The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

'4 nmm UAT. Arrtrl-a Departur -I Traiu. BAT-WAT. uura. aa-TVa, imr.tL (OPA.K l(bt JLxsri ar.c IAS A.

M. IMP. M. P. St.

IA.JJ Mr. St. A.M TrO A. M. A.

M- Mr. x. i-M r. rasr a Boorm at. fc SBS.

Vast -l laiiii. aaa. at Tock IwabiTi aa Hew txv r. a iw -Jim xr a. Matta r-rkerabsr Wall A.

at. Site P. wtaoosU Til all B-ae A. M. 4: P.

to-abors AMmniiuo. r. M. jjra-v-d Aoromraoritiw-i S-S ft Xt Til A. UBOtSBATl.

mnWM AST! B-VTOW. lm tM XUebAoond aad CIhom*o Hchmoal and no JUr-Bioad Aseoaimoda-oa. IM fknMMMCIn An4 ImiuI Tri if. mm r. V.

A. M. U-ePV-f. M. II -X P.

at V. Ifl JO A. IS P. P. M.

TrooP. at. TrOOP. M. iT 1 a A.

Bf Ce oriiXxw City And tad-vd utrmi. 1 ib ana ta-rc l-' --A krw (M lain Bed Handeaty trot A tern Axpr Tni Aooom modetfeti i atlaartt A. MP. At rwtmtll. tnai BBT TX A BIB urimrA ieMoBorKip' A.K.

nan Vndiaji.DOlS Rxnrw TM r. A UJKP. lAwnanMlf and Karri-OS MP. M. SOOA-kf 7 wmmnMnB taiut.

HaTTtaon ttroorvfll and Con Danville Aeos1loa A. It, Hani-oa AoeacBmo-attoo-- tMA.M. Wf, Hrrieoa. Brook Till 0 Coaasnv-l I P.bT. traor.K QUO ABTB IIPPI.

t. -eml. Cairo at Ixatievllle. 7 A. M.

ObITO "SpiSWm dally IBAinua Bcartal Tib tMP.M. UMP. at Man, A. K. AiyoniBMirtatloB tDP.U.

IMA. rOO A. 1C. P. Bt ZTBB1 Oral A.

Coramercial Inteiligenco. Fai BAT Irnmn. Ancnst U.1S0T. Notliog las occsmd iocs oar lasi to ebaajro the general foatarea of tha dlacoaat arlcet. There iu an- increased demand for caiietcj from the interior, and moat of the haoae report baUnoa rnnaing; doara, and a Itm experienced rather a close market.

Tha rappJr is comparatiTely liffht, thongh tha applications for laaas are not beary, and the banks are iHb to accommodate all the legitimate paper offrnd and the market is still easr to Srst-claas borrowers. There was more oatside paper oa the market, and this class of borrowers experience some difficulty in negotiating loan at tha regular discount boosts. Batrt of Interest are firm. Tirst-alasa aamaa are rated at 8 10 per and good commercial bills 1012 per cent, the oatside figures the leading rates in the open market. Oatside parties are still obliged to arrk accommodation oa the street, where rates range from IK VA per cent a month.

The demand is chieflj for short accommoda-tioaA. In eereraJ insteacea earrenry -ras again ordered from the East, though not in large quantities. was steady in New fork to-day, opening at H0, and adrancing to 140 which was the eloaing figure. Toe offerings La our maiket weraqaite light. The beakers paid 1 4 OH, but a shade more could be realued for round anms.

The counter demand is sufficient to absorb the receipts, tkoogk it wsa on 1 moderate. The sales were chiefly at 140X, though In some instances lets was accepted. There is no inclination to peculate, aad tha parchasea are exclasiraly for legitimate porpoeea. The baying rates for silver remain, at 130 123 for small aad large pieces, bat tha transactions were on a 1 limited scale. There is no sale for it here, and the counter rates are entirly nominal.

Gortrnment atcorities were without important change in New York to day. The decline in 7 3-10 Trnasury-notee, reported in our last, was recoTered. lUilwiy stocks were steady, aad do not rary mack from the figures eurrent yesu-rday. Toe three o'clock quotations fourHaTf compare as follows: .1 AO. IB.

AAer. ABf. 1. AUK. 11 ll.T llv'i 1U- lut lnr'i IWH lwi Mt 106 ll4 lra net W'4 11114 lie lion 10 1-7 i 07f 1071 lu' 71 1.J ii lis lie n1 lue lu lor 10T ll Insv 10 lo 1144 WVI lil lois lc'H rrs 111 1M'( 7) at XI.

ft. t-Zf 't Ut Iaaoe CAMTdMlMn. C. a. a.

Kl raUHi- T-w. tit ert T-a A. aa wne ad a-rt JLfiA kAlcaa ScaiUara IUlBOM Cuiri CleT.Aad 4-4 Cnra aaa O.aoSK. aref CI-TlAo4 and Souk IhIaoo lsJ W. W.

and Cbteacilo O. Bad at. Carl I ara I a Vn. TJb. T1 Atamatlr MU.1II Paalac Adaasa iUiraB.

7 Mar. Caloa AAprtai, Tha 3: SO dispatca 10 B. Kays do, and the 4: 15 resort to L. Greaa Oo, were as Ifew YarkCeainiL. Badaoa Rlver icrh Wma doc tae ra ClPTd and Plttabart.

BoeK Iiland Rcw4rMarB. KarUi-wjBtara pralamd. ron ijnn Tim ODtoa Tleaiapl The pfferings of OoTtrnment securities in our market were on a moderate scale. The demand fox inrratment was comparatively light, though sufficient to take about all received There has been no material change in ratta. Tha old fire-twenties are bought at 113i113j for tba small and large.

The Becond series command lOOX, the third 110 U0H.and th laat aeriea lo8. The sales were abore the buying figures. The ten-foities are bought at 102 Ji, and the bankers' ask The semi-annual interest oa the large bonds is doa September 1. The toy ixg rates of the 3 10 Treasury-no tea were advanced to correspond with the improvement in Now York. The bankers are now paying for the first aeries aad tba second series Tha sales to outside parties ware 14 to CosBpoend-aotea are uachanged.

There are very few offering. There was a fair demand for ezenange, though receipts from tha interior art in-creiDg, and the I apply was in exeeas of the demand, tba market eloaing dull. The bu ikJ are still in moat cases paying 50c. par 1,000 thocgk aome declined to bay of out-sidq parties at better th-a 1-10 discount: Tha salri were at par. We quote: Boylox.

BaUiac. Iar. amdr Btxt-aare, P-lladalp k. gaomwm S. a.

t-a tr. e.U-wa u.a.T-av. TJ. K. ou.

in. TJ. C. a. CMpwntu joia, aaa.

ml. D. a. CoaDtoaiMW4 1IM UX lit IBH ITH 117 us iu BOMB, JBiJ. 1AM II, 17.

ft. 4Ua paund-latanet Botes, Ihom, im lit. a. Coaapoaad-lBUwaat Koiaa. Ocv, UM lU'i BTotea, Imc im 17.

a. Comaoand-lBUw --U7 toiav air. i IT. 8. Ctooapoood-lBb low.

Aac leak -UMf C. 8. tUaajoa od-hittu-M Kotaa, Kfo una JU V. 0. Con.poaad-lalama jroaaa, Osu, A lnl Our Creaer1 iTIarkets.

IXaaonad Wrpraaily aw tlasia alaaaliaf. 'iiiut tvnraa, lar K. BEAKS The demand and supply are both light, and lre hardly eoonh doing to warrant Prima white are held at $2 fcuPB AaD BAOCIKOTlia ket has act anderiiooe any change since oar The deaiad is ligbtl but holders are firm ana anwiiitng to enoccde any ln price. Wl quote bale mp 8ii(8ic. per pound for band.

and. 1XI0'-. for macbine made. Bgginf: qo'H per yard for Keo-' tuUry. rd foi India.

tCTTKB Totre ieaoonuoaed fair demand for the bet gradea, and the receipts still being light lbs market rules firm, tboogh we bove bo farther cbange to notice in prices. Tba inquiry is mainly local. We quote prime to choice Oarral Ohio V(2Zc and Western lirtrrrm Fair tn good ia aeUme at lC14e and gnaae the inquiry is rot fuaed mainly to to beat gradea. COTTUJi The advices from Liverpool are mere ecaoaragiag, which has Imparted in I (tit ainc gipiaat 1 lern mSi aV-tBHtsrsat til SO enWBBlTX. rm utiMai wT ins 'i 70H 12 lii l.r.t i 4 7ui4 Ta rii-ninai, aainnanta nedla.

Sold "-j 14oV euvav up lu iss-. iiiVMiif nii 'It 'i rni'i -i j. a. Hi. sa anae luaa iiu pnni I aanaa ioshom lia creased firmness, though bayers are not wtH-i-aT ta pay Bay better ivav-T domaad is good at 264i.

for middl'in, aawl fall middling aoiil at no. Utw bald at i4HUHe, and ordinary at Tba cable dispatch from Liverpool to day reported middllnr upland at 0Kim aad Orleans at llid. The sales for tba week were 7,000 baiea, of wmcb 17.000 bales ware taken for export and 9,000 by fwrnlatrwt. Tae snok today was 680 00 bales, of which 815,000 bales was American. C0F7BB We hare nothlsg aew to teoard of tba market.

There ia still tali deaiand from consumers, and in the iobbinr way the markAt rnlrs steady at full prices. We tya-Me Rio at 32K23c fcr commoe, tUKt. for fair, for rood, and 26K(Z7l for prime to choice. Java fa quoted at 87 CHEESE A continaed daU market, tba demand bring quite light, aad beyond tba ealee which are being made 4a the joobloa) way and tba fill na- at null orders there is nothing doing. Prices have aot aaderreae any change, and we con tin to quote Western Beaerve at lllJc, aad factory 13l4c per lb actual tare.

COAL There to aothinr doing at tba river, and tha rates afloat -are entirely, nomi nal The prices delivered to eonsamers are 16(318e per bushel for Ohio River, and 16X3 wt EGGS The market remains doll, the de mand bains? litht and the receiDts in ezceia of the sales. The arrivals are siiU chiefly In bad order, 'fj quote item llal2c perdozfn to candle out, and 530c. per dozoh at the mark. FECIT Green apples were ia Mr request and. the market tales steady at $23 BO per brl.

as in quality. There is a good sanely of peaches, which are selling at $13 per bushel. Dried fruit is nominal. Lemons are firm at 13 per box. FLOUR There was a farther improvement Eaat, especially in old flour, waica was reported in (rood home and export ileoaaad, and prices 30c per brL bigbar.

This intelligence caused a firmer feeling on the part of holders, but beyond this bad no innoenoa. There is na shipping demand, as tha margia between this and tba seaboard Is not sufficient to induce shippers to enter the market, Speculatota are not baying, as they bare no. confideaoe ia present prices being p'utained Tba iecal dealers are still tha principal buyers, aad are confining their purchases to the higher grades. We have no aiteratioa "to note in quotations. Saperfina is held at $8 to (8 60 for that de from original stock.

