The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

WEDNESDAY MORNING. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. DECEMBER 27, 1899. 9 STRAUB $700,000 SHORT Leading Creditor Says That the Firm Had That Amount of Worthless Bonds. WILL TAKE 15c.

PER CENT. After a secret meeting of the creditors of Stahl Straub, held in their offices at Fifth and Chestnut streets, yesterday, four of the creditors said they would sell their claims against the firm for fifteen cents on the dollar. They were Louis Smith, Samuel T. Baum, T. H.

Yocum and Benjamin L. Truax. The four men were standing together when a reporter of THE TIMES asked them what they thought of the condition of affairs. Mr. Baum replied: "Well, I don't think I shall get a cent back.

In fact, I don't think anyone will. We did not begin action soon enough. Why, I would take cents on the dollar and maybe fifteen, for my claim against the firm." Will Take 15 Per Cent. The other three men expressed themselves similarly, and Mr. Yocum said he would even take ten cents on the dollar for his claim, which, he added, was not more than a few hundred dollars.

He said further that he believed every one of the creditors would their claims against the firm for fifteen cents on the dollar. One of the heaviest creditors, Frank M. Crawford, who has claims for more than $70,000, refused to say what he would sell his claims for. meeting Mr. Crawford was elected chairman.

Eighty creditors, representing claims of more than $200,000, were present. Lawyer Albertson, the firm's counsel, spoke a few words on behalf of the firm, asserting that matters would be settled as satisfactorily as possible. Straub, who was arrested on Wednesday on a warrant sworn out by Dr. W. Trau.

and who is under $5.000 bail, was present at the meeting. In reply to a question he said that the whereabouts of his partner, Gustav Stahl, were unknown to him. He was asked how much of the firm's money Stahl had taken away. He replied that he did not know whether he took any or not. $700,000 in Bad Bonds.

After considerable argument as to what should be done, the creditors decided to appoint a committee to decide on some final action. The committee appointed consists of the chairman, Mr. Crawford: Amos W. Bacon, George D. Mellon and Henry Wertheimer.

They will meet this at 10.30 o'clock. Their first business, Crawmorning, ford. will be to secure counsel to advise them. Mr. Crawford was asked if Straub would be prosecuted.

don't think he replied, "but Stahl will, if we can find him." "Where did the firm lose the money?" was asked. "They lost considerable," he replied, Seattle bonds. I understand they had 000 in those bonds, which are almost worthless." "Do you think Stahl took much money with queried the reporter. "Well, what is there left?" he answered. NEWS OF THE SHIPPING WORLD PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Wednesday, December 27.

Sun rises. .7.21 A. M. Sun sets. .4.41 P.

M. High A. High water. .9.12 M. Low water.

.3.31 A. M. Low .4.13 P. M. cola, lumber, Ha'dt Cummins (at Wilmington).

Cleared December 26. Steamers Switzerland, Belgian, Dann, Antwerp, Arrived December 26. Steamers Arlington. British. Knowles.

Daiquiri, iron ore, Peter Wright Sons: Remus, German, Willems, Bilbao, iron ore, L. Westergaard Arcadia, German, Schaarschmidt, Hamburg, merchandise, Atlantic Transport Company; Tyr, Norwegian, Hermansen, Shields, ballast. Earn Line Steamship Company: Ville de Doual. French, Dupendant. Calais, ballast, Moelling Autenrieth.

British. Helsbam, Shields, balInst. Arnold Katz: Ericsson, Grace. Baltimore. merchandise, F.

S. Groves: Ford, Norfolk. merchandise, W. P. Clyde Gulf Stream.

Tunnell, Norfolk. merchandise, W. P. Clyde Co. Schooner R.

D. Spear. Gallagher, Appalachi- International Navigation Company: Stillwater, Henshaw. Boston. United Hit Company; Goldshoro, French, New York.

W. P. Clyde Benefactor, Swain, Richmond. W. P.

Clyde Ericsson, Grace, Baltimore, F. S. Groves; Pottsville, Lloyd, Salem, towing barge Merriam for New Bedford, 0. H. Hagerman, Schooners Thomas F.

Pollard, Jarman, C. T. Megee Elvira J. French, Kendrick, Portland, J. L.

Nicholson: Hattie McG. Buck, Chandler. New York, Haidt Cummins: Henry Cramp, Babbitt. Providence. Goucher: Josephine, Tomlin.

Jacksonville, S. J. Goucher; William J. Lemmond. Hupper Now Orleans, W.

F. Hagar W. E. and W. L.

Tuck, Eldridge. Boston. J. L. Nicholson.

Tug Rescue. New York, towing barge Hudson, James Caulley. Delaware Bay and River News. Breakwater, December up-Threemasted schooner in tow tug Pilot at 7.20 A. M.

Arrived -Steamer Goldsboro, British, from Teneriffe for orders. Schooner Bayard Hopkins from New York. Sailed--Schooners H. S. Lanfair and Mary H.

Brockway, seaward. Ordered-Ship Canara, British, from Iloilo for New York. Awaiting orders--Steamer Thodis, Norwegian, from Java. Wind-N. 22 miles; clear, Barometer, 29.94.

Reedy Island, December 26-Passed downSchooners Thomas F. Pollard for Savannah, Hattie MeG. Buck for New York. Tug Rescue towing barge Hudson. der Marcus Hook, December up-TenZizania at 10.0% A.

M. Breakwater, December Ida B. Gibson. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS In the sail tonnage market yesterday a fair business was reported. Vessels are wanted for the off shore trades, but the views of owners are considered too high for shippers, although but few vessels offer.

For the West India trades there was a good demand and rates were firm. In the coastwise department business was rather quiet, yet lumber tonnage is wanted from the Southern ports and rates are steady. Steam tonpage continues in moderate demand owing to the limited requirements of shippers, but 18 tonnage available for prompt loading is scarce, rates are well sustained. Full cargo grain steamers were quoted at 88. 3d.

to Cork for orders for prompt and January loading. In all other trades business was light. Steamer Levin, British, 1,507 tons. ore, Panama to Philadelphia or Baltimore, 108. Schooner Albert F.

Stearns, 850 tons coal, Philadelphia to Providence, $1.85. Schooner Electra Bailey, from New York to Baltimore with salt, back to New Haven with oyster shells, $1.80. PORT PARAGRAPHS Vessels Damaged at the Capes. Reports from Lewes yesterday indicate rough weather nd considerable damage in the vicinity of the Breakwater. The schooner Fred Jackson lost anchor and fifteen fathoms of chain.

