder to guide them back to the group.

Teddirusa used fury swipes against the teens before running off with Izuku. The teen’s clothes were shredded when they looked back to see the little kid nowhere in sight.

“Let’s go egg someone's house, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.” One of the teens complained as they fixed their bike up from the ground, their Camerupt looking very unimpressed at the outcome.

“Shut up, this was your idea.” The other teen said, their Pansage looking bored that they can’t continue with the trick.

Meanwhile, Teddirusa and Izuku were walking together with the others. Teddirusa was holding its torn up sheet in their hands with. Tear filled eyes.

“Don’t worry. Mom, can you help them fix their ghost costume?” Izuku asked

“I will try to if you want me too,” Inko replied, Teddirusa responded by nodding and holding their little sheet up to her. “I’ll get started on that now while we head to the festival. Oh, where are our manners? Would you like to come with us to the Halloween festival in the park? It will be a fun time for everyone.”

Teddiursa looked excited and nodded. Inko and Izuku both smiled at the small friend they made. “Well, let’s head there now.” Inko added, taking Izuku’s hand while Izuku took Teddiursa’s paw.


It wasn’t too long of a walk to the park for them. While they walked, Inko got to work on the sheet.

“Unfortunately, I don’t think you can go back to being a ghost wince I don’t have my sewing kit with me, but you can turn this sheet into a cape.” Inko apologized.

“Wow. Hey, do you want to be a hero with your cape?” Izuku asked his new friend.

Teddirusa looked up and nodded softly. Inko took the sheet into her hands to tie the cape loosely around their shoulders. “There. Now you look like a hero ready to save.”

“You do!” Izuku complimented, making Teddiursa cheer in delight.

Inko smiled cheerfully when she saw the beautiful decorations of garland wrapped around the trees. The large amount of pumpkins were a good distance away from the tents for the later on lantern show. Izuku gasped when he saw the pretty dimmed orange lights from the lanterns hung up over the market tents for the festival. That must be the same type of lantern they were going to release around the pumpkin trail. Speaking of that….

Izuku looked up to his mother, “Mom, can I go to the pumpkin trail to look at the jack-o-lanterns? I’ll be real careful.”

“Okay, as long as your Pokémon friends are there with you to help and protect you.” Izuku nodded while his Pokémon gave their own nod to Inko as well. “Okay, have fun. I’ll look through the market to see what they have for sale.”

Izuku nodded before heading to the pumpkins. Adora smiled widely at the orange soothing light from the carved smiling faces of the pumpkins. Some of them had faces, other has little Pokémon carved into them, one looked like a Pumokaboo, the other looked like a..

Wait, Pumpkaboo…?

Izuku looked back to see nothing but a normal orange pumpkin formed into the shape of a Pumpkaboo. Izuku’s shrugged before continuing on looking at the pumpkins. Anubis looked at the carved decorations with Koi before Koi saw a little sneaky Pumpkaboo poked their head out of a large pumpkin.koi called out towards the trickster Pokémon, but they had disappeared when Anubis turned to look.

Izuku looked back to hear a giggle before a Pumpkaboo floated from out the pumpkin patch. Willow giggled at their little joke while Pumpkaboo approached the group.

Shiro laughed as Pumpkaboo floated right down to Izuku. Izuku tilted his head, “Were you playing little tricks on me and my friends?”

Pumpkaboo looked a little guilty and nodded. Izuku replied, “Hey, it’s okay. Halloween is about having fun, and you meant no harm by it at all.”

Shiro approached the Pumpkaboo and started to chat to them. Anubis translated, “Shiro and the others wants her to join in with them on planking kids who come near the shrine.”

“That sounds like a great idea!” Izuku responded, waiting for Pumpkabooto give them their answer. She gratefully nodded before floating around in a happy circle. Willow then pointed out something to the other shrine friends, they all nodded before looking back at the green haired child. Anubis giggled while Izuku,looked confused.

Anubis responded, “It’s a tradition now. What’s their name?”

Izuku looked at Pumpkaboo, thinking of the perfect name, “Jackie.” Pumpkaboo smiled happily, snuggling their cheek against his, making him lau

Teddiursa looked up to him, tugging at his costume, “How do you feel about Quinn being your name?” Quinn smiled, throwing their cape up in the air in celebration.

“Wooh! Yay, more friends!” Izuku cheered, making his Pokémon friend giggle at his excitedness. Quinn looked on happily before joining in his little celebration. In all honesty, she didn’t know her night would end up like this, but she glad it did! She had a family now!


Meanwhile, Inko was walking with her Pokémon and Lycanroc was watching intently for any danger.

While she stopped to look at one of the necklaces, she heard a loud angry baker call out.

“That little thieving cat! He stole my bread again! Hey, get back here you filthy stray!” he called out when a Meowth rushed past with a small piece of bread in their mouth. Inko watched as he Meowth ran away and the baker strolled angrily back to his position in his tent. Inko looked back to where the Meowth went, she furrowed her brow before walking in that direction.

Father ahead, Meowth was hurriedly eating the bread to get rid of the starving rumbles in his stomach. Only a second later that he finished that he regretted not taking his time because his stomach was upset. He groaned, pawing at his stomach. When he heard footsteps, he looked over to the right to see a grown lady in a white sheet with patches all over it.

“Hello? You look hungry. Are you okay?” The green haired lady asked, pulling back her hood to see the Meowth a little better.

He was shocked that this woman seemed to care about him. He was even more stunned that she got out a bag of cereal snacks from her purse. “I always carry around snacks since I have a child. Take them, you need them more.”

Meowth outstretched his paw to grab at the bag, eating the morsels of cereal from the plastic baggie. Inko smiled as Meowth’s hunger started to lighten from the light snacking on the cereal.

“If you want, I have more food at my home that I share with my son and our Pokémon friends. If you would like to come with me, I promise you that you won’t be starving like this.” Inko explained, earning a distrustful look from Meowth.

Meowth was about to consider declining the offer since he doesn’t know if iphe can trust the woman before Lycanroc walked up to him. Lycanroc communicated to him that both the woman and her son were very friendly people who saved Pokémon and never hurt them. Meowth looked up to the woman, back to Lycanroc who nodded at him.

Inko smiled when the Meowth nodded at her offer, meowing his agreement. Della shook her head, Inko just became more like her son. Or did Izuku get the compassion from her? Eh, maybe they are both just that caring to others...


Izuku returned back to the center for the lantern show with a happy Quinn in his arms that wore their sheet around their neck like a cape. Jackie floated with Amethyst and the rest of the shrine friends as they followed behind Izuku.

Izuku spotted Bakugo a little farther away with his partners. Aunt Mitsuki was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and Uncle Masaru was dressed as the big bad wolf with little furry ears and a tail. Bakugo has his own little furry ears on his blond hair and a tail clipped to the back of his pants. Bakugo was talking loudly with his Pokémon before he saw Izuku with a little teddiursa in his arms.

“Oh, you have a little teddy bear now, huh? Weak.” Bakugo sneered, passing by with his Pokémon team right beside him.

Izuku shrugged before looking down at Quinn. “You don’t have to worry about him, trust me.”

Inko appeared again with her Pokémon and the new addition of Meowth. Meowth took one look at Izuku and meows softly at him. Inko smiled and introduced the new family member as Emerson. Lycanroc sniffed before laying down next to them as they chatted away before the lantern show started.

The family watched as the glowing lanterns floated up into the night sky as Izuku snacked on his candy, sharing the pokemon safe ones with his friends.


Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 15: Tsun!


Izuku is having the best time!

He gets to be a big brother technically? And then he meets a new friend on the beach!


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Banette- Shiro
Litwick- amethyst
Gastly- nyx
Phantump- willow
Pumpkaboo- Jackie

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2
Zubat- Ebony
Teddiursa - Quinn

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku couldn’t have imagined his life would be this amazing.

Just this last weekend, he celebrated his sixth birthday with all of his Pokémon friends and other human friends that he considered close family. Everyone showed up, even All Might after everyone went home since his patrol ran a little late like last time.

His ghost shrine friends showed up with Jackie right behind them to catch up. Jackie seemed to be fitting in quite well with them, considering they seemed so happy when talking to Nyx and everyone there.

Emerson was fitting in quite nicely with a Lycanroc since his mother had adopted him into family. He formed a close almost fatherlike relationship with Lili. Lycanroc was still teaching him the ins and outs of the house like he couldn’t really nap on the top of the bookshelf anymore.

Quinn was fitting in the family very well. She loved to nap on Izuku’s bed next to his fluffy stuffed animals. Quinn liked to replicate her Halloween Ghost costume by creeping under his bedsheets to nap under the warmth.

Speaking of costumes, Diana, Charlotte, And 2 haven’t taken off their leather jackets at all. When Aizuku asked about it, Anubis shrugged and told him that they really like the jackets. So the three still wore their leather jackets to this day. They just wear them everyday on since the jackets were pretty comfortable.

Kiku had gotten him a huge pokeball bean bag pillow that he just sinks into. His mom had gotten him a special watch and new clothes that feature cute Pokémon. His Pokémon got him special little gifts they made. Professor Touya gifted him with a Pokédex for his future encounters with Pokémon.

Speaking of the Professor, he was going to the site today!


Izuku showed up to the site to the sight of Touma waving at him.

“Hello, Izuku. Are you ready for today?”

“Yes!”Izuku agreed as he followed Touma inside. Once inside, he went straight for the food to feed the Pokémon friends all around the site. He released his Pokémon friends to go play while he did his job.

When Izuku got to Snorlax, he realized that the Pokémon was in deep sleep. Izuku made sure to leave the large amount of food at his side while Kyu watched from a short distance away.

But when Izuku went to leave he ended up tripped backwards onto Snorlax. He stiffened up, out of fear that the Snorlax might be angry he woke him up from his nap entirely. He let out a small gasp when he felt large arms envelope him a hug, bringing him close to the Snorlax. Kyu snickered as the Snorlax began to treat Izuku like his own personal teddy bear. Izuku blew his hair out of his face as he heard the professor approaching where he was.

When professor Touma got there, he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing too loudly. He smiled as he helped Izuku out from the strong grip of the sleeping Pokémon.

“Come with me,” Touma said, leading Izuku towards the research site. Kyu jumped onto his shoulder for the ride. Anubis and Ebony joined when they saw him following Touma to the building.

Touma smiled gently as he walked with Izuku, “So, Izuku since you are older, I want to teach you early on about Pokémon eggs.”

“Eggs? I get to learn how to raise eggs?” Izuku asked, his face growing excited at the thought. Ebony flew next to him as Kyu rode on his shoulder. Anubis walked right beside him while the rest of his friends were hanging out in the site center with all different types of Pokémon.

“That’s right,” the professor responded with a nod as he led Izuku inside one of the many rooms inside the research center. The room contained many pictures of Pokémon with their offspring and charts with Pokémon evolutions. On the table was a large egg inside a mobile incubator. Izuku eyes widened as he walked inside his eyes landing on the egg.

“Woah.” Izuku whispered as he clambered up to the table. He craned his neck up to see the egg on a little blanket inside.

“I know I could entrust this responsibility to you since you are very caring and knowledgeable. You are a fine six-year-old who I think will take great care of this egg.” Touma explained, adjusting his long bangs out of his face.

Izuku looked up curiously, “Do you know what Pokémon it will evolve into?”

“The eggs will hatch into a mareep because I found this egg in an Ampharos’ nest in the electric habitat.” Touma relayed the information.

“Ooh. Cool,” Izuku mumbled. Ebony flew up on the table to tilt their head at the incubator.

Anubis hummed when he looked at the egg, “New friend?”

Touma laughed, “Of course. Izuku, if you choose to take on this lesson, you will ultimately become the caretaker and friend of the young Pokémon.”

Izuku nodded, “I gladly accept! You can count on me, sir!”

Touma smiled, “I know I can. Now come here, I will teach you exactly how to care for an egg like this. It is rather simple, you don’t have to do much.”


“The egg will hatch as long as I am walking around with it.” Izuku recounted as he carefully walked with the incubator safely in his backpack. Apparently the incubator was a case to hold the eggs inside and it came with a pokeballs inside for the young Pokémon when they hatched.

Izuku opened his front door with Ebony flying up ahead to land softly on the top of the sofa cushions. He released all his Pokémon friends that he brought with him to the site from their pokeballs since they were in the comfort of his own home.

“Mom, I have some news!” Izuku shouted happily.

Inko poked her head out of the kitchen with Belle’s head next to hers. “I do too! Some great news!”

Izuku nodded, rushing into the kitchen to tell her the news. “Okay, I’ll go first. Professor Touma allowed me to start taking care of an egg.”

“Wow! What a coincidence.” Inko said as Belle came forward with an egg in her paws. “Bewear actually wanted your help in raising her own egg.”

“Bewear” Bella nodded.

“Wow! I would love to help out.” Izuku accepted.

“Wubbaffet!” Jamie called out from her seat.

“Oh! I almost forgot. Jamie also had her own egg, but she doesn’t want you to bother yourself since you have been very busy. So she would appreciate if you helped out, but she will take care of most of it.” Inko explained as Izuku looked over to see Wubbaffet’s egg next to her all wrapped up in the blanket.

“I would be happy to help out with as much as you would allow me to.” Izuku said respectfully to Jamie. Jamie nodded back to him with a happy expression.


So there Izuku laid down on his bed, looking at two very different looking eggs laying in several blankets to keep them warm.

Mostly everyone was gathered around. Anubis was sleeping with his head against the mattress while sitting on the floor. Kyu was resting by the stuffed animals with Quinn. Sakura was chatting with Koi who was in his little water wagon. Makaria lazily napped while Zarius tried to dance with Adora, he fell at one point which made Adora help him up from the floor.

Mataha and Dagato was hanging out with Morticia in the living room. Diana, Charlotte, and 2 were with Della and Flora in the other room talking about something.

“I’m gonna be a big brother.” Izuku whispered to himself as he mentally squealed.

Ebony flew in to the room to land right on Izukuk’s back. Izuku laughed softly, “Hey, Ebony.”

“Zu!” Ebony screeched as he settled onto Izuku’s back, snuggling into the body warmth he had.

When Izuku was staring at the eggs, he caught sight of a blinding white light coming from on top of him.he turned his head to se that Ebony had evolved into a Golbat.

“Ebony, oh my goodness! Yay! You evolved! That’s so amazing!” Izuku praised as Ebony flew up into the air in happiness.


The next day after school, Izuku travels over to the ghost shrine to tell his friends about the great news. And they were really happy for him, especially Shiro who looked really excited for him. Thankfully, Izuku left the eggs at home just because he didn’t want Bakugo to be near them.

After he visited his ghost friends, he went down to the beach road while going home. He was passing the beach when he heard very strange sounds coming from the sandy beach. It sounded like repeatedly falling to the ground. Izuku shrugged before going to look for whatever was causing the sound.

When he went down to the sand, he saw the cause of the noise was a training Froakie who looked very determined to take down a large mattress.

He watched silently as Froakie backed up before launching himself full speed at the center of the mattress. But it didn’t do anything because Froakie fell straight backwards into the sandy beach. Izuku walked over and leaned down to say, “Need some help there buddy?”

“Froak?!” Froakie exclaimed, hopping backwards from Izuku.

“Hey. It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you. I just heard some noises and went to see what was happening. Are you okay, by the way?” Izuku explained himself, ending it by asking how Froakie was.

Froakie still stood a little ways away from him until Anubis stepped up to calm him down. Froakie listened to Anubis before his eyes started to sparkle at what he told him.

Izuku looked down to see Froakie in a much better hamood. “What did you tell him?”

“I told him that you can help him become stronger if he wanted to join.” Anubis shrugged making Kyu laugh in delight. To her, it seemed like Anubis was a recruiter for the small water type Pokémon.

Izuku stumbled on his words, “Um, sure. If you want to become part of my friends, you can. If that is what you really want, so want to be friends?”

Froakie nodded in determination.

“Okay! Tsun, welcome to the family!” Izuku greeted with a grin.

Tsun yelled in happiness, jumping into Izuku’s arms in celebration. Izuku laughed as he carried the excited Pokémon back home with Anubis and Kyu watching with fond eyes towards the new addition. He reminded them of Izuku from the way he looks so determined to get something right.


Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 16: Surge!


Izuku meets Surge

And he also meets two future friends.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2
Golbat- Ebony
Teddiursa - Quinn
Froakie: Tsun

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia
Meowth: Emerson

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bakugo had apparently gotten another Pokémon when he was training with Torchic near the forest.

“Woah! A Mankey!” A boy cried out loudly.

Another student said, remembering that Mankey had a bit of aggression. “That totally fits his personality.”

A girl hummed, pushing up her glasses, “That seems like a great addition to the team.”

“They even kind of look the same…” a student said from the back, paying attention to the trainer and Pokémon’s glaring red eyes.

Mankey shows off to the attention of the class by doing n angry squat dance from his spot next to Bakugo. Bakugo scoffed, “Yeah, Torchic was awesome. And now, I have a new strong addition to my team.”

“Wow, he is going to be such a great pro hero whipping his strong Pokémon behind him. Ooh, they would probably help out by combining their attacks with his explosions.” A student geeked out from the corner of the classroom.

“Yeah, as long as he doesn’t face against any water villains with their water Pokémon or something like that.” A guy mumbled from the back, pointing out the flaws that Bakugo ignored in his team.

Quinn hugged Izuku’s leg as he just continued to write in his notebook before class started. Kyu shot a glare in Bakugo’s direction as he came closer. Bakugo returned her look with a sneer before he sat down.

Looking back, he saw that Deku’s little teddy bear was clutching his legs. Hah, weak. Where was that little riolu he had or that pathetic Magikarp?

Bakugo paused, furrowing his brow. Wait, how much Pokémon did Deku have? Does Deku have enough to beat him? What happens if Deku is actually planning to become a hero with all the Pokémon he gathers?

Bakugo shook his head clear of those thoughts. He just has to become stronger, so Deku wouldn’t get in his way of being a pro hero.


After school, Izuku decided to just take a walk near the park before heading home since Kyu needed to calm down from her burning fury to hit Bakugo.

“All right, everyone come on out.” Izuku ordered, letting his pokeballs fly into the air. The pokeballs released some of his friends, the rest were back home.

Makaria, Zarius, Anubis, Ebony and Tsun came out to join Quinn and Kyu. They all looked around to see their forest environment with the lush grasses and tall trees.

“Figured we should take a little break before heading home. To relieve some stress,” Izuku said, smiling. “So, come on! I think we can have an hour to explore before we head back home.”

“Gol!” Ebony shouted in glee, flipping in the air before sailing past the tree branches.

“Heehee,” Izuku giggled as he watched Ebony before gesturing to his friends, “Come on, we’re wasting daylight just standing around. Let’s go play.”

Tsun didn’t need to be told twice as he followed after Izuku’s legs before jumping into the pond. Quinn held back a laugh when he arose to the surface with a lily pad on his head. Quinn sat down watching Tsun swim around in the pond

Makaria and Zarius took the lead in playing a game of fetch with Izuku while Anubis watched over everyone. Anubis kept his eyes out during the thirty minutes or so they were there. Kyu was playing a game of tag with Ebony when he heard a small cry of “Pichu!”

Anubis turned towards the sounds to see a herd of young girls chasing after a Pichu who was trying to escape out of the hair bows that he assumed they had clipped onto his ears. Anubis narrowed his eyes as he watched the Pichu take cover into the bushes as the young girls tried to look for him.

Izuku looked over to see that Anubis waving him over secretly. Izuku furrowed his brows before he saw that Anubis’s eyes were trained on a shaking bush. He gave an excuse to Makaria and Zarius to keep playing as he headed over to Anubis.

“What’s wrong?” Izuku asked his friend.

Anubis looked up, “Pichu. He is not comfortable. He is hiding in a bush from tiny girls.”

Izuku looked over to see that there was a tiny bows that were being dropped outside the bush. Izuku walked over, getting low to the grass to peek under the bush .

Once he looked under, he saw a tiny Pichu with a bored expression on his face, tearing at the ribbons that were tied to this ears. He pulled too hard on one bow, making tiny tear drops appear at the corner of his eye.

“Hey. Are you okay?” Izuku asked.

Pichu looked over only to angrily grumble, trying to pull at the pink ribbon tied to one of the tips of his ears.

“Hey, stop it. You might hurt yourself.” Izuku said, looking at the tight knots the bows were in.

Pichu looked over again, staring longer.

Izuku offered, “Let me help you. It doesn’t look that comfortable, does it?”

Pichu shook his head slowly. Anubis slowly walked over and called out to Pichu. Pichu looked over to Anubis and listened to what he had to say. Pichu’s expression became less guarded before he finally sighed. Anubis made sure the girls were far away before Pichu crawled out to allow Izuku to help him.

“Please stay still and I’ll make sure to get these off quickly.” Izuku promised, taking extra care to take the ribbons off painlessly. Pichu sat patiently as Izuku unwrapped his ears and necks from the multiple accessories the girls had forced him into.

“There. All done. Are you feeling better?” Izuku questioned with an easy smile.

Pichu nodded, making Izuku smile bigger.

“Great. I’m glad. Those ribbons looked too tight on you.”

Anubis nodded. Pichu furrowed his brows and asked Anubis something. Izuku watched as Anubis gestured to him and back to Pichu. Pichu’s eyes widened at his answered before looking back at Izuku and asking something again. Anubis nodded.

Izuku softly asks, “What’s happening?”

Anubis looked up, “Can he come with us?”

Izuku nodded, “of course, if he wants to.”

Pichu’s bored face brightened before he hopped into Izuku’s bushy hair. Izuku laughed as Pichu got comfortable on top of his head.

Anubis smiled as Izuku looked up to see Pichu’s eyes staring back at him.

“Is it alright if I call you Surge?”

Surge nodded.

“Welcome to the family.” Izuku said, Ebony few over with Kyu following to see what was going on. Makaria, Zarius, Tsun, and Quinn came over to see the new friend in Izuku’s hair. Kyu tilted their head and Surge returned the gesture by tilting his head as well.

Oh, he will fit right in.


When he returned home with his new friend, his mother had just rolled her eyes fondly.

“I’m not surprised.” Inko has said after she laughed a little. “Come on in.”

Surge looked around the house he got welcomed into with hesitancy until he listened to the reassurance from Kyu and Anubis. They both promised that this home was nothing like the life he used to live. He would be taken seriously and not be forced to be dressed up in any sort of fashion.

“Wooh! Katsudon for dinner! Yes!” Izuku yelled out in excitement, doing a little happy dance near the kitchen table. Surge watched as Inko and some other Pokémon friends joined in laughter.

He snuggled into the young boy’s curly hair as the warmth of the home finally settled around him. Yes, this home is very nice to stay.


The next day, Surge was getting along great with everyone. Quinn and him shared like a newcomer bond since they were both the newest ones there. Quinn was a bit shy before she warmed up to him.

Adora was dancing in the living room with Zarius watching, paying close attention while she danced. Lili and Makaria were listening intently while Morticia was telling a story while twirling their fiery bone. Koi was in his special portable pond right next to Dagato as they napped. Mataha was in the middle of a flying competition with Ebony as they flew about the guest room.

Diana, Charlotte and 2 were laughing as Kagami did an impression of Bakugo.

Izuku checked on both Belle and Jamie’ eggs. He made sure both of them were warm and taken care of. He smiled as he wrapped a blanket around both eggs.

“I can’t wait to see you two hatch.” Izuku whispered before he heard a shuffling sound outside, like it was coming downstairs. He frowned before heading out of his room

Izuku entered the living room to ask his mother, “Did you hear that?”

“You did too? Hmm, I wonder what is happening.” Inko said.

Izuku nodded with a determined look, Kyu jumped over onto his shoulder from her spot near Della in the kitchen. “I’ll go check.”

“Hold on, I’ll be right behind you. I want to make sure there is nothing dangerous down there. Who knows? Maybe it’s one of those bad gangs that steal Pokémon from others. I heard about them on the news.” Inko replied, waving off Belle who looked ready to throw down to protect them.

Izuku smiled, “Mom, I’m pretty sure there was only one incident of that happening and it was far away from here.”

Inko shrugged, going to stand next to her son, “You never know if there is a larger group of them. I’m just trying to make sure you stay age.”

Izuku smiled before following his mother outside with Kyu on his shoulder, Anubis by his side, and Sakura running after them for protection. Diana, Charlotte, and 2 stood at the door in their leather jackets, waiting for any signal that the group needed backup.

Izuku approached a fallen trashcan which had a black and white Zigzagged tail sticking out from the back of the metal can.

“Wait, isn’t that a galar zigzagoon? What is it doing here?” Izuku asked out loud, quietly as he could so he wouldn’t alarm the Pokémon.

Izuku kept watching as the Zigzagoon rummaged around in trash bags to retrieve an old poke doll. When Izuku looked further he saw a black necklace around their neck with a stone pendant.

When Zigzagoon found what he was looking for, he threw it behind him. Izuku looked over to see an Ekans’ tail wrap around the doll. Ekans had the same necklace as the Zigzagoon. It took a few more moments of watching the Pokémon to find out that the two had everstones around their neck. A stone that allows Pokemonto never evolve.

The Ekans looked up at the two strangers and backed away. The Zigzagoon looked up at them finally, sniffing the air. The Zigzagoon stared at them for a while longer before approaching Inko, he allowed Inko’s hand to pet his head. However, when he peeked up at the loud sound of a car passing he ran towards the alleyway, Ekans looked back the small family before following the other.

Izuku looked after them before Inko just touched his shoulder. Izuku looked up to see his mother’s smile. “I think we will see them again. Besides, you have a way with Pokémon. There is no doubt that this won’t be the last time we see them.

Izuku nodded, walking back with her before looking back at their direction. He couldn’t help but wonder what their story was. But he had a feeling that the two would visit again soon.


After the weekend, Izuku reported to school with Surge, Anubis, and Kyu. Kyu was on his shoulder like always, Surge was in his hair, and Anubis was by his side.

He allowed Surge to sit on his desk before class started, but Bakugo got in his way as soon as the blonde entered the room.

Inside the blonde’s head, he got a bit worried since the Pokémon on his desk seemed like a new friend that Izuku could take him down with. He shook his head, regaining a smirk on his face. He approached with his Pokémon behind him.

“Oh, look a little Deku. Who’s your new friend?” Bakugi asked, revealing no response from Izuku. Surge looked up with a bored look. Bakugo looked down at the condescending face of the Pichu and asked, “Oh, aren’t you a cute little weakling? Not even worth a fight.”

Surge glared, puffing up their cheeks. “Pi. CHU!”

Bakugo’s face was frozen in a smirk as the small electric type shocked the hell out of him. Anubis hid his laughter as Izuku looked shocked at the damage. Bakugo and Mankey’s hair was poofed up like a dandelion.

Kyu giggled as Surge stood with his arms crossed on the desk, daring Bakugo to say another word.

Bakugo learned that day as well as everyone else in that classroom to never call Surge cute. He didn’t take it lightly.


**You can keep suggesting Pokémon, but please no more for Izuku he has planned count of over 40. No more for Izuku! He is fine! But if you have anymore suggestion of Pokémon you just want to see, Pokémon you think fit a character’s personality, or just Pokémon suggestions for teams like for the villains, supporting characters or anyone like that. Go ahead and suggest them***

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 17: Mercury and Griffin + a little Christmas thing


Axew and Gible have always wanted to be knights, and they think they found their king to protect.


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2
Golbat- Ebony
Teddiursa - Quinn
Froakie: Tsun

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia
Meowth: Emerson

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Axew was a dignified Pokémon, he only wanted the best for him and his friend Gible. For the longest time, they had been together. It seems like they were friends since they hatched in the wild. A long time ago, they had overheard a human talking to their child about a story of a marvelous set of knights around a table.

That is what got them interested. The stories of adventure and bravery that the knights faced proved to be something they both wanted. Axew and Gible wanted to be knights, but in order to do that they needed to find a king to protect. In the wild areas, all they found were pitiful kids that judged wanted strength, so the two searched elsewhere.

The two friends knew that when they found their Arthur, they might find a family as well since it has just been the two of them their whole lives. Maybe when they find a king, they will find more friends.

Gible asked, following after his friend through the bushes, ‘When will we know who is to be our King, our Arthur?’

Axew looked back at his friend, ‘Simple. We search for a kind and pure heart among the humans. A person worthy of being our King.’

‘I hope we find them soon.’ Gible communicated, shuffling after his friend before they both heard a loud crash in the city area near them. ‘What was that? Can we go check it out?’

‘Why not? Who knows? Maybe we will find our Arthur to protect there.’ Axew replied, shrugging his shoulders.they both nodded to each other before walking to a bush right near the scene. They both hid in the leaves to watch from far away.

There they could finally see what the ruckus was about. Two people with their Pokémon were fighting. There was a burning building with people escaping rapidly out of it.

“Lapras! Aim your Hydro Pump with me, we need to extinguish the flames before they hurt any civilians.” Backdraft called out, letting his sidekicks escort some civilians out of the way.

“Lapras!” Lapras aged, aiming their move in time with their trainer’s quirk. Together the two forms of water swirled into one to quickly put out the red flames that was scorching the bank.

“Magcargo! Use flamethrower! Quick, we are almost out of time!” The villains shouted, trying to

“Mag.” Their accomplice agreed, aiming their move directly at Backdraft before a hydro pump attacked them from the side of their shell. Making their hot shell steam up from the power of the cold water that was shot at them.

“La...pras,” Lapras threatened down at Magcargo who fainted from the powerful hit.

“Uhh, is it too late now to say sorry?” The villain whimpered as multiple heroes came to escort him to the police in handcuffs.

‘Hmm, that was almost entertaining.’ Axew stated, getting ready to go back into the wild area to hide from Pokémon trainers looking to capture him.

‘Wait, look! Look look! Axew, look!’


‘That boy with the green hair!’ Gible replied, pointing at a young boy in the crowd.

‘Hmm, what about him?’ Axew asked, looking close at the boy Gible described. ‘He sure has a lot of Pokémon around him.’

‘Yeah! During the fight, he was taking down notes as well!he was learning about the types of offense and defense that the two were attacking each other with. Like he was gathering notes on his enemy for the future! Do you know where I’m going with this?’ Gible asked after his little explanation .

Axew stared deadpan at him, ‘No idea really, but I’m intrigued. Continue.’

‘I think I found our King Arthur!’ Gible said loudly with the stars in his eyes.


‘Why do we have to do more watching on him? I know that he has got to be the one we need to protect!’ Gible argued as him and Axew watched the yard in the school that his chosen King was attending.

Axew sighed, “I need to make sure that this is the one. We can’t go back on our Knight’s code as soon as we commit to our King. I just need to know we are making the right choice.’

They had followed his choice after the fight to a school and the two were waiting for any sign of their King candidate to show up. Axew had heard about a thing called ‘recess’, so he and his friend was waiting for that time to come to inspect their candidate further.

Their wish to see their choice was answered a while later when the two heard a school bell ring.

“The test begins…” Axew whispered, crouching love to the ground behind their bush.

Together they watched as multiple children ran outside with about one or two Pokémon at their sides. They jumped when they heard a loud explosion only to see that it came from a rowdy blonde that had an always angry Mankey next to him. Gible pointed out his pick who was sitting by a tree with a book in his lap. They two looked closely to see that he was reading out loud to, his Pokémon. He was reading to his Pokémon friends.

Axew watched as a little Riolu leaned their head on the young boy’s shoulder while a Mimikyu leaned close to the pages to see the illustrations. Axew leaned his head into the grass as he watched, the boy does look very kind to his friends. But is it worthy enough…?

“Hey Deku!” The blonde boy screamed out after two kids talked to him.

Gible and Axew sat straight up in the bush, watching as the angry blonde Mankey personified human marched up to Gible’s chosen human. The boy, in question, looked up with a flinch while his Pokémon immediately went into defense position to block their friend from the blonde aggressor.

Axew narrowed his glare at the blonde boy. ‘Good choice, Gible. I think we found our King to protect.’

Gible nodded, going to follow his friend who began to walk away before looking back towards his King being looked down upon. He narrowed his eyes at the blonde boy’s Pokémon who looked a little too close to his King

“And another thing you weak little-!” Bakugi yelled, ready to tell Izuku off while his groupies hyped him up.