Extra is selling at $99 54, the price depending oa tha quality, and reputation of the brand. Family sold at $10 25. though the beat brands are held At.SlO 50, aad th is was ia one or two instances paid. Fancy brands are held at $10 751L There is soma inquiry for fresh ground old wheat flour, bat very little of it in market, and not enough doing to war rant quotation. Rye flea ia held at $6, and small aajea were made a ihie rat to-day.

GRAIN There ia a eoetinoed fair demand for the beat gradee a red wheat, and the market ruled firm at tha advance noticed in our last. The receipts continue light and holders in soma cases are demaadiag higher prices. There waa a maderata inquiry for the beat grades of whitaand full rates were obtained for all (eld. We quote Kentucky i 25a 28 for Na. 1.

aome refusing to sell at lees than $'i 30. There is very little coming forward that will grade as extra. 'Sack ia held at $2 35. The lower grades of white, which cooatitate the bulk of the off-rings, are dull and slow of sale. No 2 is quoted 92 20.

There is soma demand tor export, though the inquiry is mainly from the local millet- More liberal arrivals are anticipated next week, and the recent advances will no doubt caste increased receipts. The market for corn has not undergone any change. There is only a moderate demand, but tha receipts are right and prices are maintained, but they would give way under any material Increase in the arrivals. No. 1 mixed shelled is still held at 8485c.

in bulk or elevator, aad small ealee were made at these figures, though eonceasions would be neoea-sary to induce buyers to take bold with freedom, and any increase in the demand wonld put up prices. White shelled is held at 3 to 5c higher than jnixed, but the demand is bght. We bear of no transactions including sacka, aa there is but a limited demand for shipment South. In new renewed arnnnies 8 above the price in bulk is asked. Ear corn sold at 78380c.

in bulk, but the inquiry is oaly moderate. There is a continued fair demand for oats, aad the arrivals being light, holders were generally contending for higher figures, though no further advance was establTthed. No I are is food request at 60c. in bulk or elevator, bat Itar. mom was in most cases asked.

No. 3 are beld at but the greater portion of the receipts inspect No. 1. There ia no demand Including tacks, and we shall not attempt to give quotations for them in this shape. The inquiry to day was maialy local, as very fcw were bought for export Tli receipts of rye are light, and with some imorovramt in the demand, prices advanced to $1 021 03.

holders at the olose a iking $1 OS ho. 2 is now held at 91. Tae millers are still the principal buyers, and they are confining their attention mainly to tha better grades. Tbe market for barley is aboot in the same condition as last reported. There is a demand for No.

1 new full at $1 161 20, and some purchases were made at these figures, tbongh 91 25 is generally asked, and we understand this was in several instances paid. Nothing transpired in spring. Old barley in selling for feed pnrp-ses at 40 to eOc. as ia Malt is quiet; sma.1 joboina; eet-s are bring made at 91(9l 25 tor lair to prime. HAT The demano-, tbongh only moderate, it about equal to the receipta, and pricts are maintained.

The local dealers are still tbe principal bar era, and lower prices would have to be accepted to effect aatea to any extent We quota prime timothy at 815, fair to good at 1214, and eommoa. at 93310 ptr too in bales, on arrival, and WQS moie from store. Little or no distinction is now mad, between new and old HEMP Tbe market rules quiet but the supply is light aad holders are firm at full prices. We quote fair to prime aad reeved Kentucky at 9215230 per too, aad draated at 1517e per lb. HO LASSES TVeir It a coetinnrf fair co-suuHlive demand, but aside from the' sales which are being made by the lbmng-house.

there is nothing doing. We qnnte Porto Rico at syrup at 6Sc. 25, and sorghum at 35(50 OILS Linseed sold down to 91 22, though in the jobbing way, 912l 25 is still ot tained. The demand ia light Refined petroleum Is ttradr at 4548c duty paid. trd oil Is sellinr at 97c for So.

1, summer made, and 81 05 for extra. PROVISIONS Nothiitg has occdred since our last to clangs the general features of the trade. We have still to report aa inactive market, as but a moderate mount is being taken for roninmption, and there is no dspo sitiom torpecnlate. Notwithstanding the quiet condition of the market holders generally are careless about selling, aad xeraae to make any important concessions to fleet sales. Lower prices wonld have to be accepted to induce buyers to operate freely, while any increase in the demand would lead to tn advance.

Nothing of importance transpired in men pork. Il tide city brands are held at 923 50, and it would be difficult to make par-chases at less, thongh forced sales could aot be effected at over 923. Bulk meata are about as reported in our last. Shoulders are in fair request at I lc, loose, and rib sides 13c and about 100,000 lbs, sold, at these figures, tbengb to He more is generally aked. Clear rib and clear sides are dull and nominal, aa there is nothing doing in either.

Bacon ia in bur moderate request and, aside from tbe filling of small orders, and the sales which are being made by tba jobbing-bou-ee, there is nothing doing. Snouiders are still held at I2Kc, though the views of buyers are lees. Rib aides are qao.ted nominally at 14 He clear rib sides are held at 15 He, tbrmgb one or two lota were obtained at 15c, and we understand par-chases were mads at 154c for clear sides 15e. ia tbe general asking price, but' tbey ronld no be Bold to any extent above 15)1. Bams ate unchanged aad dull.

Plaie are quoted at ISMc, acd sagar-curad a 21a, cenvated and packed. Lard remains duli, but there is no pressure to Prims kettlt rendered1 4ef, city btacda, could have been bought at 12X but It is not offered freely at tnie prior. Country Is nominally Wat than rity Kg lard IS -quoted at i3i3Ho. POTATOES The market is unchanged and steady. The demand is fair, about equal to the receipts.

We qupte tba best deeerit-tiors 92 per barrel, oa arrival, aad 92 25 2 50 from store The demand is mainly local. SUGAR Mre have no change of importance to notice-in tbe market In the joobisg way there is a fail1 degree of activity, aad foil prices are alized, tbongh we can make- so alteration ln quotations We quote raw at 12K13fc fsr Cuhe. 1314Xc 4br Porto Rico, aad 14X315XC. for Deaerara. Rati ned is quoted at 14X15Xe.

for yellow, 19 16Xc.for soft white, and 17 Jii73c, fox bard. SEED Clover Is nominal at 9 60, and timothy at 83 253 60. Saw flx ia eomina; forward more freely, but price are aaaion tained. and we continue to quota prime east-pies 92. 8 ALT-Domes tie is selling at 60 per brL of 280 and S3 25 per bit bain.

Turk's Itland is quoted 6(J5c par busk. Liverpool is nominal. STARCH Thar is aaaUaaed fair da-maad, and th market rules full rates. We qna rA best ceantry aaoVcity brands The jobbiag rates are to Ji. bjgber.

-s TALLOW The market is firm at full piicesr We quote prime country 10U, and city 11 iooee. The offer ge are Mv, TOBACCO A continued folr deman. for all drscriptioas of lea4 aad tba market is firm; there baa, however, beea aa change tmnertance In pritys. Tha sales are aa foU The sales of leaf" tob-eeo at Bodmnn's ware hour were 88 had vis 65 hbda. Maaoa and Bracken countias, Kr leaf, lug aad uraafa 80: 4 at 944 90; 1 at 95 70; Bat 963 75; 8 at bO; 3 at 98fi8 60; at 7 at 910 510 75: 3 at $1111 60; 2 at 812 50; 8 at 9 2513 75; 2 at 814 25; 8 at 815al5 75; 2at9lf 75; 1 at 813: 1 at 818.

la820 75; 1 at 9U ,25. 2 hnrf. Eet Viri-Bin 1st 923 25, 1 at 940 I aiid. West Virginia at 920. Tbe sa'es at Iba Kenton warehouse wars 35 bhd Braokea County leaC iurs aad trash 2 at 92 to 93 at 85 to 94 at 89 89 60 8 at 810 to 910 60; 1 MtllM 911 50; 4 at 812 to 913; 50v 1 at 91T 50; 3 at 920 to 921i at 922 HIKT Tre has beea no caaoga la t-e merket Tba is only aodrato, CINCINNATI DAnir ENQUIRER: SATURD-Y MORNING.

AUGUST, J7. 1867. but there Is bo pmsnr ta se'i, enl prim i aaatataiaed. Wa qest beaded 30 aV I Dgure zoo ora. oia IsatB a A Tbe la potts aad axporH of leading artu ele sac tba ft twenty-foor bowsreasft-U lows: ApTpwafJ lafkfff I 1 1M1 iMltt-fr.

kaani toils. yfaaM, Co bwt9rs, CoUOal. bl-S Clorar fd-xl. sl Fluf-uc j4 144 lie hua. aU.

Lrd, brt 1 ra aa a loiataai. bril IK tl am smt a 1 aiaj Oata, buan -laM Pork and bacon, ad rwi, Pork, brta Pork. baa rpra. lta Potato, brav, Bya, fcun-r. -Ada U4 aa t- W-ia-r.

Ciacla'iaiu rrviva MarktJt Fxuu ra" P-ovanoai Kicmni, laciavAn, August is, wrr. Tbe prorisioa market bas remained in about the same, sensitive condition as last named. There bas been a strons; effort made to advance prices, which temporarily succeeded. Tbe expectation of Urge Orders (which did not come) created, for a day. high hope of further advances, and bad tha ord-rs come, there is no doubt but prices of bulk aad bacon wonld have advanced, bot as they did not, it was easier to buy at reduced prices, and to-day tha market cloees very quiet with but little disposition to operate, eicapt at lower prices.

Stocks in the Western points are Hill eagerly diacuaaed, but tbe more said of them or jruraaad at, ta mora the trade suffers. That there is a good stock of mass pork and lard there can be no donbu Haau daring tbe last spirt were taken freely, and eo-r sumrrs and retailers supplied themselvsa, ftariog a further advaace, and tbe stock Is light in first hands, it is ample to meetall future wants. Tbe stock of shoulders and aides Is aot ez cessive. and if prices remain at a reasonable point they will ail be consumed, bat- 1 has been seen clearly that every effort to. adraaea prices on the appearance uf a few orders in the market bas resulted ia their withdrawal, and eonrequent relapse or dullness in tha tradel Nets pork has changed but little daring tbe week, a slight-decline in price aad feeling being the prevailing feature, it is offered at 923 60 at tbe cloee, with buyers at 923 to 923 25.

Lard advanced early ia a week to 124c, but this price was not sustained, and at the close 12is. is the best obtainable price; buyers contend for 12 to lU4u-Keg is generally held at HXc.i no buyers over 13c Greases nominal at 8X to 10c. Bulk meats continue in good demand at ld 13c. loose, for shoulders and aides, but are renerallj held a shade higher, and it would be difiUult to boy much under Ke. over these figures.