She dragged into a dangerous position near Assateague, but was afterwards taken to a safe an- Only and Original BEELEY'S HARD RUBBER Seeley's Truss Estab'ment TRUSSES. CHESTERMAN STREETER 25 South 11th below Market chorage by the life-savers. The two-masted schooner Rebecca, lumber laden, stranded two miles south of Assateague Station yesterday morning. Life-savers have gone to her assistance and it is expected that she will float with the next tide. A steamer was also stranded for quite a while on the Jersey coast.

It was the Bay Shore, which collided with an unknown schooner and went ashore one mile south of Island Beach. She was later assisted off and proceeded south. The Board of Directors of the Maritime Exchange held their regular monthly meeting yesterday. The following new members were elected: Louis H. Meyer, general agent North German Lloyd Steamship Company: B.

Humburg steamship agents and brokers, and A. S. Hughes' Sons, towboat agents. A letter from the United States Engineer Office was presented advising of the changed position of the test light on the southern end of the breakwater of the Harbor of Refuge. The Exchange having been advised it is the intention of the government to consider the early establishment of 8 permanent lighthouse at this point, the matter was referred to the commerce and transportation committee.

The board also indorsed the bill presented by Senator Frye concerning the boarding of vessels from foreign ports. The bill provides a penalty for such an act until the vessel has been taken in charge by an officer of the customs. Libel Dismissed. Judge McPherson yesterday filed an opinion in the United States District Court dismissing the libel of Peter Hagan, owner of the barge Katie M. Hagan, against the tug Lizzie Crawford.

The libellant is managing owner of the barge, which ran aground and sank in December, 1896, owing to the alleged negligence of the men in charge of the tug. The barge was afterwards raised by a wrecking company at the cost of $1,200, and this sum having been paid by the libellant, the present action was brought to compel repayment. Kennett Claims Salvage. Maritime Exchange Meeting. The owners of the British steamer Kennett have libeled for $10,000.

the Austrian steamer Ragusa, now at Norfolk. The claim is for salvage earned by the Kennett, which on December 22, while bound from Philadelphia for Cienfuegos, picked up the Ragusa with tail shaft broken. The latter steamer will be taken to Newport News for repairs. Now Lightship Ordered. The Lighthouse Board has awarded oll their bid of $89,437 the contract to the R.

M. Spedden Company, Baltimore. for the construction of A steel steam lightship, to be known as No. 73, for service at Wood's Hole, Mass. She will be 125 feet long, 29 feet beam, 15 feet deep, fitted with steam steering gear, a fore and aft compound engine and all modern improvements.

PORT OF NEW YORK Arrived December 26. Menominee, London; Gearnse. Para, Beverly, Port-an Prince, Christine, Gothenburg. Ontario, Hull: Lauenburg, Baracoa, Adirondack, Savanilla, Mexico, Havana: Diamant, Swinemunde, ete. Kenmore, Singapore, Teutonic, Liverpool; Krim, Boston; Potomac, ampi, 1.

Lisbon: St. Paul. Glasgow; Georgie, muda. Cleared December 26. December 26.

Manila, Hong Kong, Westernland, Antwerp; Avonmouth; F. S. CtSouthampton: Ethiopia, Liverpool; Trinidad, Ber- Salled December 26. December 26. Karamania, Glasgow.

Steamers to Arrive at New York. DUE DECEMBER 27. Dec. 16 Finance. Colon.

Dee. 20 DUE DECEMBER 28. H. H. Meier 16 Germanic.

20 NOTES OF THE SHIPPING The British steamer Weybridge, from New Orleans for Aarhuus, has arrived at Bermuda for coal. The steamer Roanoke, from Philadelphia, which put into Savannah with machinery disabled, has also rudder damaged. The British steamer St. Kilda, at Savannah for Yokohama cotton, has been ashore in the river since Sunday afternoon. The schooner Samuel B.

Hubbard, bound out, at noon on Sunday fouled the bark Kremlin, was anchored off Staten Island. The Kremlin's foreyard tore a hole in the schooner's spanker, but beyond this no damage was done. The torpedo boat Stringham, building by the Harlan Hollingsworth Company, Wilmington, has received the repairs to her machinery necessitated by, al recent mishap, and after a brief sojourn drydock will resume her trial trin. The British steamer Ariosto, ashore near Hatteras, lies broadside on, apparently in good condition. Merritt's steamer Rescue arrived at the scene yesterday for examination.

The weather is good. with the wind twelve miles an hour. MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRIAGES AND DEATHS LICENSES William F. Berry and Bessie Boyle. Charles S.

Moffitt and Caroline W. Phoebus. Frank Migone and Frances M. Scant, Frederick Kozmund and Maria Keme. John J.

Esmond and Mary Garrett. William E. Moore and Frances E. Farrell, William Bradley and Anna M. Muller.

Oliver Shelly and Mame Nickel. George Trost and Mary Becker, Harry Farber and Yetta Numdel. Charles Gibbs and Rebeeca Mullin. Herman Kropnick and Mary Goldstein. Edward B.

Clark and Alice S. Dengler. Samuel W. Henson and Jennie A. McCulley, Dr.

Robert Y. Fechtig and Clara L. Oliver. George Beisswanger and Anna Hooven. Emanuel Davis and Beckie Ruttman.

Rev. Clifford P. Futcher and Margaret S. Me. Colley.

George S. Pusey and Josephine A. Potts. Peter Szargak and Johanna Masur. J.

Francis Glasser and Annie Du Bosq. William Lewitt and Julia Allen. Jacob J. Rice and Mattie M. Rice.

Peter M. Orr and Annie C. Barnett. Dudley H. Boyle and Mary 0.

Mintzer. Charles E. McIntyre and Sarah A. Doran. Edward Cohn and Freda Hess.

Charles H. Carty and Sarah Foxhill. George F. Allebach and Emma Trombore. Moses K.

Elchelberger and Ida C. Hulshizer. William C. Linek and Ella N. Bryan, Joseph L.

Sharpless and Edith M. Heist. George H. Dobson and Ida R. Young.

J. Thomas Bright and Annie Thomas. John J. Wolf and Elizabeth M. Dreyfuss.

Martin J. Duffy and Mary C. Winchester. Harry E. Engel and Martha W.

Grouse. William E. Barton and Priscilla West. Warren M. Connradt and Adelaide M.

Plummer, Howard C. Penrose and Jennie Newhauser, James H. Bratten and Lillian Delany, Robert MacNeur and Elizabeth P. Muller. Thomas Fisher and Katie Duggan, Samuel Bloomenthal and Minnie Jerkes.

Willard J. Smith and May Reppard. Theodore Henline and Julia L. Isard. Erick G.

Johnson and Susan 0. Benson, Charles Riley and Anna M. Vade. James Dainty and Anna Jackson. Joseph Hart and Catharine Dwyer.