Bakugo’s words were interrupted when a random Dragon Rage move appeared out of nowhere from the wild area near the school. Izuku went to protect his Pokémon from the attack while the attack hit Mankey dead on. Mankey fainted from the impact while a giddy Gible slipped away with Axew.


The next day, the two friends were watching—spying on— their king at the park. They were surprised to see that he was walking with so many Pokémon friends behind him with his mother behind him. And they saw that he was pulling a small wagon with two eggs inside covered in blankets.

‘Oh, look how caring he is towards the young! He is making sure the eggs are safe from bad people,’ Gible mumbled, watching his king play with his friends. There was a Golbat and a Beedrill flying over the family.

Gible whispered, ‘I can’t wait to be a knight to him. Ooh, which one would I be?’

Axew hummed, thinking hard, ‘Hmm, well I will be the Tristan. I feel like you would be Dinadan since you can always bring a smile to my face and Dinadan could always bring humor to a situation to bring up the spirits of his friends..’

‘Thank you.’ Gible answered back.


It has been about a week since they had begun following their king to learn more about him. They had seen many things throughout the week.

They had seen him training on a beach with all of his Pokémon, but he made sure that everyone was okay during the whole time. Axew was very glad that their chosen king seemed to be very kind hearted towards his own friends and other wild Pokémon. He personally watched as the young boy picked up a wild Pyukumuku and carefully set them back into the water.

Another day they had seen him go inside a site happily and stay there for several hours. They even overheard him talking about how excited he was to see an egg hatching. Gible noted that he seemed to be very caring since the professor was talking about how well the other was with the Pokémon inside the site.

This time, they had followed after Izuku as he went to an abandoned shrine. The winter weather has just started to get very cold, but the two were huddling together for warmth. They had a towel that they found at the beach a day ago when the cold front came in.

They watched as Izuku played with the ghost Pokémon at the shrine. How he talked about his days with a Banette while a Gengar was chatting with Mimikyu. Chandlure was carrying a Pichu in her arms as she sailed a few feet up in the air. And how a Phantump was lifting the Riolu in the air to sit on one of its branches. The two overheard the ghost Pokémon talking with Izuku through the Riolu about how they evolved.

‘Woah! Riolu can talk!’ Gible exclaimed, Axew had thrown his paw over his friend’s mouth but it was too late. Riolu and Phantump had turned in their direction. Axew and Gible stood still as the two Pokémon silently approached them while the other Pokémon hung out with each other.

‘Who is there?’ Riolu asked, jumping down to the ground to inspect the surroundings.

Axew and Gible came out from their hiding spot. ‘We apologize for interrupting,’ they responded in unison.

‘May I ask why you two have been following Izuku for about 8 days now? I have sensed you aura since the day with the Lapras fight in town. The same day a Dragon Rage came out of nowhere.’

Gible apologized, ‘I’m sorry that was my fault. We just want to find an Arthur.’

‘An Arthur? What?’ Riolu asked, tilting his head

Axew explained the two’s wish for a king, a friend, to protect. How they wish to be knights together.

‘So you two want to be knights to Izuku, to protect him from harm?’ Riolu questioned.

‘Yes,’ axew answered.

Riolu hummed, ‘Hmm, it isn’t up to me, but I think that Izuku will accept.’

‘How do you know?’ Gible asked.

‘Trust me, I have been one of the longest ones here, he cares about everyone.’ Riolu answered before turning around to address his friend, “Izuku, come over here! I want you to meet two fans of yours!’

Izuku looked up from his spot, excusing himself from a conversation between Dagato and Mataha. “What’s up, Anubis?”

Anubis explained, “These two wish for you to be someone they protect. A king of sorts.”

“Hmm, I don’t think I would call myself a king, but I would be happy to become friends if they wanted.”

Gible nodded enthusiastically while Axew portrayed his excitement with stars in his eyes. ‘We want that very much.’ Axew stated to Anubis.

Izuku nodded at the confirmation Anubis had given him. “Alright, welcome to the family then.”

Izuku smiled before noticing the other two shivering from the cold wind. He quickly took off his beanie to place it on Axew’s head and his scarf to wrap it around Gible. “There. That should help for now before we get home.speaking of home, what to call you two?”

Axew and Gible looked at each other, they were about to be knighted!

Izuku placed his left hand on Axew’s head, “Mercury.”

Izuku then smiled wider as he put his hand on Gible’s head, “Griffin.”

They smiled, Gible trying not to cry from joy. What a gentle King they had. And he treated them as equals, as friends. Griffin and Mercury smiled at each other before following their new friend home.


Another week and a half has passed since Mercury and Griffin has joined the family. And now, it was already Christmas! A holiday meant for giving gifts to people that one might love, support or appreciate.

Everyone was there, all clamored inside Kiku’s shelter with her decorated tree standing tall. Kiku, the professor, Toshinori, Inko, Izuku and everyone’s Pokémon and other Pokémon friends were gathered together under the roof of the shelter.

After a lovely homemade dinner that took most of the day, it was gift giving time.

Inko had given Kiku a dress with a sunflower pattern. Inko gave the professor some new notebooks to categorize his research findings. Inko gifted Izuku with a knitted green cape and some new notebooks for his analysis.

Kiku had given Inko some special cookbooks made for Pokémon food that don’t even need that many ingredients. Kiku gifted Izuku with little items that his Pokémon might enjoy. Izuku found a Choice Specs, a Reaper Cloth, and a multitude of colored scarves.

Professor Touma gave Inko a nice simple necklace he had found in a thrift shop. Professor Touma gives him a Z-ring with a crystal for Mimikyu’s special z move. Touma said, “When your Pokémon is carrying a Z-crystal while you wear this, it can create a very powerful attack that can be used only once in battle. It can only power up a move that Mimikyu already knows. Like Play Rough can become the special move ‘Let’s Snuggle Forever!’.”

Izuku gifted everyone with a friendship bracelet he had made. His mother had a matching one with his with a light green mixed in with a dark green base. Kiku had received a pink and brown bracelet. Touma had been given a purple and blue bracelet.

Izuku had surprised his Pokémon friends by gifting everyone their own little bracelet as well. After he had given everyone their bracelet, they all punched on him in a hug. The ghost friends stuck behind the dog pile, laughing as Izuku got ambushed.

Their laughter paused when they heard a small cracking sound from the wagon with the two eggs. Izuku sat up and reached for the blanket to check on the eggs only to find one of them was hatching.

“Mom, one of them is hatching!” Izuku cried out. Inko came closer with Belle right behind her. Everyone crowded around as one of the eggs burst open, revealing a cute Stuful.

Stuful’s eyes opened to see Izuku and yawned. Izuku smiled, reaching out his hand to pet Stuful on her little head.

“Zuku,” Izuku whispered, Belle’s hand landed on his shoulder as they watched Stuful get used to her surroundings.

What a little gift.


I’m glad for everyone’s suggestions! If you have anymore Pokémon suggestions, go ahead and leave them in the comments! But no more for Izuku please...

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 18: Violetta!


Izuku visits the shelter.

Adora makes a friend


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors for me to fix!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2
Golbat- Ebony
Teddiursa - Quinn
Froakie: Tsun
Shiny Axew - Mercury
Stuful: Zuzu

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia
Meowth: Emerson
Lycanroc (Dusk Form) ( is didn’t put it in list since he doesn’t have name... yet)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The day after Christmas, All Might came in disguise to their apartment since he couldn’t come the day before because of his hero work. And he couldn’t really escape from his nonstop number one hero duties. He came with a low bow and a long apology before Inko welcomed him in a smile.

Izuku made him a friendship bracelet with red, blue and yellow. His mother gave him a knitted sweater that she made extra large to fit his form. He really liked his gifts from his brief look of happy tear face before he broke out into a full bellied laugh.

He presented Inko with a small necklace that had little teardrop emeralds. He gifted Izuku with a collection of different incenses that helped his Pokémon.


A week after Christmas, Izuku visited Kiku’s shelter since she called in to help with some new Pokémon that came in. Izuku brought along Zuzu, Anubis and Kyu with him.

Miss Kiku smiled as soon as she saw him approaching, “Hello, Izuku! I haven’t seen you since Christmas. Thanks for coming. And hey, there are two little boys around the same age as you are looking at some friends, so just a heads up.”

“Hi, Miss Kiku! I’m glad to help out!” Izuku responded. Anubis nodded with a smile.

“Stuf!” Zuzu replied in a short happy shout from his legs.

“We have a few new friends with us now that are still adjusting.” Kiku explained as she walked him inside.

Izuku walked in to see so many new additions among the others. Yamask was still floating along with the group of Unowns. Cascoon and Silcoon was napping near a tree stump next to each other while a Karrablast walked around near the bushes. Luvdisc was happily swimming in the water with Corsola looking very serene by the shallow end. There was a Skrelp that was hiding in the deep of the water while a Barboach was just calmly swimming.

Snorunt was walking in the tall grass while there was a Burmy hanging from a tree branch above them. A Greedent was rushing up and down the tree to gather berries and not really interacting with anybody. A shuckle was just sitting by himself away from the others. Typholosion was just relaxing on a heated blanket on a couch instead of outside.

There was a boy with spiky brown hair talking to Smoochum. There was a blonde haired boy with a shiny white belt who was shyly inching his way to a Surskit.

Izuku went to work with Kiku to help some Pokémon feel more comfortable by giving them some homemade berry curry that Kiku made earlier. It seems like Greedent really liked it. After Izuku gave the rest of the curry, he spotted the shiny boy from earlier smiling as the Surskit splashed him with some water.

Kiku nodded over to the boy as she continued to oversee how the new additions were getting along with the others. Anubis stayed by Kiku to help out while Izuku decided to go talk to the other kid. Izuku walked up to the blonde boy with a smile, Kyu made a happy sound as he approached the boy.

“Hi there.” Izuku greeted.

“Oh...bonjour. Uh, hello.” The blonde boy greeted. Surskit greeted Izuku with a small splash, Zuzu shook her head when the little seasoned of water landed on her face.

Izuku asked, “You are making friends with Surskit?”

“Oui. They are very nice to me.” The blonde boy answered.

Izuku said, “Glad to know. They are very playful, so I hope you like playing around.”

“I do. I don’t have that many friends so I mostly play by myself…” the blonde boy replied.

“Well, I’m sure Surskit won’t let you be lonely. Right, Surskit?”

Surskit cheered with a happy blush to their cheeks.

“Alright. Don’t worry. You are in good hands with Surskit.” Izuku added.

“Thank you. I’m Yuga Aoyama.” Aoyama responded.

Izuku nodded, “I’m Midoriya Izuku. I’ll be around the shelter if you need anything.”

After talking with Yuga-kun, he approached the spiky brown haired boy who was talking to Smoochum.


“Hello, I’m Rikido Sato.” Sato greeted.

Izuku introduced himself, “I’m Midoriya Izuku. I help out Miss Kiku around the shelter sometimes. Are you having fun with Smoochum?”

“Yeah, she is so sweet.” Sato replied.

“Cool. I’m just checking that everything’s okay. You making a new friend, Smoochum?” Izuku added.

Smoochum nodded cheerfully.

“Okay, see you around! If you need anything, I’m walking around.”

After talking to the two boys, Izuku headed back outside to talk to Miss Kiku. But out of the corner of his mind, he saw one of the bushes trembling. Looking closer at the bush, he noticed that it was wearing red shoes…

Hold on just a second…

Zuzu mewled before walking slowly to the bush to sniff at the tangled vines among the leaves. Kyu tilted her head as a Tangela hopped out of the bush when Zuzu came too close.

“Hi...I’m Izuku.” Izuku introduced himself before Tangela ran back into another bush. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you or anything like that. You must be scared…”

Tangela peeked out to see Izuku gently smiling. “This is Zuzu. This is Kyu. My friend Anubis is over there helping with Miss Kiku.”

Tangela cautiously came out of the bush to see Izuku extending a hand to him. “Do you want to come play a game of hide and seek?”

Tangela looked him up and down before slowly taking his hand with a vine.


At school, Bakugo waltzed in with Quilava and Mankey right behind him at his sides whileTorchic rode his shoulder opposite to where Quilava used to sit.

Sometime during the class, Bakugo started bragging that he was planning on getting mega stones for Houndor and Torchic when they evolve into their final evolutions.

A girl said, “Wow, really?”

“Mega stones take a while to find, don’t they?” The guy from the back piped up.

“Yeah, you have to like go on this mini quest somewhere to find a stone.” One of Bakugo’s groupies confirmed when Bakugo claimed his seat.

Izuku brought Ebony with him to school, Kyu was taking her normal place on his shoulder like usual. Adora, Anubis, Sakura, Koi and Tsun were in their respective pokeballs. Bakugo sneered when he saw the Golbat taking a rest on Izuku’s head.

“What? Another Pokémon? Ehh, doesn’t matter anyway. Golbat isn’t that useful, you just skip over it when you get to caves and stuff to get to the real strong Pokémon inside.”

Ebony shrunk back from his harsh words, remembering his awful time in the caves where everyone ignored him. Kyu glared at Bakugo’s head as the bully began to turn around back in his seat. He let Mankey go back into his pokeball when Izuku piped up.

“That isn’t true..”

“What? What did you just say?!”

“That isn’t true! Ebony is a great friend to have! He has been nothing but helpful to me. And he doesn’t deserve to be ignored since he is so amazing at what he can do!”

Bakugo scoffed while Izuku finished up his ranting only to look up at the Golbat that Izuku was defending. His eyes widened as he watched the Golbat’s eyes glisten just before it was consumed by light.

“What the-?”

“Izuku’s pokemon is evolving!”

Izuku looked up to see Ebony evolve into a Crobat before his eyes. “Ebony! Oh my goodness!”

“Wow! A Crobat. They look so awesome.” One random classmate said in adoration towards the newly evolved Pokémon.

Bakugo glared as Deku stole the attention away from him only to peel his thoughts away for a moment. Deku got another Pokémon. Maybe he should make a list soon to keep track of this stuff.

Never mind that. He should just focus on his task of making his Pokémon as string as he is so he can become the greatest hero with his Pokémon friends right by his side along the way.


After a long day at school, Izuku headed for the beach. Izuku felt a bit uncomfortable since he got a bit more attention from his classmates, it just felt weird because of the usual way they would ignore him.

Anyway, he wanted to go to the beach to allow Adora some time to practice her dance before it became dark while he lets the others play.

“Come on out!” Izuku gelled, letting his pokemon“Okay, everyone. Let’s have some fun before sunset.”

Adora cheered before running off towards the rocks to dance while the waves hit the rocks. Tsun and Koi looked at each other before jumping toward the shallow end of the water. Ebony flew in circles out of happiness in the sky, his purple wings taking him farther into the air. Anubis watched everyone by Izuku’s side before Sakura coaxed him into a friendly game of tag.

Izuku watched everyone carefully as they had fun before sitting down onto the sand softly. He took out his new special notebook.

He started a notebook not too long ago to write about his Pokémon friends. He wanted to write it because he wanted to keep track of his friend’s dislikes, likes, and other things that he wanted to remember.

All of the sudden Adora made a surprised sound loud enough for Izuku to turn her way. Izuku looked to see a happy Popplio clapping on top of a rock.

Izuku stood up and walked over to her to see what was going on. “Oh hello there.”

Popplio clapped her little fins together when Izuku walked over. Anubis looked over and came running to see what was the issue with Sakura right behind him.

Anubis called over to the Popplio to ask what was happening.

“She says that she just really liked to see Adora dance.” Anubis said to Izuku. Sakura climbed onto the rock to join Popplio. Ebony came down onto the top of the rock to see everything that was going on.

“Oh, that’s great. Seems like Adora has a fan, right?” Izuku asked. Popplio nodded before clapping her fins together again.

Adora smiled before dancing again much to Popplio’s amusem*nt. Tsun and Koi came closer, but stayed in the shallow water when they saw that everything was good.

Izuku smiled before sitting closer to continue writing in his little notebook. He sketched out Adora dancing while Popplio watched her from a rock.


Every day afterwards when Izuku brought Adora to the beach while the others trained, Popplio was waiting for her there, so she could watch. Izuku often wondered if Popplio was wild and just came up to see Adora.

But he got his answer in the worst way anyone could have imagined it.

One day after school Izuku was heading towards the beach when he ran into All Might in disguise.

“Ha, young Midoriya. I was just going for a jog!”

“Oh, I’m heading towards the beach to allow Adora to practice her dancing a bit more.”

“That sounds wonderful! Let me join you to the beach since not many people are around the beach at this time!”

“Sure!” Izuku replied as he led the way. “I wonder if you can meet Adora’s fan.”

“Oh? Young Adora has a fan?”

“Yes! There is a Popplio that always watches her when she dances.”

“Oh, she sounds like a lovely friend!”

Izuku nodded brightly before speeding up his walk when he saw the beach in sight. He went ahead and let Adora out of her pokeball to allow her to see her friend faster.

Izuku was all smiles as he walked faster and faster towards the sandy beach until he heard a cry from the rocky area. His smile dropped as he ran a bit faster to see what was going on. All Might heard it too and began to quickly follow behind him.

Izuku saw a nameless trainer pick up Popplio off the rock before throwing her to the sandy ground. “God, why won’t you evolve already!?! Why do you have to be so useless?”

Izuku glared before he looked down when he heard Adora growl since she has never made that sound before. Without stopping her he allowed, Adora to aim her Ice Beam at the trainer's feet before he could approach Popplio any further.

The trainer struggled in the ice before being roughly pulled out by none other than All Might who was looking at the Trainer with the most disgusted angry expression.

“Young man, take Popplio to get some help for her injuries. I will take this boy to the local police station for them to take care of him.”

Izuku nodded before picking up Popplio gently into his arms and walked home fast with Adora running beside him. Izuku got home fast while All Might dropped off the teen at police station.

“Mom! Popplio is hurt!”

Izuku yelled out when he got inside. Kyu dropped down from his shoulder to get to the medical supplies fast.

“Oh goodness, set them down on the couch. I’ll get some potions and berries to help them.” Inko said as she took a few supplies from Kyu’s shadowed hands.

Izuku watched his mom take care of Popplio’s wounds while Adora stayed by her friend’s side. Zarius was by the side and comforted Adora by patting her back.

Soon All Might arrived while Popplio was feeling a bit better from her bruises that the potions healed up.

“Oh, thank goodness!” All Might exclaimed as Lucario came over to check on the young one.

“I’m glad that you got better. I’m sorry I didn't get there sooner.” Izuku said apologetically.

Popplio shook her head, nudging his hand to allow him to pet her. Adora nudged her in a small little hug where Popplio wrapped her fins around Adora’s neck.

“If you want, you can stay with us. I promise that we will protect you from people like that. And Adora, I, and everyone would love to be your friends.” Izuku said with a smile.

“Popplio!” Popplio exclaimed with a happy nod, tears were gathered in the corner of her eyes.

“Okay...Violetta sounds like a good name. Do you like it?” Izuku asked.

Violetta nodded happily.

“Welcome to the family, Violetta!” Izuku cheered.

Violetta shined bright much to the surprise of Izuku and All Might. Inko gasped when the bright light revealed that Violetta evolved into Brionne.

“Wow.” Izuku whispered as Adora celebrated her friend’s evolution. All Might was stunned while Inko just patted his shoulder.


Later that night, Izuku was relaxing in the living room with soft music playing from his phone. Violetta and Adora were practicing their dancing together while Izuku watched with Zarius on the couch. Anubis nodded his head to the beat while Kyu swayed. Sakura watched calmly from her curled up spot on the armrest. Crobat and Mataha watched from up high as the pair danced. Surge was laying near Izuku’s head by the back of the couch. Jamie’s egg was laying in her lap as she was sitting on the couch with Della, Flora, and Morticia.

All Might stayed over for dinner, so he was snuggly fitted in the dining room chair as he finished up his bowl of food. Lycanroc looked up from his bed next to Emerson’s to sniff at the air. That’s strange. He never noticed the scent that All Might carried with him, it smelled familiar. He didn’t really know how to put it. Emerson batted at his nose before he could really focus on it, he sneezed before relaxing back onto his nice little bed.

“Bless you,” Inko whispered to him before handing him a berry along with Emerson as their small snack.

Dagato was just relaxing on the tv, enjoying the warmth it provided. Zuzu was prancing around with Mercury and Griffin. Marine was sitting on the floor next to the couch to watch over Koi and Tsun. Koi was swimming happily in his little portable pond with Tsun right next to him. Quinn was with Kagami on the chair near the couch. Diana, Charlotte, and 2 were all just leaning on the far wall to watch the show. Makaria and Lili was just curled next to each other near Lycanroc to watch the performance.

Inko looked around before she sighed at how everyone started to look crowded next to each other. All Might looked up from his empty bowl, “What’s wrong?” He whispered to get her attention.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just that this apartment might just be too small for everyone now. And I can only imagine that my little Izuku will find more friends to welcome in. Maybe I should look at getting a new house soon. But I don’t know if any could fit the price range amongst other things.” Inko paused. “Oh, sorry for rambling.”

All Might offered, “If you allow me, I could help you in your find.”

“I wouldn’t want to bother you.” Inko added.

All Might answered, “Please, it won’t be a bother to me at all. I would be more than happy to help you out.”

“Oh, well thank you very much for your offer.” Inko said, taking All Might’s bowl from him.

“No need, Mrs. Midoriya.” All Might replied.

Inko smiled, “Just call me Inko.”

All Might’s Lucario raised a brow and smiled at his trainer when Inko turned around. All Might ignored Lucarios’ knowing look in favor of watching the performance come to an end.

“Yay! You two did amazing!” Izuku said, clapping as the two took a little bow. Everyone joined in for the small applause.

The applause slowed down enough to see Jamie was looking down at her egg. Izuku looked down at the egg to see the shell was cracking.

“Oh, the egg is hatching.” Izuku said in wonder. Izuku came forward as Jamie continued to hold on to the egg. Everyone stayed at a safe distance as the egg hatched fully, to reveal Wynaut.


“Wobbuffet.” Jamie added, nodding towards her new young.

“You want me to name them?”

“Wobbu.” Jamie nodded as Wynaut began to look around slowly.

“Okay.” Izuku said with a smile. “Hi, Jessie. Welcome to the family.”

Jessie looked up and declared, “Wynaut!”

Izuku smiled and patted her head.


I’m thinking of letting Aoyama be a Pokémon Connoisseur like Cilan. What do you think? Also, Sato just expels Brock cooking energy for me.

Also, I’m making Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Natsuo gym leaders. Uraraka will interact with all sorts of ground and steel Pokémon while working around her parents' company and things like that.

Do any of you have more ideas like their? Like…
Koda has a connection to N somehow
Jirou really likes Elesa
Kirishima might have some relatives in Alola
Kaminari’s parents have a sort of Pikachu sanctuary that provides energy or something.

Anyone want to contribute to these types of ideas or any types of idea with combining certain aspects? I love reading ideas! ^_^

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 19: More friends!!!


Izuku got a Pokédex, watched the egg hatch at the shelter, and got a new friend. While his mother finds a new potential house for them to move into courtesy of All Might


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors I need to fix!

Mimikyu- Kyu
Magikarp- Koi
Riolu- Anubis
Eevee- Sakura
Amaura- Adora
Houndor- Makaria
Charmander- Zarius
Litten- Lili
Shedinja- Dagoto
Buneary- diana
Steenee- Charlotte
Chikorita- Deku #2
Crobat- Ebony
Teddiursa - Quinn
Froakie: Tsun
Shiny Axew - Mercury
Stuful: Zuzu
Wynaut: Jessie
Brionne: Violetta

Delphox- Della
Florges- Flora
Blastoise- Marine
Wubbaffett- Jamie
Bewear- Belle
Marowak- Morticia
Meowth: Emerson
Lycanroc (Dusk Form) ( is didn’t put it in list since he doesn’t have name... yet)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Cro!” Ebony exclaimed as they flew around the site near the center while Izuku was waiting for the professor to finish explaining about the Pokédex.

“This Pokédex has over 800 Pokémon logged into it. Many Pokémon trainers try to complete the entire Pokédex by catching every Pokémon that is listed on it. This Pokédex is special since it is the newest version of it.” Professor Touma explained, handing Izuku the bright red Pokédex that matched his favorite shoes.“This special Pokédex also displays a map of wherever you are and it can show you maps of places nearby that you might want to visit, it can show you the habitats of Pokémon that you might have come across already.

Touma got a little alert on his watch before he could explain further. “Oh, one moment. I’ll have to go check on the egg and the other specimens inside. Go ahead and check out your new Pokédex to see all the functions it has.”

Izuku nodded, clutching his Pokédex to his chest happily while the professor went back into the site building. Izuku started at his new Pokédex with a tilt to his head.


Izuku looked up once he heard the chirp of a new voice. He looked for Anubis only to see he was still with the others near the other habitats a bit away from the clearing that Izuku was sitting in. Pidgeotto joined Ebony in the sky, so they could play a friendly game of tag together. Servine was watching Adora and Violetta dance near the water area from her flower bed spot in the forest habitat.

“Hello?” Izuku asked out loud, raising a brow in confusion. Izuku yelped when a happy looking Rotom flew right up to his face.

“Please to meet you! I’m Rotom!” Rotom introduced himself.

“Oh… Hi! Nice to meet you, Rotom.” Izuku greeted with a happy smile. Rotom twirled in the sky before he looked very interested in the Pokédex. Izuku didn’t have time to stop the energetic Rotom from jumping right into the Pokédex.

“Wait!...” Izuku said loudly before Rotom came to life from the Pokédex, “Whoa..”

“Welcome to your new Rotom Pokédex! I have heard a lot about you from Professor Touma.! You sound like a nice kid that I would love to help you!” Rotom explained as he twirled around.

“Wait, you want to be my friend?” Izuku asked.

“If you want me to, I would love to be, Master!” Rotom answered.

Izuku tilted his head, “You can just call me Izuku.”

Rotom tilted his head in return, “Ehh, I’ll think about it, Roto. Jr.”

“Okay, I’ll call you Raisuto then.” Izuku smiled.

“Hmm, I’m not opposed to that nickname. Go ahead, Jr. Oh! Let me tell you about all the things I can do! You can take pictures with the camera installed..”

“Izuku!” Touma shouted out.

“Oop. Okay, I’ll tell you later then, Jr!” Raisuto exclaimed as Touma came rushing to a Izuku. Raisuto floated away a short distance towards the Electric habitat.

“Izuku, the egg is hatching!” Touma shouted from the door of the site.

Izuku gasped before running after the doctor. His Pokémon friends were about to run after him before Anubis stopped them. “Hold it!”

“Wynaut!” Jessie exclaimed as they waddled with Zuzu.

“He is fine. Don’t worry.” Anubis looked over to see his friend rush into the site to see the egg hatch.

Izuku rushed through the halls with the professor until they reached the room with the egg. Touma ushered him inside to see the egg was rolling about with several cracks in the shell.

“Oh! They are getting close. Are you excited?” Touma asked.

“Yeah! I can’t wait!” Izuku answered back with a bright smile, turning his head to watch the sight before him.

Izuku gasped softly as a small snout broke through the shell before it was encased in a familiar light he saw when Jessie and Zuzu hatched. Izuku watched as a shiny Mareep with pink fluff that matched Diana’s fluff appeared after the light faded.

“Woah…” Izuku commented, watching the Mareep look round before settling her eyes on him. “Hi!”

“Wow, a shiny Mareep. Didn’t see that coming.” Touma added, watching Izuku’s eyes widened as Mareep walked up to him to nuzzle her head on top of his. “Izuku, you can nickname her if you want.”

“Really?!” Izuku questioned as Mareep kept nuzzling him.

Touma nodded with an easy grin, “Yeah, go ahead. And if you really want, you can take her home as a new friend.”

“Really?” Izuku asked again with a smile and happy tears. Touma smiled easily in return to answer him.

Izuku looked into Mareep’s shiny eyes and smiled. “I’ll call you Rosa.”

Rosa chirped in reply before nuzzling his forehead out of affection. The professor laughed before letting her on the head.


Raisuto flew around Izuku as he carried Rosa in his arms. Kyu was riding his shoulder like always with Anubis walking alongside him. Zuzu and Jessie trotted along in front of Anubis with Ebony flying over Izuku’s head. Adora and Violetta we’re back in their pokeballs.

“And there is a neat tool called Roto Loto! And yeah, I think I went through everything, Jr.” Raisuto said as he zipped up in the air right next to Ebony.

“So you can just adapt yourself into the Pokédex?”

“Yep! I can also do it with other things too! Like a lawnmower or old washing machine or something like that!”

“That is nice.”

“Oh! Just like the number eight hero Wash. I think he has a partner that is a Rotom in their washing machine form.”

Anubbis nodded, “Yes, they do have one on their team.

“I think that was their first Pokémon too..” Izuku widened before hearing an anguished cry of ‘Psy! Psyduck!’

“Whoa. Looks like a Psyduck is nearby. And by the sounds of it, they might need some sort of help.” Raisuto stated.

Izuku nodded to Anubis and Kyu before walking carefully over to where Psyduck might be. Zuzu and Jessie walked ahead of Izuku as Crobat took to the sky to try and find Psyduck faster.

Izuku eventually found the source of the commotion when he found a trip of kids throwing sticks near a Psyduck who was clutching his head from their taunts. IUku furrowed his brow, leaving Crobat to take matter into his own hands as he swooped down and scared the children with his shadow. The trip ran away from the doom of what the shadow might hold, once they left a grinning Crobat appeared from the leaves of the tree that was above him.

Izuku shook his head with a smile before focusing his attention o n the Psyduck. Rosa nuzzled into his hand before he set her down on the ground to attend to the distressed Psyduck. Zuzu approached calmly with Jessie tilted her head at the Psyduck who seemed to be clutching their head very seriously now.

“Psy..Psy!” Psyduck groaned, rubbing their head.

“Hey, are you okay?” Izuku asked.

“Psyduck. A water type Pokémon. This Pokémon is troubled by constant headaches. The more pain, the more powerful it’s psychokinesis becomes.” Raisuto provided information quietly in a whisper to Anubis who was standing nearby.

“I think he needs some help calming down before his power you know...lets loose.” Anubis started from behind Izuku. Izuku nodded before facing the freaking out Psyduck.

Izuku took out his small cd player with its headphones. Psyduck watched him curiously despite the pain of his headache before Izuku started a light instrumental song on his player before gently placing the headphones on a curious Psyduck’s head. The Psyduck’s distress started to melt away at the light sounds of a harp playing into his ears.

They all watched as Psyduck slowly started to calm down. Izuku smiled as Psyduck became more cheerful despite having been distress only three minutes ago.

“That’s better.” Izuku sighed before asking worriedly, “Do you feel any better?”

Psyduck nodded. Rosa approached Psyduck, knocking her soft head into his belly. Psyduck stiffened before smiling and patting her on the head. He reached up to the headphones around his neck, so he could return the item.

“Hey, bud. Do you want to come with us?” Psyduck looked up to see Raisuto floating above him. “We are going to Jr’s house and apparently it’s a pretty nice place. I bet I would be quieter than all of this.”

Izuku blushed, “Raisuto..”

“What? Like you weren’t going to ask?” Raisuto retorted.

“Hers right..” Anubis muttered, causing Izuku to look slightly betrayed before realizing that he would have asked if Raisuto didn’t first.

Izuku smiled with a chuckle at Psyduck as the water type bought over his options…

Stay in the forest and either be crowded by Pokémon trainers and loud children or go to a supposed quieter place. Eh, he will take any chance he would get for some peace and quiet. And the boy’s music really helps him. So it might not be so bad…

“Psyduck!” Psyduck agreed with a snood, following Rosa back to Izuku. Anubis looked at Izuku with a knowing look that was returned by Kyu. Ebony looked down with a smile at the new addition before the team headed back home with this friend.

Izuku thought about a name for him… Espy sounded like a good name for his new friend.


Inko sighed as she watched her son happily welcome the new additions in his room. She watched as Diana took a liking to Rosa because of their similar pink fluff. Belle and Jamie watched over their young ones in the living room as Inko walked back into the kitchen. But before she could start on dinner, the doorbell rang.

Inko gently walked up to the front door only to be greeted by the sight of All Might when she opened the door.