Bams are not asked for; 14c, i tha nominal quotation. Bacon bas bean in but moderate dentaad tbe prices asked by olden beinc higoer than the views of buyers, bas checked trade. I quote aa a trading price 12K, 14X. 16tt aad for shoulders, sides, clear rio and clear aides, packed, tint buyers a slirht concretion. Hams are very dull at 2121Ke for sugar-cured, and 1818c- for plain: beef bams 20 2 le.

for summer care, canvamd and packed; beef bams in piekia, 931Q38 per brl. of 220 lbs. Plata beef scarce generally bald at 924. bayera 821 S-pottaof tbe week were 715 brls. aad 939 kegs lard; 777 bhds.

aad 227 tcs. bulk and bacon; 168 boxes do aad 767 brls. pork. Imports, 101 brls lrd; 34 18 os. aad 33 boxes balk and bacon, and 8,173 lbs.

loose meats. freights unchanged. GEO. W. PHILLIPS, Jtrv Provision aad Produce Broker.

Groceriea ia Itew York. Corvsa Brazil bas continued in Cur demand sine our last, and the market may be cameo nrm, especially tor tne Better qualities, which are meet in request. Prices of all grades are without change, but well sup-; potted. The sa'es were 2,080 bags, per So-i perb. at 9Hc A 093 do balancea pes aiiliy, Caprieio, Tammo, Haydn aad reel as pvt 300 do.

per Sooth America, 129.0.; 1 410 do. per St Ursula. 12c, gold, ia bvnd; 085 do to arrive per Sbawmui, and 220 do. per W. Cundall, before arrival, oa trreas not tranrplred.

At Baltimore 3,100 b-rs par Pinto aolirat 6,000 do. per Oiicket. H12c 3,180 do. per Traveler, Uhi 12c 2,500 do. per Undine.

llXo. gold, ta bond, and 300 do. par Bad win oa terms not transpired. For the other deter iptione ia this market there baa beea more inquiry, and there is a firmer feeling, with sales of 410 bags Jacmel and 285 do Port a a. Prince, tor export, at 10 Xc gold, in bond; 26 Ooata Rica, 18Xc gold; 1,000 do.

Lagnayra, part on speculation, 563 do. Bavantlla, 1,293 Mara-caibo, aad in Boetoa. to eoat 8 713 pockets Java, per Rocket, ao terms we did not learn. Tbe stock of Rio and Santos tn tbe United States, at latest dates, wan, at thia port. 60 943 at Baltimore, 24 013 bags; at Philadelphia.

6 349. at Kew Orlsaas, total, 92.006 bags. Jlotssaxa Tbera bas been some revival ia tbe demand since cur last, for home ate, aad tbe mat ket shows a kuk more aaiaatioa, but thet Is no cbana-e to aot ia trieaa, es cpt tor cbo ee qualities, which are scare aad wanted at improved The salts are 664 bbrls and 10 tierces Ba badoes, part resales, at 6S56c 461 bhdi. and 65 ueroas Trinidad Cuba, one half cenirifugai at 87 th atbar liocovdoat49c 479 hhds aed 50 tierces centrifugal Cuba, for Canada, 35 Ha. (prei-out ly prematnrely reported sold); 148 hhds.

and 25 barrels Cuba Meerovtdo 4653c; and 310 bhds Porto Rico, 60(i75 mostly prim to cboiee, 7076c fonr months. Toe stork yestenfav wasaboat 10,060 hhds Cubs, Porto Rico, and 665 Eujrirth Island- Sooaa Tae barineas ia it since our last bas bera quite moderate. 'The offerings firom whatf are small, and as holders are indupjeed to sell from ttore. very full prices bare beea allied, and market closes firmly, at aa advaace of about one eighth of a cent aa re-fir, in grades Curta. brinrior fnlr to Ilia' llHc, and good do to llKll.Vo Vo.

12 boa 12Se Other grade are fir in with-out change. Refin'd is in belter request, aad prices favor sellers again; herd soft white KHQttli and yellow 147ie. ceeb. Tne tales of raw are 1 250-anas. 50elarifi-d do.

at 14; 367 Kiat 11X014C 62 Barbd'e at HJ4fel2e.t 183 Mrtiaqa at 11K9 HSc anuloi4 boxs Bavawat UUHo 4 mos Tne stock yasteaday was aboot bb4f 63, 47ti box aad baskets, aad 87 884 hhds 77,639 boxee aad 103,541 bags same time last year. The Crapa la Earopa. Tba Mark Lane Erpr: which is 'the bet of Snglub antbonties as to the Torelga crops, give a reoerally unfavorable ac-connt of the crop pr-epecte in England and on the conti-I benv Dp to tbe 12to of, last month tha weather in England was favorable to gcow-j ing crops of all Since thsa storms and rain bad done tenons damage, and a fear mora dajs "would work incalculable mis-! chief." A similar calamity bad beaUen tba crops ia France, which bad looked rary prom Uinriy. Bain in England and Franca lb old crops of grain have been very much. reduced, and the F.ijTrtt says that this holds true of ta Trttot Europe.

In Spain, Italy aad tbe drooebt bas been extremely damaging to 1 the crops. To make themauer worse for these countries, the last shipment fro -loath- em ftnetia have been received It is no wonder, then, that tbe French snar-kets advanced, tbe English following amor slowly in tbe wake. Both France and England will be competitors for tba new erop of -grain, and mustdrp-nd. far more largely than tbey expected, on the CuudSuue. It will be irapoaeible for ua.

bo waver, to tap ply a larfre demand before tba close otjnlean navie: jation. i -j-- a Perbsps tbe nnexpecUd demand may give new stimulus to shipments by way of tbe MietlttlppL lUny aullioaa of. basaele ei grain could be sent abroad by -hicoulv from tne States along- our great river. Even Mia sistippi will have a large surplus to export. Test Statistics.

Export of teas to the United. States frraall China ana Jspar fox taa year analog one la Yoana' Byaso 1IA. 1UA9S T4i.0:lS k' I3MJP4 Jl J1 wo Ujraou Skin. 1-A4 1" AV1.7U IA-je 6uDpowdi DfU 1 Total IkMttM lX.TSI.t01 tJHJA 1.IBIMT 47,1 SarnTA n.t: aa, it 'iiast ra e.Nt.m Con sue aadtxjB ebons, roam one Srkneaad Oranre Pekoe DkS aad Tdtaf B1alt-11 rap-a-a Taa. Black r.

1 1 i i Grand TataL. oaf Foreign Commerce. -Tbe exports 'from Ksw'Tork to ft reign sorts In Jh mqntk of July compare as ioi- lAWT lows: rwwietae ii Voro ada. fkae a etsv7.r? ar-ea M2I.46S Dot duti-b ftus Bfecla-d aaiitea lujm ltM Total, eiporta SUA l.wu sit.SOT.Mi Uo.iazcl.ortpecl. Wat.

us -nThe ax ports frosa Kew York to foreign ports for six Jaaaary araauojoined: Itaa. riaat. rwrnmtlc procure. I U5 lAtt Aialitjat roreisa fr oodt fj.lrt 7, Do. dutliu Bpecteaad e-iioe lA-w suA- Total fieej-taTe Tt Imk aad.

apada aa.7JA.we lalA-M-l Tb Kew York exports(exduatve of specie) for ths week ending Angutt 13, and stoce the beginning of tbe year, compere as follows: let rbrtba weea.J Jin l.ra II frev. rroti-d Biaee Jeaa-ry l.rt Stzait.07 iu.4s Tbe 5ew Tork foreign imports for the ajeek. nr. subjoined: nrr-mlt -mjn SJjiajis Oen. mere ana its JJ6, Total for tbe rm.

tDorted. Kt liuja I tHT. reported. aunfl.x-B-rv ataLtaxaa 1 T.rnAi tmaorta at- Ker-Tark for -tha-' monUot July compere as follows: Ib.ii.wi.t4t I iabii mjna s.m.n yi Alt itTS btobi I 1 i i I TAI alTaiA icr warehonae. ibuu t.ih.s Tba tbre4a imports at- Ifew York tor the at from Janaary are ab- if mi Vm a 1 Jot for I 4A.1 llffV.

Mj.S7S i.iirjte jajtajo T.w.l ts ra's. srCH)aad tllie" I. Ill V.rr Total rat at port-fMi im.rj a Wa a f. mtm-m atnaa eritl; jj Tbe re ail--a imports ot dry j-oda. ene-ie and general mt-rcaaaWe at Sew Vork for tbe 'Mimaattlsi for tbe last sixteen ye-rs compare as ffiiowsi -Maot4f guoda.

rit iniporuonimp-ruer Total a- aan-a, apecie. importa. S7JIA til mi M.IMA4t 72.V7.TW St, I I.U10 7Ae ta. it lt7 H7 St.4.C?S SWAM.4BT 1.TV TAJ ijt 'it fimm 4 w.m law. w-ox at.SkMie IHAtl J4t IM 79.MS mjinxA ut Ti tuai an llZ4 e.ttaM l.

A ia -at ua.vs JB4 IMI fi SAO 1K. liv. Lata li Mat SI A.m Het BJ.44;, it7t 7ft.tat 7ii iu 1V7 US.744 1 il jam ll 7 AA UtALA. 1J6. lAUKl Tte ecia rerenua from cutoesj at Mew Tork ia reported as follows: ista, i sat.

ii tn Jalr- 4 as stiatjataa C.ant.m tf at aa rTev. a aaoa- V7 Total aiaee Jaa.i S3-ssj7as suAM.m at All tbe figures of tbe retroing tables rep-' resent gold. The imports are rated at their foreign cost in gold, fret nit aad duty anoaid. Tbe exports, on tbeatber hand, are computed ebitflv ia eorreaer; '-The sbtpmeats oC gold are entered at tbeir tale valae, bat ell other exports era cleared at tneir can eat saarket value in currency. River Inteiligenco, Boats Leaving Ta-tfar.

I Mi See Adva Memrhla MISKOLA, Miller, T. M. IHlll ASK1.U. P. St.

roromouth iKDI.N BU KG. Moore. IX at. Manrbetar.T. t.

PICK RTT. Klfga. P. V. i AD ii-wws.

wan mm, taj IxMjIavU'a. 1 11. AMI IKHrHJ.S,CrUa. P. AC KTanaTllle LEOSOKA SO.l-D.TU P.

SC. SUIA. Uallktay, i Arrlye Oen. Bnetl.

Ta nlavB lei Poteen e. 1 Aa. MadU a Omubu 1 Axjauar. t-e idy -WUe, cnuo. Departed- Oea.Bnell.I-teurvUie; rotoB-ac.

ToobiTlllar -Abba, t-dlaua Culuubla. laravll tt Argoaj. Big t-vnily: Bella, Cbilo; W. A.Caldw.u, -UrtttA. Boata pae.

Sflver Cloud No. X. from Wew Orleans Ifaw Tork, ftna rit. 1 eia. and OBawiptoe, rro i (en ipna, are -awi ta Doaia Ant due Uara.

Tbe river bere yesterday evening was aboot st-aionary, with a siieht ineiiaattoa to rise. Aslu*tbtaweU i reported ia tbe Ohio above by packets arriviag jseterdar. There Beams to have been heavy rains farther east, and the rise in tbe Kanawha of tbrt-e and a balf feet, and in other stuamt, will probably give as a better stage of wter in the Onio for a abort time. Three feet is reported cn Hacbeter, end three aad a half feet is reported on Rising 8un Weather yesterday waa clear aad very, pleasant. There waa aome animation on the wharf near the Memphis packet inneola and the local f-acheu f-etiig ready to leave.