Elmer L. Sandy and Adele Mortimer. John D. Firmin and Katharine P. Atwood.

William Haller and Mamie McCloskey. Harry Goldy and Lillie Goldfarp. Theodore Gould, and J. Sopbronia I. Grant.

William F. Wolf and Genet Edwards, Hugh Biggins and Captolia Emory, Lawrence Moffett and Mary Gallagher. Albert E. West and Anna M. Walrond.

John M. O. 'Keefe and Annie McKee. William B. Wheatley and Laura R.

Boyce, William Condon and Ella Schirmer, John Thompson and Annie S. Larking. George H. Lawson and Sarah Conover, MARRIED. -On the evening of December 25, 1899, by Rev.

Charles H. Rorer, pastor of Cumberland Street East Methodist Episcopal Church, at No. 2020 York street, Philadelphia, Mr. WALTER S. BROWN to Miss CLARA CONLEY, both of Philadelphia, Pa.

DIED. Anderson. Marion Beale, William. Beek. Adolph A.

Biggi, Mary. Bochina, Catharine, Brogan, Daniel. Callon. Daniel. Calvert, Hudson B.

Carpenter, Willlam A. Carson, Virdie, Cashem, Mary, Closson. Sarah. Coll. Margaret.

Cooney, Joseph. Cornog. Robert H. Crompton, Hannah. Cromwell, Mary.

Detmar, Charles, Donnelly, John. Donovan, Joseph. Ehrlen, Sarah, Feels. Hannah. Ferry.

Ann. Fitler. Eliza A. Gallagher. Mary, Gann.

Mary, Gome, Christopher. Hain, Benjamin 8. Hale, Nathan. Hamilton, Naomi C. 27 December A few Philadelphians wear as good clothes as the men of any city.

We want to increase the number of such. $25 down, readymade; $25 up, to-measure. A YATES Co Chestnut and Thirteenth the 24th MARION ANDERSON, aged 72 years. The reiatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, Fernwood, Delaware county, Pa. Interment Mt.

Moriab. December 24, 1899, WILLIAM A. BEALE. The relative and friends of the family, also Hiawatha Tribe. No.

36, I. 0. R. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on December 28, at 2.30 o'clock, from his late residence, Keenan street, two squares west of Old York road, on City Line avenue. Interment at Northwood Cemetery.

the 23d instant, ADOLPH A. BECK, aged 23 years. His friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning at 7 o'clock. from northeast corner Third and Pine streets. High Requiem Mass at St.

Mary's Church at 8.30 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. December 23, 1899, MARY, daughter of Louis and Minnie Biggi, aged 24 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, from her parents' residence. 811 South Hutchinson street.

Soleton High Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. membranous croup, on the 26th instant, JOSEPH, son of Jennie E. and the late James J. Birkhead.

aged 4 years and 6 months. Burial on Wednesday from the residence of her grandparent, Mr. James Hagen. Barr and Elser streets, Nicetown. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery.

No funeral. BOCHINA. -On December 25,1899, CATHARINE. wife of John Bochina, aged 26 years. The relatives and friends of family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning at 7.30 o'clock, from her late residence, N.

E. corner Twenty-second and Clearfield streets. Mass at St. Colomba's Church. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

CA December 22, DANIEL son of Patrick B. and Annie E. Callan, aged 27 years and 11 menths. Funeral on Wednesday morning. at 8.30 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 2903-Mascher street.

December 23. 1899, HUDSON B. (Corporal) CALVERT, aged 74 years. relatives and friends of the family, also Anna M. Ross Post, No.

94. G. A. survivors of the Ninetieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, OIl Wednesday, at 1 o'clock, from the undertaking parlor of Mr8. H.

E. Ritter. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. at Pennsville, Salem county. N.

on December 25, 1899, WILLIAM A. CARPENTER, aged 42 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday afternoon next. December 28. at 1 o'clock, from his late residence.

in Pennsville, Salem county, N. J. Services at Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. Pennsville. Interment at St.

George's Episcopal Cemetery, Lower Pennsneck, Salem county, N. J. CARSON. John the W. 25th and instant, Martha Carson, VIRDIE, aged daugh- 7 years.

Funeral on Thursday afternoon at o'clock, from her parents' residence, 3072 Joyce street. Decer ber 23. MARY CASHEN. Funeral on Wednesday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late resideuce, 818 North Fortieth street. the 25th instant.

SARAH wife of A. Yardley Closson. Interment private this afternoon, from ber late residence, 1139 West Somerset street. December 24, 1899, MARGARET, widow of the late Daniel Coll. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 31 Poplar street.

Requiem Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. December 23, 1899, JOSEPH COONEY, aged 67 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also Colonel Gus W. Town Post. No.

46, G. A. and the Association One Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment, P. V. (Collis Zouaves), are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Albert Moore, 829 Vine street.

December 23, ROBERT the son of Henry and J- note Cornog, in his 22d year, The relatives and friends of the family, also the employes of Halton Mills, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services on Wednesday. at o'clock. from his parents' restdence. 2831 Hanco*ck street. Interment private at Greenmount Cemetery.

the 25th instant. HANNAH. wife of Thomas Crompton, in her 49th year. Funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her husband's residence, 144 Queen lane. Falls of Schuylkill, CROMWELL.

-On December 24, 1899, MARY S. CROMWELL. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock precisely, at the Baptist Church, Nineteenth and Master streets. Interment private. December 23, 1899, CHARLES DETMAR.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning. 27th instant, from his late residence, northwest corner Front and Federal streets. Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Philip's Church at 9 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

the 23d Instant, JOHN A. DONNELLY, aged 75 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, oll Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, from bis late residence, 1339 South Seventh street. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Sacred Heart Church at 9.80 o'clock. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery, the 24th instant, JOSEPH, son of Joseph and Maria Donovan, aged 5 years and 3 months.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 3238 Edgemont street, Twenty-Afth ward. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. EDELMAN On the 25th Instant. JENNIE, wife of William Edelman and daughter of Jane and the late James Kirk, aged 33 years, The relatives and friends of the family, also the members of Beale's Presbyterian Church, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 625 Wildle street, Interment at Palmer Ground. EHRLEN.

-On the 24th Instant, SARAH EHRLEN. wife of George M. Ehrlen. aged 77 vears. Funeral services this evening at 8 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr.