“Hello, Inko. I found a house that might match your wishes.” All Might said as he held out a paper.

Inko took the paper to see the file of the house All Might had found. Inko gasped as she looked at the traditional James’s style of housing. It apparently was modernized on the inside, but looked traditional from the outside. It was similar to Kiku’s shelter, but a bit bigger. It had a total of four bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

It was spacious on the inside as well as outside. The rooms looked so big from the floor plan and images he was showing her in the file. The backyard was complete with a cherry blossom tree, a small flower garden, and a pond. There was an attic and a lovely cellar that acted as a pantry.

Inko smiled, “Wow. This house looks amazing. It seems perfect..too perfect…especially for this kind of price.”

All Might added, “It's only because the house is very old. Older than most of the houses in the area, so most people didn’t really want to purchase it. When I heard it, I thought it would be a nice fit for you.”

“Thank you very much. Would you like to stay for dinner?” Inko offered, opening the door wider for them.

“Oh, I shouldn’t..” AllMight tried to argue before Lucario blew out a puff of air from beside him.

Lucario happily answer for the mumbling All Might by walking inside after Inko’s lovely offer.

All Might groaned in embarrassment as Inko giggled. Inko ushered him inside while two pairs of eyes watched them disappear inside the apartment.

The two pairs of eyes belonged to Ekans and a Galarian Zigzagoon. Both of them still wore their everstones around their neck as they ducked onto another rooftop to stay the night. Ekans looked over to Zigzagoon after the two adults had disappeared inside the warm home. Zigzagoon had nothing to say except a nudge of them to return to their metal shelter was that night.

Ekans watched between his friend and the apartment door before following Zigzagoon back under the shelter on top of the roof of an old building.


* don’t recommend any more Pokémon for Izuku. He has plenty. *

I love to hear your ideas and read your comments! ^_^

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 20: Please Read!

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone.

I have never done an author’s note before, Everything is okay now! The issue has been cleared up. None of my stories will be limited!

Also another update:

I plan on finishing...

Ghostly Whispers
Oh No, She’s Cute
Screw You Kacchan
Flowers Can Make Even the Worst Situation Better May

Hopefully I can also finish The Quirkless Gamer of North Musutafu by May as well, but who knows with my schedule.

So if you are looking forward to certain updates of specific fics, I apologize for the wait. I do hope to update about three or four other fics per month if I have the time.

By the way, to anyone reading on the app, just know that I didn’t want my work on there in the first place. Get rid of the app if you have it. It is literally pointless. It is stealing form other’s works and making a profit off of it when fanfiction is not supposed to be used for any kind of profit. Ao3 is non profit.

Thanks for reading!!


If you want to talk or ask anything about the fanfics I write, just use the links below. Ask me stuff on tumblr or talk about stuff on discord.

Chapter 21: Swampy!


Izuku goes on a mini quest foot find a megastore for Mataha. And moving into the new house!


Hope you like it! Tell me if there are any errors!

Mimikyu: Kyu
Magikarp: Koi
Riolu: Anubis
Eevee: Sakura
Amaura: Adora
Houndor: Makaria
Charmander: Zarius
Litten: Lili
Shedinja: Dagoto
Beedrill: Mataha
Buneary: diana
Steenee: Charlotte
Ditto: Kagami
Chikorita: Deku #2
Crobat: Ebony
Teddiursa: Quinn
Froakie: Tsun
Shiny Axew: Mercury
Gible: Griffin
Stuful: Zuzu
Wynaut: Jessie
Brionne: Violetta
Rotom: Raisuto
Shiny Mareep: Rosa
Psyduck: Espy

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It has been a few months since Izuku turned seven. On his birthday, he got a handmade quilt from Kiki that had a little illustration of a Bulbasaur with freckles since she thinks he looks the most like a Bulbasaur. She also gave him birthday wishes from Tangela. Professor Touma gifted him with a detailed handbook about Pokémon and what they usually like or need depending on the type. It was hardcover and had a lot of information that Izuku can use for the future. All Might gave him one of his prototype capes that he hasn’t used. He absolutely adored it, the white material was so smooth. Lycanroc really liked it too from the way he kept pawing at it which made All Might slightly raise a brow at their behavior.

Inko revealed that his father overseas helped pay for the gift which turned out to be a Snorlax beanbag chair with a matching pokeball abdomen. His birth father even surprised him with a video call. He knew that his father was still supportive and loved them even though they had divorced. He was happy they had a good friendship with no hard feelings since it was a mutual separation. His dad even mentioned finding someone recently since he went out on a date, and his mother was so happy to hear that.

With these past months, Inko was working with All Might to prepare to move into the new house. When they went to see it first, it was love at first sight. There was so much space, but it didn’t feel like it was too isolating. They had so much backyard space, and it even came with a small shed that wasn’t pictured on the site. It was a nice surprise. In a few days, they will officially move into their new house. He will miss the old apartment, but it was getting a bit cramped. He is just that everyone will have more space, and that they can make memories.

Speaking of All Might, he said that tomorrow he will help him find a mega stone. He is so excited!

Just then, Mataha flew in first of Izuku while he was reminiscing about life. “Hey, are you excited about tomorrow?”

Mataha excitedly chirped before doing a twirl in the air. He cheerfully drilled his arms in the air with a cry of enjoyment.

“Yeah. I can’t wait to find a mega stone for you. I hope that we find one. Professor Touya already gave me my bracelet to allow everyone to mega evolve with their specific stones. Man, I just can’t wait! I’m too excited to just travel in a little mini journey!” Izuku admitted, happily bouncing on his bed. He drew 2’s attention when he bounced, causing her to pout with a grimace before turning around to try to get back to sleep. “Oh, sorry 2. Go back to your nap.”

2 answered him back with a huff before brushing her vine whip against him in reassurance that she wasn’t really that mad about it. Izuku hummed while he watched Makaria and Lili share the Snorlax beanbag chair. Zarius was already asleep on his back on the Pokéball abdomen. Rosa and Quinn were sleeping next to each other, with Rosa mostly leaning into Quinn. Dagoto was already on his favorite shelf, Raisuto was already in sleep mode in his Pokédex, and Espy finally fell asleep at his desk after watching some relaxing videos that Izuku pulled up just of them. ASMR videos actually really helped Espy calm down from the headaches along with normal soothing meditation like music. Koi was with Tsun in the bathtub while Violetta was sleeping right near them on a mini water bed that Inko picked up at a yard sale. Zuzu and Jessie were sleeping with their mothers tonight.

Kyu was slowly nodding off in their spot nearest to him like always. Anubis was swinging his feet next to him on the bed next to him. Sakura walked up to the Pokéball abdomen and curled up right up against it. Adora was surprisingly sleeping near Espy because the relaxing videos got to her as well. What can Izuku say? Those videos were very helpful to sleep. He should know because he used that trick every time he couldn’t really sleep.
Diana was resting against Snorlax beanbag chair with Charlotte’s head on her lap. Griffin and Mercury were sleeping by the feet of Izuku’s bed to guard him. Kagami was slumped on a pillow against the bookshelf while Ebony lazily napped a few shelves above him. Surge was relaxing with his tiny arms on his chest ass he looked out the window to the stars above him.

“Goodnight, everyone. I love you all,” Izuku yawned, leaning down to finally let sleep consume him. Anubis climbed up to rest against him while 2 slept right by his feet. Mataha gently rested on top of his legs, making sure he didn’t move in his sleep.


“Hello, my boy! Are you ready to start your own adventure to search for a Beedrillite?!”

“I’m ready!” Izuku answered happily, practically bouncing in the balls of his feet. Anubis nodded from his side while Kyu flopped her head to the side. Mataha cheerfully flew up in the air in excitement while Surge smiled from the top of Izuku’s head. Tsun and Makaria were in their pokeballs for now safely tucked away in his pocket.

“Alright. This will be the first time you go on a journey by yourself. But! I will be behind you all the way to make sure nothing happens to you. Although I won’t help you unless absolutely necessary like there was suddenly villains or a situation like that. Today is all about you growing with this experience,” All Might explained while his floppy hat drooped. His disguise today was noticeably unrecognizable from the floppy hat to the oatmeal cardigan that he had donned to try to cover up his muscles only for the cardigan’s buttons to look like they are ready to pop off at any time.

“I understand, sir!” Izuku answered back respectively. Anubis nodded with a determined look.

“Alright, now. Hop onto my back! I need to make a long jump to get us over there. Hopefully, we don’t draw any attention,” All Might announced, squatting down to allow Izuku to climb on. Izuku quickly put everyone into their pokeballs since it was going to be a really fast jump. He didn’t want anyone to get lost or hurt during it.

Izuku climbed into his back after securing everyone safely inside their balls, “Where are we going?”

“We are going to the far side of the forest where there is a sea meeting another beach. From there is an abandoned ship that you will find the mega stone for Mataha,” All Might responded, squatting a few times before getting ready to launch. “You ready?”

“Yep!” Izuku replied before All Might took to the sky.


“AHHHHHH!” Izuku muffled yelled into All Might’s shoulder as he soared through the key. All Might kept a hand on his floppy hat as if that will help make anyone who sees them second guess if he was the number one pro hero.

Within only a minute, All Might landed in the middle of a forest. “Great! Now all you have to do is go towards the east. You have your compass?”

“He has something better than a compass!” Raisuto announced, popping out of his bag. “Don’t worry, friend. I have a map to help out if you need it!”

“Thanks, Raisuto,” Izuku said while he released Mataha, Anubis, and Kyu back out. He patted the balls where the other three sat in his pocket. He needed to make sure the environment was mostly safe then he could allow everyone to come out if they wanted. “Alright, I think I’m all set. I have potions, berries, and anything else I can think fo for this mega stone journey.”

“Good. Now, just to remind you, I will be right here while you search. If you need any help, I will be close. Good luck, young Midoriya,” All Might said with a proud smile.

“Thank you! Let’s go, guys,” Izuku announced, walking away slowly from the pro hero, “Bye. I’ll be back soon!”

“I sure hope so,” All Might said before breathing out when Izuku was out of sight. “It shouldn’t be that hard to fin it. I just worry he might get lost on the way to the destination.”

It took him a moment to realize he was actually talking by himself in the middle of a forest. It finally clicked in when a Comfey awkwardly backed away from him with a questioning look on their face. All Might slowly laughed before facepalming, he allowed his Pokémon to come out just so he can have some company. And if he needed help, his team with being ready with him.


Izuku took off into his journey with Mataha flying high next to his head. Makaria was on his heels walking with him while Anubis was on his other side. Surge sat on top of his head, scoping out the path by looking all around them. Kyu was resting on his shoulder like she always is and Tsun was hopping in front of him to lead the way down the path.

Further along the path, Tsun slowed down his hops to hop towards the tree line. Izuku took a pause as well while Makaria ran up to Tsun to see what he was staring at. Izuku came up behind the two to watch as a herd of Dunsparce was walking on the dirt path below them with a single Caterpie among them. Raisuto came out of his bag to allow Izuku to take a picture of the sight for safekeeping. Izuku smiled as he looked at them peacefully, he waved to the little Caterpie among them before traveling back down the path. When he left, Caterpie looked back up at where he went.

The group continued done the path with Raisuto helping along the way. Surge yawned before almost falling asleep on top of Izuku’s head because of the overall peaceful nature sounds and steady rhythm of Izuku’s walk.

“Hmm, I wonder how long it will take us to get there,” Izuku wondered before bending down to pick up a berry that fell from a tree in front of him. “Surge, want a berry?”

Surge looked to see the berry in front of him before lazily taking the berry into his mouth. Izuku giggled before asking, “Does anyone else what a berry?”

They all looked back at the idea of a snack. Kyu happily took hers before throwing Makaria’s berry up in the air to catch in her mouth excitedly. Mataha swooped down to take one from Izuku’s hand. Tsun hopped up into Izuku’s arms to take one.

“Yes,” Anubis communicated with a grabby hand before he took one of the last ones from Izuku’s hand. Izuku took the last one before letting Tsun back down for him to lead again.

Eventually, the group found the abandoned ship when they finally climbed up a hill in their path. Izuku happily ran down with his friends right next to him. He stopped just short of the water, noticing how there was a good amount of water between the ship and the shore.

Izuku furrowed his brows at the water, “Makaria, do you want me to carry you across? I don’t know how deep the water is.”

“Hound!” Makaria agreed, hopping right into his arms before he trekked through the water. Anubis was right behind him with Tsun helping him through the deeper parts. Mataha went ahead and helped Surge across by picking him up from Izuku’s head.

Izuku finally made it past the water, letting Makaria down first before helping Anubis into the platform. Finally, everyone was across Mataha looking more excited than normal.

Izuku nodded to himself, “Now all we have to do is find the stone inside. Although All Might did say something about solving a bit of a puzzle or something before we find it. Everyone ready?”

He received nods from mostly everyone while Mataha gave a happy trill. “Great, let’s get inside.”

With that, they all traveled inside the abandoned ship to find the Beedrillite. Once inside the ship, they found the ground to be littered with hole. Makaria and Surge walked ahead to find anything while the others went a different way to the right.

“Okay, we have some doors, more holes in the ground, and.....a whole lot of water.” Izuku said before going to open some of the doors only to discover that they were locked, “Should we swim down to see if there if anything down there? There might be a key to unlock these doors.”

Izuku looked at Makaria and Surge, “You guys stay here to lookout. Keep each other safe, okay? Tsun, can you help me swim through this? I don’t think I am that strong of a swimmer.”

Tsun nodded, saluting up to Izuku before stepping into the water. Anubis followed him while Mataha rested next to Surge and Makaria.

Izuku promised, “I’ll be right back.”

They nodded while they watched him take a deep breath before diving under. Under the water, Tsun grabbed ahold of Izuku’s hand while Anubis took his other and together they swam in unison. Kyu helped out by using her shadow claw to basically propel them the dark water.

Izuku struggled against the water while Tsun was trying to keep moving on to help him. The water was proving much longer than they thought, and Izuku couldn’t hold his breath for too long.

Tsun reflected back into the times he started to training together with everyone. How he wanted to be stronger with everyone, be stronger than he was. And this was his chance to prove it! Izuku needed his help! He needed to prove how strong he can be!

Izuku squinted to see what was ahead of him only to be blinded with a familiar light before their swimming trip took a much faster approach. He couldn’t help but feel a stronger tug ahead of him, yet a hard push behind him that propelled the friends through the water faster.

In a short time, they finally hit the surface white Izuku coughing up a bit. “Ha, oh goodness. That was a longer swimming trio than I expected. Don’t you agree?”

Kyu voiced her agreement by vigorously shaking off her body to fling the water from her disguise. Anubis spewed our a water stream from his mouth. Izuku looked around for Tsun only to see that he had changed.

He had evolved into Frogadier!

“Tsun! Oh my, you evolved! I’m so proud!”

“Froga!” Tsun cheered.



Izuku looked behind him to see a Mudkip swim up from behind him cheerfully. “Were you the one that gave me a push from behind?”

“Kip!” Mudkip nodded with a grin.

“Thanks for the push,” Izuku said before Anubis threw a glance back at Mudkip. “Oh yeah. Can you help us out? I’m trying to find a mega stone for my friend.”

Mudkip nodded before taking off onto the ship’s wood while everyone climbed onto the ships’ floor out of the water. Mudkip came back with a key in his mouth.

“Thank you, Mudkip,” Izuku said before trying to use the key in the doors before Mudkip stopped him to motion with his head back in the opposite direction. “Wait, we have to swim back to use the key?”

Mudkip tilted his head before walking to the wall while Izuku thought about it out loud, “from the way things seem to be, it looks like I have to collect keys from different rooms. Then I have to find one key in particular that will bring us to the room where the mega stone for a Mataha would be. So I guess, we have to just swim back and forth a few times if my hypothesis is correct-,”

“Mudkip!” Mudkip said to call the attention of Izuku. Izuku looked back to see that Mudkip had dug holes under the doors and retrieved the keys. Mudkip picked up one that looked different from the others and placed it in front of him. He nodded his head towards the third room before sitting down in front of them. Izuku picked up all the keys that they gave him while Tsun tilted his head when Kyu gave a short laugh at Izuku’s predicament.

Izuku looked at the keys in his hands, “Oh...”

“He says that he has watched too many people do this. He got kind of tired watching them swim back and forth. So...all we have to do is swim back, get the key for room three, and then we should be set to come back here and get the thing we are looking for.” Anubis explained before looking back at Mudkip, “I got all that, right?”

“Mud!” Mudkip nodded happily.

“Okay, I guess we just...swim back? Tsun, you ready for another trip? Everyone good?” Izuku asked before receiving agreement, especially a cheerful one from Mudkip. “Okay, let’s get back to the others.


Mataha tilted his head, ‘When will he get back?’

‘I have no idea,’ Surge answered back with a shrug.

‘You don’t think he is in trouble, right?’ Mataha asked, staring at the calm water.

‘Well, the boy seems to be a trouble magnet, but he should be alright.’ Makaria said before looking at the door. She looked around to see if anyone else was there watching the three before raising her brows at her idea. She looked back at her friends, ‘Hey, do you think I can just melt a hole into the doors to see what is inside? It might make this quest quicker.’

Surge hummed, placing hi and on his chin, ‘On one hand, causing damage to an already abandoned ship. On the other hand, making us get home faster.’

‘Do it, Maka!’ Mataha yelled out.

Makaria said before walking over to a door. ‘Alright, sweet.”

Makaria started to use ember to slowly chip away from the corner of the door, she didn’t know how long it would take for the door to finally get a hole big enough to crawl through.

‘Oh wait! Wait! I see them coming!’ Mataha called out.

Makaria looked up with wide eyes, ‘How?!’

‘I see them moving in the water!’ Mataha answered, ‘Quick, move away from the door and act natural!’

‘Do I stand next to the door to hide it?!’ Makaria asked.

Mataha fluttered his wings before responding, ‘I don’t know! But they are coming in fast!’

Surge yelled out, ‘Just act like we weren’t just causing property damage and we should be fine!’

And so the three adopted their ‘natural pose’ when Izuku finally came up from the water. Mataha was lying down in a way to hide door damage with his abdomen from Izuku’s perspective. Makaria was lying down on her stomach next to Surge who was leaning against the opposite wall.

Izuku raised a brow at their positions that were trying to sell, ‘hey, we haven’t been doing anything. We definitely didn’t cause property damage if that was what you were about to say!’

‘I heard something about property damage from under the water,’ Tsun said to break up the silence.

‘Oh hi! You’re evolved!’ Makaria commented.

Surge hummed, ‘Isn’t that nice?’

‘When did that happen?’ Mataha asked cheerfully.
Kyu narrowed her eyes, ‘Don’t change the subject. Why are the three of you acting suspicious?’

Mataha laughed, ‘Suspicious? Us? Pfft. I don’t know what you are talking about.’

‘What up?! Ready to cause property damage?!’ Mudkip yelled out from behind Izuku before jumping onto the land. ‘Oop, looks like you guys beat me to it.’

“I don’t think we need to cause property damage that much anymore since we got the keys,’ Anubis looked over to Mudkip, “Right?”

Mudkip shrugged before going towards one of the rooms. “Beats me. I just see them walk around and swim back and forth a lot. I just know that you needed a storage key to find the stone. We just need to find the key to get inside the room that leads to outside.”

Kyu tilted her head passed him to look at Place they came through, “Or we could just go outside and find it out there?”

Mudkip looked from Kyu, back to the front door, and then looked back at her, “If you want to take the fun out of it, you could try to find it from looping around outside.”

“Alright,” Anubis said to Mudkip before turning to Izuku to explain the situation.

“If that is okay with everyone, I think we can try going around the boat,” Izuku added.

“I’ll help with the swim across if we come into deep waters. You in?” Tsun asked Mudkip.

Mudkip nodded, “Yeah, I got nothing better to do.”

“I can help carry you guys,” Mataha offered to Makaria and Surge.

“I call your back. Makaria, you can be carried in his drills,” Surge said before climbing up to take the role of the piggyback situation.

“Cool! I’ll just keep riding in the backpack!” Raisuto yelled out from inside his bag.

“Raisuto! Are you okay?” Izuku asked worriedly. He opened up his bag to see Raisuto resting in the bag.

Raisuto answered, “Yeah. It was just a bumpy ride underwater. No big. You might want to put this dex in rice when you get home though, just to be safe. The Pokédex is waterproof, but you never know.”

Izuku and his friends took off towards the front door. Mudkip ran ahead to lead them with Tsun right behind him. They took to the water once outside, circling the boat until they came to a door that had a sandhill in front of it for them to walk on. Mataha came to land, dropping off Makaria and Surge jumped off his back.

“I think this is it. This key should open it,” Izuku said before placing the key 8nside the lock and turning it until it clicked. “It’s open.”

‘I can’t wait!’ Mataha cried out, his drills spinning in anticipation.

Izuku opened the door revealing a few items on the floor with wooden crates all around the room. Surge took off behind a wooden crate after seeing something sparkle from the light that came from the closed door.

Surge whistled the best he could before speaking up, ‘Wow, these are a lot of gold nuggets.’

‘We can give these to Miss Inko so she won’t have to spend that much on groceries!’ Kyu celebrated.

Anubis smiled ten repeated the new information to Izuku who looked happy that he may gift his mom with them. Mudkip was looking around in awe, happy to finally see what the others come here for.

Anubis walked over to what looked like a cd or DVD on the ground. “What is this?”

“That looks like a technical machine! Professor Touma told me about them!” Izuku replied, rushing over to see which one. “There are so many of them. Which one is this one?”

Raisuto climbed out of the bag before staring at the TM hard. Raisuto cleared his throat, “TM Return. Return is a normal type move that that varies in power depending on friendship. Max happiness gives it a base power of 102 and a low of 1 base power with 0 friendship it is a physical type move. This is one of the best normal type moves because if you have max happiness it has 102 power and it will always have 100 percent accuracy.”

“Wow,” Izuku commented.

‘I think I found the stone! It looks pretty!’ Mataha said, floating above a spot in the corner behind a few wooden crates.

Izuku rushed over to Mataha and found the Beedrillite right behind the crates. “Nice work finding the stone, Mataha. That means our quest has been completed!”

‘Wait, completed?’

“Yeah, we completed the task of finding the stone.”

‘Um, does that mean you guys are going to leave?’

‘Yeah,’ Kyu answered back simply, gathering up the golden nuggets to put in the bag with Raisuto to look after them. Anubis places the TM in the bag before looking back to Mudkip.

Tsun stepped forward, “You can come with us if you want. Izuku is a lovely friend to cares very much about us. I noticed that this place can be lovely at times. So if you would like, I think Izuku would accept you with open arms.”

Mudkip looked to him and then at Izuku. “Would he really accept me?”

Anubis looked over at him, “Oh definitely, no doubt about it.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Izuku asked while he walked over to see what the fuss was about.

Mudkip cheeped our which Anubis translated for him, “He wants to join.”

Izuku tilted his head, “Of course if he wants to. He was a great help to us, so I would be happy to be his friend.”

Mudkip looked up at Izuku with tearful eyes before jumping up and down in excitement. ‘Yes, yes, yes!’

“How about... Hmm.. Swampy? Do you like that name?”

Swampy nodded enthusiastically while everyone else just watched him celebrate. They knew it wouldn’t be too long before he might join.

And so when the sun was beginning to set, Swampy joined the rest f the team on their walk back to All Might.

And then afterward, he got a big hug filled with tears with his mother who was grateful that he actually wanted to gift her with the gold nuggets to help pay for essentials.


It was finally the move-in day. Izuku would definitely miss the apartment, but he was excited to see what new memories he will make at the new house. All Might was there with them to help with the moving by basically using a truck from his friend to transport their luggage. They would take their furniture after the first trip.

After a considerable time in the car behind All Might’s truck, they finally arrived at their new house. It looked so beautiful from the outside, it reminded him of a mixture of Bakugo’s house and Kiku’s shelter.

Izuku’s friends were all in their pokeballs along with Inko’s Pokémon for a safer travel. All Might picked up their luggage in one go before running into the house to set them down. Izuku and Inko followed after him with boxes of their own.

Once inside, Izuku gasped at the interior despite seeing it before in the pictures that his mother had shown him. It was so pretty on the inside as well as the outside! The contemporary traditional styled house had a beautiful wooden interior with painted walls. The screen sliding doors leading outside were just beyond the kitchen dining area.

The kitchen was so spacious, it had wooden shelves and cabinets that could fit so much stuff. There was a door that led to a mini pantry for Inko to put her spices and everything inside. The sink had a gray granite top with a smooth grey cabinet beneath to check on the pipes and places the cleaning supplies.

The living room was right before the kitchen with a large L-shaped sofa in front of a television that sat comfortably inside an indent in the wall. Underneath the television was a few shelves to place their movies and games.

On the first floor was the kitchen, the living room, the garden, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. The second floor housed another two bedrooms with a bathroom in the hallway. There was also a door that opened up to stairs that lead to the attic.

Outside was a huge backyard that was very open. It had a large tree overlooking a small pond next to a garden of flowers. The shed was on the opposite end around the corner of the house. Inko could see the doors near the corner of the house that led to tech cellar down below that also could act as a basem*nt.

“I still can’t believe this is our new home. Thank you again,” Inko said calmly to All Might.

“It was no problem, I was just lucky enough to find a house that fit your needs. Just call me your new real estate agent,” All Might joked which caused Inko to laugh.

Together they spent the rest of the day moving into their new house from going on another trip to the apartment to unloading the boxes. Between all of it happening, Izuku started to question why All Might’s Lucario was snickering every time All Might’s face became red.

After it was all done, Inko prepared some lemonade for everyone while relaxing in the backyard. By now, all of the Pokémon were hanging out amongst the new property by either playing in the garden or inspecting the inside of the house that they were staying in now.

Without anyone’s attention, a certain galarian Zigzagoon and Ekans with matching necklaces slid into the backyard behind the shed. Ekans peeked our to see everyone having fun, spotting the new addition playing with the other water types in the pond.

It was a new chapter starting the page of Izuku’s story.


Next, the long awaited,: 404 and Duplica

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 22: 404 and Duplica


Trust me.

I know as well as everyone...

Izuku has too many Pokémon.

I won’t kill one off like my roommate suggested.


Hope you like it!

I decided to just include the names of the Pokémon talked about it the chapter so I don’t overly confuse people.

Mimikyu: Kyu
Magikarp: Koi
Riolu: Anubis
Eevee: Sakura
Amaura: Adora
Houndor: Makaria
Charmander: Zarius
Litten: Lili
Shedinja: Dagoto
Beedrill: Mataha
Chikorita: Deku #2
Brionne: Violetta
Rotom: Raisuto

****also, please refrain from any Pokémon suggestions for Izuku. He doesn’t need anymore. Pwease. I think almost everyone has their Pokémon already chosen. But I would love to hear thoughts on what other characters would be like with their Pokémon. I love getting comments about what people would think would best go with characters. I have Uraraka having ground type to help with her parents at first before growing to ave more fighting and psychic types in her team and such. Thank you all for reading this story!!****

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It took them some time to get used to the new household. But it had so much more space than their old apartment had. And the old owners actually left behind some things in the shed that Izuku had discovered. One of the things that were left behind was a whole archery set up. There were targets, bows, and arrows that the original owner had left behind in good condition. It must have been an old hobby that the pay didn’t want to take with them.

His mother had actually gotten him a starter phone, so he can call or text her. It was a simple flip phone that could only make calls and send texts. Raisuto could help him where the flip phone couldn’t, they could tell him where he was and take pictures.

And after they officially moved in, Izuku was ready to take on a different adventure. He met with All Might at Dagobah beach. He furrowed his brow at the appearance of a small garbage pile beginning to form near the edge of the deck. He noticed that All Might has been getting kind of busy this week after they had moved in, but hopefully, he is staying safe.

“My boy! I have great news!” All Might remarked with a bright smile, “Violetta’s old trainer has been dealt with accordingly from one of my friends, Tsukauchi. He works at the police station and he took care of the case. We won’t have to deal with that trainer ever again. Ah, I do hope I get to introduce you to him soon. He has been waiting to meet you since I tell him so much about your progress!”

“That’s great!” Izuku retorted before All Might went on to explain the next adventure that he thought that Izuku would like. It was supposed to be a relatively easy adventure that would allow him to explore an island just off the coast. It wasn’t that far from the beach, it was small and used mostly for beginning Pokémon trainers that wanted to find a quiet place to rest.

The first step was to talk to an old man that worked at the fishing store near the end of the beach. He would talk to him about random things. All Might warned him that he might just show you how to capture a Pokémon at most. The old man was known to help out the beginning Pokémon trainers, so he might mistake Izuku for one of them.

And then Izuku would travel to the island by either surfing, sailing or the old man will call upon Laura’s to give him a nice ride across the water.

After Izuku had explored the island, he could report back to the Laura’s waiting for him at any time. It was a simple exploration, there wasn’t any prize waiting for him. It was a simple journey. Although All Might did tell him about a myth about the island.

A myth of two Pokémon that weren’t supposed to be on the Pokédex. They were a Bird and Norma type Pokémon.

“A bird type Pokémon? Doesn’t that mean flying type?”

“No, bird type. It has been said that the two Pokémon are known to be the ‘glitches’. Legend goes that they can cause hallucinations, change forms, go past any level that regular Pokémon could reach, and duplicate items. Their technical names are M’ and Missingno,” All Might explained. “But there has been no sighting of them at all since pre quirk era. It has been said that they either disappeared or are still in hiding somewhere. Myths say that they have been staying on that island. But there have been multiple trainers that visit the island and return without seeing them at all. They just return with a few berries and go about their day.”

Izuku nodded, looking towards the water to spot the island a bit farther out in the water. It wasn’t big at all, but it had many trees covered the green grass. “Well, I can’t wait to see for myself!”

“Alright! Now, let’s see about today’s training. I was thinking that we do a bit of water training since the waves are looking especially good today,” All Might said. Izuku nodded before bringing out Swampy, Koi, and Tsun.

And then Izuku trained with his water Pokémon while All Might worriedly wondered about the message that Tsukauchi sent him earlier that day. A message that said something about All for One possibly coming back for a fight.

If he did come, All Might would be ready to face him to get a victory for his master.


The next day, Izuku was packing up his bag to leave on his small exploration journey. He brought Zarius, Adora, Sakura, Anubis, Dagato, and Kyu with him on this exploration. Kyu rides on his shoulder like always while the rest of his friends were in their pokeballs.

His mother kissed him goodbye on his cheek, double-checking to check that he had his starter phone with him as well. He waved goodbye to his many friends before walking all the way back to the beach to find the old man.

Eventually, he found the old man with the bucket hat with a few Magikarps swimming around in the waves.

“Hello?” Izuku greeted hesitantly.

The old man turned with a gentle expression, “Why hello there, young man. What brings you here today?”

“I want to explore the island over there,” Izuku retorted.

The old man’s bushy eyebrows shot up, “Oh really now? Well then, let me teach you the ropes of how to catch a Pokémon before you go there. There might be a few that might want to join your upcoming journey.”

Izuku nodded as he waited patiently for the man to show him how to catch a Pokémon. He used his own Pyukumuku as an example to catch one of the Magikarps swimming by. “It is as simple as that. But be careful on your journey. I’ll have my Lapras give you a ride there since you might not have a Pokémon yet that can help you surf that far away.” The old man explained before he whistled.

At the sound of the whistle, Lapras rose from the water to perch themselves near the sand for Izuku to climb on. Izuku waved to the old man while Kyu continued to ride on his shoulders. Kyu’s ear flaps moved with the gentle breeze over the ocean waves. Eventually, Lapras surfed over to the island, resting on the edge of the beach to wait for Izuku to be done.

Izuku thanked the kind Pokémon before nodding to Kyu. It was time to explore.

Izuku texted his mom right when he got into the island first before letting out his Pokémon friends. Adora hummed when she looked at the beautiful surroundings along with Zarius. Dagato floated into the air next to Izuku’s head to keep a close eye on all of them like a tired babysitter. Sakura skipped beside Izuku as she took off behind bushes to find anything that caught her interest. Meanwhile, Anubis was peacefully walking with Izuku, looking at the bushes as he passed. Zarius eventually takes the lead, getting in front of Izuku to march ahead of everyone else.