-Part Items, "We published yesterday the 'action of tba Chamber of Commerce in regard to the naw bill of lading adopted by tbe 0.0-V. Aaao-ciatloa. Tb attociAtlOD held a meeting yesterday morninr, and appointed a committee confuting of Captains John A. William eon, John O. Reno, Oeorge D.

Hoopla Dab. Collier, and Hr. Gt-orae L. Johnston, ta confer with tbe committee appointed by the Cham. ber of Commerce upon the subject.

Tbe two committees met yesterday afternoon on "Change, and tbe subject was ditrnastd pro and con- for two hears, without coming to any definite result. Another meeting will probably be bald. Captain Jotb- Tbroop, of EvansvQla, bas bartered tbe steamer Mary Krwia for Urn Evaaaville and Cairo trade, to take tbe place of tb Ma? Mow at. Cad tain Throop contemplate piscina- the kta Bower in toe St. Ixua and -teatpbis trad durii low wafer.

Captaia Ed. Bvans left for Pittsburg last Bight. We had tbe pleasure of meeting Mr- R. t. rait yesterday, one of tbe oldest steamaaat acerta in St.

Louis, who is ra rea-tfoeSt. Louis from tke Saw. Captain tV C. Gray was ia town yesterday. The L-onosa Ko.

2, Captain Devi, rarular weekly Kvasevilie packet, got up yesterdar witb a splendid trip 62 hhds. -abaooa, 300 beer barrels, and 20 tons of sewerage pipes, were among the items Toe Leonora is a good boat, in charge of capital of-cers, end it not Strang sbe is htuhly popular. Mr. J. H.

Triplett is ia charge of tbe office. Tbe elegant steamer Minneolt, Captain Miller, Dean Line Memphis packet, is announced -o leave to-day at 5 P. St. There bring no New Orleans boat tn port, aha Is ra-eriptirg freight tbrcngh to that port. Tbe clever gentleman ia th oflea is Mr.

Wm. Omhb. Tre Goldea Era, Captain Hallidar. is the Pomeroy packet to day, leavins; at 5 P. M.

Mr. Jos Akxand. piutlrtes ha tba office. Parti and b-r ia rraortad tha worst along tbe lower Okie. As tba river rat-edaa, how-eves, the bar at tbe toot of tbe falls cam oat, and then flint bland bar ia the ehaalett, then follow Preach IsUaA Three-mile and tbe other bare down to the famoas Walker's bar, and tba month of C-mberlaad.

The Silver Otoad Wo. 2 front Kew Orleans to Oiacinaail. kew oat ber ryliader head, and ia re pawing at Memphis. Spirit ltlaad a reman tic. landmark ia tbe Mis-iaarpp- sar8.

lost n-lf-ofittr territory by th lata Strang arrest of the recent treeheAs. Tba Arkaasaa Ritar is now falling very Cast bsvii reredtd seven feet la a few dws, with only fiv feet is tbe chaaee on th Tb onakalf fntereat in the David Watts bas bn sold Captain W. B. Austin, for te.OOO; for tbe Upper Miav-Mlppt The Cumberland at Nashville was lowly with barely twenty laches water reported as Harpetb Shoals. There was a meeting of the Captains' Association.

Thursday BftberC ball- to establish ratea of fraiarfat to the Tenaase Kivar. Alt boats are bow ia. that trade troen any aaarter, Cincinnati or Stv- Louie, it was resolved by Mewra. VarW and May. of tae- LoaarrHla-ano Tenaeear River packet, that they wonld guara-tae to take all freights at proportioa-ate ratea with ail onmpeuaa: Uaea Tha laiboard engine, eaafk and pittnaa of tbe wrecked Missouri have beam auooeasfally removed, aad are conditio.

Toe star board maebinery will bs reejsvad by tbe end af tb week. lb saacbJassy ia ia intra te eos-iition ucb bettor thaa tt Was el-beeted to find It Th Dubuque Tones of Tueaday sayst "The Burlington passed foe St. Pasl 8aaday, with a tremendous crowd ot paeai ngers, Toere seems to be plenty of custom to kep all the Vortbem Lin boats ing, and tber is ap- -pareatty ao reason why at Mast one packet a day should aot be Wow, passeogsrt are crow ded as were sold hts aa a transport duriag tbe war, aad tba officers are obliged to give up aot tiy tbeir beds, but their c-amcea to sleep oa toe aabra The frew Albany Ledger of Tkursday evening bat the following: Last blgbt a negro roustabout Darned Jeff, Davia, aa tbe Legal Tender, took forcible iiusai teiea, end occupied stamp aad rnt backs to tbe amount of nineteen dollars be-kr-giag to a colored boy' named John WU-' lisnut Ater the crew bad been Psidpu. Jeff, did the pocket picking. Supervtrisg Inrpector J.

V. Guthri left XvaBaville, ler Terr Haute, ndtaaa. Wed He ban rendered th rbllowlor da- ciaion in tb Morning Sat and OUt 8-Uiyaa collision taset Tb-Morning Star was In tbe right plane, and tbe Ollie Sullivan was crowding ber over on the bar, and when the pilot 01 the Moraine1 Star saw that tba OlliaSoUivaa was eom- Intl. I a wtrninad.f bar aa inal aaul backed aa bia -trka-nt w-aeL. Tbe 8uU tivan CBBMi on BU wuct mam auroiot eabant forty feat aft of ber bow and did not atop be engine until aboat etrikinr Bad fat eat beea for tba pr-4enee ot W.

Elder, ths pilot of tbe Moraiag Btar, ia barking bia larboard -wheel, both boats wonld bar snak. Ths evidence in thaeaaeis eoneimsive so my mind, and I bar saapao dad the license of Job 8. Snyder for'aUty days from this date for miaeoBdact. Tb LoulsviHr Cb-ntr 'of yeaterday sayar Tbe rirbr waa aboat at ataad, or slowly fkJBDg. yesterday, with scant two feet tea locbes water is the canal by tba mark.

Tbe decline is about, two iacbaa ha aareatr-fbuf boaraattbafooto tba lid. weather toon tin art clear aad rather wita tae i tba aBamdagoo4 apu'b wind prevaojLBg, i Out over tb bar below tb Portland land-in a- there ia bat aUtt-tovwtkafeet aratar. "tboosh the 'channel ia raaaaly' aotxiag -oat by the action or tne current, a-sae vary Swift down past tbe foot of tbe island. Tb 8U Louis 'Democrat of Thursday Tb river fat stQT falOog slowly. Pilot bane 10 points below are fUsining tkair nerves to avoid sand Tbe Missouri is falling rapidly at all aetata.

To Omaha th rata, per hundred, was forty ernts on Tare-ay; yvstar-ay it was am ease a -aa fifty cents, subject to modicauon. from eotnpetfrlon. Tba Illinois Is declining, witb thirty eix inches to Naples and thirty to Peoria. Bas-: ineas fn that stream quiet, with foar regular packets rename and oa independent boat aad tb canal boat towinr trade Freibt offering for New Orleans rather dalt, end fair to Memphis- Only two ont of four packet will ran to Tlrktborg until revival afthat trad. Tne Bobieoa will leave to aay, tnataaa or vaa-Doaay.

aad tbe H. M. fchrere Wdneeday Btxt, lattrad SAtorday. i lively eomaeuuoa a) ax pacta eat tb aew Tom Jasper. 8t.

Laoia aod Qaiacr acket nd tbo laTTX -Jofc Va ctv a- ao. Bun topio Of eoaveraalion oa the wbacx yesterday. Aboot M. tbe Job aaoa cast loore from tba wharf near th elevator, and rith colors flying and marie tlyia, at-t)d rallaatly pa-t the city until aaar the xcka. when sbe waa "You tided to" aad egtia went Cjifg past to city to a point ooar tbe lagaitnea, rntl, aiwr atnn oa an ww.

i the Ulp was continued to about the heai of i Sawyer Bend, when tbe boat agaia Minded to and bronebt back to tae aaodwd at tb T-Bar. landing tb wb-rfbnt jest above the foot of Tine street. It is pretty gva-eraliy sown nhat the Harry Jooaaoa has beea selected by tne hleokujt PartKt Liae ao raw with the new Quincy oarket Tom Jasper. Tbe Johnson ha beea at tbe upper wharf for soma weeks receiving a general aad thorough overbaolia- moot steal ta Stern, aad frosa keel to chimney tope. Tbe machinery baa been the recipient of more than particular attention the wheels bar been enlarged.

ana in iAct evvry-tbing that skill or Inreua-tty otald devtes bae beea done to make tha Harry a faster beat than ever. Tha antim tty I Tj boat has beea newly painted inside and out, tbe oabiae and state rooms have been newly furnished aad out6tixt, aad it is safe to state that tbe Harry Johnron is now in as complete order as tbe day she first turwed a wheel. Tba Harry has a well eetaUishad repatotloa for speed and patarngrr aceoai a-witon I a rep-tattoa teat wa are certain will be fully auataiotd by Captain Ira Matin, b-r present commander. Mr. George Walton, well known to all the trade, ha charge of tbe office, aad will be assisted bv Charley Htaser.

After the display made by tbe Johnson oonjid-erable interest was ditwlajed by too who did to witness tbe first appearance of tha new steamer Tom Jasper, and at points on tbe wharf favorable far a good look-out knots ol anxious spectators coald be seen, and heard apec-latins: as to tba probable eatue of tae delay ia ber About four o'clock ia tbe a-ttmooo, bewever, matters war set at rest by ber appearance- steaming proudly up to ber land Dg at tba same wnarf boat as the Harry Joti-aotv lb was ganeetlly conceded' by all who aitne ted the motaenta af the Jarper aast tb public landing, taat she was aa bandsumea su tuner as ever made ber appearance at our wnarf. i XAteaVty Froaa aaro. i Waeelal Pttpatf a ta ta Olaetaaatl aatatiel.t I Oaib-v Ana te. Iter, Tb following la ear port list for th last twenty -foar boors: 8pray-. Evansville aad return; rfasbvilla, Evansville and return; Bubioon.

Si. Loais to Vitkxburg; Champion, -Memphis to Cincinnati. R'Vtr stationary. Weather clear; thermometer elgbty-eigbt degrees Business dull. IKew Tork corraif aSaeeeof tl a Lecheater ucf Depreaaioa ta Bastaess ia New Vork I Coatif BaildiegB tss liifk Beats.

On ef tb striking fbania of the pressure which 2iiw Vork is suff-riag ia tbe abundance of unemplojed capital which bucdena Wallstnet. Hetauaioidmiliiaasarehi bo-rd, and here are vaults In which greenbacks and bones are piled np in heaps that exceed the dream or avarice. It is. however, tbe very absence of circulation that indicate commercial disease. This money should be in life ta tba business world.

Th pressur is a very qnlM one, and we note bat little excitement. Business is dull, dull, dall, aod people have got tired of talking about it. The main question with employer and employed ia bev to meet the expnse bt life. To live from day to day is at much as can be hoped for at b. at.