George Mays, 1931 Ridge avenue. On the 24th instant. ARTHUR. son of Harry and Josephine Farthing, aged 2 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock.

from his parents' residence, 2010 Sergeant street. Interment at Cedar Fill Cemetery. the 26th instant. HANNAH, widow of James Feely, aged 75 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from the rest.

dence of her son-in-law. William Cullen, 3611 Fairmount avenue. Requiem Mass at St. Agatha's Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

December 23, 1899, ANN, wife of the late Dominic Ferry, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, ow Wednesday morning at 1.30 o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law, Thomas McCaffrey, 904 New Market street. High Requiem Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church. Interment at St. Mark's New Cemetery, Bristol, via train leaving Broad Street Station at 11.10 o'clock A. M.

the 25th instant. ELIZA ANN FETTER, widow of the late Benjamin Fetter, aged 76 venra, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. Rockledge, on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment and services at Richboro Cemetery at 12 o'elock. Services will also be beld at the house at 7.30 Friday evening.

the 25th instant, MARY, widow of James Gallagher, aged 83 years. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from the residence of her son-in-law, James O'Nelll, 426 North Croskey street, GANN. -On December 28, MARY, widow of chael Gann, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 509 Richmond street. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

-On December 25, at his late residence, 2141 Susquehanna avenue, CHRISTOPHER GOME, aged 80 years. Funeral on Thursday. December 24, at his home, at Fountainville, NATHAN S. HALES. formerly of Philadelphia, aged 72 years.

Funeral on Wednesday, at 2.30 o'clock, at the Chapel of Mount Peace Cemetery, LA the 234 instant, suddenly, NAOMI daughter of Celia Hamilton, aged 10 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. John Caldwell, 1519 North Twenty-second street. Interment strictly private at Fernwood Cemetery, On the 25th instant. EMMA daughter of A.

A. and the late Harriet Hauke, Fu. afternoon at 2 o'clock. from her late residence. 522 North Thirty-third street.

HAYES. On the 26th instant. ELLEN, widow of George Hayes, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. o11 Sunday at 3 o'clock, from, her late residence. 440 East Girard avenue.

Interment at Palmer Ground, HEISHON. December 24, 1899, JOSEPH B. HEISHON, in his 74th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday afternoon. December 27, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence.

529 Berkley street, Camden, N. J. Interment private. Remains can be viewed on Tuesday evening, from 7 to 9. -On the 21th instant, JOSEPH HEWITSON, aged 68 years.

Funeral this afternoon at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his son, John Hewitson, 1833 South F'ifteenth street. the 24th instant, DENNIS IMBREY, aged 54 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also St. Ludwig's Beneficial Association, are respectfully invited to attend the Wednesday morning at 7.30 o'clock. from his late residence, Glenwood avenue and Jefferson street.

High Mass at St. Ludwig's Church. Interment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery. Marlton, N. on the 25th instant, BENJAMIN S.

KAIN. in his 78th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, December 12.30 o'clock, from his Inte residence, Mariton, N. J. Interment at Baptist Church Yard.

Marlton. N. J. Carrages will meet trains leaving Mt. Holly at 9.37 A.

M. and Philadelphia, Market street ferry, at 10.50 A. at Marlton Station. the 25th instant, MARY A. KANE, wife of Patrick Kane.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday morning at 8 o'elock. from her late residence. 2945 Mercer street, Port Richmond. High Mass of Requiem at the Church of the Nativity. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

KLUFKEE-On December 24. 1899, TERESA widow of George W. Klufkee. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, oll Thursday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 422 Belgrade street. Requiem Mass at St.

Michael's Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. December 24. 1899. WILLIAM PERCY, youngest son of William I.

and Maggie A. Lister, aged 25 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services. on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. at his brother's residence, 2403 Carlisle street.

Interment private at Mount Moriah Cemetery. LOEB. -On Tuesday. 26th Instant, at DuBois. MOSES ANSELM LOEB.

In his 69th year. Due notice of the funeral will be given. the 25th instant. JEREMIAH McGRORY, aged 51 years. The relatives and friends of family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning at 7.30 o'clock.

from his late residence, 1219 North Twenty-fifth street. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. -On the 24th JAMES son of the late Michael and Mary Jane McMullin, aged 38 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services. on Wednesday, the 27th at 2 o'clock. from the residence of his mother, 2150 Natrona street. Interment private at Mount Peace Cemetery. -On December 25, 1899.

MARY ANN. wife of Samuel Mackin, aged 50 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, 011 Thursday morning at 7.30 o'clock. from the residence of her son-in-law. Michael J.

Torpey, 2626 East Cedar street. Mass at St. Ann's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. the 24th of December.

1899. VIRGINIA widow of the late Robert M. Magill, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. from her late residence. No.

2148 North Nineteenth street. Interment private. MARTIN. -On the 25th instant, ISABELLA MARTIN, nee Lapp, widow of John Martin. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday at 3 o'clock.

from the residence of her son-in-law. Mr. Isaac Titus. Fifth street and Fisher's lane. Interment at Northwood Cemetery.

December 26. 1899. JOSEPH. ROD of Thomas and Teresa Maxwell, aged 7 weeks. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his parents.

834 North Twenty-fifth street. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MINNICK. on the 25th instant. SOPHIA, widow of the late Joseph Minnick, in her 82d year.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services. on Thursday at 1.30 o'clock. at her late residence, No, 1007 Poplar street. Interment private. MOGAN.

On December 24. 1899. MICHAEL MOGAN. in his 61st year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, ou Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, from the restdence of his brother, John Mogan, 1632 South Second street.

Solemn Requiem Mass at Sacred Heart Church. To proceed to New Cathedral Cemetery. MONTGOMERY. -Suddenly. on December 23, 1899.

JAMES H. MONTGOMERY, son of Jane and the late David Montgomery, aged 45 years. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, 01 Wednesday afternoon at. 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 2117 South Fifteenth street. Interment private at Mount Moriah Cemetery.

MORGAN. -Suddenly, on December 25, 1899, SARAH, wife of Hugh Morgan. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday afternoon at o'clock. from the residence of her husband, 2689 Janney street, formerly Sewel street. Thirty-first ward.

Interment at Greenmount Cemetery. On the 25th instant, ELIZABETH C. ORDYKE. widow of the late William Obdyke, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services this afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the restdence of her brother, 2020 Master street. Interment private.

on December 25, 1899, EDWARD PLACHTER. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, 01 Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, 2984 Salmon street. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. QUINN. -On December 24, 1899, LUCY, daughter of Patrick and Mary Quinn.

The relatives and friends of the family, also 'St. Thomas' B. V. M. Sodality and St.

Charles' League of the Sacred Heart, are invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, 2135 Watkins street. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Thomas' Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. -On December 24.

HANNAH the widow of Robert G. Richmond, aged 72 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. George Sidenbotham, Interment at St. James' Kingsessing.

On December 25. 1899. M. RIDDLE, daughter of Charles M. CLARA, E.