Izuku hummed as he walked the sandy path with his friends next to him the whole time. The island was small, but it had many plants that grew all around. Izuku couldn’t see many Pokémon around other than a Caterpie that was napping on a branch that he passed.

Then, Zarius stumbled upon an open area that wasn’t surrounded by a path of trees. He took off the area of everyone with Izuku following behind him as he ran around the place happily. Izuku smiled as Sakura leaped in to join him with Adora following their lead. Izuku laughed as his friends joined into an almost impromptu dance party in the area. Izuku stiffened up when he heard a rustle in the bushes near a rather large rock.

Izuku tilted his head, moving towards the rock to find a giant hole carved into the side of it. It was covered by many large bushes so anyone Passing by would just mistake it for a boulder and go on. Izuku crept closer when all of a sudden Kyu cried out in surprise when something flashed before her eyes.

Izuku backed away to check on a Kyu, not noticing two Pokémon presences getting close to them. Dagato hovered by Izuku’s shoulder, getting into a protective mode.

Izuku paused at the sight of the two Pokémon that All Might said we’re technically supposed to be myths. One seemed to be very tall from what he could tell, it was almost twice the size as the other. The two were like glitches in real life. The area around the two was blurred around them like they were the airbrushes of reality.

They looked... unique.

One looks like if a Kangaskhan was blurred around the edges with different parts of a Clefairy or a Slowpoke from the pink spots that Izuku could see. The other took the form of the skeleton of an extinct Pokémon that Izuku learned from the Professor was called Aerodactyl.

Raisuto chimes in, “Missingno and M’ bird/normal types. Missingno has five forms: ghost, skeletal Aerodactyl, skeletal Kabutops, and normal—,”

Raisuto got drowned out when the one that looked like skeletal Aerodactyl transformed into a different form that took on a more yellow shade. Izuku watched in shock as the Pokémon in front of him let out a long screech.

A long screech that lasted almost ten minutes from what he can gather. All of his friends were covering their ears from the loudness of the scream while Izuku gritted his teeth against it. It soon quieted down only to transform again. But this time, they took on the form of him. The Pokémon looked almost like him except for the overall fuzziness that the glitches seem to provide. He looked his duplicate up and down only for them to fade into the skeletal form of Kabutops.

Kyu dropped down from his shoulder to stand in front of him while Anubis looked on edge. They looked ready to defend at any second if the other moved towards him. Izuku looked down at them before glancing back up at the two Pokémon that were regarded as myths. He watched their body language take on a more defensive side than offensive. Professor Touya taught him to watch the body language for any sights of distress or danger, so he knew which Pokémon to not approach. They didn’t look dangerous at all, but they did look like they were seeing them as a threat or danger to themselves.

Izuku didn’t know what the next course of action to take would be. He knew that he had no reason to fight them, he basically showed up here out of nowhere so they had a reason to be on edge. Okay, Izuku thinks he knows what to do now.

“Um, hi. I’m Midoriya Izuku. I’m very sorry for basically showing up out of nowhere. I just wanted to have a fun little exploration of this island. I came with no intention of hurting you in any way. So I apologize for making it seem like I was here as a threat which is not the case. So um... yeah,” Izuku apologized in a ramble while the two Pokémon listened.

After he said that, the two seemed to calm down hesitantly like they wanted to believe he was telling the truth, but they didn’t know if he was tricking them.

“I promise that I’m not here to cause you any trouble or hurt anyone in any way. I'm just here to explore with my friends,” Izuku replied, gesturing to his friends.

Zarius was standing in front of Adora with his arms outstretched like he was acting as her shield. Sakura was tilting her head at them curiosity. Dagato was still floating in the air, staring at them impassively.

After a moment of waiting, their body language calmed down fully. They still watched him from a distance with the slightest bit of hesitancy still left in their eyes before Anubis tried to communicate with them. Izuku watched as Anubis talked to them for a bit, tilting his head at some of the responses he got back.

Anubis turner to him to explain that they were actually worried if he was part of one of the organizations that are out to capture them. Apparently, a lot of teams made of bad guys wanted to steal them away. That’s why they moved onto this island. They get scared every time someone visits only to relax when they move on since the people were mostly visiting Pokémon trainers.

Izuku explained himself and introduced his friends to them. Sakura took them the most interest in them since she could relate to living in fear of bad guy teams. She had to experience a lot of experiments before she was rescued.

“They just didn’t want to live in fear anymore of being discovered.” Anubis translated for the other two Pokémon. M and Missingno looked up at Izuku once again. “They are tired of running and hiding, but they don’t want to be a puppet to some kind of underground deals.”

Sakura piped up from her spot while she looked at the two others. Anubis’ ears shot up at her offer while Izuku could guess from the look on Anubis’ face. Missingno let out a series of noises that sounded mixed together. Anubis look to them and responded back with a nod.

“Well, we have enough room at the house, don’t we? Can they come live with us?” Anubis asked while Sakura looked at Izuku with her play doll eyes. Izuku laughed it almost seemed like his on friends were adopting more friends. Which they were technically at this point.

Izuku replied, “If they wished, they can come with us. I don’t think anyone will look for you two at my house. Our new house is pretty secured down with the help of my d...Uh.. my trainer. I promise I will try to do anything in my power to protect you. And I’m pretty sure everyone will have your back.”

Sakura nodded her agreement while Kyu gave a cheerful wag of her disguise’s head. Dagato floated down to rest in Izuku’s hair while Adora and Zarius gave their own agreement.

Raisuto piped up, “Nobody has really come after us. Junior protects us and we protect him.”

M and Missingno looked at each other for a moment before huddling together to decide what they should do. Izuku gave them time to decide since it was their choice after all.

And they decided to join them. Izuku offered them two heal balls that they gladly chose as their new homes. And then Lapras surfed them back once again while Izuku texted his mom about two new friends on the way back to the house.


Izuku let out M and Missingno with the others only when he got inside his house. Inko jumped at the sudden appearance of the two unique looking Pokémon only for them to greet her in happy voices. Inko smiled at them while Lycanroc gave them a once over with their own eyes.

“Welcome to the family. Do they have a nickname I can call them?”

“Um, would you guys want a nickname? Or do you two prefer to be called something else?”

They both seemed to shrug at the idea, letting Anubis translate for them. Apparently, they have already given themselves a name to refer to each other by. M was named Duplica and Missingno was called 404. When Izuku asked where Duplica got her name from, the other chirped happily.

Anubis tilted his head at their question before pulling out six items from Izuku’s bag for her to demonstrate something with. Anubis pulled out three different berries, a potion, a pokeballs before finally pulling out the rare candy that 2 had gifted Izuku before.

Duplica moved to take the rare candy before the candy became two...then four...then ten...and so on until the floor was covered in a huge pile of rare candies. It looked like there were over 200 candies all on the floor in front of him.

“Woah,” Izuku commented. Zarius stared at the pile before digging into the candies to eat some of them. Zarius continued eating while Izuku mumbled about the unique talents that they seemed to possess. Maybe that’s why bad people want them?

Izuku glanced up to see Zarius getting enveloped into a familiar white light that Izuku has seen before. “Zarius! You’re evolving!”

Zarius looked down at himself before the light faded to show him in his new Charmeleon form. They celebrated with a huff of smoke through their nose as they smirked at their brand new form.

Missingno took back their ghost form while a few of Izuku’s friends took a few candies for themselves to snack on. Izuku decided that maybe he should keep the rest in a safe place for now.

Charmeleon danced around proudly while Makaria and Lili snacked in their own candies. Izuku laughed joyfully at the new development while Duplica seemed happy that they were able to cause such a good reaction from the rest. Many other friends joined in on the sudden welcome party while others ate a few more candies before Izuku and Inko put them away in a basket.



Duplica and 404 become more friends than they are fighters in his team. They won't be in much action until they know that there is no danger coming after them. But they are very effective over Izuku and their new friends. They help scare off any unwanted people from their friends.

They will help duplicate items in the pantry to help Inko with groceries. They can basically replicate the none perishable items, so Inko just has to take care of the fresh foods until she decides to make a garden in future. (possibly)

I also edited their weight and height since in the pokedex....dang. M is almost as tall as Rayquaza apparently so I shortened them a bit for plot purposes.

Next Chapter is where the plot kicks in with All for One and All Might fight happening. Oh yeah, that good plot. Also, countdown to canon storyline is like in the chapters. I might have to move Pokémon and chapter outlines around a bit. I will stray from canon a bit....

Chapter 23: Legolas!


All Might is gone, where is he? Oh look, a Rowlet.


Pokémon list:

Mimikyu: Kyu
Magikarp: Koi
Riolu: Anubis
Eevee: Sakura
Amaura: Adora
Houndor: Makaria
Charmeleon: Zarius
Litten: Lili
Shedinja: Dagoto
Beedrill: Mataha
Shiny Lopunny: Diana
Tsareena: Charlotte
Ditto: Kagami
Bayleef: Deku #2 (2 for short)
Crobat: Ebony
Teddiursa: Quinn
Frogadier: Tsun
Shiny Axew: Mercury
Gible: Griffin
Stuful: Zuzu
Wynaut: Jessie
Brionne: Violetta
Rotom: Raisuto
Shiny Mareep: Rosa
Psyduck: Espy
Missingno and M: 404 and Duplica

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku was starting to get a bit worried.

It has been a few days since his mother and he has heard from All Might. All he knew was that he hasn’t been seen since his fight with Toxic Chainsaw about a week ago. Inko hasn’t heard from him at all, not even a single text message or voicemail. So the Midoriya family was a bit worried about whether to not he was hurt.

But while All Might was gone. He even caught his mom video-calling dad to talk to him about it. Even when divorced, they could still talk to each other like old friends. Dad didn’t know that Izuku was being coached by All Might though, so they kept his name as Mr. M.

Inko slowly said, “I’m just very worried about him. He has never canceled plans or done anything like this. I think that he might be hurt,”

“I don’t know what to say. Inko, I don’t want you to be so stressed about this. If Mr. M is hurt, then he would contact you as soon as he can to tell you, wouldn’t he?” Hisashi started to ramble, “I mean, that’s what I would do. Maybe he just got called away on business to wherever he works... did he tell you where he works?”

“Uh, he works at All Might's agency,” Inko answered back.

Hisashi clapped his hands. His Torracat in the background startled up from their small nest of blankets. “Well there we go, maybe he has his hands full since All Might is so busy.”

Inko paused, “I just...”

“Inko, it will be okay. I’m sure that he will be back before you know it and you could all have tea and Katsudon and cookies. Oh my god, I’m making myself hungry,” Izuku’s mom laughed a little at dad. “I’m serious. What I would do to have you famous Katsudon right now. But alas, America doesn’t have that same homemade flavor and essence that your food has. It can never compare!”

Izuku smiled at their interaction before slowly joining into the conversation over video-call. Marowak moved over to allow him to sit right next to his mother on the couch so his dad can see him in the camera’s view.

Duplica and 404 were having fun relaxing in their new home life. They liked to hang mostly in the garden where some wild bug type Pokémon would visit. The only thing Duplica loved to do other than play outside was to keep duplicating the food and rare candies much to the other Pokémon’s enjoyment.

During the weekend, Izuku had woken up to a commotion downstairs only to find multiple of his friends already evolved from the number of candies they ate. His green eyes met the unique green eyes of 2 in her new Bayleef form. Diana and Charlotte looked up to see him in their final form. Lopunny and Tsareena stood up tall to face their friend. Diana’s pink fur was practically shining as her longer ear flopped down. Charlotte’s long legs were dancing all over the place out of happiness while 2 was bopping her head.

Unfortunately, all of their matching leather jackets didn’t fit anymore, so Inko promised to get them new ones made from the same material as their old ones. After that morning, Izuku tried to store away the rare candies in the pantry. The hiding spot didn’t last long since he found Mercury and Griffin in their second forms that night.

He gave up trying to store away the rare candies after that since he couldn’t stop them from snacking on what they want. However, Anubis told most of them to leave the candies for more occasions instead of daily.


The first day of the week meant back to school for Izuku. Kyu jumped onto his shoulder like always. Surge hopped into his hair for the free ride while Anubis chose his Pokeball for the duration there. The rest of his friends waved him off when he went to school.

When he gets there, he is surprised to see Kacchan’s desk crowded around. He carefully moves around the crowd to get somewhat close to his desk. Izuku learned what the fuss was about when he saw that Kacchan’s pokemon had evolved. He now had a Combustken and a Houndoom. And he also had a new addition that was running around his legs under his desk.

“I can’t believe you caught a Litleo! I can’t find them anywhere!” A person exclaimed.

The Litleo barked up at him before hopping on Kacchan’s shoe. Izuku tilted his head down at the Litleo who noticed him and mimicked the action back at him. Surge looked down at them as well before huffing to go back to the mess of curls in Izuku’s head.

Surge ended up taking a nap in his hair when the first period started. Izuku kept feeling Kacchan’s gaze on him from time to time. One time, he noticed how Litleo seemed to approach his desk before Houndoom nudged him back to underneath Kacchan’s desk. Kyu stayed on his desk during the entire duration of the day, making people avoid their gaze from him to make sure they stayed in their place.

During a lunch break, Bakugo looked back over his shoulder to see Surge shock Izuku with the static that they gained from rubbing on his head. Kyu laughed while Surge poker Izuku’s freckled cheek.

Bakugo glared at him while he thought to himself while scaling down the bento he brought for lunch. ‘I know that Deku has more Pokémon than me, but that doesn’t make him any better. He is still a quirkless Deku behind his Pokémon... And he also has a few water Pokémon.’

Bakugo kept thinking about his next move to get a Pokémon that will beat down Izuku’s water Pokémon. Grass-type, Dragon-Type, maybe another water type...

He looked down to see his Litleo chewing on his shoelaces. The whole reason why he stuck near fire Pokémon is to power up his quirk when he fought. When he becomes a hero, his fire Pokémon can add even more power to his explosions.

But now, he can’t just rely on fire Pokémon when Deku has over twenty Pokémon in his arsenal. He probably thinks that he is so easy to beat now. But he is not about to let some stupid nerd defeat him.

Deku won’t know what him.


Once school was out, Izuku headed straight for the doors before anyone else. Bakugo followed after him without his groupies behind him. But when Bakugo tried to run after Deku’s retreating back once he got outside, his shoes were pulled out from beneath him by a shadow.

“What the-?!” Bakugo shouted, catching himself from falling by the palm of his hands. Litleo and Houndoom barked beside him, nudging him to see if he was alright. Litleo even felt daring enough to lick his cheek to make him feel better about the small scrapes on his hands.

Bakugo leaned his face away from Litleo, “Ha, get down, girl. I’m fine. It’s just a few scores, no big deal.”

Litleo still looks worried with her big eyes staring up at him. With a snort, he patted her head in what looked like an effort to reassure her.

Meanwhile, behind the trees, an unfamiliar pair of red and yellow eyes stared out from the darkness. The eyes gazed at where Izuku had gone before fading back into the forest edge.

Izuku walked fast with Surge bouncing on his head until he slowed down to a stop when he noticed that nobody from school was behind him. Sighing, he rests against a tree, leaning his hand against the bark.

“Chu!” Surge piped up from his head before landing into his arms with urgency.

“Surge? What’s wrong?”


All of a sudden, Izuku felt something crash land right on his head. Wincing, he glanced up to see a pair of wide eyes looking back at him.

“Oh! Uh, hi,” Izuku greeted. Rowlet cawed back at him before snuggling into his curly hair, tapping their little feet on his scalp. “Um, my head isn’t a nest.”

Rowlet didn’t seem to hear him as they snuggled into his curly head of hair. Izuku slowly started to walk, thinking that maybe they will fly off when they realize that he isn’t staying in one place. Nope! Rowlet felt to be enjoying the ride from the small coos that Izuku kept hearing.

“Uh, I’m heading home, so you might want to go back to your home in the wild. I’m sure you have friends there,” Izuku said.

Rowlet bends over to his face and gazed into his eyes. They tilted their head before poking his forehead with their little beak.

“Ow. Okay. I guess you can hitch a ride in my hair for now,” Izuku responded, allowing the Pokémon to settle back into his hair. Kyu’s rumbling laughter was heard right next to his ear while Surge peeked out with an amused expression from his arms.

He fumbled around in his pockets with one hand to let Anubis free from his Pokeball.

“Ah, another. I am no longer surprised,” Anubis said politely.

Izuku continued to walk with Anubis by his side and Rowlet cuddling into his hair.

Rowlet let out a few coos towards Anubis who nodded at their sounds. “It looks like he wants to stay a little longer with you. He said that he likes your head nest.”

“It’s not a nest! It’s my hair,” Izuku argued back.

“Either way, are you going to send Rowlet away?”


“Answer honestly,” Anubis stared at him

Izuku pursed his lips, “He can stay if he wants to.”

“Knew it,” Anubis said under his breath. “Welcome to the family, Legolas.”

Izuku furrowed his brows, “Wait, Legolas?”

Anubis shrugged, “They look like one.”

Izuku looked back up towards his head. “Yeah, they kind of do. Do you like your new nickname?”

Legolas nodded, slipping their eyes closed to relax into his curly nest of hair.

“Okay then,” Izuku mumbled. “I’ll tell mom when we get home.”

“Like always,” Anubis added.


Meanwhile at the Bakugo household...

Bakugo and his mother were having a scowling staring contest in the kitchen. They were arguing over what to have for dinner with Mitsuki aiming for ramen and Katsuki wanting a more spicy dish.

“We had ramen for the past three damn nights! Can you cook anything else?!”

“Yeah! How about I do just that? Your father and I can have what I cook and you can have the vegetables that I don’t use! Doesn’t that just sound LOVELY to you?!”



Mankey was next to Bakugo, bouncing on the balls of their feet to stare daggers at the Fearow perched in the living room.

Masaru sat on the couch while Nosepass floated right next to him. He looked up from his sketchbook to see Leavanny working on a new sewing pattern. Masaru looked at his family in the kitchen, “Should I...?”

Nosepass slowly shook his head.

“Right. Good idea.”

Masaru looked back to the kitchen to see both of them huffing as they chopped up ingredients together. Sometimes he can look at their body language and know what they truly meant o say to one another. But other times... he just stays out of it.

This was one of those times.


So... I have decided to rewrite the outline of the story since it is too long for my tastes and I won’t have enough time to finish it before I even graduate out of college.
So I am starting from the next chapter on forward. So I’m holding back on giving Izuku some of the Pokémon that people wanted him to have.

So yes, Izuku won’t have every single Pokémon that people have suggested to me. Please understand, I apologize if I can’t give him every single suggestion.

And since I’m rewriting a the outline, Izuku can get to UA earlier than I had him.

Chapter 24: Bop!


This fic is now under editing with the help of a talented editor


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

All Might hasn’t appeared yet.

As far as Izuku and Inko knows, the last time they saw him or head about him was about the incident with Toxic Chainsaw. They are still on edge about where he might be and if he was okay. Inko was worried about him even more than Izuku was.

And so were all of their Pokémon. He could tell in their hopeful looks towards the door sometimes when they heard footsteps approaching only to realize it was the mailman or another Pokémon trainer passing by the house. Anubis was also one of the most worried since All Might’s Lucario became an influence to him.

All Might even missed his eighth birthday party. That’s when he knew that something must be wrong because he hasn’t missed a holiday since they had met him even if he comes in later than anyone that comes.

The party was still nice. His father overseas sent him money as well as an instant camera for him to take pictures with all of his Pokémon friends. All of it came inside a Bulbasaur shell themed backpack. And like always now, Kiku and Professor Touma visited to wish him a happy birthday as well as give him a gift.

They were both taken aback by the appearance of Missingno and M. Professor Touma almost fell when they had shuffle into his view. Izuku took the chance to get rid of most of the rare candies that they loved to duplicate by giving them to the Professor and Kiku as take-away gift bags.

Now, Izuku was walking into the downtown market with Anubis walking next to him and Kyu in his shoulder as always. Sakura was with him on this trip because she wanted to get out of the house. He was just coming back from visiting the ghost shrine to check in on his wild Pokémon friends. They were doing fine especially since Izuku dropped off a lot of duplicated berries for them to enjoy.

No sooner had he started to walk down a sidewalk next to the forest area that he heard shouts from many people nearby.

All of the sudden, Midoriya saw an Absol running straight towards him. Izuku stepped to the side to allow the Absol to hide in the tall grass and nearby bushes. Some people peeked their heads over to where Izuku’s as to try and find the Absol.

Izuku pointed in the opposite direction which made the small group of civilians breathe a sigh of relief before heading back down the street.

“Why were we looking for the Absol again?”

“They are basically bad luck since they are nearby when a disaster happens,” One of the civilians replied. “That’s why they were there when the villain attack happened.”

Izuku looked behind him to see the Absol nod at him before taking off into the tall grass. “It’s nice to know that they got away safely,” he commented and Anubis nodded absentmindedly with his statement as he surveyed the area that the Absol disappeared into.

Sakura sniffed at the bush that the Absol was hiding behind. Anubis’ ears perked up when he heard something approaching, thinking quickly to stand in front of Sakura just in case. Izuku looked to where the sound was coming from to see a Hydriegon coming through the tall grass slowly. The Hydriegon continued walking until they accidentally bopped their heads against Izuku.

“Hello there,” Midoriya greeted with Kyu shouting out a greeting as well from his shoulder. “Sorry for bumping into you.”

Hydriegon looked down slowly with their body tensed like they were waiting for a bad reaction. When they didn’t receive a single glare, their body loosened up from its tense position.

Raisuto jumps out to give more information, “Hydriegon. Known to grow up in places with limited access of food which leads to tough personalities because of their need to defend their food from others.”

“But this area has lots of food,” Izuku countered, raising his hand to pet Hydriegon on their heads. Hydriegon leaned their heads down to receive the pets with joy.

“Huh. Maybe that is the reason she is acting very gentle,” Raisuto concluded. Anubis hummed back in acknowledgment, taking in the moment of Hydriegon bopping her heads against Izuku gently.

Hydriegon made noises which Anubis went to translate. “It’s the truth. She grew up with no need to fight for food so she wasn’t that territorial as others.”

“I’m guessing that others didn’t see that she was gentle,” Izuku replied with a frown, pausing in his movements.

Hydriegon whined, bopping her heads against Izuku for more attention like she was starved of affection. Kyu flopped their ears at them while Sakura gladly bounced up to her back to play around with one of her heads.

Anubis shared a look with Kyu while Hydriegon and Sakura began to play with one another.


To no one’s surprise, especially not his mother or others friends, Hydriegon was added to the family with the nickname Bop because she loved to bop her heads into Izuku when she wanted attention.

She fit into the family well. Bop was extremely attached to Izuku since he was the only person who either didn’t run away or immediately try to capture her into a ball. She didn’t want to accept being inside a pokeball at all.

And since she was so attached to Izuku, she ended up following after him to school which made quite a peculiar scene when a five-foot Pokemon followed an eight year old boy into his school.

Bop got some attention from his classmates when she snuggled up her heads into his lap when he sat at his desk since she couldn’t fit all the way into his space.

A classmates commented from the other side of the room, “Woah, a Hydriegon,”

“Aren’t they supposed to be like really strong and cool?” One of them asked, looking back at Bop who was snuggling her head into Izuku’s cheek after he got out his notebook.

“My older sister has one! She raised it from a Deino. But they were never THAT nice to me,” One of them pouted.

Safe to say, Bakugo was upset that at the news that not only did Izuku get another pokemon but also that the pokemon was supposed to be one of the aggressive ones.

Hydriegon is supposed to be territorial and aggressive, so why the heck was it cuddling with the nerd in the classroom?!

Nevertheless, he wrote down the new info into the side of his notebook to keep track of Deku’s team in order to defeat him. Deku has 29 so far including the new addition.

Right now, he might have to start investing in getting pokemon to defeat water types since all he had was mostly fire types. Feraligatr is a possibility on his list.

He ignored the nerd as he paid attention to class, waiting until he got home to start forming a strategy. He has a Stuful and a Teddiursa which would give him Bewear and Ursaring in the future. So I have to get one that is even more aggressive and tougher than those two. Which means he has to get a Pan-Cham sometime soon in order to have a Pangoro to defend himself from those two.

Bakugo gulped as he wrote down notes on what to do to strengthen and get the most powerful team to defeat All Might and Izuku. He had to get himself the best team to power his quirk even more in order to become the very best like no one has ever seen.


This will be continued on until USJ during summer. I’m busy with the final weeks of my semester to actually have motivation to write.

What would be your dream team if you were a Pokémon trainer? You are allowed eight members since you have like over 900 to choose from.

Chapter 25: Pokemon Key


List of all Pokemon and Names so Far.

Chapter Text

Mimikyu: Kyu
Magikarp: Koi
Riolu: Anubis
Eevee: Sakura
Amaura: Adora
Houndor: Makaria
Charmeleon: Zarius
Litten: Lili
Shedinja: Dagoto
Shiny Beedrill: Mataha
Shiny Lopunny: Diana
Tsareena: Charlotte
Ditto: Kagami
Bayleef: Deku #2 (2 for short)
Crobat: Ebony
Teddiursa: Quinn
Frogadier: Tsun
Shiny Axew: Mercury
Gible: Griffin
Stuful: Zuzu
Wynaut: Jessie
Brionne: Violetta
Rotom: Raisuto
Shiny Mareep: Rosa
Psyduck: Espy
Missingno and M: 404 and Duplica
Rowlet-LegolasHydriegon: Bop

Chapter 26: All Might POV


All Might comes back


Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He has a small idea of how much time had passed since he had seen the Midoriya family. The young mother and her son who had made him feel like part of their home in such a short period of time.

He had no idea what was about to happen during the big fight that occurred. But he rested a bit easier at nights in the hospital when All for One was finally gone. After years of dealing with the loss of his mentor, he had finally vanquished the evil man who took her from the world.

Along with his Pokémon, he had defeated him once and for all. He took the brunt of the attacks, but All for One didn’t let up on his friends that fought bravely at his side. Thankfully, they were all healed by Nurse Joy and brought back in their balls to his hospital room after his surgery.

But after fighting with the major evil in his life, he was left with a major injury that impacted his life in a way that he didn’t know would happen. The injury that All for One caused would force him into an early retirement or an earlier death.

He blew up at Sir Nighteye when his friend and sidekick demanded that he rest and not go out again. He regretted some of the words that he threw back at his friend in the argument they had in the hospital hallway.

He had miles of thoughts piling up as he tried to heal as fast as he could to get back to being a hero

All Might thought, ‘I need to heal so I could continue being the Symbol of Peace. I’m so tired. Maybe I should find a successor like Sire Nighteye suggested. I’m being silly. Now that All for One is gone, what happens now? Can I sneak some real food into my room so I can avoid the hospital food?’

But one singular thought penetrated through all the others to invade his mind.

‘Were they worried about him?’

He regularly thought since he got into the battle with All for One that left him and his Pokémon hurt. About how they were doing. If they were worried about him. If Izuku had gotten any new friends in the time he has been away. He started to think about them like one would think about...

About their own family.

That thought had sobered him from the rest of the worries about not being able to save as many people with his restricting injury and about being a hero.

He had finally started to think about something other than being a hero, a symbol. He started to reflect on what he wanted as as person that he never allowed himself to have before. A family.

Since All for One was gone, he no longer had to worry about him coming after his family like he had done once with his mentor. Maybe he could finally relax and slow down at least until he was healed fully. And during that time of relaxation, he would be with the ones he cared for.


After plenty of weeks of utter silence from his end, his Pokémon were the ones who finally pushed him to reach out to them. Lucario was practically pushing him up to the door when he had finally arrived at the Midoriya home.

Toshinori gulped as he knocked on the door in his All Might form. He waited patiently at the door with Lucario at his side.

Inko opened the door with an apron tied around her waist like she was in the middle of cleaning, “All Might! Oh my goodness, where have you been?”

All Might smiled weakly at her which made Lucario nudge him forward towards the single mother.

“We have been so worried— You’re injured!?” Inko ‘s eyes widened at the sight of bandages peeking out from his shirt.

All Might winced a little when her hand landed on his injury, “I am sorry that I haven’t reached you earlier. I wished I did.”

“What happened? I can see the bandages under your shirt,” Inko questioned as All Might softly grabbed her hand from where she retracted her touch from his injury.

“Well, I got hurt in the last battle I had. ”

“Toxic Chainsaw? Izuku was telling me about that battle since that was around the time when we last heard from you,” Inko said. All Might could see some of the Pokémon inside the house take notice of the long door interaction. He could see Inko’s Bewear heading towards Izuku’s bedroom, likely to inform him that he was there.

All Might's lips curled up in a genuine smile as he remembered how much of a hero fanboy Izuku was. His thoughts started to hit him with how disappointed he would be if All Might wasn’t there anymore. He shook his head, “No. This fight wasn’t televised. And for a good reason too. I wouldn’t want you, either of you, to see how bad it got during the battle.”

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Midoriya-San,” All Might reassured. “I was expecting you to be more upset.”

“Oh, don’t misunderstand. I’m very upset with you for not contacting us at all, especially since you were hurt,” Inko huffed, gesturing for him to follow her inside the home. Lucario followed after him with his arms crossed until he got pulled away from Florges. “I could have prepared a fruit basket at the very least.”

“I was too worried about making you worried over me by telling you how badly I got injured. But I did the complete opposite and made you even more worried. I am so sorry,”

“Your apology to me is pending right now since you haven’t apologized to—,”

“ALL MIGHT?! ARE YOU OKAY?!” Izuku yelled, rushing out from his room with some of his Pokémon friends trailing behind him. Kyu hopped after him while Anubis ran with his arms angled behind him.

“You’re hurt,” Izuku paused when he reached him, taking notice of the bandages that were peeking out from under his shirt

“Young Midoriya,” All Might started. He noticed how the young child was moving away, upset that he had caused him harm by the sudden hug. He responded by pulling the boy closer to him on his uninsured side. “Izuku, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ha,” Izuku paused as he sniffled. “hurt you.”

“No, my boy. It’s me who should be sorry,” All Might replied back to him honestly. “I should have contacted you and your mother about what had happened instead of leaving in the dark all of this time.

Izuku remained quiet, but his trembling shoulders gave away hat he was undoubtedly crying from a long awaited reunion.

“Can you forgive me, my boy?”

Izuku nodded his head, “Yeah. I just missed you.”

All Might smiled happily, tucking the boy’s head underneath his chin. He hugged him tight to his side that wasn’t injured, “I missed you too. Both of you.

“And I have been meaning to tell you something. And this will explain why I have been gone with little to no explanation,” Toshinori began.

“What do you mean, All Might?” Inko asked walking closer to stand in front of him. Izuku straightened up from where he was standing, tilted his head up to look at All Might.

“I wanted to tell you this for a long time. My name is Toshinori Yagi. And my quirk, my power, was gifted to me,” All Might defeated before them, making smoke appear for a brief moment. And then all they could see was a tall, skinny man instead of the normal muscular physique they were used to. “I was born quirkless before my master and mentor gifted her quirk onto me. A quirk called One for All which has been passed down many times before.”

Izuku asked with stars dancing in his eyes at the new information. His favorite hero used to be quirkless, he was just like him, “You’re like me?”

“Yes, my dear boy.”

Inko smiled, tugging her child close to her while Izuku leaned into her hold. Toshinori smiled at the soft interaction before clearing his throat to continue.

“My mentor was a hero named Nana. She was the hero who pushed me to be the one who saves everyone with a smile, to make everyone feel safe when I am there,” Toshinori continued on, tugging at his shirt.

“But unfortunately, One for All is a powerful quirk that a powerful villain was after. The villain was named All for One and they had the power to take quirks from others. The One for All users were always fighting him since he wanted the quirk for himself. My mentor died fighting All for One and a piece of me died with her since I wasn’t strong enough to protect her back then. The last fight I had was with All for One that’s why I have been gone for so long. Since after I defeated him, it left me with a very life-changing injury,” Toshinori slightly lifted his baggy shirt up to show the wrapped bandages. “I have no doubt I will have a pretty nasty scar after all of this heals fully.”

Inko gasped at the sight of the amount of wrapped gauze around his midsection. Izuku looked scared like he could imagine what kind of wound he had underneath the gauze. Anubis, Izuku’s Riolu, patted his back to comfort him.