All along tb great bnsiaeas streets tba carts stand as quietly as though tbsy never had moved. Toe drivers have a sad look of care, and their basala are getting quite soft for tbe want of work. At tbe doors a few clerks are chatting over tbe news of tbe day, while latiae taa principals may be seen in anxious conclave, stodyiag tbe question how to keep afloat. Tbe fashionable stores in tb upper part of Broadway show signs of diotresa in those legends which appear at the windows to tempt tbe passer by, and which are seldom displayed bere. lrrepreibl sale of mutliat at leSJ thaa ccst," "From auction, 200 pieces of drees prods at 40c eot to Import" "Fine Frt nch shawls at $2.

cost $5," Ac. On top of this general daiaees comes quarter day, draining tbe last dollar from ra ta? a Bleeder puree, and bringing a spasm to many a heavy concern. Tha clerks draw a larger sum than -usual, for tbey nuat meat tha landlord, while tba employer aoiemnly pea-Ins check for $3,000 to meet tbe same exigency, conscious that the money ia thrown away. Dm lug tbe quarter for which be pay this enormous sum be has lost a small fortune, and has no prospect of doing better. Well tor bim that tbe profits of the war are not yet exhausted.

Ths amount of mm ey which changed bands on quarter day can not nave been less than twenty five millions of ded' lart. Among other new and eoatty buildings which Indicate vast increase ia wealth is that 0nd bv Jsmee Brown, andsit-alad ia Wall street. It is of marble, with a froatace of about forty feet, and cost on millian of dollars. On either sid of tb ball it a banking room, which lata foi 1 10,000, aod in th rear is tbe spacious banking offio of Brown, Brotbert A Co. whiob'i rated at $40 000.

The satire rental of the boildlag ia 80,000 per Op posits the Poet office ia another marble tu-uetur, built by Turner Brotbert, of ginger wine notoriety, which ret, La lor $210,000. A match tor thia in point of cost is the new Park Bank in Broadway, which will be the an solid building in that array of commercial palaer ltd foandatlon is sank beneath the level of. tbe street to a dVptb In, which you might bury a modern three story bouse, and tbe walls of tba vault are only eieven feet in thickness. Think of that je bur-la ra, aad a ban doa youreelvea to -repair. Death of tbe rrtaoeee -Carat.

TbU highly esteemed lady was buried la the fpiacopal C-aetrry iu T-llabaxsee, on Wednesday last. We copy tbe following annonnot men' of her death rrom tba Btntrnth A -Sad Aasovacaaairr. Madame O. D. Mutat, relict or tbe Pnoea Achilla Marat, died at her Jefferson County plantation, on Tueaday moraiag last, after aa" illness of.

several mowhe Bad a this aa noun cement a) it is not altoaetner unexpected to oar rati ts. Few Indulged the hope, latterly, ttaaa vigoro-seooatitutioa would survive tb ravage of tbe terrible typhoid fever that bas so long threatened to remove from the toene of bar usefulness, in this comma city, tb noble victim of the dettroying angel. At a advanced ag of sixty Sears, and over. One of the rarest- gems that ever ernameakd tbe ocietybf the South one of the parest minded and most of ber aex a blessing and an honor to the age in wbtbhj sle lived bas tone to nap tha reward of ber fervent piety and ber wide-Spread btoevolenoe. i The poor will sadly miss tbe charitable assistance of one of tbeir "ministering angels'' a-tha rich will search in rain for another such exemplar- while all classes will sio-eereJj lament a death which, at ber ripe age, stems untimely.

We leave to soma abler pen tbe mournfully pleasant task of paying proper tribute to the memory of one whoee whole life has been a bleesixg, and whoee death is now mourned as a public 1 From the llrerpool Mercury. 1 A Rattlesaaae at Liberty. An exciting scan took place yesterday at Mender's Menagerie, at Trnmbridga Welle. A case containing aevea rattle. aaae was, by aa versi ht, lelt and one than escapsd.

A panic seised the man employed, aad with the greatest difficulty aa elderly man named Qodjrey prevailed on some of them to endeavor to rroapture tba reptile. Arming tbemaelvea with shovels, forks, aarapera, -rooms. c. the keeps, uadar tbe di recti oa af Godfrey, proceeded toward tha snare. 9am reptile, during these preparations, resasined Ctrfectly quiet, but on the approach of the eepers, which was heralded by a Urge sack fcrieg attempted to be thrown over him, the reptile leisurely proceeded up tbe center of the taoloaaia, biasing fearfully all tbe time.

It did aot appear to aotioe aay of the occupants at tba aa-Mtroaso-reeand dens aaul tt cam to ta caravan containing the bonauus, a species of buff-to, an immense animal weighing apwaidof two tons. On arriving opposite this caravan tb snake paused for a moment, aad then made a spring, fattened on the bensiaas aad bit it ia the left nostril. Tn reptile then let go lie grip, and, shaking its rartiea, gilded through aa opening between the two t-ravan where aome rruoms were filling a eart with straw. To this cart was attached on of th finest horses belonging to Mi. Mender's tensive stud.

Tbe rattle-snake fastened on the off fcilock of the horse, which imwiedit reared aid plunged to such an extra at to shake tbe reptile off, and bat ere Ucootd asova avway it waa crushed to pat tat beaeaia tb hoofs of the horse. Ia a lew miaul after tbe horse bad received the bite Ha whole frame saivered, ih eye nearly burst from tbeir sockets, and its moans weie prieoua. Two retorinary surgeons ware brought la, -but their Berth Were of no avail, for ta a sw wiinatr tbe borae died ia frightAit agoajr. Meaa while tbe bonaasus wa ta saeb aa fefariaaed coadiuon that the dome of ra daa bad to be put ap and securely bolted- In a few seconds a heavy fail was beard la tba caravan, and oa to door being opened tae noble beast waa found dead. Gits Cs Goon Bsbad Fanny Fern writes: Give as good bread, my dear eoonu-y women.

What else soever you pass over, don't slight tbe breed. It is the cry ia sin of the untry, that if there are cakes aa i pies ta plraty, tba bread may be soar, or filled with saleratur, or so stale that a dog weald not swallow it, or an "slack baked'T that ana might as well cot dough. Maw, tba digestion of an ostrich wonld tail on such tare aa thia. A healthy su mach revolts ax it, aad refuses to be pat off with sweat and piattms. It I a crime to set sorb bread bat ore little children, even If adult digeatioa were equal ta it, watch tt is not.

A ga refca is needed bera, and if I can help it oa 1 ear aot who boxes my ears lor th astemp-. xo saw i such meases, ana pa toJ'iunauo T' a Tag Paxica of Wabm bat sigaea tae ief i i PnbBlw ia M-errr-ta tba Union da tbe seedier mereb-ewa devot many hours te bos ineesasla Mew The wa- ha made a great efcaaga ka the abode bf aag aatiaeaa. Germany IV tkrweuth tbe wboee day, aad ia taa baaw aaaasa aaeo were kept at work till Imi li i i tiaae ie now crowded into tha. bear aetweea ten and three. It is aoi matg to sea merchants takirg 4 hor-iof; dnr in Ceatral Paik, and Wi-ura after four o'clock ieelaiated by tb most weU to- do basic oat men.

Ksarty every man, who can. keeps his botes ac has pair. Tbe Centra Park hAS had aa Immense influence on horseflesh, fast or set, square troturs aad good roadsters are ta great -demand, and ia tba market are a easa article. Bat tbe solid saea of Hew Vork carry oa bast-eats as a old. 1 1.

A. T. Stewart works probably more boor than any mechanic or -tboring-ataa ia the State. Cis vast business is in his own htnds. He consults nobody as to baying or selling.

He has many partners, but they are partners in the profias and aot tn the management of tbe His system is exacting bat ef-ncient. Hia atea era all tieied. If tbey are lata, if they ev-rraa aba time allowed for lunch. If tbey sit down during buaineet hoars, If they misdirect a bundle, if they eat in ths store tbrr are fined. So person I a lowed to take a bundle into tbe stare nn Lees tbe -walking gentleman" marks it.

So bundle leaves tbe store without being examined. Mr. Stewart at aboat the first man down in the inorn-og. He takae an early breakfast, anl in a eae bora cae sendee to-aba etare. He indulges in a leisarely dinner at a publi bouse at five o'clock, then returns to his den and continue his labors until every item of basinets ia tbe store is finished.

Pleasure, seekers going home from the theater, often see tbe twinkle of Mr. Stewart's lijrht in his coeotiag room, showing that the great millionaire ta bard at his tasks. But it is his recreation. He fiads bio pleasure la work, and asks nothing ator. Vanderbiltis a gigantic speculator.

Like Frederick the Great takes kis leisure to mass his troons. and in aa nnexDectad mo ment throws himself upon bit foe, sure of victory, tie has tn Harlem ana nuaton Baeda. He ia after theOsatral, aad -raaaa to control tbe Srio. Be takes bia Irian ra in tbe raomirg, and divides it between bis breakfast, bt cigar aad his horse. snends a great deal of his time in his stable.

He has a trotting track in hia jard, 00 that be doe not nave to go far to try hi fa van tea. vAt tea precisely, be enUra his up Im ottioe. At twelTe, he rides up to the Harlta. aad than over to tbe Hudson Railroad. Tbe rest of th day be give to business and rides.

He seldom appears at tbe Stock Board; ha buys throagn other beads, because be can do it bet ter. k- Daniel Drew is a very qtfiet -ran, of plain, simple abate, seldom speaka, and in bis down-tow a oSiee ia Broad street wonld be taken fur a rustic farmer or a Kew Jersey who waa aot bright eaaagh to sharply invest his mossy. Clafitn. who is treading so close on the heels Stewart in (the dry.gaoda trade, was a small trader in Weioestor. ii bought roodj in very small quantities and was noted for carrying borne bat own bundles.

Like Stewart, be manage his own business. 1 found bis complicated trade wearing upon bim, and like a wire man, as be is, be purchased a little place np the river. He leaves bis store at four every afternoon, drives Up bis own team, and spe ds this evening ia tne quiet of his Own family. It is tbe younger class of traders aad peculators who trade in the night and give themselves po rest on Sunday, Thsr reap their reward in premature decay, soddea failure, or great losses. Tb line of demarkation between the old styla of doing business and tbe new is very broa4.

Letter front Hoaaura. An Alabama paper publishes tbe following: AtrTAOAVit.w, xti', Jnty 4, ln. Dba Sib: I have received yoon asklug aboot Benae, a pent luce of British Honduras. I left Mew an th 3d of May, aad landed Urn in seven daya. Paid in currency, passage over, and $50 in gold back.

I remained there one moata, and foand the town of a nice place, and the buildings good, many of hick are brick, tone of iron, and others of wood. The brick tad ins were nearly all brought from England, and the lumbar from the United States. Tne population of the town, which is the seat of Government, is between five and six thousand; between one knd two thousand are a bites, mostly Englishmen of tbe pot nlation ia nesjroea ataS a aaeagroi race of nefrroee, whites Indiana and Spaniard. Tbey have a LieuuutaaC saver or who reports to and through Governor of Jamaica. Their legislator arrl twenty -oae in number; three of them are appointed by to powers that be, and eighteen elected by British aab-jects, which any one can be by paying a fee of some four 10 six dollars, ana who pays a yearly rent ot sevea dollar, a the rent of his own property; being an-annual rent of that amount.