Lare. The relatives and friends of the family, also the employes of T. J. Dunn are invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. at her parents' residence.

2013 Oakford street. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. -On December 26, 1899. ALLEN B. RORKE, aged 53 years, The relatives and friends of the family, also Melita Lodge, No.

295, F. and A. Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3. Royal Arch Masons: Mary Commandery.

No. 36. Philadelphia Sovereign Conwistory, S. P. R.

32d degree: Union League, Manufacturers' Club, Clover Club. Union Republican Club. Columbia Club. Hibernian Soefety, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Builders' Exchange, Harrisburg Club. Lnlu Temple.

A. A. 0. H. M.

Pen and Penell Club. Master Carpenters and Builders' Company, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock precisely, from his late residence, 131 South Eighteenth street. Interment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Monday, December 25, 1899, at Princeton, N. SAMUEL WITHAM STOCKTON.

Due notice of the funeral will be given. On the 25th ANNA the wife of Herman P. Theders. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from the restdence of her sister, Mrs. Samuel C.

Lyons, 1620 North -seventh street. Solemn High Mass at St. Elizabetb's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. December 24, 1899, ANNIE, wife of the late Philip Trainor.

The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Friday morting at 8.30 o'clock. from her late residence, 1141 South Nineteenth street. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Charles' Church. Interment private at Cathedral Cemetery.

VILE On December 25, MARY A. VILE. widow of the late Joseph Vile. aged 71 years. Due notice of the funeral will be given.

the 26th Instant, of diphtheria, GEORGE, son of George and Annie ward, aged 19 months. Residence, No. 4 Quarry street, Twenty -third and Race streets, No funeral, Personal AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH COMPANY SPECIAL DELIVERY OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS QUICK AND RELIABLE SERVICE AT REDUCED RATES FI. KURTZ INTRODUCES A NEW credit system. Accounts with Phila's leadIng business houses for Merchandise of every description.

Orders issued. For further Information call at S. W. Cor. Girard Avenue and Marshall (between 6th and 7th streets).

Philadelphia. MASSAGE other LADIES complaints SUFFERING can have WITH services of special massage treatment in your own home or my office; satisfaction guaranteed. Address Dr. Office. tells the names of BUSINESS her visitors and CLAIRVOYANT.

name in full of the one you marry. 505 Franklin Street. MANICURING 1707 MISS Chestnut MAY, Street. HIR EADQUARTERS Sons FOR 720 RUBBER Chest. 107 GOODS- S.

13. ATEST STYLE of Full-Dress Suits to hire. NEUBAUER, Tailor, Cor, 9th and Cherry Sts, R. DeHARDT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Sold by druggists.

Office, 209 N. NINTH St. Special Notices OSS THE PENN ANCE MUTUAL COMPANY. LIFE INSUR Philadelphia, December 16, 1899. The Annual Election for Nine Trustees, to serve three rears, will be held at the Home Office of the Company, In the Penn Mutual Building, Nos.

921, 923 and 925 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 1. 1900, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P.

M. HENRY C. BROWN. Secretary and Treasurer. IS THE Philadelphia, NATIONAL December 23, BANK.

1899. The Annual Election for directors of will be held at the banking house on TUESDAY. January 9, between 11 A. M. and 11 P.

M. T. L. DE BOW, Cashr Dividend Notices TUBE NATIONAL Cortlandt Street, York, November 21, 1899. PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND NO.

2. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, bel4 this day. a quarter-yearly dividend of ONE AND THREE-QUARTERS PER CENTUM FLOU the Preferred Capital Stock of the National Tube Company was declared out of the net profits of the company, payable January 2, 1900, at the offices of the Company. No. 26 Cortlandt Street, New York City.

The Preferred Stock Transfer Books will be closed on December 15, 1899, at 3 o'clock P. and will remain closed until January 4, 1900, at 10 o'clock A. M. A. F.

LUKE, Treaster. SOFFICE OF THE IMPROVEMENT UNITED GAS COMPANY, N. W. Corner BROAD and ARCH Streets. Philadelphia, December 15.

1899. The directors have this declared a quarterly dividend of TWO PER CENT. (ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE). payable January 15, 1900, to stockholders of record at the close of business December 30. Cheeks will be mailed.

EDWARD C. LEE. Treasurer. Annual Meetings THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders the CONTINENTAL PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at office, 1006 Land Title Building, on January 8. 1900.

at 11 o'clock A. for the election of President and Directors and transaction of such other business as may be presented. ALEX. Secretary. Stockholders ANNUAL the MEETING UNION 00 PASSEN- THE GER RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at office.

1006 Land Title Building, on January 8, 1900. at 11.30 o'clock A. for the election of President. Vice President and Directors, and transaction of such other business as way be presented. ALEX.


on December 18, A. D. 1894. entered into a limited partnership under the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed March 21, 1836. entitled "An Act Relative to Limited Partnerships, and the supplements thereto, which terminates on the 18th day of December.

A. D. 1899. the certificate of which limited partnership was duly recorded in the office of Recording Deeds, in the City of Philadelphia on the 19th day of Decen ver. A.

D. 1891. in Book 6. Limited Partnerships, Ange 283. Now this is to certify that we.

the subscribers hereto, have agreed to the renewal and continuance of said partnership upon the following terms, liabilities and conditions: 1. The name of the firm under which said limited partnership so renewed and continued is to be conducted is EDWARD S. HYDE. 2. The general nature of the business to be trausacted will continue to be that of dealing in and selling on commission yarns, cottons and stock for yarns and general merchandise.

3. The name of the special partner is RICHARD C. SOUDER, now residing at 1936 North Twelfth street, in the city of Philadelphia, and the name of the general partner in the said firm is EDWARD S. HYDE, now residing at No. 5925 Woodbine avenue, in the said city of Philadelphia.

4. The amount of the capital which the special partner originally contribt. ed to the limited partnership, and which is designated in the original certificate, is twenty thousand dollars in cash, which remains entire, absolutely unimpaired and undiminished, as his contribution to the present continuance of said limited partnership, and in such condition 8.3 to be avallable to creditors. 5. This renewal and continuance of said limited partnership is to commence on the 19th day of December, A.

D. 1899. and is to terminate on the 18th day of December, A. D. 1904.

Made and severally signed by the parties hereto at the city of Philadelphia, the 16th day of December. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. EDW. S. HYDE (L.

8.) RICHARD C. SOUDER (L. U. S. Rev.

Stamp, 10c. Help Wanted MALE BRIGHT SOLICITORS wanted for in to Civilization, by William Harding, the famous South Africa: SO the Dark Continent from Savagery traveler, author and editor. Contains a complete and graphic history of the British -Boer war. Nearly seven hundred pages and a thousand illustrations. Only $2.00.