Lycanroc got up from his bed against the kitchen table to trot over to where the trio was gathered at the sound of his old master’s name. Only to notice the familiar blonde hair of his master’s successor.

His eyes widened as he paused at the view of those two tendrils Of blonde hair framing the face of the older man. He could still picture the blonde teen that his old friend would train with, making sure he was ready to become a hero.

He laid down right in front of his new master, one that had the same kind of presence that his old one had. A calming aura that allowed him to relax and feel at peace. His ears perked up as the blonde continued the story, noting that he should pay more attention to his new master’s relationship with him.


“I wasn’t going to tell you both since it was a huge secret that I need to limit the amount of people that know about it. But I trust you both with this since I have grown to know you like my own family.” Toshinori took a deep breath. “All for One had come after my mentor’s family, and so she told me to not make that mistake when he was still out there. I was always afraid of finding someone I cared about in case All for One was going to come after them. But I finally found you two, two people that I care about more than my own life. And after I defeated him, I don’t have anything to be scared of.”

Izuku tears up and Inko had some tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. Toshinori bent down right in time as Izuku launched himself to hug onto the tall blonde man. He chuckled as the young boy held onto him with a gentle yet fierce grip, making sure he didn’t hurt him in his embrace.

He ruffled his hand through Izuku’s curls to comfort the boy before noticing a new Hydriegon in the corner of the room. “Oh, it seems like you made a new friend.”

Izuku nodded his head against his hand, “That’s Bop. She’s very nice

“Oh really?” Toshinori replied as Bop walked over to them and knocked her head softly into his forehead. “Ah, hello to you too, Bop.”

Toshinori relaxed, letting Izuku hold onto him for as long as he needed before the young child’s arms pulled back.

“After I clean up a bit more, I was going to make some lunch. Would you like to stay and eat with us?” Inko asked. Lucario was enthusiastically nodding his head behind her, frantically gesturing for him to accept the offer. The other Pokémon in the room looked like they were going to force him to say yes either way from the way they were acting. He could swear that Diana, Izuku’s Lopunny, was punching her fist into her hand very threateningly.

“That sounds wonderful, Inko,” Toshinori said with a grin.

Inko returned his smile before walking back to the kitchen. Lucario caught his eye and gave him a thumbs up behind Izuku.

“I need to call someone,” Toshinori said. “I’ll be back in less than ten minutes and I can help relate some of the vegetables if they need to be cut.”

“I’ll trust you with the washing,” Inko tightened her hair back. “But I won’t let you cut the vegetable since the last time you tried.”

“Fair enough,” Toshinori replied before turning back to the young child who was scratching Bop’s heads.

Izuku nodded back at him before jogging back into his house with Legolas flying right up to him to bury themself into his hair like a nest. He smiled at the boy’s laughter which faded away when he went back inside the house. He swallowed before typing in the familiar set of digits into his reliable phone.

Nighteye answered the phone after three rings, “What do you need from me? Are you calling to tell me that you are taking my advice?”

“I want to apologize to you,” Toshinori said. “I shouldn’t have been harsh with my words towards you since you were only trying to help. But I want you to know that I am willingly to agree about taking a break. I will try and slow down and not try to take on everything from now on.”

Nighteye paused for a moment over the phone. “Apology accepted.”

Toshinori add, “And I will need a successor.”

“I can find one for you,” Nighteye remarked quickly.

Toshinori shook his head with a fond grin, “No need, I already have a potential choice. That is if I get permission first.”

“Hmm, I would like to meet them if you have already found them,” Nighteye replied.

“Oh, I have known him for a while,” Toshinori answered. “And I can’t imagine anyone but him being able to handle the amount of power.”

“Then I’ll be the judge of that.”

“Nighteye,” Toshinori responded. “I can tell that he would be a good fit as long as I can guide him.”

“And what makes you so sure he is the perfect successor? I need to make sure that your decision is reliable in the terms of taking your place.”

“He reminds me of you in a way,” He could bear Nighteye's gasp over the phone. “He uses his smarts to his advantage even at such a young age. He is such a caring person who takes care of all his Pokémon like they were his own extended family. Once you meet him in the future, I hope you will agree.”

“Alright, I will try to look forward to what is in the future,” Nighteye replied softly. But then his voice took on a sharp tone, “And I expect for you to fully heal from your injury before I even see you do a press conference.”


As an extended apology towards the two of them, All Might brought them to a certified Pokémon battle filled with promising new challengers that were going down the trainer route. He had to get an extra large viewing room to fit all of the Pokémon inside who wanted to watch.

As always, Adora and Violeta sat next to each other and watched the activities with stars in their eyes. When they saw fighting, they tried to implement those skills into their dancing for performance. They let out excited noises when there was a duo battle of two Oricorios working together to take down the opponent’s Pokémon .

And even while they were watching the show, Midoriya Inko was making sure that he was eating from the snack he bought earlier and didn’t skip out on his medication that he needed to take. Lucario just watched the interaction without ‘helping out’ his dear friend since he knew that Toshinori needed to be nursed by the caring mother.


God this took so long to write

But now that somewhat bring stuff out of way, I can focus on like fluff stuff. I hope I can get him to UA before end of year but who knows if that goal will be reachable with how much stuff I have planned.

Ah well, I have too much stuff planned but not enough time to write it.

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 27: Sir Nighteye Meets Izuku


Hope you like it!

This chapter has been edited!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 26

A month had passed since All Might reconnected with the Midoriya family.

Inko made sure that he ate a healthy balanced meal under her supervision, especially with his prescribed medicine. She took care of his bandages when he came over to their house every other day. During this time, he stayed away from the crime scene, only ever bringing attention to villains to nearby heroes who could take care of the job easily.

He didn’t transform into All Might because even if he tried, Lucario was there to put a stop to it. And by the end of the month, Toshinori was doing much better and moving around with more ease than before. His injury had also already started to form into a nasty scar that warped almost the entire side of his torso.

But he had the support of a loving family that wanted to see him better and make sure he was cared for. The more he spent time with them, the more he regretted not opening up before.

When he was fully healed thanks to their care and medical help, he didn’t automatically jump back into hero work. Instead, he planned a day to go and visit Nighteye to let him meet Izuku.

So he set a time to go to Nighteye’s Psychic Pokémon gym. Sir Nighteye had always been a Pokémon gym leader, and he often defeated the challengers that came to his gym. When he wasn’t at the gym preparing for battle, he was battling as All Might’s sidekick.

The only thing All Might was worried about was if Sir Nighteye would make Izuku battle against him to prove how worthy he was. He knew his friend’s track record of wins, so he hoped that Izuku would impress him by showing what All Might had seen when he first saw him.

A promising hero to all.


When Toshinori appeared for dinner at the Midoriya house, he exclaimed that he had news to share with them.

Anubis watched as Izuku freaked out over the invite to Sir Nighteye’s psychic gym. Inko looked just as excited, though she hid it by telling Toshinori to finish up his protein.

Next to Anubis, Lucario chuckled as All Might quieted down from the loud announcement to eat more of his meal. Anubis looked behind him to see all of the Pokémon spread throughout the room.

Izuku remained on the edge of his seat for the rest of the meal and went to sleep early that night. All of his friends were either resting in his room, outside in the living room, or in their pokéballs.

Anubis rose from his position against the wall outside Izuku’s bedroom to walk quietly outside. He made sure that his footsteps were light as he passed by the family of Pokémon all around him.

He had begun a habit of reading outside, and practicing his English to use more vocabulary. After completing a chapter in the book, he placed a bookmark in between the pages and closed the book.

He got up from where he sat to stand in the grass of the backyard. Quietly he began to train by punching and kicking the air. While he trained, he thought about how All Might and Lucario went into battle together, imagining what he and Izuku would be like when Izuku was older.

A feeling of dread started when he realized that infamous light started to take over his body. Right away, he slapped it away only to find that there was no light at all.

He looked up to see the porch light was pointed down at his position and breathed out calmly. He didn’t want to evolve yet. Not until he could evolve with his friend and be by his side at an equal start. When Izuku was older, he would finally be ready.


Midoriya was excited about today. Toshinori was taking him to see Sir Nighteye at his Pokémon gym. Izuku has always wanted to go because he wanted to battle All Might’s sidekick and talk to him about being a hero. He was going to get that chance today!

For this journey, he brought his friends Kyu, Anubis, Sakura, Mataha, Makaria, and Bop.

He wondered if Nighteye would give him an autograph.

Toshinori drove them there in his car, and his mother waved them off with a smile. They arrived at the Pokémon gym thirty minutes later. Izuku noted how it didn’t look busy compared to any Pokémon gyms that his classmates described when they talked about it in class.

“Wow,” Midoriya commented when Toshinori finally parked. Izuku looked up at the tall building with a light purplish-white roof that draped over the sides of the walls.

“So Sir Nighteye wants to have an actual Pokémon battle with me? Why?”

“He wants to see you and battle you to know how strong you are. I’ve been bragging to him a bit about you.”


“Yeah, I want you to show off how powerful you are to him,” Toshinori said, walking with the boy by his side. Kyu sat on his shoulder while Sakura scurried right by his feet. The rest of his friends rested in their Pokéballs for travel. “I told him all about you and he was very tempted to meet you. And if you manage to beat him, you can get the psychic gym badge.”

Toshinori guided him through the gym until they reached an elevator in the middle of the first floor that had two staircases looped around it. They stepped up into the elevator and travelled all the way to the top floor where Nighteye waited for them just like he told All Might he would.

“Hello All Might. I see you have brought the child you have told me about,” Nighteye extended his hand to the eight-year-old.

“Hello, Mr. Sir,” Midoriya greeted while shaking his hand firmly.

Sir Nighteye nodded at him, his gaze staring directly into his eyes. “Hello, Midoriya. Have you brought your choice of four Pokémon to battle with?”

Izuku nodded his head excitedly. “Yes I did!”

“Very good.” Nighteye retracted his hand, gesturing towards the battle arena that was ahead of them.

The battle arena had a light purplish floor with yellow and green spots of color littered about. At the very end of the room was a desk half hidden behind a partition wall that separated the battle ground.

“Now let this battle show me where you stand,” Nighteye said with a sweep of his hand, gathering his pokéballs between long fingers.

Izuku looked to Kyu on his shoulder and nodded towards the battle ground. Kyu jumped off his shoulder with a short cry of “Mimikyu!”.

“I choose you, Kyu!”

Nighteye’s glasses flashed as he called out his first pokémon. “Go Gardevoir!”

“Kyu, use Shadow Sneak.”

Mimikyu extended her shadow until it could reach Gardevoir from behind and attacked Nighteye's pokemon.

“Gardevoir, Psybeam.”

Mimikyu dodged the peculiar, purple-colored beam of power.

Izuku called out, “Kyu, intercept them with a double team attack.”

Mimikyu moved in a circle around Gardevoir, formed copies around the circle, and confused Gardevoir on which one was the real opponent that they needed to face.

“Gardevoir, attack with Psybeam,” Nighteye pushed up his glasses calmly.

Mimikyu’s disguises flopped to the side after the attack, leaving them more vulnerable to incoming attacks.

Nighteye shouted, “Quick, use Draining Kiss!”

Izuku called out, “Dodge!”

Mimikyu ended up getting their energy sucked out by Gardevoir’s move because they weren’t fast enough to dodge, leaving them a little unsteady.

“Kyu, use Scratch,” Izuku guided loudly.

Mimikyu used sharp claws to rake at Gardevoir, but was too slow for the Gardevoir who easily dodged out of the way.

“Dodge! Then use Psychic.”

Mimikyu suffered from damage from the strong telekinetic force move.

“Double team!” Izuku called out worryingly as Mimikyu swayed side to side. Mimikyu looked back at him reassuringly before using the same attack as before by circling the Gardevoir with copies of themselves.

Nighteye called out to his Pokémon, “Aim to the left, Gardevoir. Use Psybeam once again.”

Izuku could only watch as Mimikyu got thrown backwards from the intensity of the Psybeam. He glanced back at Nighteye, thinking back to what he had just said. How was he able to see which Mimikyu was the real one?

It wasn't long before Mimikyu looked too tired and confused by the amount of Psybeams they got attacked with. Izuku looked hesitant on what to do until Nighteye called back his Gardevoir.

Izuku followed his lead and called Mimikyu to return to his side. Sakura immediately began to paw at Kyu, her eyebrow pinched upwards out of worry for the other.

Nighteye called out his male Indeedee, who wore the same glasses as him. They almost looked alike from how they held themselves. Izuku pulled out Bop’s pokéball and called her out for the next round.

“Indeedee, use Psychic Terrain!”

The battle area was suddenly filled with a pink dust that formed around the Pokémon. For the next couple of moves, the surrounding area would boost Psychic moves.

“Bop, use Tackle!”

Hydriegon charged forward to slam into Indeedee, who took the hit with grace, like it didn't affect them at all.

“Indeedee, use Encore.”

Izuku winced at the move, knowing how it was going to force Bop to use the same move three more times.

Bop uses tackle only to be met with Indeedee’s Psybeam, which chips away at their health.

Bop used tackle again, aiming directly at Indeedee who just moved swiftly out of the way from their attack. Indeedee then aimed another Psybeam at them to inflict harm onto her.

Bop used tackle for the last time only to be met with Indeedee’s Disarming Voice, which let out a cry causing emotional damage to Bop.

Izuku took the chance when Encore was no longer forcing Bop to move the exact same way. “Bop, use Crunch!”

“Move, Indeedee!” Nighteye shouted. But he wasn't fast enough to dodge away from Bop’s attack. Hydreigon crunched at them with sharp fangs. Indeedee gritted their teeth against the pain of the Dark-type move used against them.

The Psychic Terrain had finally worn off sometime before Indeedee landed a final hit on Bop, using Disarming once which caused her to stumble until she finally succumbed to fainting.

“Bop—I mean Hydriegon is no longer able to battle,” Toshinori interjected when he saw the Pokémon’s state. Izuku called Bop back into her pokeball to let her rest.

He smoothly took out his next friend, and called out, “Mataha, I choose you!”

A shiny Beedrill appeared on the battle area, making Nighteye’s eyebrows lift a bit.

Nighteye called Indeedee back before taking out another red and white pokeball. He called out calmly, “Beeheeyem, come on out.”

“Fury Attac—,”

“Dodge to the right!”

Izuku’s gaze darted up to watch Nighteye as Beeheeyem dodged quickly to the side before Mataha could land their fury attack. It happened again; Nighteye knew exactly how he was going to move. Was he being too obvious about his battle plan?

Nighteye called out strongly, “Beeheeyem, use Zen Headbutt.”

“Dodge!” Mataha dodged quickly to the side before Beeheeyem could get close to them.

Quickly, Nighteye loudly interjected, “Beeheeyem, Headbutt!”

Beeheeyem charged forward to land a devastating blow right into Mataha using their head, knocking them backward.

Nighteye called out, “Psybeam!”

Mataha got hit with the purple-pinkish beam of psychic power, launching them backwards towards Izuku. Luckily, the beam didn't cause Mataha to be confused.

Izuku shouted, “Mataha, Pin Missile!”

Mataha launched three sharp spikes towards Beeheeyem

“Beeheeyem, dodge them.” Beeheeyem followed orders, but one spike landed a hit on their arm.

“Mataha, use Twinneedle!” Izuku ordered while Sakura yipped from behind him like she was cheering Mataha on.

Mataha moved quickly, jabbing Beeheeyem with two spikes.

Beeheeyem ended up being damaged by the Bug-type moves that they couldn’t dodge in time. Beeheeyem flinched, most likely being affected by the poison.

“Mataha, Poison Jab!”

Mataha charged forward with their stinger ready to strike with poison.

Izuku watched as Sir Nighteye steered his Pokémon away from the attack like he knew when Mataha was going to strike. And that’s when it all started to make sense. Nighteye’s quirk! He must be looking into the future to see what happens. Midoriya doesn’t know many details about Nighteye’s quirk except that it can only be used on one person for a certain amount of time. And if he was reading Izuku’s movement’s, then he would be able to tell what move he was going to use next.

“Return, Mataha. You're up, Anubis!”

“Beeheeyem, return. Come on out, Absol!” Nighteye shouted, unleashing his Absol onto the battle area, not noticing how Absol seemed to tilt their head at the green haired boy across the area.

“Anubis, freeform!”

Anubis’ ears perked at the command while Nighteye looked confused.

Nighteye knew that the boy would say that, but he also knew that Riolu didn’t have any moves like that. But he got his answer quickly.

Anubis started to fight with his moves without having Izuku call out to him. When Pokémon normally did this, they did it because they didn’t have that close of a bond with their trainer or just weren't listening to their orders. But Izuku willingly called out to his Riolu to basically tell him it was okay to fight on their own.

Nighteye pushed up his glasses as Riolu started aiming Counter and Rock Smash attacks at Absol, who was desperately trying to dodge according to Nighteye’s guidance.

The fight ended when Anubis landed a Metal Claw hit against Absol which caused more damage, along with the many Fighting-type moves he had used.

“Alright, I think I have seen enough.”

“Time out!” Toshinori called out, making Izuku turn to him while Anubis paused with his paw clenched into a fist in the air. He slowly lowered it back to his side before walking back to Izuku.

Nighteye stepped up to Izuku as the boy started to heal his friends with potions and berries he had stashed away in his bag. Bop had a full restore used on her and was given a homemade treat made from berries. “Good job. Even though you have lost the battle, you have somewhat impressed me. I can see you being a strong opponent to face when you are old enough for a real Pokémon battle against me.”

Izuku looked up while Bop nudged at his shoulder with her head. He swiped his hand over her main head as Sir Nighteye continued to talk. “You were still aware of your surroundings. You have promising potential. Although you need to learn a lot more to be ready for what you have to face in the future, especially if you plan on aiming for a hero school.”

Nighteye’s Absol strolled up behind him, staring at Izuku with an unreadable look in their eyes before a spark appeared in their gaze.

Absol approached him calmly and regarded him with a slight head bow to allow Izuku’s hand to pet the top of their white fur. Anubis tilted their head.

“My Absol seems to recognize you somehow. Care to tell me why?” Sir Nighteye asked calmly.

“Um, I met an Absol a while ago who was hiding from a group of people who were blaming him for a villain attack,” Izuku stared at the Absol who returned to Nighteye’s side. “I just pointed the people in the wrong direction, so Absol could get away.”

“Hmm. Then I will say thank you for helping my friend,” Nighteye ran his big hand over Absol’s head. “He likes to escape from his pokéball and run off into the city to gain information. He helps me with the cases I take on which require looking into different areas.”

Toshinori walked up to the two and gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. “Hey, there is a villain and hero fight going on down the street. It’s small, but you can see it through the windows.”

“Really? I need to add it to my analysis notebook!” Izuku cheered, and Sakura joined him in jumping in excitement.

“I may not have won, but I had a lot of fun today,” Izuku smiled later on that afternoon. “And I will train even more so the next official battle we have, I will win.”

“I look forward to that, Midoriya,” Nighteye replied.


“So, your successor... How long have you known him?” Sir Nighteye asked while sitting at his desk, his Absol relaxing by the edge.

All Might cleared his throat. “Since he was four or five. I met him when he was protecting a small Magikarp from being hurt by some other boys his age. I was jogging when I saw them, so I came to him as All Might to help him take care of Magikarp.”

Nighteye nodded his head to himself, combing through his agenda for the week as a heavy pause filled the air.

“So what do you think of him?” All Might questioned.

“As he is now, he is a good trainer to his Pokémon and has a good bond with them,” Nighteye admitted. Then his gaze turned sharply to face the hero. “However, you will actually need to start upping his training if you are to make him your successor so he knows what he is getting into.”

All Might nodded. “Of course.”

Nighteye ticked off something on the calendar in front of him. “And ask the poor boy’s mother since she already knows about your secret.”

“I was planning to before I even brought it up,” All Might said, rubbing the back of his neck. “She wouldn’t forgive me otherwise.”

“Good. I will remind you that when his training starts, you may need to call in help,” Nighteye replied.

“From you?”

He looked up from behind his glasses to stare at the blonde hero over the top of his frames. “From Gran Torino. He has experience teaching you about One for All.”

All Might shuddered as the memory of being punched by the older man resurfaced into the front of his mind. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You better, All Might. Or else I will contact him for you when that time comes. And I won’t try to sugarcoat it to him.”

“Thank you, Nighteye,” All Might responded with a tense grin.

“No need,” Nighteye replied. He didn’t say what he thought and hoped for out loud. ‘I will do anything to make sure that the future I saw doesn’t happen’.

And from the looks of who All Might had found, he had the smallest flame of hope burning in his chest.

“And you haven’t even heard Anubis talk yet!”

“... Pardon?”


Next weekend, Nighteye was invited over by All Might to see the Midoriya house. He recognized the building from a long time ago when All Might was searching for big homes. He thought All Might was just looking to relocate from how much time he spent searching for a perfect house.

He was met at the gate by Midoriya Inko, the looks of her green hair and features similar to the boy he had met only a week ago. He was guided inside only to see Detective Tsukauchi standing by Toshinori as they watched Izuku play with a bow and arrow in the yard, a target set up ten feet away. Tsukauchi’s Snubbell was watching with both of them at the side of the Detective’s feet, barking like he was counting each time he missed.

“A bow and arrow?” Nighteye asked as he approached. He watched from the corner of his eyes as Inko headed back inside while a Bewear stayed watching over the child.

Toshinori hummed as Izuku pulled another arrow from the pile at his feet. “It was left behind by the previous owners in the shed. So he wanted to try it out.”

“It might be useful in his future,” Nighteye watched as another arrow whizzed by the target. Izuku narrowed his eyes, mimicked his earlier position and moved his arm slightly to the side. “When he gets a hang of it.”

“He’ll shoot his eye out if he isn’t careful,” Toshinori commented quietly, right as Inko walked out with a tray of snacks and drinks for the people gathered in the yard as well as the Pokémon friends gathered to watch.

“It’s nice to see Toshinori’s paternal instincts are forming,” Nighteye added as they watched.

Tsukauchi smiled, thinking about all the times that Toshinori would show him pictures and tell him stories about the young boy. “What makes you think they weren’t there the entire time? I bet if you open his wallet right now, there is at least one picture of both of them.”

“I won’t take a bet that I will lose,” Nighteye pushed up his glasses, the corner of his lips quivering when he heard Toshinori sputter at the fact both of his friends were ganging up against him.

Inko called everyone over to take a break after giving out snacks to the friends gathered outside. Lycanroc stood protectively by her feet as her child ran up, followed by the three men walking over.

Nighteye thanked Inko for the refreshing drink before sitting on the porch to relax in the shade.

After most of them had finished their snacks, Izuku got back up to try again. Upon seeing this, Toshinori stood up from his seat slowly and took out a pokeball from his cargo shorts. “Gallade, come on out!”

Gallade waited until Toshinori told him to help out Izuku with his posture to see if that could help with his aim. Gallade strutted over to where Izuku was waiting and got to work by making sure he was standing straight. The parents watched as Gallade fixed Izuku’s posture, positioning his arms and legs.

Izuku gasped when the arrow hit the bottom of the target. “I hit the target!”

Inko clapped. “Good job, sweetie!”

“That’s my boy!”

Tsukauchi turned to Nighteye to motion with his hands at the two proud parents, as if to show off just how smitten the Number One Hero was.

Toshinori seemed to feel the two knowing gazes aimed at him, which doubled when he saw Lucario’s shoulders shaking from obvious laughter. Anubis clapped his paws together with a small smile on his face.

He looked back to see Inko wrapping Izuku in a small celebratory embrace. He smiled as he watched the two of them like a father watching over his family.

By the end of the day, Sir Nighteye’s autograph was etched into Midoriya’s notebook.


Thank you for reading. And please fule my writing soul with comments.

Chapter 28: Tangela, Dancing, Dating


Mentioned Pokémon:
Mimikyu: Kyu
Magikarp: Koi
Riolu: Anubis
Eevee: Sakura
Amaura: Adora
Charmander: Zarius
Buneary: diana
Steenee: Charlotte
Bayleef: Deku #2
Froakie: Tsun
Psyduck: Espy
Missingno and M: 404 and Duplica
Hydriegon - Bop
Brionne: Violetta

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a long time since Izuku had visited Kiku’s place, so he traveled there all by himself in what felt like such a long time. He had Kyu on his shoulder and some of his friends in his pockets for the journey since some of his friends wanted to come visit Kiku including Riolu.

When he walked in, he could see much newer faces than the familiar ones he got used to seeing. He could tell that more friends had been adopted since he had last seen them. Yet it wasn’t empty from the amount of new pokemon jumping across the floor and flying to the ceiling.

Kiku turned around with a small piggery on her arm with a bandage wrapped around their wings. “Oh, Izuku! It’s so lovely to see you.”

“Do you need some help with anything?” Izuku asked before letting out some of his friends to allow them to stretch their legs and play with the other Pokémon.

“Hmm, well. I could use your help cleaning up the first floor. These new additions to the place are really rambunctious,” Kiku said.

“On it!” Izuku replied, already picking up a rag to get started.

He started with dust off the ceilings and the walls before sweeping up the floor as a Cutiefly sailed right over his head. After half an hour, he was done with cleaning up the first floor with Kiku calling out her thanks as she carried a plate of snacks to the Pokemon outside.

After wiping off his sweat with his shirt, he spotted something out of the corner of his eyes that made him jump back which made Kyu make a noise. He breathed out in relief when he saw it wasn’t anything bad, it was just a vine.

He walked closer only to see vines trickling down from the top of the stairs. He walked closer to see Tangela sticking his red shoes out from the stairs.

“Oh hey. Long time no see,” Izuku greeted calmly with a smile.

When Tangela saw him, he jumped down and spread his vines all over him in a hug with Kyu squeaking out of surprise. Izuku fell back from the force which made him land a bit roughly on the floor.

Kiku ran back inside, “I heard a crash—! Izuku, are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Just got a bit caught off guard,” Midoriya sighed with a weak grin on his face. He might have a bruise on his butt later, but right now he had a really happy Tangela that was tightening their vines around him.

“Oh, it seems that you found Tangela. Or, well, he found you,” Kiku frowned. “But That is strange. He is always hiding nowadays when people come to visit.”

“Why is that?” Midoriya questioned as the vines around his arms slowly loosening until Tangela was only wrapping himself around his legs.

“Well, he has been hiding more often even from me. But now he is in plain sight,” Kiku snapped her fingers and pointed towards him. “Maybe it’s because you visited. You always find a way to make new Pokémon friends. If I didn’t know any better from how he is acting, I think he has been waiting for you to come back.”

Tangela started to wrap his little veins around Izuku’s arm again. Izuku looked down at the Pokémon to see them looking up at him. Izuku glanced towards Kyu to see their little flopped head staring at them, “I can help him out with that.”

Kiku sent a knowing look towards him. “Of course. Tangela, do you want to go home with Midoriya?”

Tangela wrapped all his vines around Izuku, pulling themselves up until he could carry him. Midoriya swooped them up until he was carrying the vines covered Pokémon who had their eyes closed in content.

“It seems he likes that idea a lot. Well, I wish you luck on your travel back with your new friend,” Kiku said.

Izuku hoisted Tangela further up into his arms while Kyu bounced from his shoulder to his head. “I have been practicing archery, so be careful if you want to go outside when I do it.”

“Tan,” Tangela agreed with a nod of his head.

“Alright,” Midoriya smiled. “And don’t worry, every one of my friends are very nice.”

“Mimi!” Kyu replied happily while she relaxed on Izuku’s shoulder.


All Might was resting at his house for the day, so Izuku decided to go ahead and train at the beach with his friends. After Sir Nighteye’s battle, he realized that he need to train his Pokémon to really level them up, so they could at least be at the same levels with each other.

Rotom helped out a lot by calling out each Pokémon’s level so Izuku knew where to start. His friends were separated into groups to spar against each other to earn more experience while he helped out Bop and Tangela do their own moves to the side. Anubis, Kyu and Sakura were running around and calling out to the others like they were coaching them. While Koi was floating in the ocean with Tsun, Espy and Swampy doing their own exercises in the water.

And distanced a bit from everyone else was Amaura and Brionne, Adora and Violeta. They were both circling around each other like they were dancing, using their moves to decorate their air around them.

Zarius has been acting a bit more standoffish to a point where he won’t listen to Izuku anymore at least directly since he evolved into Charmeleon. So he wasn’t really training with the others. Instead he was punching the piles of trash towards the entrance of the beach, using fire to scotch the old tires piled up there.

And Deku 2 was rocking her new matching jackets with Diana and Charlotte that his mother made as they practiced their leaf moves. Since she evolved into Bayleef, she has remained mostly the same except is more confident in her fighting.

And while all of his friends trained, Izuku trained his body through exercise and other moves that All Might had taught to him.

After taking a break from one of his reps, he decided to walk over to the other side where Violetta and Adora were practicing their dance. He rested for a moment as he watched them circle around each other before they started to glow in the dim sunlight on the beach.

Time seemed to pause for just a moment as all of his Pokémon friends looked over to see Adora and Violetta evolve as they gracefully stepped into their final move. Adora evolved into a tall Aurorus while Violetta evolved into a stunning Primarina

“That was beautiful,” Izuku complimented as Adora and Violetta looked over their newly evolved bodies. Aurorus reached over to him with their head before pulling him closer with her elongated neck to embrace him with Primarina scooting over to hug him too. “I’m so proud of you two. You’re going to be amazing up on stage!”

Behind him, he could hear his friends taking a break from their training to rush over to them with cheers. And Izuku could hear splashes from the ocean, no doubt Koi and the others giving their own kind of special applause using the water.


All Might had finally started to relax after telling the secrets he had been keeping for so long. But ever since he reconnected with the Midoriya family, he has been feeling even more comfortable around him. To the point where it was now concerning him how much he was thinking about the two of them everyday.

He had woken up to a good morning text from Inko followed by a message that reminded him to eat along with taking his medicine too many times to count even after the initial few months of the incident.

But he was complaining about the caring texts at all. In fact, he was looking forward to them ever since the first week he had received them.

It wasn’t until the moment when he was eating leftover Katsudon that she had prepared for him specifically that he realized how he was feeling. He choked so hard on the piece of fried pork that Lucario had to thump his back.

“Lucario... I think I... might have feelings for young Midoriya’s mother, Inko,”

Lucario stared at him for a good moment before his paw slapped against his head and dragged down his face.

It still took a lot of convincing from Lucario’s expressions to him actually pushing the pro hero to his vehicle that made finally commit to what he wanted to do. He wanted to ask Inko on a date.

If she said no, hopefully things wouldn’t be too awkward between them. But if she said yes,...

Well, he hoped only good things would spawn from that point.

Toshinori arrived at their house sooner than later without any essence of his hero costume on. He was just wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of one of his nicer jeans.

He stepped up to the front door and knocked. He waited until he heard a faint voice call from within.

A minute passed before Inko opened the door with her hair hanging loosely to her shoulders, “Hello, Toshinori. What brings you here?”

“Um, I just wanted to ask you something,” Toshinori said. He glanced back to see Lucario hiding behind the tree in their front yard, he gave him a thumbs up before ducking behind the branches again.

“Do you need to talk to Izuku? He is out training with his friends by the beach,” Inko pointed behind him which made him glance back before steering his head back at her. “It’s only me here with some Pokémon friends as company.”

Toshinori peeked inside to see all of her Pokémon out and about that were staring at the interaction or glancing at them.

“Oh. Um, that’s good. I-I wanted to talk with you more personally about something. Something that you don’t have to agree to!” Toshinori swallowed his hesitancy as Inko waited patiently for him to finish what he needed to say. “I wanted to talk—no—ask you something important.”

“Okay,” Inko replied slowly. “What is it you need to ask me?”

“I... Would you want to... go with me on a date?” Toshinori finished the question with a hilt in his voice.

Inko blinked back at him, surprised by the question. And then, her face eased into a graceful smile on her face, “I would love to.”

Lucario pumped up his fists behind him. He could tell from the little muffled sounds Lucario was making from celebrating silently. And then there was ruckus inside the house from the Pokemon watching and listening, all of the Pokémon rushed forward to the door with grins on their faces. Bewear was behind them all, staring at him intently before raising a paw up like they were giving him a thumbs up.