1 saw oae vary Mack aegre who was a member of tha Lenulatare. Tne police of tbe town are blaok neroes. and nearly all the soldiers art also some three hundred ia number. Toe water need tbera is enWraly cistern water, which waa, whit I remained there, at a temperature ot 86 to 87 degrees, and so it was with one xception. trbrch was some hundred mile up in 81 de-gnes, and I noted the temperature of all the water I saw.

Of the air, in tha shade, the mercury stood 76, verging to 93. Tne water used off tbe coast is river or creek: water. Tbey bare but lew spriDgs or wells, and Whra they do, it is 00 better or cooler. They have no ice, and par-ape will' aeeer import aay. 1 was there in tba dry eeaaon, wnich they call winter or dry ing out meat- The rainy te-ac at-Tt in tro a th 1st to the l.ih uf June, and last to the middle or last of February.

Tbe soil is black, or of a chocolate color, vtry fine, geta to very hard in tne dry season, and cracks, be oracks being buys and oerp; in tbe rainy araPV it gets very kdf- Tbe face ot tL country hat tbe appearance of a aadi think, and am told, does, in tbe rainy sratou. sometimes, most of it overflow. There is bat very little of it planted or in cttttivstiou. Toe corn I saw Was very ieferioT, th ear being Very abort. and the grain very light and chaffy Tne beat yield I could hear of was from twenty to forty-busbess per acre.

Rice ia also grown there, and sometimes makes two crop, but from tbeir tysiem of cultivation the yield is aot so much as here. The sugar-cane crop is thought to be tb? mo, profi able I saw in my travels Some very thick and taller than I ever saw in the States, bat not larger, and the joints very short toe average can not De over two Inches and jny opinion is it never will be able to compete with Louisiana; thesnrar is vary interior. -Cotton, I saw but very littia When I aid are tbe stalks ere to be very large, aad the boil -vary small, aad tbe list not very good -ooarsa, abort a pie. Tbey have maoy kind ef fraie, thsngbtkey do not grow them very extensively. The Dating live principally upon truit, nth aad tar-tie.

Wheat doeo notgrow; tbey import all tbeir flour, which is generally of an iaferior quality tht nee scarcely any oora- meal, and have no grist mills. Tbe principal business ef the eonntry has been getting mahogany, cedar and dye woods tbe logwood grows in great abundtnee. Tbey hare ao timber suitable for building eltbcr booses or fences, except cedar or mahogany, which is too valuable to be used for these purposes. What tbey call cedar we wonld call coane mahogany. I saw but few fee or and tbey were aada by tjin with mall vines palm poles to stakes to keep out cattle and hcrse.

Tbe cattle are net rery plenty, and look about as they do here, and beef tells in tbe market at sixteen cents per Tha horse snd mules are few, very small and inferior. Tbe bouses outside of the town ef Be. liae are built out of polee stuck 10 tbe ground, plates and rafters tied on, aad covered in with palm leaves no floors. The general appearance indicates to me a very sickly coon try, but I wa compelled to bsliev dinereatly. because tbe citutaaa aad doctor told me it wa not-.

Tha aravejara are small, and I see a great many old persons, many over one hundred years ef age, and tbe children look healthy. I saw but few ani- but I think tbey bava maav. I saw but two snakes, and 1 do not think there are aay there, but tbe insects are the devil if poeaible, worse thaa tbe Yankee rulers. There are a great many kinds, and I feared tbey would eat up; some of them. too.

are very poisonous, and I can not. no to this momea-. ay which I dread most, tbe Yankees or them natives are very lazy, and it is difficult to get them to work; there are aome coolies, wno, tney aay, work to-trauy well. There are seven different churches in the town of Belize, all cf them good baildiasa. Tbe Methodist Church is one of the' finest 1 aver aw.

They have no roads in that oonn- try. aaa we only travel is oy water. traveled ap the river in a small boat called a tut pan, paddled by six necro men, and Voald set off at what tbey- call mahogany truck patha and walk out frosa tbe river. No one livee off from the rivers. There is but oa road ia all Belize, and it is aot over fonr miles in length, and bnilt by tbe Gov ernor for pleasure riding.

1 hers are out two carriages ta tha province, and they are very Interior. Tbe shrubbery and undergrowth being so thick, it is im poeaible for a maa to pass through tbe "bush. ae they call It there. The people of every class are very Anxious to get settlers com there, and land can be bought on very fbvorabie terms. Tb Gsveraownt lands are held at $2 per acre, giving ten years to pay for it tix years before any ia paid, then one- quarter 1 to be nal a each year until paid for.

Individual land from thirty, arvta and a half cents to on dollar per acre, generally on five years' time. I believe I have given yon all tbi information desired correctly, and as I saw it, knowing at tbe same time that I differ from many letters I have aaa written about this same country. Years, with msoect, TH jpoas xcyy. ClevelandeT, who is now in Paris, writes as follows to tba Cleveland (Ohio) BcTtId: -from the frequent expression and the occasional deconscralioos 1 have observed, I can not help tbaoooriasioa that the people love their Emperor and tbeir beeuurbi Empire-. If a monarchy must exitt, I think KapoJeoa na toe -irereuoa to make taat wSY, sew toe or love.

itself in "oat- em inclined btliev that be will gradually adjust hi, power 10 vt pevpi. I I A DESCRIPTION ill JL 'i OK, IT George Alfred to wnaeod, tbe Saratoga corrssBOodrntaf tbe Boetaa ha. lately apt in a bridal rf-anberat onaof largest botal tbera, aad thus de scribes It." He a ys: ben I bad dried my tears I looked round me, and between tba aalsma.ess and the pleader of tbe bridal chamber, I was half-cbanaA ball -awed. ExaetiX in ha middle of tbe room stood the bed. built low to the floor, with a mirror at tba bead, another at tbe foot, and a third ia the circle of tbe canopy above.

Tae canopy was si'ken aad white, looped up with golden tassels, goldsa orded A ooopl of bronx ebarab war straddl tbe bead-board, looking any from tbe bed, and holding fast tne curtains of the canopy; two others at the foot were' sarin silence witk tbeir fingers a their and both tbeir quiver were empty. Th bediteaa wss of satin wood, delicately grained; the -rltwa nora waits knitted silk; WW sheets were purfumed faintly; sack ptllo aaw in cu! each one a bed by it- 1 1 1 A itb ana ae diuow vmmrm 0 -w-w Knanuh ooint tee, six inches wide. There was no dayl light in tbe room, and the man --a Mrntl the chandelier, ao that a par white Same made all the gildings in the win-dow-coraires glisten. They were plain arched -cora-sea ezoept ia the keystones, where two beerte transfixed wtth aa arrow gave ma a cruel pang for a moment; and. like the bed canopy, the white silk eurtatni fell ia folds to tb floor, with golden tamels swinging between.

The carpet waa white and blue Axminister, rery rare, witk a email desiga of a lily in it; a like pattern was the well paper without tbe blue; one gilt band ran round tbe ceiling; tbe only pictures ware a copy of Titian Vena, lyiag very ceol and mtealiQ upon a sheet, with bet hair bound up ia aa eld-fasbioaed bae ket braid, aad ao sign of clothes anywhere; aad a lithograph of tne King Candaoie aad hia wife and fr-adnot rery modest. A sandal-woad dressing-afc-nd and mirror reflected a case of smelling oottlea ia Bohemian glass; there were upon brackets 00 either aid staraettes ia alabaster of Love and Psyche, acd Diana and Eadvmioa. Ths -towel-iavfe wa of sandal-woou shod with gilt-feet. Out of the aoft white splendor of tb silenc a canary bird in a cage at the window, Bang so shrilly that I was rrightec ed the more. All the tints and pan eras of tha room-were in pure and btanufal taste; but it was a seraglio that I had entered, not my hasbaad's chamber.

-Had I dared show that I noticed tats things I would have moved to noma modi st room aad eat ia the aolitado of it among my trunks. To add to the show-ckaraeter of the place, champagne waa sent np with the compliments of the house, aad by the boss at r-mveras-toa aroand tba doors I knew that men war, walking to and fro there, if not to look to laugh. "In the Interim I unlocked my trunks and laid my lineaa ia tba dressing -ease drawer. It was warm and 4 put nay feat lav tba white satin slippers yon admired no much, undid my elote-bodied dress with its long waist and 'points' ad wrapped about me tbe dressing-gown my brother gave, open at tbe nack and of most whit Marseilles from the bread boyish lapels to the pterl-buttoned nem. Everywhere I tamed so whitely til red, the frequent mirrors reflected me, showing whiter yet sn pained, expectant race, and living me starts, as it tn thee long eon-trived sacrificial robes I came face to face with my past self or worse, my passing self so soon to surrender my existence to one loved but still human, perhaps changing at-frcuon.

As I placed away my many kerchief, my. rival corsets ot French and English, the handkerchief marked with the old family name, no longer mine, the embroidered ikirta, the folded chemisettes, a doubt, the first and last, came to my mind, of the wisdom of my choice aad its awful brier 00a-bifity. "I was disturbed by Larry. I knew that be had been drinking when be kissed me. IXtmrm I pi v- iKus ask uat our oome oe no bridal-coam bar.

Taeee nuptial menageries make men no prouder, women no -We were dinned witk masie that night. But in the morning we quitted the American harem, aad-ia our little, modest room, pity the bridal parties that take our piece. "GEORGE ALFRED T0WNSEND." Tbe Wives of Kaglieh oUiors. -A writer la tb Leadoa Star aays: A arise a aa anee wrote, "Snow me a nation's aoacs snd I will tell yon its history." I might parody this by saying. "Show me a reginieat's women aad I will tell you where it has been." There is a certain cavalry corps wherein this feature Stands out very markedly, there being regular strata of women of different nationalities, distinctly markiag tbe periods of tbe regiment's sojourning in each district.

The mothers of tbe corps, so to sprak (forming the lowest Stratum), are Cnilstchorch and Brighton women, decently-inclined, aelf- res Dec ring, tolerably maseuliae dsmea, wbo have followed tbe drums many a day and got tanned and travel-worn, but are honest, cleanly, and tba admiration of the young rildiars, to wbom In tbeir troubles, poor lads, tbe x-periarced veteraneeses are like mothers. Then comes a layer of rutny Scotch picked wr by tbe regiment during a tour of duty in Kdinburg, clannish to the last degree, holding together on of Highlander shoulder ro shoulder," grasping and greedy most of tbem, "wearing the breeches' as regards their gudemen, but good wives, nevertheless; fond of a drappie" when fomebody else pays for it: all with anest in tbe nirimtnul saving! bank, and willing to do a little bit of umry on th quiet; very unpopular with the other women, horridly quairelFome, scrupulously clean Then comes a Infusion of the Irish element, tariilti ng from the eorps having been stationed for teveral ytart in various parts of tbe sufr isle. It is a wall known fact that Irish woisn don't make good solditrt wives. Tbey are too willing to accommodate themwlves to circuD-tunccs, instead of try ing to mak circ*mstance bend to them; tbui, in ths unfavorable tP-se t-flje in which tbey Sad themselves by Ueir anion with a soldier, tbey are teo apt to ao with the swim, to 'become Care-lets and slatternly, to tay "sufficient for the dy is the evil thereof," and to be heedless if to-morrow's pot portends emptiness so long as ta day 's "boils fat." One of tbe p-eatest drawbacks to the social welfare of the soldier's wife is thai it ia practically impossible for ber to cultivate any acquaintance in civil life, and that tterefore, She ia compelled, with whatever reluctance. to associate with ber fellows of the service or be utterly eompanionlee.