A thrilling story of a wonderful land and people by a master mind. Big commissions; up-to-date: glorious seller; solicitors coining money; credit given: freight paid: outfits free. Address the Dominion Company, Dept. 5, Chicago. CASH FOR acceptable ideas.

State it patented. Address The Patent Record, Baltimore, Md. WANTED for permanent office position--Three thoroughly competent men. with not less than one year's experience, to hire and school by correspondence or personal Interview and keep at work book or life insurance salesmen. We also wish to employ one each thoroughly competent book-keeper and correspondent.

Good salary to thoroughly competent men of good babits. Ad. dress quick, giving age, experience, references. salary expected, date when could begin; for. ward photograph, which will be returned.

F. Main Iowa City. Iowa. Situations Wanted MALE BOY wants situation to run errands: good reference. Address Fred.

Wagner. 522 Franklin St. FIRST-CLASS private waiter wishes position in private family; good references. 1324 Lombard Street. Lost and Found -DECEMBER 23.

BLACK ST. BER. NARD. white and tan nose, four white feet red bow on collar; name reward. 944 North 8th Street.

Schools and Colleges LECTURES AND LESSONS FOR WOMEN'S CLUBS TRAINING IN PUBLIC SPEAKING. By Miss LELIA E. PATRIDGE. Lecturer and Instructor. Private lessons in Extempore Speech.

Classes in Discussion and "Coaching' for all kinds of club work. Also training in Memory and Concentration. Studio- -THE BARTRAM. Thirty -third and Chestnut streets, Monday and Thursday Afternoons and Satur. day Mornings.

Address all correspondence to P. 0. Box 2064, Philadelphia, DALM'S COLLEGE. 1710 CHESTNUT STREET. Best for business and shorthand.

For Sale cheap; line safes; old safes SECOND SAFES, ALL MAKES. taken in exchange, STIFFEL FREEMAN. Safe 723 CHESTNUT Street. DOOL, BILLIARD, SHUFFLEBOARD. BOWLing supplies; 2d-band tables cheap.

222 8th. RUSHES RATTAN, cane. 1306 REED, Marsball. CANE, SPLINTS; FOR druggists. TEN One gives R.I.P.A.N.S, relief.

FOR 5 CENTS Wants ADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHing. Hats, A Shoes Carpets bought. Highest price Send postal. WEINSTEIN. 326 North THIRTEENTH.

SCHEUER PAYS THE HIGHEST rices for ladies' street and evening dresses: also jewelry, Address 924 and 926 South Street. IGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND gents' cast-off clothing. COOPER 924 GIRARD Avenue. HAND FURNITURE, carpets houses). Hoover, 1329 Ridge, Storage ENTRAL STORAGE HOUSE.

321-823-325 EIGHTH Street (above Vine). Low rates. Estimates free. New sir-story building. 1,000 private rooms, $50,000 TO LOAN, GOODS INSURED.

GET OUR ESTIMATE -MOVING, PACKING, CENTURY STORAGE 11th and Pitzwater. Carpet Cleaning OUR WHIPPING three cents PROCESS per WILL yard, includes PROVE hauling. Telephone. KNICKERBOCKER NINTH, below Girard. CARPET CLEANING WORKS.

1431 North 21st Street. Hauling free. Detective Agencies DE specialty; bus. SERVICE confid. P.

0. -DIVORCE Box 125, WORK Phila, A Real Estate for Sale IMPROVED PROPERTY--CITY MONEY ON MORTGAGES WITH Life Insurance The only prudent way to BUY A HOME on the installment plan. In the Event of Death Payments cease, mortgage is canceled, and the home belongs to your family free of encumbrance. Easy Payments--Not more than rent. Call for rates and information.

UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO. OF PENNA. 603-605 CHESTNUT STREET Capital $1,000,000 Surplus $325,000 GERMANTOWN FOR SALE -PROPERTY 642 PENN Germantown-Handsome Stone House and Stable: shade and fruit trees in abundance: lot 490x95: terms reasonable. Apply to WENDELL P. BOWMAN.

1407 CHESTNUT ST. COUNTRY MA FOR Strafford -LESS Station, THAN main A MILE, NORTH 66 acres. well timbered, magnificent view of Chogter Valley; a superb site for a gentleman's country seat. Samuel M. Levis.

731 Walnut Street. OCEAN CITY, N. J. 10 tage, HAVE price AN $8,000, 11-ROOM equity $4,000, CITY for sale COT- or exchange for clear properties. P.

0. Box 2886, Station S. Philadephia. Real Estate for Ront WEST PHILADELPHIA HESTONVILLE REAL ESTATE co. 4823 LANCASTER AVENUE.

STORES OW ment, including RENT--MODERN office, STORE 11 AND and 13 N. 5th Street: 28x90. David M. Hess, 205 S. 6th St.

Real Estate Wanted On TO OWNERS OWNERS OF OF DWELLING REAL ESTATE! HOUSES sultable for apartments will do well by sending me their addresses. I will call and see them. I pay rent for houses quarterly in advance whether they are occupied or not. Guarantee to keep same in good order. Address 340, Times Office.

Business Rooms and Officer rooms. BUILDING $120. $150. OFFICES. $250.

$275, $450. Suites. 2 rooms. $160, $200. $250.

Suites. rooms. $400. $500. $600.

Suites, 4 rooms. $500. $675. $825. $1.000.

4th floor Chestnut street front, suitable for banker, broker or insurance company. $1,200. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS, 526 Drexel Building. Apartments, LORRAINE Broad St.

and Fairmount Phila. Apartment, Family and Transient Hotel, THE ONLY PROOF HOTEL IN THE CITY. No basem*nt kitchen or Are in main building. except on 10th floor, where culinary department is located. Boilers, engines, in annex.

Special inducements offered families wanting unfurnished apartments by the year. Furnisbed apartments by the month or transiently. INO. J. SHANFELTER.



1-36-08. Westminster Apartments THE UNIONS SURETY AND GUARANTY CHESTNUT STREET. Rooms for Rent FURNISHED INTEL light housekeeping 244 S. if -ROOMS, desired; $1.25 FURNISHED: per Board Wanted PRIVATE FAMILY, TWO rooms, with board, for elde lady and maid, between Market and Pine. west of Broad, Address Washington, P.

O. Drawer 1530. Money to Loan Before applying for a loan of any kind elsewhere. or address THE POPULAR BROKERAGE CO. ROOMS 4 AND 5.



Cadwalader, R. Dale Benson. Effingham B. Morris, J. Tatnall Lea, John L.

Thomson, C. N. Weygandt, Charles E. Pugh, Harry F. West.