Toshinori gulped, feeling like he had passed some sort of test from the Bewear.


If you have any comment about how he has too much Pokémon, trust me I know. He is becoming too powerful. And I can only hope I can keep up with this. Speaking of, as far as I can see on outline, only ten more cheater until UA arc actually starts. Let’s see if I can catch up and actually get him to the USJ...what? by end of this year...

I have too many fics to keep track of.

Chapter 29: Dammit Doom/Aura Training with Anubis


Here is something small. Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bakugo Katsuki was not having a good time.

He had turned ten a few months ago and Deku had just turned ten last month. And with each passing year while his pokemon grew stronger in level and evolved, Deku just kept getting more.

“Where the hell is he finding all of these pokemon from?” Bakugo crushed a can of soda in his fist while Primeape did some sort of angry squatting dance behind him. Pyroar was striding next to him as they all walked together.

He had celebrated the day that Litleo evolved into a strong female pyroar. And everyone in class matched the excited energy. But Deku tried to say something which resulted in some measly Tangela to appear out of nowhere. Which stole all the attention off of him onto Deku since everyone was starting to really notice how many pokemon Deku has been spending time with.

“Sorry, Kacchan,” Deku apologized while vines started to wrap around his torso. He could remember how that nerd looked back at Tangela and whined, “Terry!”

“When is he going to stop with this sh*t?” Bakugo complained, kicking off into the street from the sidewalk he was walking one Pyroar chuffed at him, nudging against his side when some of the cars were passing by. “Pfft. It’s not like he could beat me in a real fight. He still doesn’t have a quirk, and yet he still is prancing off without a care in his damn world.

‘He’s probably making all of his pokemon do the work for him,’ Bakugo thought to himself as he reminded himself of how unprepared Deku really was. Pyroar nudged his hand which made him begrudgingly give him a scratch between the ears while they walked.

No matter how many pokemon Deku got, they weren’t at the same level as his team. Because all of his team evolved. And yet, Deku’s pokemon still hasn’t gotten to her final form yet. Hell, his Riolu still wasn’t a Lucario! It’s been years!

Deku keeps saying how he is going to be such a great hero with his pokemon but he still isn’t as strong as him! Even the extras in the class had all their pokemon evolved by now!

What the hell was Deku doing?!

“Oh look! Is it a pokemon?” A child’s voice yelled out from somewhere to his right. He glanced over to see a small child approach what looked like a pile of eggs with a Cutiefly next to their shoulder.

He watched as the kid approached the pile of eggs only for the eyes to open.
“Exeggcute!” The pokemon shouted, making the kid bounce back from them. The kid ran off with a Cutiefly buzzing right next to them.

Bakugo scoffed at that reaction before looking back at the pissed off looking Exeggcute. With a grunt, he took out a poke ball. “Houndoom! Come on out.”

Houndoom appeared as soon as Bakugo threw out the pokemon, making Exeggcute turn in his direction. Exeggcute immediately glared and shot out Bullet Seeds at them.

“Houndoom, Flamethrower!” Bakugo ordered, dodging out of the way of the bullet seeds. Houndoom let out an enormous amount of flame at the Exeggcute.

Exeggcute yelled at the fire, moving away from the direct blast, but still getting burned on its side. Bakugo ordered another flamethrower that the Pokémon couldn’t avoid in time.

When they couldn’t dodge it, they were weak which made Bakugo’s eyes lit up while he pulled out a Pokémon ball. He threw it down, capturing the Pokémon inside. Bakugo waited until the ball stopped moving, and with the sound of a click, Exeggcute had been captured.

“Yes!” Bakugo grinned. He threw the pokeball up in the air and caught it again in his hand. “You did great, Doom.”

Houndoom barked, nudging their head under his hand to receive scratches as his reward.

When he got home, he shouted out, “I got a new pokémon in my team.”

“Way to go, son,” Masaru complimented from the couch, his Nosepass glancing at him.

His mother called out from the kitchen, “That’s good. Is it another fire type?”

“Dual type,” Bakugo smirked. “Grass and Psychic.”

“It’s nice to see you branching out to new pokémon for your team,” Masaru added with a smile.

“It’s just for me to get stronger,” Bakugo said, avoiding his dad’s knowing look and how Pyroar seemed to laugh at him with their chuffing. He turned to his Pyroar with a frown, “Shut up, King.”

At dinner, all of the pokémon were eating their own food around them as Bakugo ate his spicy curry. Exeggcute was scrambling to eat the pile of food in front of them while surrounded by Bakugo’s fire pokémon.

After they all ate, Bakugo headed up to his room to finish his homework before going to bed. But his pokémon never make anything easy.

“Blaze, Explosion,” Bakugo called out which made his Combusken and Typhlosion pause in the middle of fighting. “Can you stop? I can’t do fractions with your damn fighting.”

“Power! What the hell?” Bakugo yelled as Primeape jumped off his bed to attack the other two to reignite the fight.

Exeggcute rolled over to him until they reached the wheels of his chair. He looked down to see the pokémon avoiding the others. “Hah?”

Exeggcute glared up at him which reminded him about what he needed to do.

“And, you are... Murder,” Bakugo said. He smirked down at the pokémon staring up at him before the sound of books falling interrupted him. He turned slowly to see Doom and King wrestling on the ground. “Dammit!”


Midoriya Izuku is having a great time.

He had just turned ten last month and a lot of his friends had evolved within the past year. Jessie evolved into Wobuffet. Mercury evolved into Haxorus. And Griffin evolved into Garchomp.

After his birthday, All Might introduced him to exclusive training that Izuku would perform with Anubis. Aura training. All Might has a special bond with his Lucario and learned how to use aura with Lucario there to help him.

“I met him as Riolu in my middle school days,” Toshinori smiled. “And since then, our bond keeps getting stronger and so does the power of our aura.”

Midoriya tilted his head, “Do you ever use the aura in battles?”

“I don’t delve into the power all that much unless it is a really big foe that needs to be taken down,” Toshinori explained, rubbing his palms together. “I can start training you both with Lucario. The training won’t be anything too harsh or hard for now, something easy to ease you both into the power and strength of aura.”

And since then, All Might has been taking small steps in training with him and Anubis even if the training right now was only strength training and meditation.

“Anubis can not use any big aura moves now, but he should be able to sense aura. This will help guide you in your training together,” Toshinori commented as both Anubis and him were doing breathing exercises.

Izuku turns away to try and calm down his thoughts and relax only for his eyes to catch into a shadow hiding in a bush. Izuku blinked just to find the shadow disappeared again.

He turned his attention back to his exercise with Anubis relaxing next to him. He peeked to the side to see Kyu napping off to the side. He smiled before finally focusing back on his breathing once again.


Thanks for reading!

Next chapter: Legendary Encounters!

Come and chat! Ask me stuff! Send stuff! Go to my discord server if you want to that about this fic and other ones I wrote.

Chapter 30: Mallow!


Izuku meets some surprising pokémon along by meets a familiar feeling friend


I hope you like it

Ebony- Crobat
Terry- Tangela
Sakura - Eevee

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A year had passed since he had started aura training with Anubis. And aura training was harder than he thought it would be. Meditation was hard to accomplish when all his mind had endless thoughts racing inside.

And when he wasn’t training, he was enjoying a lazy day with his mother, his pokemon friends, and Toshinori. Toshinori came over more often to enjoy a meal or just to spend time with him and his mother after helping out citizens during the day. He would come home sometimes with Toshinori helping his mother in the kitchen or helping with cleaning up around the house.

It felt... nice.

And since Terry came into his life, things have started to slow down for the better. He had more chances to train with his friends and play with them like any other day. He was getting better at the bow and arrows even though he still had a long way to go.

All in all, everything was peaceful.


But somewhere out there, the universe decided to start to test Midoriya Izuku further on how pure hearted the boy was.

Somewhere away from the mortal world, a pink Pokemon watched him interact with his friends with a happy expression. They knew it was time to see how he would react to even more challenges since he was getting older. Now it was time to test his reaction to more special kinds of Pokémon.


Midoriya walked with Ebony flapping their wings to stay atop his head while Kyu fought to stay on his shoulder from the wind. Sakura laughed at their interaction as they ran around Midoriya as he walked.

It had been an eventful day at school since Terry had caused a fuss during lunch when he took him out to feed him a snack. One minute Terry was eating, the next moment he was wrapping Midoriya and his desk together. He had no idea what happened except that Terry looked out the window with a weird expression.

Yeah... safe to say that Terry went back to his Pokéball very quickly after that.

Right in the middle of walking, a flash of light appeared and disappeared before his eyes. He whipped his head to the side to see a form rushing into the forest while leaves bristled behind them.

“Vee!” Sakura yipped before pouncing into the forest, past through the few bushes.

“Sakura! Wait up!” Izuku called out, rushing past the bushes to follow his friend into the dense foliage. Ebony screeched as they bumped into a branch. Izuku winced, “Sorry, Ebony. Are you okay?”

Ebony nuzzled his hand that Izuku brought up to touch them. Izuku smiled before confusingly following the trail that Sakura ran down. He heard the calls of his friend which made him quicken his pace to find them. He didn’t want them to be injured by a wild Pokémon that was looking for a fight.

Izuku passed by another bush when he finally spotted Sakura bouncing up and down in front of a pile of green.

A pile of green...? That was breathing...?

He walked closer to see a coiled up green body that was very long. The body had yellow rings across the length of their body with clawed hands. His eyes gazed over the coiled body until his eyes caught on the red and yellow pupils staring at them.

Izuku whispered when he noticed the familiar appearance matching a description of one Pokemon that had heard about in the long stories that the teachers would cover in school. “Rayquaza...”

Rayquaza let out a little trill in the back of their throat that sounded threatening until Sakura yipped at Rayquaza which caused the pokémon to shrink back from their defensive position slightly.

After Rayquaza pulled back, Izuku could finally see the long slash on the lower half of their coiled figure. Izuku’s eyebrows drew up in worry, “Are you okay?”

Rayquaza breathed out sharply with a heavy groan that rattled his green. He slowly reached into his backpack with one of his hands opening the zipper while another dug inside to get out an emergency potion. He waited until Rayquaza was okay with him getting closer.

When he got permission to move, he slowly approached the wound and sprayed the healing potion onto the cut. Izuku watched as the potion healed up the tears in their scales, not leaving a single trace of a scar behind.

“How did you get hurt in the first place?” Izuku looked around to see what might have caused their injuries. “The only thing I can think of is a fight or the stones from that mountain over there.”

Izuku pointed at the mountain standing tall from a good distance away in the forest. Rayquaza turned his gaze to look towards the mountain with a hesitant trill

“Okay, well be careful,” Izuku advised, reaching into one of t(e pockets of his backpack to pull out a pokeberry. He stretched his palm outward towards Rayquaza’s affection until the bigger pokémon took the berry out of his hands swiftly.

When Rayquaza growled out, Midoriya didn’t jump at the threatening sound, especially when Sakura was jumping in circles. He did it leave until Rayquaza took flight into the sky, his body twisting in the air gracefully. He smiled and waved from the ground before heading back with Sakura leading the way back home.


Something happened again later in the week when he was trying to run a short errand of giving some strawberry milk and breadcrumbs from the convenience store for his mom.

He was walking with Tsun hopping beside him and Anubis striding in step with him. But then he felt himself trip over a rock in the road. Midoriya threw his arms over his face to protect himself only to find himself falling through the cement ground.

He landed on something that broke his fall only to find a weird winding form beneath him. Midoriya narrowed his gaze and looked up only to jump in surprise. He was surrounded in a mysterious purple world with circular views to different places. He saw one of the circles had the Tokyo Tower displayed in full view.

Looking around, he spotted a very tall pokémon that he had learned about in school. Giratina.

The pokémon looked more serpentine like than the images he saw sketched out in class when talking about the story of them. Its lower half were like golden tipped spikes with four spikes near the edge of their long tail. Their body was back, gray, red and had golden rings down its body.

“Uh, hi. You must be Giratina. I learned about you a bit in school,” Midoriya spoke up while looking up at the intimidating Pokémon. “Can you please help me find a way out of here soon? I need to get home for dinner.”

Surprisingly, Giratina helped him out rather quickly with a portal forming right under his feet that made him fall back onto the street fifteen feet away from where he fell. Tsun and Anubis ran over to him while he brushed off his pants.

“You okay?” Anubis asked quietly as Tsun jumped around him to check fro any injuries.

“I’m alright. Don’t worry, guys,” Midoriya waved off the worried looks on his friends’ faces. “Now let’s get the errands before mom gets worried.”


After facing two shocking interactions over the past week, he wanted to get things back to normal. And the best way to do that was visiting the old ghost shrine with the little friends he made there. He made sure that everyone there had extra snacks despite the available berry bushes around the shrine that were overgrown.

And all of them were happy to steal away all the snacks that he had available in his backpack. With a sigh, he had to bid himself farewell before it got too dark to walk back home.

His ghostly friends floated in the air with cheerful goodbyes as he waved them goodbye. But on the way home, Midoriya felt a pair of eyes on him again, a familiar gaze that he felt before.

Turning around, he found a pair of red and yellow eyes staring at him behind a bush in the darkness behind the small green leaves. Kyu made a distinct sound while their head tilted at the sight.

“Hello?” Izuku called out. He looked around him to see not many people near him or on the walkway he was taking. He glanced back to the bush only to find the eyes gone.

He straightened up and took a step back only to feel something touch his leg. Midoriya whipped around to find a pokémon as black as a shadow looking up to him. “Marshadow.”

“Ah, hello. My name is Midoriya Izuku,” Izuku introduced himself. He gestured to his shoulder to find Mimikyu staring back at the shadow pokémon who was jetting their sudden gaze. “And this is Kyu.”

“Have you been watching me for a while?”

Marshadow started back at him with no response other than blinking back at him. Slowly, the shadow pokémon nodded back at him.

Midoriya tilted his head, “Why?”

Marshadow tugged at his pants leg which made Izuku dig into his pocket only to find berry inside. Confused, he offered the morsel to the pokémon who took it and eat it quickly.

“Hmm. I feel like you didn’t come for me for food. Did you want something else from me?” Midoriya asked, kneeling down. Marshadow looked back at him with a blank expression before pointing at his backpack. Confused, Midoriya opened up his backpack only for the pokémon to point at the pokeballs inside.

“Do you— do you want to become one of my friends? Like to be on my team?”

Marshadow nodded their head slowly to answer him. Midoriya smiled back at him before digging into his backpack further to find an unused pokeball in one of the inside pockets. He pressed the button which pulled the Marshadow inside with a red light.

With 3 long beeps and a locking sound, Izuku smiled down at the pokeball. “I think I’ll call you Mallow. Unless you don’t like that nickname.”

“Mimi,” Kyu called out to him from his shoulder.

“I know. I know,” Midoriya laughed. “I’ll run faster so you won’t miss out the dessert tonight. And please remind me to finish up those friendship bracelets.” He paused to look down at the pokeball in his hand. “And to start a new one.”


I had more legendary meetings planned but I reduced them to these two. Some might be in future or just mentioned in future.

I really am just trying to get Izuku to UA as quick as I can.

Chapter 31: A Step in the Right Direction


Nighteye calls in Gran Torino. All Might Feels Betrayed TM


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

All Might had known that Izuku would become his successor for a long time. He never knew just how long it was. But it wasn’t until his twelfth birthday when it finally clicked that he should begin with his training to take on One for All.

And the only thing that made him hesitant was his mother, the woman he was currently seeing.

Which brings him to where he is now with Lucario was currently burning a hole into him with his front gaze as he paced back and forth.

“Is it too soon to ask?” Toshinori turned sharply on his heel as he paced.
What happens if she says no, would it make everything awkward?”

Lucario sighed, gesturing at him as he paced. Toshinori groaned, “I can’t wait any longer or else the training will be too rushed. But what if she is too worried?”

With Lucario wordlessly gesturing at him and more pacing, he had finally come to a conclusion. He would calmly go to her when Izuku was at school to ask permission because if the answer was no, Izuku would be disappointed in some way, shape, or form.

So the official plan was for him to grab takeout food, go to the house and ask permission after they ate.

That was the official plan until he was walking down the street and a villain came crashing into a building’s window. So his plan was derailed by a few minutes since the public needed All Might’s help taking down the villain as quickly as he could with Throh and Sawk.

But after his quick deed, he escaped to the takeout place that he knew could follow his diet restrictions. It was quickly becoming his favorite takeout place to eat with her.

Without any more villain attacks nearby, he made his way quickly to Inko’s house with the takeout bags in hand. Not too long after, he was breathing hard as he knocked on the door of the house.

He turned his head to see Izuku’s Meganium and Ampharous playing in the yard with Lopunny and Tsareena nearby.

Inko opened the door after a moment like she was checking to make sure it was him. She opened the door with a welcoming smile, “Toshinori. Hi, what brings... Oh! You brought lunch.”

“For both of us,” Toshinori clarified, holding up the bag with a grin. Inko opened the door further to let him inside. His grin paused when he saw the unnerving eyes of Izuku’s new friend Marshadow staring at him from Izuku’s doorway.

He walked inside, closing the door softly behind him as Pokémon ran free around them. Toshinori followed Inko into the kitchen to place their hot food and noodles into separate bowls and plates so they could eat without fear of the containers becoming too soggy or last time.

“What brought you here with the takeout anyway?” Inko asked before slurping up the noodles from her bowl “A special occasion that I should know about?”

“No, no,” Toshinori cleared his throat, suddenly wishing he had Lucario out of his pokeball to provide some silent support. “I wanted to ask you something.

Suddenly, he felt Bewear and Stuful’s eyes snap towards him as Inko seemed to choke on her drink.

Inko coughed before replying, “Uhh—What?”

“I wanted to ask your permission for something regarding Izuku,” Toshinori said as Inko breathed out. “I thought it would be necessary to ask you first before offering it to him.

Inko raised her eyebrow, and he couldn’t help but feel Bewear’s eyes were still staring into him. “What exactly are you asking permission to offer?

“...remember what I told you about my power, One for All, and how it was given to me,”

“Yes,” Inko responded with a nod before pausing. Her eyes widened as they stared straight at him. “Are you asking what I think you are?”

“Yes. I truly think that Izuku will be an amazing hero. With or without my quirk, he will make a change,” Toshinori explained, folding his hands into his lap as he talked. He kept his gaze steady towards her, “And I think he would be a perfect fit for my power.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Inko held her hand up to her cheek. “Are you sure that he would be safe with this power?“

“I will make sure that he will control it and know exactly how to wield it. I would never purposely hurt him.” Again, Bewear’s eyes felt like they were burning into his back even more than Inko’s worried gaze. “In all truth, I see him as a son.”

Toshinori was nervous, watching her micro expressions as she thought over his offer. He waited, not trying to push her into making any decisions since he knew how long Inko would need to—

“Alright. I give my permission,” Inko’s words interrupted his inner thoughts, drawing his attention back into her fierce eyes. “But you must make sure that my baby is safe no matter what. Because if he isn’t, then I will make sure you pay for it.”

“I promise with all of my heart that Izuku will be safe,” Toshinori replied in earnest. Inko nodded like she was satisfied before turning the topic back onto casual talk like what she does during the day.

And he listened to every word even if Bewear’s gaze seemed to never leave the back of his head.


Sir Nighteye was doing relatively well in his headquarters. His sidekicks were doing well in their work with Centipeter really pulling ahead of his work even though he was new.

He was having a good day when his personal phone had started to ring. He paused in his paperwork to slide his finger across the phone after checking his phone to see who was calling.

Once he glanced at the blinding smile and blond hair, he knew exactly who was calling. “Hello, Toshinori.”

“I plan on giving young Izuku my power.”


With no knowledge that Toshinori had made him swallow an entire ice cube, they continued over the phone, “I have done a lot of thinking and I thought it would be easy for you to know that I am beginning training for Izuku, so he will be ready in future to take my power.”

“You what?” Sir Nighteye asked, the pen in his hand stilling in the air. He let go of the pen to rub at the space between his eyebrows. He breathed out harshly through his nose as he replayed the words he just heard in his head. “Okay, what do you plan on teaching him? When are you doing this?”

“I will start with increasing his strength so his body will be able to take the output of power. So I won’t transfer it to him just yet so possibly in future, as soon as next year if possible if training goes well.”

“Okay... What else?” Sir Nighteye asked, abandoning his paperwork as he leaned back in his chair cushions. “What happens after you transfer it?”

There was only some mumbling in the background from what he could hear until Yagi started to talk again, “I will teach him how to activate the power after I give it to him,”

“Activate One for All,” Sir Nighteye repeated. He hummed as he heard the silence over the speaker. “How exactly do you think it activates?”

“Well, I always just clench my butt and hope for the best when I punch.”

Ha, he needed to help out much more than he thought if this was exactly how All Might was going to try and teach his successor.

“... did you get permission from Midoriya before you made the decision to take her son as your successor?”

“Of course! I wouldn’t do that especially with how long I have known her and young Midoryia. She granted me permission as long as Izuku doesn’t get hurt.”

“...All Might.”


“Either you are calling Gran Torino,” Sir Nighteye said, pulling up the email app from his laptop as he heard All Might start to sputter over the receiver. “Or will send him a strongly worded email.

“Wait—!You don’t have to do all of—“

Nighetey clicked the subject line, pushing away the phone from the side of his face. “See you soon, Yagi,” he said before pushing the decline button.

He started to type with his fingers flying across the keyboard. “Hopefully the old hero’s email didn’t change.“

His Absol strutted their way over to him from across his office room, taking a place right by his feet as he continued his e-mail letter towards the older hero.


Gran Torino didn’t know what to make of the email from Nighteye or the panicked voicemail that Toshinori had sent.

Either way, he didn’t expect to have his Taiyaki snack break interrupted. But he was at the big house that Nighteye told him about when Gran Torino had called him back to confirm what he said in the email.

He approached the house with his cane without his hero costume on. He showed up to the address with a button up shirt, jeans, and boots with his wooden cane. He frowned at the exterior, seeing Pokemon floating by the windows.

“How many Pokémon did Nighteye say the kid had?” Sorahiko asked himself as he slowly walked up to the door. He decided to show up during the regular school day to let him interrogate Toshinori before he even met the young boy.

“Hello? Who might—COUGH!” Toshinori opened the door in his deflated form, looking down in surprise to see who was waiting behind the door. Sorahiko rolled his eyes as his old student coughed up blood in shock.

“Who is at the door?”

“Hello, Miss,”

“Oh! Hello,” Midoriya Inko, the boy’s mother and apparently the woman that Toshinori decided to date not too long ago, greeted. He nodded back to her with a grin. Her attention drifted from him to the tall man who was still coughing slightly into his hand. “Toshinori?”

Toshinori cleared his throat, he frantically gestured between the both of them, “Inko, this is Sorahiko Torino. Sir, this is Midoriya Inko.”

“Hello,” Sorahiko greeted, extending his hand. “I’m his old teacher that trained him. And from what I hear, my skills might be needed again.”

He made sure to glance at his old student who was staring back at him like he was scared of what he might say.

“Oh, you must have heard about...”

“About your son becoming his successor?” Sorahiko interrupted softly. “Yes, I did. I was coming in to see if I could help with his training since Toshinori might be missing something in his mentoring skills.”

“So when the training starts, I will supervise it to make sure your son is absolutely safe.”

“That is so thoughtful of you. Toshinori, why didn’t you tell me about our incoming guest?” Inko said, looking at his old student with a frown “I should have something prepared. What tea would you prefer?”

“Any tea is fine with me,” Sorahiko said as he was welcomed further into the house. “But if you have any taiyaki, I would love some.”

He watched as the woman walked into the kitchen to get started on refreshments for the unexpected guest while he slowly turned to look at Toshinori.

“Did Nighteye tell you?”

“Indeed. Although I was hoping that you would call ahead of time,” Sorahiko replied, looking around the room to see many Pokémon walking around the fling room and playing tag in the halls. His eyebrows traveled up his face as he wondered just how many belonged to the kid Toshinori picked. “You’ve known this kid for who knows how long and never once thought to call me and tell me that you have found your successor.”

“To be fair, I didn’t officially make him my successor until his twelve birthday a month ago,” Toshinori defended himself. “I wanted to make sure he was big enough to start the necessary training apart from his regular training.”

“What exactly have you been doing with him in the ‘regular’ training?” Sorahiko asked, walking towards the recliner to take a seat. Toshinori followed behind him to sit down on the couch.

“The training consists of Pokémon battle training, so he knows exactly what moves to use in performance and in real battles,” Toshinori started to explain, his eyes looked like they were glowing as he reflected back. Sorahiko watched his expression grow fond. “Some light training with stamina, breathing, flexibility and other exercises. Izuku learned the bow and arrow from leftover supplies from the old owners of this house all by himself. And I started to teach him about aura more recently than the rest.”

“Has he done any strength training before?” Sorahiko asked.

“Not to the scale that is needed because he was still a bit young,” Toshinori responded. “But he has done a bit of lifting through small weights.”

“Here we go!” Inko interrupted their talk by setting two tea cups in front of them with a plate of two fish pastries and a plate of tossed salad. “Thankfully, I found some Taiyaki in the freezer. And Toshinori, make sure you take your medication after you eat.”

Inko walked away cheerfully with Sorahiko looking down at the plate of two Taiyaki. “Well, you have picked the right woman in your life. I look forward to the wedding invitations.”

He listened to Toshinori sputter as he took a huge bite of the red bean filled paste inside the fish pastry.


Sorahiko’s first impression of Izuku was when the kid walked in with a Mimikyu on his shoulder, a Riolu walking next to him, and a Hydriegon following behind him..

And once he saw just how many Pokémon scattered around the room and made a beeline towards the young preteen, he could only imagine the headaches he would cause during training.

“Hey, kid.”

Izuku looked up to see him staring back at him from the recliner.

“I’m your training supervisor,” He greeted the preteen that was surrounded by Pokémon. “Nice to meet you.”

Now Toshinori could be an idiot at times, but from the way Izuku looks at him in respect, he has a feeling that his old student didn’t mess up in his choice.


Okay,,, if I can just finish driving school this the numbers...

I might be able to have Izuku finally reach UA by August if I time things right.

Chapter 32: Inko’s Night


She loves her son. And she also loves to spend time with Toshinori.


Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Inko was happy ever since her son brought back his first Pokémon friend Mimikyu. But she didn’t know it would lead her to this kind of life with a new house filled with all kinds of Pokémon that her son had brought back.

She especially didn’t expect for it to end up with her having a boyfriend in her son’s mentor, Toshinori. And with his mentor, Izuku had been making leaps in progress in all kinds of training.

And with Gran Torino’s help these past months, her son has been getting even stronger and smarter. Izuku managed to get two more mega stones, one for his Ampharous and one for Lopunny.

He even managed to get another Pokémon friend from one of his school field trips. The field trip consisted of the class visiting the more mountainous area to view the wild Pokémon there and learn more about the history of the area. Apparently, Katsuki had ended up capturing an Arcanine that tackled him out of nowhere. And her son had befriended a Bagon who kept trying to jump off a small cliff. Safe to say, Bagon, also known as Ace, became a part of the family no matter how many times he has tried jumping off of the roof.

Inko smiled to herself, humming as she prepared a nice, warm cup of tea for herself. It wouldn’t be long until Izuku came back from Professor Touma’s center. He was so happy each time he got to go there to help the Professor.

She was so glad that her son has such a big heart that bleeds for every friend he continues to make even though he does not seem to mention his classmates anymore. She was happy that Izuku has made so many Pokémon friends because she knows how much he cares for all of them. Inko has caught Izuku hurriedly making friendship bracelets or customizing each pokeball with stickers or paint.

On specific days where everything was quiet, she could still remember the months after his quirk appointment where he was drawn in on himself. Where she caught him desperately trying to breathe fire or pull things to himself while tears fell down his cheeks.

And the words she said to him...

She looked down at the liquid in her cup before taking a slow sip from the flowery scented tea.

Inko believed it had only made her son even sadder than before. The excited rambling about Bakugo was less enthused as he explained that he got burns while his friend was training his Pokémon.

But it all changed that one day that Mimikyu strolled in to their lives on his small shoulder. And as the years pass, she can only see her son growing happier and stronger than he ever was before.

And the happiness hasn’t changed since she still saw how much joy his friends bring. She recounts the other day how Tsun had finally evolved into a Greninja during play fighting in the garden which made Izuku cry happy tears. She remembered the sounds of Koi happily flopping around while Izuku’s tears almost flooded the grass around them.

Inko was proud of her son because of the young man he was becoming even if his younger years were slipping by faster than she wanted them to.

Her thoughts were interrupted while she took another sip of her tea when the door swung open.

“Mom, I have good news!” Her son came barging in with a bird Pokémon clinging to his upper back. “Professor Touma said that my experience with him might get me out of classes in high school.”

His words stumbled as a Serperior walked up behind him, slithering onto the space with their head raised high. “So I might get a free period because of all my credits during my internship with Professor Touma! Isn’t that cool?”

“That does sound amazing,” Inko replied as Gardevoir peeked around the door frame before slowly entering the living room. She blinked at the Pidegot that was nuzzling their face into her son’s hair. Is there anything else you want to mention?”

“Oh, Aquila,” her son pointed to the Pidegot on his back. “Majesty” he gestured to he Serperior lounging across the couch. “And Valkryie.” He waved his hand towards the Gardevoir who was inspecting the walls with an astounded expression. “...wanted to join my team. So that’s why they are here.”

Inko hummed watching her son reach behind his head to give Pidegot a scratch on their head which made them screech happily. “And what did the professor say about you taking away three of the Pokémon on his site?”

“He said that it was okay and that it was their decision,” Izuku answered, leaning on his heels and rocking forward and back. “Now I need to add more thread to the list, I need to make more friendship bracelets!”

Serperior snuffed from their place on the couch. Inko watched Izuku turn toward them, “Don’t worry. I’ll make yours with extra glitter.”

Suddenly a loud crash came from outside of the house. With a yelp, Inko turned towards the door with Izuku rushing in front of her to protect her from whatever was outside. With a deep breath, he unlocked the door to see what was outside only to find a mass of green laying down underneath a tree.

“Snorlax?” Izuku asked. “How did you walk all the way from the site?”

Inko gazed at the lazy Pokémon who immediately started to nap away right outside of her house. “Snorlax from the Professor’s site? How could that be?”

“He can roll pretty fast since he doesn’t want to walk that much. But I don’t know how I didn’t hear him,” Izuku replied honestly while Pidegot hopped from his back to explore the outside yard.

Inko sighed and glanced back inside her house, “Duplica, you might have to duplicate a lot of food in the near future. And I might need to call the Professor about the situation.”

She looked back up to Snorlax only to see Bagon jumping off from the roof gain and landing right in Snorlax’s stomach as a cushion.

She was happy that her son had made a lot of friends...

But she has a feeling that his number of Pokémon friends will never stop.


After getting all four of Izuku’s new friends settled, Gran Torino arrived to watch over him. Gran Torino was a big help from Izuku’s rambling about the training, but he was also a good babysitter when Toshinori wanted to take her out on evening dates.

The last date they went on was a little over two weeks ago when they had a picnic in the park right in the afternoon. There, she found her evening to be swept away when Toshinori had stumbled upon an injured Hakamo-o on the way back. The Pokémon had a lot of scaly plates on their dark gray body, but their body was covered in scratches that looked very painful. Inko ended up following him to the clinic to make sure the wild Pokémon was taken care of.

She stayed by his side, updating Gran Torino over the phone while everything took place in the clinic. And when they were all healed, they seemed reluctant to drift apart too far away from the tall blonde.

She remembers the way Toshinori smiled as he pet Hakamo-o gently on their head. “So what happens now?”

“I never strayed from my original six Pokémon on my team. I wanted to keep it simple and original like my previous master. But,” Toshinori’s expression grew softer as the Hakamo-o’s tail shifted side to side. “I think it’s time for a change.”

And now, it was time for their next date. With a soft smile, she brushed off her skirt while Sorahiko and her son talked in hushed tones in the living room. Her Florges stood by her side throughout the time she spent on her hair and makeup as she got ready.