For here to-day and gone to-morrow, a friendship with ber is hard i formed ere it is broken, aod therefore find ber seldom or never tryinr to initiate one. Moreover, as a class, aoldier'e wive seem to be ostracised by th outer world; wculd it were otherwise, for ia ths married quarters of every barracks there is a field rirht worthy tbe study of ladies who are now try. irg their best to evangelise tb Tonga Islanders, or spendingtbeir energies and tbeir money in their endeavors to convert tbe Cameroon mountaineer. The wife in tbe army may emphatically be termed tbe man's better half," seeing that ber work contributes to tbe mint purse a larger sum than the amoUDt of his pay. But be, again, can find means to eke this out.

If he be lucky enough to pet on the "staff," and become an officer servant, he is at cnee placed on a very good footing; bat even if be remains in the ranks be ean earn 10s. amoetb extra by looking after a sergeant's horse. Let na reckon tbe weekly income of a married oonp a in a cavalry regiment, tbe husband being a private and not on theStaST: fad. pay at la sd. pee day a a 1 lies eamlurv ear twenty men at id.

per day for alx cay a tsne does aot have bun- s'- days money 0 10 additional earning lu, per Don To be etm fitrther Incre aaed by the aew Sd. of I nrreaaed pay when It does come. -jS And preaLnialiur by aaoiher ol good conduct pay to which tbe husband la eiuti.ed .9 1 1 Bf aklns In all per Now, this a very fair income, eonsiaering, moreover, tbat there is ne rent to oome eaat of it. do butbaxd's clothing, aad chat tbe eoasle are entitled to a pouna and a. half af meat aad two pounds or bread daily for n'nepenoe.

Even where there is a family there ougbt to abundance, and if every mechanic were as well off there wonld not, I take i be much complaint of distress throughout tha land. The Saadwich Itlaads. Tbe San Francisco Bullet cloees aa arti- de oa tbe fSaadwicb Is'aada a follows: Tb latest data at hand show that there are thirty-three sugar plantation- at tbe islands, involving a capital of $2 000 000. and a monthly outlay of about S50.000. Toe yield of rice isst year was about on million penade af cotton eighty- thootsnd pounds.

Tbeoraage erop wea a partial failure, and only aboot two hundred and fif'y thousand orargrs were exported. Tha eoffee crop, on aorooat ot a bligbd was also light. Tbe imports ia S66 were of tba v-lue of $1.993 821, an incraof $47,506 over the previous year. The heaviest item was onon goods, valued at $237,000. Of the importa, $723,022 were from tbe L'aited States.

Aad it may be noted that with all tbe drawbacks mentioned, tbe trade of tha islands has been increasing with this eonntry, while it bas falUneS with Other countries. We know of no new exigence ia tb affairs of th islands which Brake the success ef these negotiations foregone eon elation. -Bat the time is coming (woes some ohanie, such as bat beea tn greeted, wonld bo inevitable, Tbe future baa no doabt beea forecast, and it may be tbat this Is tba most favorable juncture for si eh a movement. Tba islands are tbe West Indies of the Pacific coast. If they should eome under our juris-lctioa by purchase, a new and orospero-s Sla'e would soon be added to tbe Union.

Tax Bask of England, whenever a counterfeit of one af its notes is presented at its rooster, it is stated, instantly pays over the fold to redeem it. If it comes from aome eowa pr a. be it only asked where be got it. If from a stranger, tbe cashier sUf-nels for bis detective, always in waiting, and tbe officer fol'ows secretly. Before many boars the bask tat in poswasina of the ttran-gar's wioerrapby.

The offender once arrested I is likely to be tried, convicted and seateared ia a rery summary way. -SUNDAY. MAY 5, 1667. Caaatt to ItLe-UW-keatf-aUll 0 de-re. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI BAI-BOAD, jiBWf aad aa saO till Caau-i til I insd JXJaf AA XTWWI arrlllt BUS A.

SB voowvii'e. pt. ibk. or lsv po A F. OneTValB oa Bnaday.

thrtash la -Aw-rrBaa Ot tma a4 t-Alra. at Jt T. wer ail ts a -boa -oa aad Tare Ira Ttevsa, taav ajs 1 ht Th at Oa feeee, aortAet ot -ear at Tmeaad Baker am av ta taa Kaouirer allJBB I BBderepeacer SToa-e, corner Broadway aAO rroal lad at Tr.oi or it- OaJe aad attatipat aw wast a' anl til set. jo. aii.i.-T Qiiuwal Ttcret Areas, r.

w., arj Oeal Best 8t L-oiii3 and Cidcagt) ROUTE. b-iaiis aot- Xfkyottt EAILROAD Three Tirongh Tt-Jiis, Dallyt A. at. lias A.

at Chloaso. Hpnncfleld aad St. Loqb aprewa-i 1 r. l-ey. P.

ml. P. It ciBfrtnaatl aadtS-W aaf ea hr that tim-i aw C-doaa-vl Laeiewuebun anw Harratoa -i" ii Stavrt bx. a. waiTiaAT-a yaximt OonBenvuleAooon itloa Trot A.

SC. iwr.a tar. at Coonerrvtlke Kipma 1C. lAB o3Tavnr Utaont- Third aad Mala, aad at the Sepea. fbs P- lpio tiTlnliAA-pol Otaeta-iZS andSTette Vlr-ad wimia a a aaaaras all as Brtncip hotsi In ta eigr.

5 r. Klt A twpertateaaawt. W. 1 1 ifBlr BUstral st Aswat asm OLD IiITTLB T.TT AT.TI Bliort83t and QuicicGt Bouts j-Mtarm Cities, Towma, YIIUcw. sU gtstionj.

.1 ast arvi A. St. Coin bo Aoeommodatio r. at. MMTI I.

ii m-mn A -ai ami a- a HfhtniB Jprsaa aiiB i Tbe te P. at. Tr-tn leav i arnrDAT mno-tr Wiean or tlatwr-ay rilnt Train a roa by Colnmba Ttn ta, wbb I IB avyaf atster tnan cuacinaaa Tima Pot TnrooA-k Ticketa, time aad ooaDeouone me. a tba ee vera! walna, please apply at tbe Old Oata. apnla-aatt Corner lwa aid rronl tueat Burnet Roeas Xfl3oe.

sorasr ot vine and Kakat streets; W. B. Barry A Oe, offloe nor eaat Oonf- of -lain and Third atreela, aod at tbe Dtps. nitimi. umniD call mr rt asancen.

maim u-tai an. ear ivkh Dxamn, kakiltom and daytci lEsiilirosada For ladiaaapolU, Cfcteag out 4 tkl North-west, Saadaaky, Toledo sea troit aad all Point la Canada. J.akl Moat from Toledo for Buffalo ixf Eastern Cities. Train ran aa arilewa. BLT JVDATa Toledo, Paerett aod Canada saw a.

BU sties r. at ap. M. av Kl cbmond and A. M.

UiutP. at. inf. a. uar.s, Kk-hmoad AorommedatlonUKa r.

M. leiss A. At. Os-ubrktsaOlty S. lexer, a.

P. AC Dayasa, -fata aad Chloaro sso P. AC r. a. aa P.

a I. TsF. Si, StatA-a A- Si V3 A. Baiiemniaiae wnnnirf i a. i mr.i XjBVU I nrmn mml.llftn Famfltoa Aeoommod tioa P.XC -U 11 tOn v.mnJ..n.

X4.A- Bleeptnr Oartoa tba so P. at. TraU fcw Detroit an Train fcrCbicaca Ttalas ran by Tin ttvaa at manse SasSsS aaa ClDctnnatl Tuna Por all taforma ttoa and Tarooxa Tnokete, pleaai apply at tba Ticket office, at roartb a -a lit Vine all ae il aarU v-aaat corner of Proai aad trai or auun aaa -dtvta. ass a. BROAD tiAlUE Atlaiitic' Great Westeri.

i cincinnati to new york ttitii0ct change of Row York. Pitta Ocrrf, tlmorc, Washington City, Pklk ttdriphia, Bostow, and eJl New England ToTTwa. i T-a trtcni s-tprtaa will raa aa aitlaws. eawsa. I vs Leav Ciactnaa-L.

s-st p. -rap sj -11 -u-a A. Bt S'JB a a Dayton Arrive at Oalloo Arrive at Manafleld Arrive at ateadvUla- Arrive at Corry lu ia 1 r. Amv a. Evrna-svllle.

Arrives Mew Arrive at Bomob- i is p. at A. as r. sr Ths rrixht bpreaf will arriv at taa A. if, twf Lava sxcepted.

For all Is ton ao. it va au -tr Omnlbnaf will II tor a i au at above offloH. J- l. buck kr, oeaeral npenntsadaaa. W.

B. HATTUO taral Tfckat Aa-st, I aaar) SADDLERY. kC. SADDLER J0IIavBa-IIL 10 -lain street, bet. Fonrtb and Tlfllu rHOLKSALK AST) RETAIL UU ssaa, Baodls and Tr ak at an nnauam saw a am ass neat ot "aannim CANDLES, 3tC raa-y PROCTER Sc GATIBLC.

CINOINNATL. Soap, Candles, Oils, Stai-lC TOILET SOAPS, dVc aroffiee and pesroomTae and ta vyent SeeonS street. am-op. Tork stieet av s-Cai idlee sold by acta wa las PICKLES, SAUCES, AC. NGLISH ie lTOajm KlSATlTwraaU tmW ffr.

IbojbIIIII. Cm. Ilflower, OBtotu, WajDauw wwi-4fiiia tDd mix4 nek 1 er-sT-r. f1nm mm tiaJp Itam. at Parr-Iins Woretcrthlr u-trUi.

pintsV bd1 pint knd by Wgtlnat, JiaarTy, Jnd.ivSoy frhrlmp and John Ball Bavuc: French Peas and 14 utj rooms; rvrdlne, half aad wltb antl nthou oas; KariLaH Cbeidr, Pine-apple and Edaai Chuttma: to iurva trej Lemon Pymp. 1-ujdO-. BlackbnT Hraxitly rreajtli cannH ralmoTi and -0-amx-ra. ona and -lirtv rp-Dd catia: mctm MacJcvrel ad KtvJmoa Ln kit Wli-B aV III II aasua a aaa-a Ul v. at 1 1 1 fc vi At iuiis av-iu 'A-f Oroctfrrla-a.