DALE BENSON. President. JOHN L. THOMSON. Vice President.

W. GARDNER CROWELL. Secretary CHARLES W. MERRILL. Assistant Secretary.

WM. J. DAWSON. Sec'y Agency Department. Shipping AMERICAN LINE RED STAR LINE New York-Southamaten-London London Pier 14.

N. PAST EXPRESS SERVICE. St. Paul, Dec. 27, 10 A.M.

New York, Jan. 3,10 A.M. St. Louis, Jan. 10, 10 A.M.

St. Paul, Jan. 17, 10 A. M. New York to Antwerp.

(Pier 14, N. Westernland, Dec. 27,12 M. Kensington, Jan. 3.12 M.

Noordland. Jan. 10, 12 M. Aragonia, Jan. 17, 12 M.

Philadelphia to Liverpool. (Pier 54, Phila.) Rhynland, Dec.80,7.30 A.M. Waes1'nd, Jan. 6,1.30 P.M. Jan.

13,7 A.M. Belgenland, Jan. 20, 12.30 P.M. Philadelphia Antwerp. (Pier 55, Phlia.) Switzerland, Dee.27,7 A.M.

Nederland, Jan.31,9 A.M. International Navigation Company 303 and 307 Walnut Street. Logal Notices OF ARTHUR WILSON, DECEASED. Letters of administration cum testamento annexo on the above estate having been granted to ZILLAH P. WILSON, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those baring claims to present the same, without delay, at the office of said company.

ZILLAH P. WILSON. 3611 Hamilton Street. Or to her attorney, THE COMMONWEALTH TITLE. INSURANCE AND TRUST 813 Chestnut Street.

OF J. NEWTON CLIMENSON, DEceased. Letters of administration cum tegtamento annexo on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment. and these having claims to present the same, without delay, to HULDA ANNA CLIMENSON. 4035 OGDEN Street, Philadelphia.

Business Chances good gold and copper stocks, which can be bought cheap. The Kendrick Promotion Dettver. Colo. Highest References, Dogs, Birds, Etc. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! DOUBLE YELbead Mexican parrots, guaranteed talkers, with large new brass-bound cage, only largest selection of talking parrots; German singing canaries; goldfish, aquariume, cages, reasonable.

Stiller, 435 Spruce. Open evenings. Old Sold, Silver, Etc. SILVER, PLATINUM, JEWELOLD COLD RY and Teeth Plates bought cash. J.

L. CLARK. 727 Sansom Street. formerly of 724 Filbert Street. Philadelphia.

Trusses Rupture Cured YOU WEAR TRUSS THE Elastic Stockings. Cratebes and Suspensories. Philadelphia Truss 610 Loeust 8t worn day and night with comfort and case; ELASTIC TRUSS: CAN BE fitted with pneumatic pad; lady attendant. 1005 SPRING GARDEN STREET. Before investing in mining stocks write us.

We have inside information with regard to several good gold and copper stocks, which can be bought Railroads PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TRAINS LEAVE BROAD STREET STATION, Car. Daily. Sat. FOR THE WEST. 8.50 A.

M. daily, Pittsburg, Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. (Dining Car.) 10.25 A.M. daily for Pittsburg and Chicago.

(No conches to Pittsburg.) Limited to two butfet parlor cars. 12.20 P. M. dally. "Limited," Pittsburg, Chicugo, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, Louisville and St.

Louis. (Dining Car.) 12.25 P. W. daily, Pittsburg and Cleveland. 4.30 P.

M. dally. Pittsburg, Chicago, Louisville (via Cincinnati), Indianapolis and St. Louis. (Dining Car.) 8.50 P.

M. daily, Pittsburg and Chicago; for To10.35 except NE. daily, Saturday. Pittsburg, Nashville (via Cincinnati, Louisville, Cleveland and St. Louis.

11.20 P. M. daily, Pittsburg and Chicago; daily for Knoxville, via Shenandoah Valley Route; for Cleveland, except Saturday. Lock Haven Express. A.

M. Niagara, Rochester, Buffalo and Kane Express 78.40 A. SI. Elmira and Renovo 912.25 P. M.

Williamsport 14.30 P. M. Rochester, Buffalo Erie Express 18.50 P. Rochester, Buffalo and Erie Express M. Cumberland Valley R.

4.30, 8.40 12.25. 4.35, 11.20 P. M. week-days. Sundays, 4.30 and 11.20 M.

SCHUYLKILL DIVISION. For Phoenixville, Pottstown and Reading. 5.50, 8.35. 10.19 A. 1.30.

4.10, 5.83, 7.33 and 11.33 P. M. Sundays, 6.50, 8.28, 9.23 A. 12.32. 0.02, 8.30 M.

Phoenixville enly, 7.27 A. 4.40 and 5.53 P. M. week-days. For Pottsville, 5.50, 8.35, 10.19 A.

1.30, 4.10, 6.02 P'. 7.33 P. M. week Sundays, 6.50, 9.23 A. FOR NEW YORK.

Express, week-days,, 5.00, 5.18, 6.30, 7.33. 8.20, 9.05, 9.50, 11.00, 11.43 A. 12.00 noon, 12.35 (Limited and P. 1.40, 2.30, 3.20. 3.50.

4 02, 5.00. 5.50, 6.00. 7.02. 10.00 P. 12.02 nigbt.

Sundaye, 3.20. 4.05, 4.40, 5,00, 5.18, 8.25, 9.00, 10.43, 11.43 A. 12.35, 4.02 (Limited 5.20, $5.56, 6.35, 7.02, 10.00 P. 12.02 night. For Boston, witbout change, 11.01 week.

days, and 8.10 P. M. daily For Sea Girt, Asbury Park. Ocean Grove, Long Branch, 8.20, 11 10 A. 31., 3.30 and 4,02 P.

M. week-days. For Lambertville, Easton and Scranton, 6.50, 9.08 A. 12 00 noon, 3.52. 5.00 (Lambertville and Easton oniy), week-days, and 7.02 P.

M. dally. Buffalo, 9.06 A. 12.00 noon week-days, and 7.02 P. M.

daily. WASHINGTON. AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 8.32. 10.20, 11.23.

11.33 A. 3 4.41 Congressional 6.05, 6.20, P. M. 12.20 night. week-days.

days, 3.50, 7.20, 9.12. 11.23, 11.33 A. 3.12. 4.41 Congressional 6.05, P. ard 12.20 night.

For Baltimore, accommodation, 9.12 A. 1.59 and 4.01 P. M. week-days, 5,08, 11.16 P. M.

daily, Atlantic Coast Line. Express, 11.33 A. M. and 12.20 night, daily. Southern Railway.