And when she finally was done, she walked into the room to show off her new light blue dress. Izuku’s eyes lit up as he cried out about how pretty she looked while Sorahiko nodded his head at her appearance.

“You look good,” Sorahiko turned his attention back to his Taikyaki in front of him after glancing up at her. He took a bite before he continued with muffled words, “Make sure Yagi takes you somewhere special.”

She watched Izuku nudge Sorahiko with a not-so-subtle cough before adding, “You look so pretty!”

“Thank you both,” Inko said with a grin. Bewear made a growling noise behind her right before there was a knocking at the door.

Inko brushed her hands down her flowy dress before striding to the door. Lycanroc raised his head up from his resting place on the floor when she passed by. She paused to pet his head as they grumbled under her touch. She opened the door to find Toshinori on the other side in a button down shirt and dress pants.

“H-Hi,” Toshinori stumbled over his greeting. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you,” Inko looked down at his outfit with a smile. “You dressed up very nice tonight.”

“Oh, it’s nothing special,” Toshinori responded before Inko heard a flurry of Pokémon making noise behind her. She glanced to see Izuku and Sorahiko surrounded by his Pokémon friends. Even Dagato, his Shedinja, was watching from his quiet spot on the shelf. She turned back around when Toshinori coughed, “Anyway, we should get going. I made some reservations.”

“Reservations? Is it somewhere fancy?” Inko furrowed her brow in worry as she looked down at her dress. It was a bit more casual for a fancy restaurant. “Do I have to change?”

“No, you look... perfect,”Toshinori waved his hands as he reassured her. “It’s nowhere too fancy. It’s just somewhere that has really good food.”

“Well, no time to waste then. Bye, Sorahiko-San! Bye Izuku!” Inko waved with a bright smile back at the two on the couch. The two waved at her while multiple Pokémon cheered back at her. “I’ll be back later.”

Sorahiko’s expression turned serious right as she walked through the doorframe. But his attention was on someone else behind her. “Make sure you don’t mess up, kid!”

Toshinori hurriedly shut the door behind her after the older man’s hosted at him. She turned to him, worried since his face turned red. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” Toshinori’s voice cracked a bit, causing him to cough to clear his throat. “Yes. I’m fine. In fact, I’m feeling better than I have ever been before.”

“That’s good to hear,“ Inko hummed. She couldn't help but stare at his gentle expression. “So where are we going tonight?”

Toshinori responded with a grin, “I found a nice restaurant that you would like. And afterwards, we could spend some time at the beach.”


The dinner at the restaurant was lovely. The roasted chicken and steak platter was so delicious. And if that didn’t fill up her belly, the little dessert platter of cakes was enough to make her feel like she was bursting at the seams.

“Ooh, that dinner was just lovely, Toshinori. Thank you,” Inko said as the two walked by the beach with the last bits of sunset disappearing into the dark night sky.

Toshinori smiled, “It’s no problem for me to treat you like you deserve. Oh, look. The moon is beautiful tonight.”

Inko looked up at the same moon he was looking up at to see the bright moon shine in the dark blue night. “Oh, it is!” Inko commented. She turned her head to see the beach side beside them with the moonlight shining down on the waves. “Oh my goodness, look at the water.”

Toshinori cleared his throat, “Let’s take a closer look. We have all the time in the world.”

Inko looked back at him before walking off into the sand. She hurriedly took off her shoes to land her bare feet in the soft sand. She walked directly to the water with Toshinori‘s footsteps crunching the sand behind her.

“Wow, the night sky is so beautiful tonight,” Inko said, looking out into the moon before gazing down at the water. “I like the moon’s reflection in the water the most on these kinds of nights. It makes everything feel so peaceful.”

Inko watched the waves peacefully for a moment. Then she paused, Toshinori would have answered by now. She slowly turned around with a confused look drawn across her face, “Toshinori?”

Toshinori was no longer standing behind her. He was on one knee with a small black box in his hands.

“Inko, you have been a constant in these years that I found myself being drawn to in more ways than one. I may not be good with words, but I want to say that I love you with all of my heart. And I wanted to ask you,” Toshinori paused in his speech. Inko’s hand drew up to her mouth as he pulled out a black box from his pocket. “Inko, will you marry me?”


“Oh!” Toshinori exclaimed as Inko dropped to her knees next to him with tears in her eyes. She launched herself forward to drag him into an embrace. His laugh fumbled through his chest, “Thank goodness. I was so nervous.”


Inko paused in her hug, wiping at her joyful tears at the sound of a familiar voice. “Izuku? Sorahiko?”

“This is great!” Her son yelled out with Anubis jumping up next to him as they raced down into the sand.

“Yep!” Sorahiko called out on the sidewalk, not stepping into the sand. “And it’s nice to see that Yagi didn’t mess up!”

Inko laughed while her son raced around them with his Pokémon friends behind him. Toshinori reaches forward to take her hand and place the ring on her finger. She smiled down at the silver band with small emeralds surrounding the diamond in the center.

She had no idea that her life would turn out to be this way. But as she hugged Toshinori close to her while her son’s laughter filled the air, Inko knew she wouldn’t have it any other way.


Yes, I did force in 5 new Pokémon for Izuku in one chapter. What about it? I need to get him to UA faster so no individual chapters for each Pokémon for now. I just wanted to get details out of way.

He is so close yet so far. I just need to get there.

Chapter 33: In the Near Future


Stuff happens.


Current Number of Pokémon: 38
Pokémon mentioned in this chapter:
Mimikyu: Kyu
Riolu: Anubis
Marshadow- Mallow
Bagon- Ace
(I will just lost how many are mentioned since I don’t want to copy and paste the entire list since t might get confusing or tedious that way)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Toshinori had been working with Izuku for months on the more advanced training to prepare him for his quirk. He made sure to balance time between all his aura training, his strength training, and his basic fighting training.

Hakamo-o helped add to Izuku’s practice with Pokémon battles from how high level they were and how skilled they were without Toshinori. Despite being the newest member of his team, Hakamo-o fits in well with the team after a week of getting to know the other Pokémon friends.

As far as teaching Izuku, he didn’t need to add more training for Izuku since his daily schedule was more than enough, especially with Izuku training himself in the bow and arrow. With his current training, it wouldn’t be long before it was time to give him One for All.

When that time comes, he knows he will need to have Sir Nighteye help along with Gran Torino. He found out when he told Gran Torino what exactly was his plan. And from Gran Torino’s expression, he knew he would need to reform the plan and have the other two men help Izuku on his journey.

While balancing training and fighting, he is setting more time aside to help plan the wedding with Inko.

Years of being single and now he was marrying a kind woman and he just knew that Nana would approve of her. Inko was nothing short of amazing. She worked hard in her life, raised her son after divorcing her husband, and was nothing but a supportive figure.

She supported him in any way she could whether it be making sure he ate his meals or fussing over the smaller injuries he had gained in fights.

Although wedding planning was harsher and harder to do than he originally thought. There were several things to consider like traditional customs and more modern customs that take on more westernized ideals. And settling on smaller details like what kind of food to serve, what flowers to have, and other meaningful things that the wedding needs. When he tried to seek help from his old mentor, Gran Torino laughed in his face before running so he wouldn’t get dragged in.

Thankfully, Sir Nighteye and Tsukauchi were able to talk with him about the topic of planning it. Even though neither of them is married, they did help pin down some good venues like remodeled shrines and small venues enough to fit their modest guest list.


Izuku sat in his room after a session of training with aura alongside Anubis. He was sketching out his hero costume with his tongue sticking out in concentration.

The noise from his Pokémon friend playing inside his room and down the hall was like pleasant background music as he drew out another draft of his costume.

“How colorful should I make it? All the colors? Maybe one or two colors? I know I want a utility belt with a customized Pokeball pouch,” Izuku mumbled as he sketched out another picture of an idea. It fits more like a bodysuit with a color scheme of green and navy blue.

He shifted his eyes over to a draft with more of a warrior type of outfit with plated, scale-like armor on the arms, chest, and knees.

“What kind of support items should I have? Ooh, maybe I can learn more about the bow and arrow and add that to my costume,” Izuku said to himself while Mimikyu hopped from his bed onto his desk to see what he was drawing. He tilted the notebook towards his first friend, “What do you think, Kyu?”

Kyu leaned close to the page before butting their head against the armored suit. Midoriya hummed in response, “Thank you. Hey, do you know where I put the bracelet material! Ace and Mallow’s friendship bracelets need a bit of repair and I don’t know where they are.”

Mimikyu hopped down from his desk as his gaze followed after them. His eyes landed on the small case of the needed materials peeking out from beneath his bed.

“Thanks, Kyu. Couldn’t do anything without your help,” Izuku said, lifting Kyu into the air before his friend settled into her place on his shoulder. With that, he turned back around to sketch out more of his future ideas using an armored look for his future designs.


“So what have you been looking at?”

“A few venues,” Inko answered as she scrolled through a couple of articles as Hisashi stared past the video call camera. “I was looking for something more modern since our wedding was more traditional.”

“Ah, I get it,” Hisashi responded as his Torkoal snored behind him on the computer screen. “How’s Izuku doing?”

“He’s doing very well in school and Toshinori is making sure he is improving in his training,” Inko ticked off a box on the paper in front of her. She might just have a quick ceremony in her backyard since it wouldn’t be that large of a guest list. “Oh, he loved those speakers you got him. His Psyduck uses them a lot when watching his calming videos. Well, before they evolved.”

“Wow,” Hisashi whistled in appreciation. “How many Pokémon have evolved? Better question: how many does he have?”

Inko choked back a laugh while her Delphi’s passed behind her to try and grab at Beedrill flying through the air. “That is a question there is no definite answer to. I know there are more than twenty in this house. But he has other Pokémon friends that aren’t technically his.”

“Double Wow,” Hisashi laughed. “Well, I’m glad he has so many friends. He won’t ever be lonely with all of them around him.”

“I’m happy because of that too,” Inko smiled, thinking back to the last time she had ever seen Izuku withdrawn.

The last time he acted so lonely was before he had met Mimikyu. She still thinks about when she saw him bouncing a ball against his bedroom wall while an All Might movie played on his computer.

And the following week he had come back with a huge smile on his face and a ghost Pokémon on his shoulder.

She still wonders what life could have been like if her son didn’t have his friends by his side. What would their life be like if that were to happen? Whatever the answer is, she doesn’t care about it since her son is happy and healthy.

No matter what the future brings, Inko is going to be ready for it to protect her newfound life.


Hope you liked it! It was just a filler chapter. Since the next one will be the official first episode of the anime. Which means it will be a longer chapter. I have no idea when to update it though. Possibly in August since that is like the beginning of school year for a lot of people.

((I’m really trying to finish off two stories before beginning of August. Wish me luck))

Chapter 34: The Official Start?


Hope you like it!

To clarify:
Mimikyu: Kyu
Charmeleon: Zarius (if he already evolved, I completely forgot and need to edit)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ahh, who am I kidding? Most of you applied to hero schools! The only ones who didn’t apply are our classes’ own aspiring pokemon trainers!”

All of the classmates around him cheered in excitement.

In this world, kids were either dreaming of being pro heroes with their own specialized teams to boost or enhance their power or they were aiming towards being a pokemon trainer.

Pro heroes and Pokémon trainers do a lot for society in different ways.

Pro heroes have a team of pokemon fighting at their side to take down any threat or danger they may come across. They vow to save others and wing against evil all in the name of peace. Like this morning when he watched Kamui Woods and Mount Lady fight against a big shark headed villain with their Sharpedo.

Pokemon trainers have a team of trusted pokemon to battle at their side. They vow to go on a long journey where they have to go through endless battles with other trainers and gym leaders.

Others who fall under a separate umbrella are pokemon performers, rangers, professors and more. They aren’t exactly like pokemon trainers, but they are still important to balance out the pokemon community.

There was a clear line between the two forces even though the line could be smudged at times with gym leaders being heroes or sidekicks becoming pokemon performers. Only the most skilled, talented, and trusted among them all could be both a professional pokemon trainer and a pro hero.

Pro heroes were undoubtedly the more authoritative out of the two, but the pokémon trainers definitely have their own type of fame that ranges from performances to regular battles. But either way, both titles demanded respect from the audience watching both sides.

He felt Kyu’s ears flop against his cheek right as he zoned back into reality. He heard his old friend shout out, “—I’m going to UA and becoming the number one greatest hero to ever live!”

“I heard Deku applied for UA too!” One of his classmates shouted out. He didn’t wince at the words since he knew something like this was coming since they were talking about the schools they applied to after all.

All at once, he tensed as Kyu stared out at all of his classmates who began to laugh at him.

“Even though he has a lot of pokemon, he won’t make it without a quirk!”

Thankfully, Bakugo didn’t make any move towards him, but it might have been because of Larvitar resting across on his lap. Or maybe it was the Arcanine wrapped around his leg since its body couldn't fit underneath the desk like it used to.

When classes finally ended, Izuku finally let out a breath he had been holding since most of his classmates started leaving as soon as they could. But his breath froze again when he saw Bakugo and two of his lackeys approaching his desk in the back.

Mimikyu jumped off his shoulder with an angry huff, landing on his desk which made the lackeys pause in their pursuit except Bakugo who kept moving forward.

“Why do you want to go to UA so badly, huh? You’re just going to get in my way

“I want to be a pro hero,” Midoriya shrugged in response. Bakugo sneered at his answer, picking up the notebook from his desk despite Kyu’s attempt to slash at him.

“What with this sh*tty book?” Bakugo asked, shaking the notebook in the air before tossing it through the window that was still open from cleaning time.

“Why did you do that? You did have to go that far,” Midoriya protested.

“Face it, Deku. You’re quirkless,” Bakugo leaned forward while his Larvitar stared up at the interaction in silence. Arcanine was watching the interaction with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. “You won’t amount to anything without your pokemon helping your dumb ass.”

Any intimidating aura that Bakugo was building up was immediately cut by Arcanine hopping his front two legs on one of the desks to lick at his friend’s face.

Midoriya bit back the hint of the smile at the interaction with Bakugo wiping at his face. Even though Bakugo is harsh with him, he was glad that Bakugo didn’t act that way towards his own pokemon team.

The interaction ended right after that with the lackeys commenting about some arcade while all three of them left him in the empty classroom.

“Kyu?” Mimikyu made a questioning sound from his desk. He smiled back at his friend before allowing her to jump right back on his shoulder.

“I’m fine, Kyu. Let’s go outside so I can find my notebook and Zarius can let his flame out,” Midoriya added.

He does it know why, but his Charmeleon friend has been acting a bit more withdrawn than he was before. Like he was going through a rebellious teenage phase that his mom was worried he would go through.

So with Kyu on his shoulder, he walked out of the classroom and headed for the stairs.

“I really hope it didn’t land in the fountain. I don’t want to rewrite my notes, especially the ones from this morning!” Midoriya rambled to his Kyu who listened from his shoulder.

“Mimi,” Kyu huffed while he ran out the door in his outdoor shoes, trying to find his notebook in the direction that his old friend had thrown it.

Luckily, it didn’t land in the fountain.

Unluckily, it had apparently hit a wild pokemon from the sight of a crying Sobble rubbing its forehead while their tears leaked on his notebook.

With a grimace, he rushed over to the Sobble. “Are you hurt?”

Kyu jumped from his shoulder again to drift over to Sobble who was clutching at a bump on their head.

“Ah, I’m so sorry. One of my classmates threw my book out the window. I’m sorry that you were caught at the receiving end,” Midoriya dug into his bag to find a little emergency bag of berries. “Here, eat this. I'll spray you with some of my medicine to help with the pain as well.”

Sobble ate the berry with a sniffle as Midoriya spritzed their head with a healing potion. With Sobble calming down, Izuku reaches into his pocket to let his friend, Zarius, come out from their pokeball to stretch their limbs.

But as soon as Zarius appeared, Sobble shrunk back, tripping over the notebook that was still laying on the ground. Sobble looked back and forth between Izuku and the fire type pokemon before grabbing the notebook spine with their mouth and running off in a different direction.

“Hey! Wait!” Midoriya called out, racing after them with Kyu bouncing behind him with Zarius following behind.

The chase continued until Sobble stopped right in front of a tunnel with two wild Muks sulking in the shadows. At the Pokemon’s hesitation, Izuku was able to catch up to Sobble.

But the relief of catching up to them was short lived as a big shadow eclipsed over the two wild Muks with green sludge the same color as a Trubbish. Midoriya sped up when the sludge had wrapped around Sobble, making the notebook in its mouth fall.

“Zarius! Kyu!” He called out for his pokemon friends, receiving a half hearted response from Charmelon and an excited sound from Mimikyu.

He rushed forward as Kyu and Zarius aimed an attack at the two Muks who were blocking Sobble from escaping the sludge. He avoided a poisonous attack from Muk right as Zarius jumped out of the blast radius from it.

Without thinking, he rushed forward to grab Sobble out of the sludge with a harsh pull. And from his pull, Sobble was freed from the sludge, but now the sludge had a hold on him.

“Ah, the perfect meaty disguise to hide out from the heroes,” the sludge commented as its form started to suck the young teenager in. He could hear his two pokemon friends call out to him before his head was partially trapped inside the sludge.

Midoriya tried to escape with each kick of his legs and swing of his arms, but it felt like swimming through a mutated jello. It was hard to move through the sludge which made his attempts to escape weaken the more he fought.

He could barely see Mimikyu getting hit by poison from the Muk before feeling Zarius’ flame pass right by.

“You’re like my hero, kid. With your body, I can hide for as long as I need,” The sludge villain said, the eyeballs sliding over the sludge. “It will all be over soon.”

He felt dread creep up his spine when he felt his eyes start to flutter shut from exhaustion and the overwhelming inability to breathe from the sludge clogging up his nose and mouth.

Right before he blacked out, he heard a deep yell followed by a rush of wind.

“Detroit Smash!”


When Izuku blinked open his eyes, he could only hear the random crying of a Sobble nearby. He warily opened his eyes to see four pokemon waiting on him with Toshinori.

Sobble had tears running down their small faces while Zarius stared at him from the other side of Izuku’s body. Kyu hurriedly hopped around once he had opened his eyes, alerting Lucario who called out to Toshinori.

Izuku glanced down to see his head being elevated by his own book bag with his slightly water damaged notebook placed to the side.

“How are you, Izuku? That sludge villain really had you in a chokehold before I got there,” Toshinori explained, bending down to talk with the young teen on the ground. “You were unconscious for a few minutes at least, so I carried you and your pokemon to the nearest rooftop I could find.”

“Thanks, dad,” Izuku coughed. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, my boy. I’ve just lost track of time today with how long I can be out and about with this form. I think I’ve only have—” Toshinori checked a watch that was almost falling off his thin wrist. “About forty seconds left. Do you need anything, my boy?”

“My throat feels weird,” Mdioriya softly said, rubbing at his throat with his hand. Kyu’s ears twitched at his answer before he asked, “Can you get me some water? I think I have a water bottle in my bag.”

He waited for his teacher and stepdad to retrieve a half full water bottle from his bright yellow bag. He downed the drink in a few gulps, coughing in between swallows to get rid of the scratchy feel that was still lingering.

“I see, you have yet another new friend,” Toshinori said, drawing attention to the sniffling Sobble who was only a few feet away.

“Oh, Sobble. Well, he’s still a bit new. I’ve only met him a few minutes ago, so I can really say for sure,” Midoriya shrugged. He twisted the cap of the now empty water bottle and put it aside. “They might hold a grudge against me from my notebook accidentally hitting them on the head.”

“Well, they have been crying ever since I got there. So it’s safe to assume they might have been worried about you.

“I think that’s relatively normal,” Izuku commented while Sobble got closer to him with small tears escaping their eyes. “If you forgive me, we could be crying buddies.“

Sobble sniffled and nuzzled their head into Izuku’s chest with a whimper, “Sob. Sobble.”

Izuku brought the small pokemon into a comforting hug as Toshinori straightened up to his full height. “I’m sorry you had to deal with the sludge villain, my son.”

“It’s alright. You made it there in time to help,” Izuku waved off his worry with his hand even though his chest still felt a bit heavy.

“I have something important to give you tonight after we get home,” Toshinori started to explain while Lucario stared down at a large rip in his pants, their ears perking up. “But before we do that, I need to return this villain to the authorities—“ Lucario pointed down at his cargo pants which made the pro hero look down and harshly cough in surprise. “—where is the bottle?”

Iuzku stared at him in confusion, “Huh?”

“Izuku, do you see any giant bottles around here? Preferably with a green looking liquid inside...” Toshinori whipped his head around the rooftop in desperation. Lucario joining the search by looking over the rooftop to see if there was anything down below. “...because that is where I stashed the villain after I was done with him.


Toshinori slowly turned around at the loud sound. Midoriya followed his gaze to find a giant explosion happened a few blocks away from them. Oh no...”


I was too tired to finish writing the second half. But the second half should be posted in this month.

And new friend! Sobble!
If you are still recommending friends, do it for other people like villains. Like absurd villains in future because LOV is filled up. But like which ones would Stain have? Lickitung?
And what of the Yakuza? Would they even use pokemon?

Chapter 35: Two Surprises in One Day

Chapter Text

The smoke from the explosion waved in the air as sounds of people shouting echoed.

“Sob?” Sobble sniffled still in Midoriya’s embrace. Zarius was gazing at the explosion before looking back at his fiery tail like he had accidentally caused it somehow.

“I think that’s where the villain is,” Midoriya commented.

“You might be right on the mark with that guess,” Yagi said before sighing. He gripped his shirt while paying attention to the nearby explosion. “But I can’t just hop over there as All Might, I might run out of time before I even defeat the villain.”

“Then you have to run there as a civilian,” Midoriya replied. He turned his head and luckily saw a door at the end of the rooftop, a door that meant that there were stairs behind it. “Quick! Let’s take the stairs.”

Midoriya scooped up Sobble as Mimikyu situated herself right in her favorite position on his shoulder. Yagi made a confused noise before following him. Lucario threw open the rooftop door as Midoriya and his father figure ran towards the exit. Zarius chased after them with Lucario grabbing onto him as they followed after the two humans.

The two rushed to the scene without any problem until they faced the familiar sludge villain once again. Except this time, he was surrounded by a crowd, scattered heroes who were standing on the sidelines, and several fires that threatened to grow bigger as time passed.

Midoriya stepped closer to the ring of people until he could finally see past their heads to see what was happening. And once he did, he was shocked.

It was Bakugo.

His Arcanine was barking at the sludge while swaying on their paws, desperately trying to work past whatever poison they were hit with. Larvitar was trying to swipe at the sludge, but kept being pushed back.

Midoriya watched as Bakugo freed his arm once again to aim an explosion behind him at the sludge. Bakugo coughed once the sludge backed away from his mouth, taking a deep breath before the sludge overtakes him again

Izuku looked behind and found no one behind him. He surveyed the area until he realized that his step dad was probably finding an empty place to transform.

But with all of these people around, it might take a while to find a perfect place. And he knows what that choking feeling was like. No matter how hard he fought back, it was only 40 seconds before he started to black out from the lack of oxygen and the force of the villain pushing his way inside with their tendril.

“Hey, he can’t breathe! Please! Do something!” Midoriya pleaded, Zarius poking his head around his waist.

“We’re trying, kid. But none of our quirks can work that well against him,” Death Arms defended himself as Machomp held out his arms and blocked the view of several civilians and stopped them from coming closer. Kamui Woods’ Sudowoodo trying to walk to Bakugo’s confused pokemon who were desperately trying to get to their friend. But the Sudowoodo was only getting attacked by Arcanine when they got close.

Midoriya looked down at all three of his pokemon friends before making a very rash decision. Well, it wasn’t much of a decision since he did it even though he was moving until he was running right past the Sudowoodo.

Zarius went to Larvitar while Arcanine was dealing with Kamui Woods’ pokemon. Sobble jumped to the ground and started to freak out by being so close to the sludge villain. Sobble backed away from the villain as Izuku went directly to the sludge and started to dig in with his hands, Mimikyu jumped off his shoulder to use shadow claw against the jelly-like substance. The claws landed right on the villain’s eyes, making them flinch back hard.

Bakugo coughed harshly once his mouth was freed from the weird slime. “Dammit! Deku—what are you—?!”

“It looks like you need a hand!” Midoriya said.

“Never fear! I am here!” All Might’s voice rang out through the air.

When he finally got his hands around Bakugo’s shoulder, he gripped tight to his sleeve and threw them both backwards. And right on time, All Might rushed in to vanquish the villain with a legendary pro move that made a rain cloud appear above them.

And the rain started to pour down on them. All Might’s back was to them with an explosion of slime across the alleyway.

Mimikyu immediately hopped back on his shoulder. Bakugo was lying on the ground beside him while Sobble waddled to him. Izuku turned his head to see Zarius covering his tail with a piece of cardboard as he hurried to him.


The medical rushed in right as All Might took off with his signature yell of “Go beyond! Plus Ultra!”.

Two Chanseys corralled Bakugo’s two pokemon while two pokemon nurses tried to feed them berries to help with their remaining confusion. Police arrived shortly after to start shoveling in the parts of the villain into a temporary prison.

Midoriya hurriedly rushed away before he could be held back by any of the heroes on the scene. He can imagine that they would not find it funny that he rushed into the danger. Izuku kept walking, looking back over his shoulder to make sure no one was following him as he retreated.

He waited until he was absolutely sure no one was behind him. He still remembered that Bakugo was being held back by the medical team as everyone praised him for his bravery.

“Everyone is okay, right? I know you probably got some berries already, but just let me know if you’re feeling bad,” Midoriya said.

Zarius shook his head with a small puff of smoke from his nose as he walked beside him. Kyu flopped the head of their disguise on his shoulder while Sobble just flung onto his sleeves in response.

“Let’s head home,” Midoriya said. He gazed down at his new friend who was clinging into his sleeve. “I need to give you a nickname. How do you feel about...Hmm.” He passed while he thought about what kind of name to give Sobble. “What about Finn?”

Sobble nodded their head at the new name, “Sob! Sobble!”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Midoriya mumbled. He felt Kyu’s disguise flop against his cheek which made him smile. Zarius’ tail thumped against him as they all walked back home.

He wasn’t surprised to see Yagi waiting on the steps with his Hakamo-o trying to reach the wild Ekans that were wrapped around the tree branch. He could have sworn that a Zigzagoon was sitting on the rooftop.

“Ah, my boy! I’m sorry I couldn’t stay much longer there in that form,” Yagi said, interrupting Midoriya’s walk to the front door with an embrace. “Were you hurt?”

“Not much. I got a little scratch on my hands from when I fell back on the pavement. But nothing else,” Midoriya said with a smile. “Oh, Dad! This is my new friend, Finn.”

“I see,” Yagi grinned, waving a little to the Sobble who was trying to hide their face in the crook of his arm.

“What did you have to talk to me about?” Midoriya asked, setting down Sobble and letting Mimikyu jump off his shoulder. Mimikyu hopped up the stairs with Sobble following after her.

“Well, I wanted to talk with you about my quirk,” Yagi replied. “You do remember what I told you about it, right?”

“Yeah,” Izuku nodded. “Is there something wrong?”

“There would have been if I didn’t ask your mother for permission first,” Yagi chuckled a bit “Do you remember that I told you I was given this quirk? I wanted to give you my quirk just like my mentor did to me.”

“R-Really?!” Izuku shouted in surprise.

Yagi nodded, “Yes. I planned on transferring my quirk to you tonight, so we can work on your control over One for All for the next ten months.”

“That sounds great!”

“I’m glad you are excited for it!” Yagi laughed. “I’ll just give you a strand of my hair for you to ingest my DNA—“

“Say what now?”


That night, he still could feel the weird, ticklish feeling of the hair he swallowed at the back of his throat. Even after the delicious pork and rice dinner, he still felt it. Maybe it was because he had it after the meal... Either way, it was so distracting that it kept him from falling asleep which made him eventually sneak out of his bedroom.

He snuck past all the sleeping Pokémon along with his stepfather passed out on the couch.

And that’s how his Riolu found him.

“Friend?” Riolu greeted him from the doorway.

“Ah, Anubis. Hi,” Izuku greeted his old friend as Riolu took a seat next to him. The moon shined above them, bathing the both of them in its soft light. “I didn’t know you would be awake at this hour.”

“Me either,” Anubis answered back simply. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking about stuff. Like the fact that All Might will be my official step dad sooner or later. Or how the entrance exams are less than a year away,” Midoriya responded. “And the fact that I have this new power I have to get used to. I know I have plenty of time, but this is a whole new thing in my life.”

Anubis tilted their head, “And?”

“And I’m excited for it. I have no idea what’s ahead of me but I know I’ll get through it especially with all of you, my friends, by my side during it,” Izuku said with a grin. “We’ll make a difference, Anubis, I just know it.”

“Whatever comes next, I’m ready for it,” Izuku raised a fist with the bright smile still on his face. “And we’ll get stronger together!”

Anubis smiled at him, creating a fist with his paw to bump into his fist. Then, Anubis was bathed in a shining light that covered his entire body.

Izuku watched as Riolu evolved into Lucario right before him. Lucario nodded as soon as the light disappeared, he looked down at himself in mild surprise. He turned back to Izuku with a determined grin, “And I’ll be here with you. For every step.”

Chapter 36: But Dad!


Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The training was rough.

It was a bit more than what he was expecting since he has been working hard on his physical strength and inner strength before. His work with the arrow was getting better since he started to hit the target with each hit, even though not all of them are in the center. But this was on a whole new level because of the new addition that settled in the heart of his chest.

One for All.

Getting used to One for All was a whole different thing entirely, Gran Torino helped him the most along the way with All Might’s help. Sir Nighteye guided him the best he could with advice while balancing paperwork over the phone.

Other than his physical training, he made sure all of his Pokemon were getting stronger with him while having fun. He could even lift up Snorlax which was a thing he never knew he could ever do.

Aura training was going very well especially since Anubis had evolved into Lucario. And with his new mega evolving bracelet, Lucario could gain a new form...that they were still getting used to.

Either way, the UA exams were today! And he was almost close to running late just because Snorlax was cuddling him for too long when he said his goodbye to him.

His mother waved goodbye as he started to run with Anubis and Tsun by his side to help him with the UA exams. Each participant was allowed up to two Pokémon.

It wasn’t long before he ended up at the gates of the school.

“Are you ready, you two?” Midoriya asked to his two Pokémon friends while he practically skipped through the gates. Anubis nodded while Tsun cooed at his question. They both walked slightly ahead of him like they were trying to protect him from any danger that popped out.

“I can’t wait for it to start. Hopefully I got enough training for the practical exam. Because who knows what we have to—“ Izuku was briefly interrupted when he tripped over his own feet. Anubis’s ears perked up as he turned around to catch him.

But his attempt went unheeded when one girl touched the back of Midoriya shirt. Midoriya floated back on his feet when the girl touched her fingers together and said “Release”.

“Huh. Thanks for saving me. I’m Midoriya Izuku,”

“Oh hi. I’m Uraraka Ochako,” Uraraka introduced herself with a smile while her Drifblim floated right above her head.

Their shirt introduction was interrupted by a familiar blonde marching between them. Bakugo sneered as he passed by with Houndor and Typhlosion walking at his side.

“It was nice to meet you, Midoriya,” Uraraka said with a small smile. Her Drifbilm twirled around in the air as the girl started to walk backwards towards the school doors. “But we better get inside before we’re late for the exams.”

“She’s right. We better hurry,” Midoriya said. His two friends nodded back at him as they all started to run towards the doors without a pause in their step.

Although there was no need to rush since the exams didn’t start until a few minutes afterwards. The written exam wasn’t like he expected, but thankfully he was prepared for it from the amount of studying he did for it.

But the real part that he was waiting for happened right after the written exams. The practical exam for the hero course. That’s how he found himself with Lucario and Greninja in the middle of a packed gym with other people and their Pokémon.

Suddenly, Present Mic appeared from the darkness of the huge room, his signature blonde hair highlighted in his spotlight.


Midoriya was about to comply when Lucario put a hand on his arm which made him pay attention to how no one else was moved enough to do it. Huh. They must be tired. Nevertheless, he said, “Yeah.”

Which was like a whisper in the silent room.