J- J. TRXNCaAnT' National Tiai Tnndinjr, SjrarrWra) mimV tw7fk Xl-rtl ad Foails, iTtM ASTROLOGY. X- OTCa I GOOD 1--TIT8 Fotr 'Atti CLoooto Airr rrRflon who rtr. kquai. lAXiA CK luratE- Car TCtT? rpHE KKVERFAILXN-Q MiDAMK RA- -A- PHAEL la beat.

Sae nravn wbea all etliera nave rAHed. All -T tn ati erne nave oeea anmnanate an waoaa a nopee nav beea dia-ppolnteil, emeAed and klaats4 by falsa promise and deceit-all erbs kavwtieen aad in tied wiu--li ky ts bee Sev alaai.iiu -tlon. All wbe are ta dosot of the tSMtloat of tooae tl love, ooa alt to a ab eve aod aa ry ta air i I la Love Affairs She Never Fails. Oae baa the etcitt uf win a In Aha afrnottaas at tbe opposite a.x.. is show a yee the li 1 1 i i.a -yonr rornre wife or hawba ad, or aneent frte d.

ne an Idee the ttoa-te to a a ppv namut, aad tint aa tbe married bappy. Ber aid and advice baa beea eolidtedjan lnnamera oie inainra. aad i aaxes it aa alwara bees toe snrara sr aeon Anr a- Speedy aad Uappy Mimt(t. Whs ts. isnsats.

a ware aepeadaar. It ta we I knoera to tbe public at vrre that she waa tbe first, and tbe la the oaly person ia th lacotmtry, wbo can show ths likeness ts reality and who CAn five entire aaUsrarliOB oa all ths oosrnt of life, whlck caa as teeted aad asov.d by thonmads, both mar. rted aad awrle, who saAy and aarerlr visit hsr. Toallln bulneea her advice Invali Jis. CK.J a i wr iaiT in.

rati I I OT all com men- and buslnM trn riaartVnfi Lottery miBiwn rrven wunoul extra ca-rre. that every ods cab depend apoa fob the aruaa eat Aatrolotist of tbe aieeoeeeth eeatury. it at that well-known fact that malcae Ullteraie prets ad-aia copy ber ad vena weneata aad try totmitate her. I uaba vru a.t n.po UM I au WSUM 1 unta 1 U1B aeveo da gbter; eb was bora with a aaterml irt abe a foret yea very saava a tea at curca druDkenneaa. All lnuns.i trl tly prrvate and aL Aaa gaaeia I'h; ui her regntle aev evfalt to rare all female i ro-rn tarft tea, and to prodare the Doalhly now wltho-t niin er eipoaare.

Tkey cab sot 'tt -rairsrr lfitrayirTB the health. Tbereioret eeene ana. earn all, te 111 TUM-tadiea. ai nratiesaa, St ta. V.

Tbe Malimt will a -war so letters Wtta- a at aaa s-ceet ati a at Inrina Sfl i ii in" aaa aantt Jjomsm aad Cairo aad way art -wait cor a ahaCwaot. D. MoL-t RBt, 111 ill Bail fc SUi fans stssiaiB, aean Ttcaat a seat a TEAr-DOATfj. 17. 8.

M. X-f agAa. rog aarr anal, ssstsr At U) IL im sTTATb I aaa AJBTJtaUra mr.k-. Ot ouBdar aary tms boat artii VtPST aaeetloa at Toe? -a frrVa, fJ.L Ktil fefltytTille ta. PoTUraeas, Wi-tZi Te rartMeajierWT.Iw.

SAwrTA'r -rR BortAiteti of powder. Ktope mi all mall land i-T Xfaysville aad Cincinnati Packet. Tbe -a P-aaen car Bteaa sr CAMELIA, a. MORGAN, slaater Caia will leave (.11 v.1 wm-a boat, at font of Walnut a-, oa Trts. DATS, THIRSDAVS aad 8ATLR P.

bt. rrauiht received at all bourn il tt J. Q1L-10RX, Atest. Claoloti, Big Sandy APc mercy Paokat0 a mi, joaaeia, BVE3trim BATtBOAT rinn. CiaUlipolia, Parkersbars: aad Tae tlaiM fi nunt -n COl-DE ERA leaves at above oa 8ATCRDAY.

Kt from toot of aTala ttraet. Freixht ira-Jl received at all hoara at the lower sad of the 5f boat, by emit. J. COLBERT. a17 W.MOliHHIi I.T., w-pertnte-aaafc AoooasatotlaUea Liae far AtrtMa.Ria.

Tbt splendid loWNwater p-eket T. J. PICKETT, Wat. MOOS. Muw arm Rmnmmr ra a J-" "vat for polma above err yTtMCSO tr.TBCM.

and Sl IKDAT.M i p. at. iauii-a, Regular vaasvilla Mklw I'x-l aad la mv uie. O-veabore, Kvanmiie and all m. Avaaanile wita Iuiuri ket QUICS-tTk rnr ire and way polota.

low v-aarTiTe: riven all poinm he paatencer tteamsr -LEONORA NO. 2, Wat. Da Via. ataate i. U-rr.

Wtil leave as above en TH 18 DAT. Aturaat 11 as P. poalUveiy. I ror rratsnt or pens apply aa board, or to w. K. A'alaut tartt. rretrnt delivered rt at cket tmoaa. tne Louat For Cairo and lUemptila, MINXEOL.A, W. B. KILLKR.

tusier. Wa. arras, otaik Leave on THIS DAY. 17th, at 5 Zcr treIrbtoe pa eta re apply etr-ASl s. K5T5H.

DH.A mm 1 A 1.1L A TM1U AH anl u-eral Preutat A sea. For Bipley and Saysrille. TT. S. MAIL -LA- A DA.lta KIPHM-Sti fACMMT.

Leaves on TI1W DAY, annul 17. at It UveU th. Une ati le-wbeel a aara(er tteamet COLUMBIA. J.

H. PRATHKK, ataater 0. axtw, Cart. 'or rretcat or paaaaaw apply oa Por Madiaaa aad aVentacarr Kivet. Onanantln with taa eieamer Wren, at Carrouaa Keatueky River.

Tha fi a tminin steamer AXIS Captain J. liAW OONWAT. WB3 leave rvnennatf (arralltoa and ai -a yntnir v-iiv l-ti i -v- vu.i... at it rrom People a lAu WnArf-aoa-. loot si law ae i-or rreia-nt or paaaas-s apply oa Harper.

Bertram A rri aa Weal rrant street. FOREIGN STEAM ER. STEAM WEEKLY TO l-IVERPOOL TOTCTtrwo AT I WET.T,TrV( K'TK a nm nr JtIjTsrpoo Tork sod Pklladelpeai Btaas-- Company are lot-nrf-s ae-all mm kHiowt: fill itVOIlI, cifrnr CITT OF ANTWERP Aoaaat flTVow wi c. iiAir.r ca, Cor. Tklrd aad Maim Ciecsaa-tt Uik ad sa Tattsafrer sai a wa "VM OTEAM TO KSJ FTW LrVKKPOt awna.

ra aajl aw AALASSk asaaUlag 1 i EVERT aTTJIDAYi ETII.WX3?in-SDAY, UASAriTU tJ. a atArr-i I a ate aol a um ritm. r- 1 Il ki id. Germany aad Praaoa. -vppir DALB, Agaat, athis-ly OTEAM BETWEEN N'KW TURK, tlCk-JVBTOWST AWD lTWWOV-tm BnttaftoleeBdo, CmoacQ.

KanraaAa Aad bevart-, auimr ia Mew to ever. astwr rAN.retAuart Keturn tcaata til-, iV brare paaaaaw rnxn New Vork, few far at Ipweet rasee. pavabl la fan Oaa aad to w- titry, tiotvere-ai "and tit, oiiAoea te-vrea Knaa Iral ad and all parte sr inani anu a 11.1,1 a a Bn-iar, itiiTal sr a. H. BrjHHiiaa mm Mf -SMiril'Pine I toatf fc'.

fK? if wwerro ot S-il lw, wiUl- -alaiy-ian i rARBF ewUCtk-, Coraar ot aad targe aat 1 i Parties Xfho InteniBallding TyisUlX DO WELL -Tt OKUKK tbeir Jolat an4 -antllnr bf ei as we aa made arauireaienia to load. At 1-A. pricaa, -1L limltaimTmZuiiZ At-r. fTHOSi W.r-ARK1 db CO. PlaMerera and Dnlldera, erw-w A TT vrCbi afia-'fxtitvB 1HAT WE ARB ret from Sbb Lata aad MMactea.

cbiraa, by i and will ae- I eaaaUuaa. at red-ead ar-a, ai CO. DISSOLUTION. THEREBY 61VB NOTIOS THAT ON A the 4th amy of July, 1 anlS-tawmrTasaTn rJ. FIRE ARM, VC.

-aVN'Ds RETAIL BFaa At -Cleae oa B- XHTBtOUk At OO. I i-A-t MCDICAL-: 1 nmrs rns ins i sail a ens si hCJaTTM-a-ia lH rJimna ta T. mm In a amvm- 7 wyi.mll Vic a ia of aad IT i or and ie-l i C). uona nervoannaa totisn, t. a.

a treaceVf-t wr 6om rtta, -i a au dj saw it to. vr a. -t-msd bsaamI niata neiaiaiiilialai Bboold aaa aaa viroa wa-air mm. aa i i tney enu 1 a aery and saa aaaataa i Inwatia; pecoliar to Femaist treated. rersoBs at a BesUebBWaaW by mail oe easai al3 TT-Tf on boava man ntna a BL an asm ak.

TSRa HALL WHTTK, OFFICT TkttO steast esneblMMvta bit art exxtaen years, ior tue eureor prrra i jim ka sent rave often cared in two or ttuee oaji bet the AttAuUoo of wxwe wbe bae loa bwi tronaled wit i tm dreed eaaladlea, tar raar-ntee a core In a.1 canes, uiotwt ail etbes nyatcavn. have failed, ta toe ahorw. im e. Jem ae.f-alu acd all 1 1 tk 8 or the akin and blood tACetfui.y 1 1 1 1 1 rie bi i it ry or other rtful ds ra a ed. bat tit veretable coreblBat-oos of rare ictui-nce.

Taa rrescta rerieK-al i). vaa reoiedy ear temalea. -rwaye oa aaoa. km hia ia pcrsoa, as addri Ohio. au ua Bav-iy tBa "BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS A A-' CXubavlrr rerareed from Irnrone and rva-Bed their old Oiure.

I as Hyo-atwra mi iv Utauail, Obis, cars aaorr aa. (wet. tTPhula, Imputeucy. Boctsraal aniiaalaa or eelf-Aou aexu 1 mmm an 1 remale eeaa ptalnta. eea Suoderate.

Oreat Medto-I CUaaiaS Beat tor t-oeat eiAmoa. Xr. Boh: -u work ea Private lji ea. for toe raoci BmJm BcalD dieeaee. at each, or sac Baa hi ra I ttra otu at Bia box ttta, at..

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.