Present Mic cleared his throat before moving right along by exposing to the others about the cards they were given. How the letters guided them to the section. How the numbers told them how many points the robots had.

Greninja’s eyes kept roaming through the seats like he was scoping out the competition while Lucario was staring down at the card with him.

“Do you think the centers are harder depending on which area you get? It shouldn’t be right?” Izuku asked, peering down at the illustration of the robots and the information on the other side. “Hmm, I wonder how hard these robots will be to take down.”

“Excuse me, I have a question!” A guy stood up in the crowd with his arm raised.

“HIT ME!” Present Mic replied.

“On the handout, it says there are four types of robots, not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official matters from UA, it would be shameful” The glasses guy said as the spotlight shone on him. Then his attention was on him. “Additionally, you have been muttering this entire time to stop it. If you can’t bother to take this seriously, leave.”

Giggles rang from the seats as Lucario’s ears were pinned back in agitation. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed. “My apologies. I didn’t know I was speaking out loud.”

The blue haired teen nodded back at him seriously.

“Well, listener, I was just about to talk about the fourth type. The fourth villain type is worth zero points. You don’t have to do anything with it at all, it only serves as an obstacle. You can ignore it and focus on the others.” Present Mic answered.

Sooner than later, Present Mic instructed them all to their designated centers. Midoriya jogged ahead with his Pokémon friends behind him as he spotted the blue haired teen from the crowd and Uraraka standing in the same waiting area.

He caught Uraraka’s eye and waved to her before Present Mic’s excited voice filled the speakers around them

“Go!” Present Mic yelled out. Greninja immediately wrapped his tongue around Izuku and started to drag him into the center with Lucario racing behind. He helped while the other participants stared at him stunned. Distantly, he heard Present Mic encourage others to start. “HEROES DON’T WAIT!”

Suddenly, a rush of participants and offering Pokémon flooded into the practical exam area. And it wasn’t long before the robots he saw on his exam sheet started popping out of nowhere.

“Anubis, use your Aura Sphere.” Midoriya ordered, raising his hand towards the two robots coming towards them. “Tsun, Aerial Ace.”

3 points.

Anubis and him combing their aura attacks on a small group of them.

Another 7 points to add.

And Tsun and him taking down three one pointers. Tsun’s water pulses took out the electrical while he aimed low percentage punches at the robot’s joints to break them apart.

Another 3 points. Which makes it 13 points so far.

Midoriya flexed his fingers. He was holding back on using One for All too much because of his past attempts to use it when he was too excited. Yeah... explaining a broken arm to his mom was not a good day for him, Gran Torino, or All Might.

It got better when he learned to channel it through his whole body and not to use all of the strength of it all of the time.

But with the training, he could easily use almost eight percent of his new quirk.

And he could bust out his skills during the latter half of the exams when he got to a more populated area of robots.

That was his plan until he saw the form of Uraraka trapped under rubble with her Drifblim trying desperately to tug her out of it.

And behind them was a huge zero pointer that was slowly heading towards her. The other participants raced past him as he ran towards the rubble with his Pokémon friends at his side.

Once he got there, he tried his best to help move her out of the heavy rubble. He could only move one huge chunk away before realizing that the zero pointer would get to them before he could rescue her.

He bounced on the balls of his feet as he quickly tried to come up with a plan. The zero pointer was huge so he needed every ounce he could get.

If he can jump using One for All, then punch the robot with aura... it should take down the zero pointer with no issue. At least he hoped so. It was better than nothing.

“Anubis, Tsun, Stay down here and make sure she’s alright,” Midoriya said, taking a deep breath. “I’ll take care of this.”

With a sharp intake of breath, he focused on channeling eight percent of One for All into his legs for high jump. He breathed in tightly when he got launched into the air. Gritting his teeth, he allowed his aura to flow with the energy of One for All from his arm down to his hand.

“SMASH!” Midoriya shouted as a ripping force of energy caved in the front of the zero pointer. He only had a second to appreciate the sight before he was falling back to the ground.

Right before he hit the ground he felt a warm rope that felt distinctly like Greninja’s tongue wrap around his waist while someone tapped his shoulder. Midoriya squinted his eye to see Uraraka shakily thank him before vomiting. Anubis jumped back from her with his eyes darting from her to him in rapid succession.

He weakly smiled before thanking her again. The sound of the ending bell rung out through the air as he felt himself slipping away from consciousness.


Izuku let out a shallow breath as he woke up in a bright white tent with Tsun and Anubis watching him

“Gren! Greninja,” Tsun said, captured the attention for the Blissey in the room. Recovery Girl waddled over to his bed as he slowly sat up with Anubis guiding him to rest on the pillow.

“Is everyone okay?l

“Your Lucario and Greninja have been fully healed. You fell asleep after taking out the zero pointer from exhaustion,” Recovery Gior replied while handing him a water bottle and a bag of gummies. “And you are a bit dehydrated.”

Midoriya thanked her before he started to drink from his water bottle. He choked when he saw All Might peeking in like he wasn’t the most popular hero. He felt Lucario thump his back while he surveyed the room for anyone else. Luckily, the room was more private than he thought since no one else was there.

All Might marched into the room causing Recovery Girl to sigh at the sight of him. “No one else is here, so you two can talk amongst yourselves while I finish healing the other kids and their Pokémon.”

“I couldn’t be more proud of you!” All Might announced, clapping a hand on his shoulder in the privacy of the room. “I watched you from the monitors and I was very impressed. I can’t be here for long. But I’m sure your mother would be as proud of you as me right now if she could watch.”

“She would be more worried than impressed,” Midoriya said with a smile.

All Might waited a moment with his smile frozen on his face. “...She would.”

“I’ll make sure to inform Gran Torino.” All Might shuddered. “I'll tell him about your progress with this as an example.”

“Sounds Good. Do you have any performance… hints for me?”

“Nope! I’m not telling you anything,” All Might backed away from Midoriya like he was retreating from a predator. “In fact, I need to get a survey with the other teachers.”

“But Dad Might—“

All Might coughed up blood at the name, covering his mouth quickly before he said anything. Midoriya watched as his father figure exited the room in a hurry.

He could barely hold his chuckles any longer and started giggling inside the empty room.


I honestly feel discouraged to continue just cause I had no idea where to end it. I have had not time to work on the outline so I’m currently floating somewhere mid 3rd season point just with Eri added somewhere

Chapter 37: Because He’s Nice


It’s time to introduce your pokemon! What is that? .... you have like 38...?


Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The letter from UA came in the mail weeks after the entrance exam. And Yagi had not once given any sort of clue as to when they would come out. So his mother finding it one day was completely by surprise.

So Yagi’s tearstained shirt after he got accepted with a video straight from him was what he deserved.

The rest of the day was an early outside celebration of his acceptance to UA with all of his friends playing and running everywhere. All of them were flying, swimming, or running around playing little games. Well, most of them. Snorlax was napping under the tree like always.

The one thing strange about the celebration was a twinkle in All Might’s eyes that he has had since a week ago. Every time he asked, Toshinori dodged the question with his Lucario distracting him with a surprise aura training session.

The answer finally came when the sun was starting to set down with his mother making a big meal of their favorites.

“My boy,” Toshinori said between a light cough. He watched as his mentor took a sip of water. “Excuse me. But I have a bit of a gift for you for your acceptance into UA.”

“You do? You didn’t have to get me anything,” Midoriya replied.

“Well, if anything it's more of Tsukauchi finding something that he knew you would know how to take care of.” Toshinori grinned as he pulled out his phone. Midoriya looked down at a picture on the screen of a pokemon egg waiting in an incubator.

“He found them in one of his underground cases. The only one left,” Toshinori began as he continued to stare down at the screen like the egg would suddenly hatch when he wasn’t looking. “And he thought it would be best for you to foster them at the very least.”

“But knowing you, I’m sure they will find a place here in one way or another” Toshinori laughed as Midoriya returned it with a grin.

“Am I that predictable?” Midoriya asked only for Toshinori's laughter to grow in volume.


Time passed by quickly after he got the acceptance letter. And now he was standing at his front door with a bigger yellow backpack than he usually wears to fit all of his Pokémon balls inside. It was more of a duffel bag he could wear on his back...

All Might was clear that everyone needed to bring all of their Pokémon to the first day for introductions. But one thing was not clear whether it was his team or his entire army. So he had everyone inside their pokeballs except Kyu since they always claimed his shoulder before anyone else could try.

Lycanroc and Meowth brushed past his legs while Inko and Toshinori checked over that he had everything and everyone.

“Do you have your notebooks?”

“You remembered to get Snorlax from under the tree?“

Toshinori looked back and forth between him and his bag. “You have your case of pencils and pens, right?”

“Do you need an extra pack of tissues?” His mother asked.

“I think I have everyone,” Izuku replied while Mimikyu hopped onto his shoulder. She nuzzled into his hair while the teen continued to reassure his mother and stepfather. “I’ll be okay.”

“Alright, I guess this is it,” Toshinori said while his mother took several pictures on her phone from the sound of shuttering. He smile at his mom who was holding back her tears.

“Be safe, sweetheart.”

Izuku smiled. “I will, Mom.”

It was hard saying goodbye, especially since it was a long way from his house to the school. But once he saw those gates, he quickened his pace with his heavy bag of pokeballs bouncing with each step.

He rushed past the school gates straight through the front doors to take on his new life at UA. First, he needs to find his class.

Which was easier said than done since the halls inside were confusing. Once he found Class 1-A, all he could do was look up at the huge door that towered over him.

Izuku took a deep breath and opened the door only to hear a very familiar voice shout out.

“Get your feet off the desk! UA is a respectable academy that doesn’t deserve this disrespect!”

“f*ck off, elite! I do what I want,” Bakugo announced, tilting his chin up in annoyance.

Izuku looked over at the other seats to see most of his other classmates standing up. Uraraka’s familiar face lit up when she saw him, waving her hand as her Drifblim floated up with a twirl of their strings.

He waved back at her before he felt a strange air right behind him. Izuku turned to see a man wrapped up in a yellow sleeping bag.

“It took you 5 seconds to realize that I’m here. Better than I expected, but still not vigilant enough.” The strange man said before sipping loudly on a jelly packet.

The man stood up once he crawled inside the classroom, shedding the yellow bag like a cocoon to show rather comfortable attire underneath. “Hello, I’m Shoto Aizawa. I will be your homeroom teacher.”

Izuku didn’t need to read auras to know that everybody in the class was as confused as him.

“Right. Let’s get this show over with. Put these gym uniforms on and head outside,” Aizawa announced, throwing the uniforms to all of the students in the room. Kyu jumped from his shoulder to grab at the uniform with her shadow-like clawed hand.

“Mimikyu!” Kyu said, handing the clothes to him before jumping up on his shoulder from the desk she landed on.


“We are going to go through a quirk assessment test to see where you are with your quirks so far. Before you ask, no we won’t be going to the entrance ceremony. Ceremonies are pointless. You don’t want time on them if you want to be in the big leagues.”

“Here at UA we aren’t tethered to traditions. That essentially means that I get to run my class however I see fit. You have been taking physical exams most of your lives, but you never got to use your quirks before.” Aizawa explained to the class before him. “That being said, you have never gotten to use your Pokémon as well in any of the physical tests you have been through before either.”

Aizawa pulled out six pokeballs from his black sweatpants. “So as part of this assessment test, you and your pokemon will compete together to showcase how well you and your team get along. This will be done with a separate quirk test and a test meant to show your bond with each of your pokemon.”

With a lazy underhand throw, Aizawa allowed six pokemon to appear before everyone. Liepard and Persian stalked until they stood on either side of him. An Alolan Meowth stood with a sharp smile as an Umbreon gazed at the crowd of students. A Luxray circled around once and sat down while a long Arbok slithered around his feet.

“All of you need to know your maximum capacities in both of these areas. It’s the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a hero.” Aizawa said stepping back. “Now who wants to start the introductions of their pokemon.

Bakugo went first since he got one of the highest scores from the practical exam. The blond pulled out all his pokeballs to let out his team. Houndoom, Typholsion, Arcanine, Primeape, Pyroar, Blaziken, and Larvitar.

All of his team looked angry except the happy looking Exeggutor that towered above the rest.

A redhead boy with a sunflower handkerchief around his neck volunteered next, throwing out his pokeballs onto the next. A tall Onyx roared as soon as they were let out. A Slyveon with a matching sunflower handkerchief climbed onto their tail while a Lycanroc paced back and forth to get used to the turf underneath their paws. A Bewear stood straight up amongst them with Rampardos and Donphan pushed at each other.

A snotty boy with purple balls on his head showed off his Lickitung, Jinx, and Swalot. And a Bonsly that was swaying their arms beside him.

A girl with cords attached to her ears was more than happy to show off her team with a huge Noivern coming out first. A Mawile along with two different Oricorios started to sway while a Hydrigeon bounced up into the air. And an Exploud started to play a low bass while a Jigglypuff hummed.

A guy with a furry tail immediately showed off his Ambipom and Mienshao. His Hitmonchan friend was slinging on their head while a Furret ran around in circles with a Minnicino. A tall Sawsbuck stood silently while his Scrafty and Medicham stared at this surroundings in wonder.

A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair proudly proclaimed how cool his electric type friends were. A Pikachu with a backwards hat immediately jumped onto his head while a Plusle and Minun jumped onto his shoulders. A Jolteon cowered behind his legs while Lucia growled at the unfamiliar pokemon around them. A Boltund licked at his hand while an Emolga tried to hide Jolteon behind them.

A boy that quickly introduced himself as Sato had an Emboar that was almost as big as him. An Alcremie and Vanillish stood close by him while an Applin slowly pranced around him. A Slurpuff almost immediately went to greet the other pokemon in the area until his Rilaboom held them back. And a happy looking Jinx with what looking like icing on their chin.

Another student with a bird head and a living shadow introduced his team with a dramatic flourish. A Corviknight flew up into the air with a Vivillion and a Murkrow. A Mismagius floated next to him while a Gothitelle remained elegantly posed. A Cofa*grigus eerily laughed while an Umbreon stayed near his legs.

A stoic teen with half white and red hair had two Ninetales jumped onto either of his side. One was a fire-type and the other was the Alolan kind with ice powers. A Snom inched their way towards his shoes while a Glaceon stuck their nose up in the air. His Frostlass and Sneasel stood a bit away from him compared to the icy Ninetales that was the closest to him. His other Ninetales looked out of place on the entire ice pokemon team.

He recognized the next student as the one who interrupted his thoughts during the entrance exam. Empoleon was the first one out of their pokeball followed by a Skarmory. Then a Zebstrika, a Manetric and a shiny version of Ponyta. Gallade flew out with a Blaziken right after them. The last one out of their pokeball was a Scyther.

The brown haired girl he ran into already had her Drifblim out with her when she called out for her other friends to join in. Timburr and Bunnelby came straight out with guttural growls with a deep yip from her Stoutland. A Raichu and Minior floated up in the air with a Clefairy bouncing on the blades of grass.

A girl with frog-like qualities had frog-like pokemon friends with a Politoad, Toxicroack, and Frogadier being the main three that popped out frost. Then, the other friends followed included Pansage, Seismitoad, Poliwad and Inteleon.

A bubbly girl with pink hair and eyes spread out her arms to show off her team. Her Spinda bumped into a Goodra who was swaying their head. Salandit surveyed the area while her Drapion and Scolipede circled around her like they were making a wall between her and the other classmates. An Aromastisse steadily avoided the Alolan Muk that was relaxing onto the grass like nothing could bother them.

An invisible girl showed off her new Solosis while her friends gathered around her. Maractus danced with Ledian and Cherrim. Kecleon and Sobble hid behind her legs. And a Castform floated right by her shoulder.

The tallest student with multiple arms threw his pokeballs in the air. Unsurprisingly, the first one out as Machamp followed by an Alolan Graveler. Granbull growled as Cradily and Shiftry were almost hidden behind him. Grapplocy, Coalossal and Barbacle immediately tripped over themselves since they appeared way too close together.

A pretty girl with black hair threw her pokeballs into the air in such a way that it looked like the red of the balls were sparkling. Two shiny pokemon appeared before any pokemon else. A shiny Gardevoir and a shiny Gallade stood by her sides like the air of knights to a princess. A milotic curled their tail around her while a Hatterena and Fomantis showed off their elegant forms through poses. Morpeko jumped out from behind her hand to land right on the top of her head. Then. Alakazam poked their head around Gallade’s leg to wave.

The blonde boy’s pokeballs were even more sparkly and shiny that the other girl’s. A pair of Furfeou stood by his legs with their fur primped up and well taken care of from the shiniest of their coats. A beautifully flew up into the air above his head with a male Unfezant. His Swanna ducked their head down to show off their wings with Starmie next to them. A Roserade and Masquerain were the other stand outs because of how simple yet pretty they were which only was elevated by his team.

A guy with tape dispensers for elbows had his Leavanny standing behind him while Scraggy adjusted themselves beside him. A Farfetch stood next to an Orbeetle and Gogoat. Yanmega, Ninjask, and Ariados were crowded around him with little noises of excitement.

A soft spoken boy frantically moved his hands while whispering to his own team of pokemon friends. A Togekiss sailed into the air while a Pachirisu hopped up onto his shoulder. A Pangoro, Piloswine, and Miltank crowded around him like they wanted to hug him. A Dubwool and Girafrig starts to bite at the legs of his UA uniform. A Cinderace and Lopunny stood with their arms crossed on either side of them while a happy Lapras seemed to purr in satisfaction while the boy scratcher under their chin

And suddenly it was his turn.

He looked around to see the amount of pokemon standing behind the 19 other classmates. Izuku turned his head to look at Eraserhead who gestured at him and his duffel bag.

Izuku took a deep breath then gently spilled the pokeballs out of his bag. You jumped down from his shoulder right as he picked up Koi’s blue-painted pokeball.

“Go, Koi!”

“Go, Anubis!”

“Go, Sakura!”

He followed the same pattern for the rest of his friends. His throat was starting to get a little dry halfway through. Izuku listened as people started to whisper heavily as soon as he said the twelfth name and almost stumbled on his words when he heard a blonde yell about how much more pokeballs he had.

He didn’t stop until each of his friends were standing tall right beside him. He smiled at all of them before turning around to face his new class...

And all of them looked utterly speechless. The one with eight arms formed several eyeballs on limbs to glance between him and his friends. The girl with short purple hair was nodding absentmindedly like she was stunned at the sheer number of friends behind him. And Bakugo didn’t look as surprised as he thought, only scrunching his eyebrows at 404 and Dupilca’s glitchy appearance.

He heard a few things whispered like ‘why does that one look so weird? I’ve never seen—‘ ‘is that a mythical pokemon?!’ ‘Wow, he has a couple shinies too’.

He glanced to see Eraserhead looking back at him with an unreadable expression. If anything, he looks tired and annoyed at the same time. Quickly, Izuku looked away right as the blonde form before, one with a lightning bolt streak in his hair, yelled out to him.

“How do you have so many?!“

He shrugged, “I made a lot of friends.”

“But how?!”

Before he could answer, Anubis stepped up to stand beside him. Izuku looked at his friend right as Anubis opened his mouth. “He’s nice.”

That’s when the screaming, loud gasps, and yelps started happening. The blonde’s hair looked like it had little sparks going off like his brain was too shocked by the information.

Izuku slowly turned his head while Anubis met his gaze with a little smirk. Mischief danced in their eyes as his new classmates were looking at him like he was some kind of anomaly.


After the next few chapters, the first book will be complete. I might officially end part 1 after the initial introduction so book 2 will be the USJ- the Hosu Arc. The. Book 3 would be training camp- somewhere between overhaul and culture fest arc.) And it might mean I might take a little break from this fic because i’ve been less inspired to write for it.

I want to break up the seasons into separate books. I hope to make this like a crossover trilogy

Chapter 38: Just the Beginning


The assessment test x 2


Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In honesty, he should have expected this.

Anubis, who was still standing proud just like All Might’s Lucario, decided to be mischievous not even on the first day of classes. And the shocked gasps and screams from his future peers. Or to the pure chaos that his friends would unleash once they were free.

Izuku slowly turned back around to face his pokemon friends once he saw that many of his peers were following with their eyes now whatever was going on behind him.

Shedinja stared around, unimpressed by Beedrill spinning into the sky with Ditto on their back. Magikarp, Psyduck, Marshtomp, Greninja, and Sobble all circled each other with Primarina spraying them with a bubble stream in a playful manner.

Crobat, Pidgeot, and Dartrix flew up in the air with Hydriegon crying out after them, falling on the ground with all three heads trained on them. Hydriegon tripped over a sleeping Snorlax who didn’t budge once they landed on their stomach.

Charmelion chased after Aurorus while Houndoom and Incineroar watched with Eevee. Tsareena was trying to hold back both Lopunny and Meganium from going after Bakugo. Izuku glanced down at Bakugo’s Arcanine who was staring at his friend, Incineroar, with a wagging tail.

Bewear was both glaring into the sea of students like they were daring anyone to make a move. Teddiursa was behind Bewear’s legs. Pikachu was right in the middle of them, standing tall with his tail flickering with lightning.

Ampharos’s pink fur was fluffed by Wobuffet while Tangela’s vines were being twisted at the ends like the three of them were at a hair salon. Haxorus and Garchomp has Sheldon leading them in circles around everyone like they were moving guards. Gardevoir was hiding behind Serperior who was watching Marshadow’s shy movements

Missingno and M screeched like a computer glitch which made the bird headed student in his class gaze at them in wonder. He mumbled something which made a dark shadow form away from the direct sunlight and started nodding frantically with glowing yellow eyes wide with wonder.

It all ended when Mimikyu let out a soft “Kyu” when Rotom floated up inside his Pokédex with a smile depicted on the screen.

“How many friends do you have?!”

Izuku glanced behind him with a tight smile. “In what capacity are you talking about? Unofficial, official, or legally...?”

“What numbers will you reach?!” The blonde with a black bolt in his hair looked close to going crazy.

The sparkly blonde looked a bit nervous despite the sparkles around him. “Do they have nicknames?”

“Yes! All of my friends have nicknames,” Izuku said while sweeping his hand in a gesture to show off his friends. “I can introduce you to them if you—“

“We have no need for that as of now. At this moment, the only thing you all should be focusing on is this assessment,” Aizawa said, gathering everyone’s attention back to him. Slowly, his Arbok crawled up his legs and nestled their heads over his hair. Izuku swallowed back at the intimidating stature they both had. “Because if one of you falls behind and doesn’t give it your all, I will expel you on the spot.”

“That’s so uncool.” A red haired teen pouted.

Another person shouted out, “But that’s not fair!”

Aizawa’s eyebrow ticked up at the mixed responses. “Unfair? Natural disasters aren’t fair. People dying on the job isn’t fair. This career you want to go in will not be sunshine and rainbows especially when you have a team counting on you.”

Aizawa’s eyes trailed to Izuku’s friends. “The bigger your team is, the harder you will fall if you don’t put in the time.

Izuku frowned once the teacher looked away. He put in a lot of time with his friends. In the past ten months of training, a lot of his friends have grown at their own pace and evolved.

Others... ate the rare candies he hid away that helped their evolution levels. But overall, all his friends were strong and didn’t deserve to be judged so quickly.

“All of you will be doing eight tests to set your strengths.” Aizawa announced to the students gathered. Some of their Pokémon that took to the skies drifted back to the ground. “Then you will all perform the same tests with any of your Pokémon to test how strong your bonds are with your team. But you may not use the same Pokémon for all of the rounds.”

Aizawa’s eyes flashed. “But if any of you do not give your all and land in the last place. You will face expulsion.”


The first test was the fifty-meter dash. Izuku watched from the sidelines as everyone got partnered up to race against each other in pairs. All of their Pokémon were watching from the side of the field, some of the Pokémon mingling or playing with each other. He could see Bakugo’s Arcanine talking with his friend Lily.

He was proud of his six second score being called out by their teacher. The blue haired teen won with a score of three seconds from the engine in his legs.

The next test was grip strength where the teen with multiple limbs won. He gave his all, squeezing the machine’s grip with all his might, mixing one for all into his fingertips to get a higher score than he normally would. He cursed under his breath as he pulled away, shaking his hand out.

The standing long jump test had all the students face a long sandbox and see how far they could jump over it. The green haired girl won by the power of her jump. With one for all at a lower percentage in his legs, he barely missed the edge of the box, the edges of his heels in the sand.

“Ooh, maybe I should have added a bit more,” he admonished himself as he walked off to let the purple ball-haired kid do his jump.

And the next part was the repeated side steps with the purple ball-haired kid scoring really high thanks to him bouncing between balls he pulled from his hair. Hmm, so the balls are adhesive to anything, even sandy ground, but he bounces right off? That’s helpful as long as the balls dissolve because the damage it would cause even accidentally—

“Ball throw will be your next test. You, come here,” Aizawa called Bakugo to the stand. He watched as his old childhood friend sauntered up to the circle. “You were first place in the exam. What was your highest score in middle school?”

“68 meters,” Bakugo replied.

Aizawa fixed his gaze on the blonde then ordered, “Use your quirk to throw the ball for your new score.”

Bakugo smirked, his palms sparking already. They all watched as the blonde felled his hand back and launched the baseball through the air with a strong explosion.

“703 meters.” Aizawa said, turning his machine to the crowd of students to show off the score.

Izuku heard a lot of people around him ooh and ahh. But even though it was an impressive score, he almost laughed at Bakugo’s face when the brown haired girl won with an infinity score on the device the teacher was holding.

When it was his turn, he felt his teacher staring at the back of his head and his consciously used a decent amount of his power to throw the baseball up to 705 meters.

The next three tests were more simple than the others. It was a running test that the blue haired boy with engines in his legs blew past. Then sit ups and seated toe touches.

But then it was time to do it all over again with their Pokémon.

“Since you have eight tests, you will choose eight of your Pokémon. If you have less, you will have one or two of them do it twice to help. But you cannot use the same pokemon for all if not most of the tests.” The teacher explained which made a few students look back at the gathered teams with varying expressions. “This test is made to test your bonds with all or most of your Pokémon.” Those eyes scanned over the large group that Izuku had behind him in the grass. “With a few exceptions.”

That’s a relief. He wouldn’t want to extend the test for another few hours just to individually test each one of his friends.

And just like that, the assessment test was run again except the a different Pokémon each test for the most part. For the 50 meter dash, Crobat stepped up and basically dragged him to the finish line with short yelps.

The grip strength test broke yet again by Shoji’s hand, by Zuzu, his Bewear friend, and a few other Pokémon’s had caused some distress with the machines too.

The standing long jump was nothing to Diana, his Buneary friend, as she jumped into the air with a flourish.

The repeated side steps with Kyu had him laughing at everyone’s expressions seeing the long, dark claws hidden by her cloak helping them with the score.

And then the dreaded ball throws again.

Everyone had mostly the same scores with their Pokémon’s scores ranging close to their own score. And yet when it was his turn again with Anubis by his side, he felt his quirk seize up, the power suddenly turning off like a switch right as he went to throw.

“Why are you holding back?”

“Excuse me?” Izuku asked, turning his head back to view the floating hair and scarf of his new teacher.

“I have seen your power at the entrance exam through video. It is not logical for you to hold back at such a level.” The hair and scarf flopped back down, framing the unshaven face of his homeroom teacher. “I will let you have your quirk back and you better not let my expectations go down yet again.”

“You’re the underground hero, Eraserhead,” Izuku said, his eyes brightened as he realized why exactly everything related to One for All paused inside his body. “I apologize if it seemed like it was holding back. The power I have has a lot of drawbacks. I couldn’t train properly until I got my body into this shape.”

Eraserhead looked at him then sighed. “I will need to talk with you separately about what you mean by that at another time. For now, use your power to throw the ball.”


Anubis took a moment to read his face before nodding, seeming to get what he meant in such a short time.

Izuku took a deep breath in as he and Anubis combined their aura into a ball. He ignored the gasps of the audience behind him, focusing on making the blue ball of energy stable and strong. Then he let the energy of One for All wrap around the ball in thin lines of energy.

With a grunt, Anubis threw the ball into the air. And right as it hit the perfect spot in the air, they both launched the ball of aura at the baseball.


The baseball seemed to absorb the energy for a second, pausing in the air before launching at a super sonic speed through the sky.

A beep from the machine in the pro hero’s hand drew his attention to the four digit number on the screen. Eraserhead announced, “1,283 meters.“

He walked back to his place before the next three tests went by as quickly as the first time. Tsun grabbed his hand in the run, moving like a ninja through the other four opponents he was racing against. Gardevoir helped him establish a better score for the sit ups section. And then Marshadow moved before anyone else to guide him through seated toe touches by sitting directly on his feet.

The assessment test ended with Eraserhead taking a moment to showcase the points that everyone earned. His name was in the middle of everyone. But his attention went to the last place placement with Mineta Minoru.

“I lied. No one is getting expelled.” Eraserhead announced, making everyone sigh in relief. The purple haired kid who started crying in relief until the eyes of their homeroom teachers stayed on him. The eye formed into an intimidating glare that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. “However, Mineta Minoru, I better see some improvement in your manners. I won’t tolerate inappropriate behavior. If something passes a line, I won’t hesitate to expel you.”

The underground hero waved them off the field with a frown. “Now, I will see you all tomorrow in class.”


Izuku breathed out a heavy sigh as he felt the weight of his friend’s pokeballs on his back. It was a comfortable weight on his back since he was carrying his friends back home.

Mimikyu was on his shoulder while attempting to hum a little song as he walked to the gates.

“Hey, Midoriya!” Izuku heard a familiar voice shout out to him. He turned to see Uraraka and Iida coming straight towards him. Drifblim floating above them while they came towards him.

“I must say you have a lot more friends on your team than I thought.” Uraraka stretches out her hands, his eyes being drawn to the little pads on her fingertips. “I was super caught off guard when you just kept pulling them out after like ten pokeballs.”

Iida nodded, pushing his glasses up which made it shine briefly from the sunlight. “Indeed. I think you are going to be quite a capable classmate from what I have seen from your bonds.”

Izuku smiled. “Ah, that’s really kind of you.”

“Hey, your name is Midoriya, right? The other explosive guy was calling you Deku.” Uraraka said with a frown. The confusion in her face was clear to him even as Kyu grumbled at the word.

“Yeah, he’s a bit mean about that.” Izuku shrugged with an awkward grin. Bakugo has gotten better over the past months since he was just ignoring for the most part except the times he wrote in a notebook every time he brought one of his friends to class. “We’ve owned each other for a while. And he noticed my name could be spelled like that so he just started calling me that.”

“That seems extremely rude,” Iida replied, frowning at his answer.

“I think it could be kind of cute. It sounds like Dekiru!” Uraraka replied, tapping a finger on her chin with a hum. Then snapped her fingers and pointed at him. “Hey, can I call you Dekiru instead, so that way it could negate the negativity of Deku?”

Izuku blinked at her response. He only knew her for a short time but she was very nice to him compared to the other girl classmates he had in his life. He shrugged. “Okay. That sounds good to me!”

Iida blinked at his answer. “You accepted rather quickly.”

“It sounds good to me,” Izuku admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Kyu chirped from his shoulder as she watched the two of his new classmates closely. “I haven’t had a... friend in a long time.”

Iida pushed up his glasses. “Well, I would be honored to be one of your friends.”

“Me too! I already have the nickname for you,” Uraraka added, pointing at herself with a grin.

Izuku smiled at the two as they started to walk beside him as they exited out the school gate. He glanced back at the school only to catch something red like fire waiting on top of the rooftop. Izuku stared harder at the rooftop to see what was the red. But when he blinked it disappeared from his sight.

Izuku turned back when he realized that Uraraka started laughing really hard at whatever Iida just said which made the grin return to his face.

He was prepared to give his all at UA no matter what challenges he will face in the future. He will be ready for it with all of his friends beside him.


Thanks for reading!

I am so grateful that everyone likes this crossover. I will be going on a bit of a break officially from this AU because it gets hard for me to stay motivated to write it. However, this is just part 1. I will try to aim for it to end somewhere a little past season 4 so there will probably be four more parts that follow then divergent from the canon.

I might take some time for me to get back into writing this because of my growing interest in writing for other fandoms. But it will rise again!

One for All (No Matter Who You Are) - Passing_Ghost_Friend - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.