Express, 6.05 and 6.55 P. M. daily, Norfolk and Western Railway, Tor Memphis and New and 6.05 Ohio P. daily. Chesapeake Railway, 7.31 P.

M. dally. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10.20 A. M. week 11.26 P.

M. daily. Leave MARKET STREET WHARF 98 follows: Express for New York. 9.00 A. 4.30 P.

M. week-days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8.30 A. M. week-days.

For Island Heights, 8.30 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. week-days.

FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad Street Station. vIa Delaware River Bridge, Express, 9.40 7.05 P. M. weekdays.

Sundays, 9.20 A. 7.05 P. M. Leave Market Street Wharf, Express, 9.00 A. 2.00, 4.00, 5.00 P.

M. week-days. Sundays, 9.00 and 10.00 A. 4.30 and 5.00 P. M.

FOR CAPE MAY. SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY. Avalon, Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wildwood and Holly Beach-Express, 9.00 A. M. and 4.00 P.

M. week-days. sundays, 9.00 .00 A. M. For Somers' Point -Express, 9.00 A.

2.00, 4.00. 5.00 P. M. week-days. Sundays, 9.00 and 10.00 A.

M. The Union Transfer Company will call for ani cheek baggage from hotels and residences. J. B. HUTCHINSON.

J. R. WOOD. General Manager. General Passenger Agent.

RAILWAY Anthracite Coal. No Smoke. No ders. Trains Leave Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. NEW YORK.

5.40. 7.30 (two-bour train). 8.30 (two-honr train), 9.30, 10.30. 11.13 A. 12.45 (dining car), 1.30.

3.10. 4.00. 4.40. 5.00. 5.51.

6.00, 8.13 (dining carl P. 12.05 night. Sundays. 8.30. 9.30.

10.30 A. 12.13. (dining car). 1.30. 3.10, 4.40, 5.43, 8.20 (dining car) P.

12.05 night. Leave 24th and Chestnut streets. 3.25. 5.30. 10.20.

11.31 M. 12.57 (dining ear). 3.13. 4.40, 5.56. 8.24 (dining car).

11.58 P. M. Sundays5.39. 10.20 A 12.16. 3.13.

4.40. 5.56. 11.58 P. M. In addition to Liberty Street Terminal, all New York trains, except the 12.05 midnight, now connect at Jersey City for new Terminal, foot ul Whitehall Street (South Ferry, Parlor ears on all day express trains and sleeptug cars on night trains to and from New York.


2.00. 3.00. 4.30. 5.30. 6.50, 8.45 M.

Sundays 9.00 1.32, 4.00. 6.50, 8.45 P. M. (8,00 A. 2.00 P.

M. week-days, and 8.45 P. M. daily, do not connect for Easton). For RETHGEHEM only, week-days, 11.00 A.

11.09 P. M. Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Chicago. 9.00 A. 12.30 (Black Diamond Express), 6.50, 8.45 P.

M. Sundays 9.00 A. 6.50, 8.45 M. The 6.50 P. M.

dally does not connect for Buffalo, For Schulkill Valley Points. For Perklomen R. R. points, week-days, 7.21, 9.21 A. 1.36, 5.21 I' M.

Sundays A. 6.21 Phoenixville and Pottstown -Express, 8.36, For 10.21 A. 12.45. 4.06. 6.36.

11.36 P. M. 4.30. .21. 11.08 1.36.

4.21. 4.36. 6.65. 7.21 P. M.

Express. 4.00. 9.06 A. 4.00, 8.36. 11.36 M.

7.06, 10.38 A. 1.51. 8.21 P. For Reading 8.36. 10.21 A.

12.45, 4.06, 6.36, 11.36 P. M. 4.30, 7.21 A. 1,36, 4.36. 6.06.

7.21 P. M. -Express, 4.00, 9.06 4.06, 8.36. 11.36 P. M.

7.06 A. 1.51, 8.21 M. For Lebanon and Harrisburg--Express. 8.36. 10.21 A.

4.06, 6.36 P. M. 4.30 A. M. 7.21 P.

M. Sundays -Express. 4,00 4.06, 8.36 P. M. 7.06 A.

M. For Gettysburg- Week -days, 8.36, 10.21 A. For Pottsville- -Express. 8.36, 10 21 4.06. 36.

11.36 P. M. 4.30. 7.21 A. 1.38.

6.06 P. M. Sundays -Express, 4.00, 9.06 A. 4.06, 11.36 P. M.

7.06 A. 6.21 P. M. For Shamokin and Williamsport--Express, 8.36. 10.21 A.

4.06. 11.36 P. M. 4.30 A. M.

-Express, 4,00, 9.06 A. 4.06, 11.36 P. M. Additional for Shamokin-Express, week-days, 6.36 P. M.

1.36 P. M. For Danville and Bloomsburg-Week-days. 10.21 A. M.

Lock Haven. Cleartield and Bellefonte-Express (Sleeper), daily, except ATLANTIC Saturday. 11.36 P. M. FOR CITY.

Leave Chestnut Street and South Street Wharves: 9.00 A. 2.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.15 P. 8.00 A. 5.30 P. M.

Sun-Express, 9,00, 10.00 A. 8.00 days A 4.45 P. M. Parlor cars all express trains FOR CAPE MAY. OCEAN CITY AND SEA ISLE CITY.

A 4.10 P. M. SundaysWeek Chestnut 9.15-South 9.00 A. M. Ad.

ditional for Cape May only, P. M. Detailed time tables at ticket offices. 13th and Chestnut 834 Chestnut 1005 Chestnut 609 South 3d 3962 Market and at Sta. tions Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences.

SOUTHERN RAILWAY The Avenue of Travel South and Southwest, CUBA, FLORIDA and CALIFORNIA DEPARTURES FROM BROAD ST. STATION DAILY 7.20 A. MAIL -Pullman Buffet Sleep ing Cars, Washington to Savannah. Jacksonville, Atlanta and New Orleans. Dining Car service, 6.05 P.


-Pullman Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars, New York to Columbia. Savannah, Jacksonville, Port Tampa and Augusta. Dining Car service. 6.05 P. CHATTANOOGA LIMITED.

VIA LYNCHRURG-Pullman Drawing-Room Sleeping Chattanooga, Cars, New New Orleans to and Roanoke, Met. Knoxville, phis. Cafe Car service. 6.53 P.M. -WASHINGTON SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED -Pullman Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars, New York to Atlanta, New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis.

Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville. Dining Car service, Tourist Sleeping Car, Washington to San FranMondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. York and Florida finest train in the world, resumes service January 16, 1900, between New York and St. Augustine. Leaves Philadelphia 3.14 P.

reaches St. Augustine 3.45 P. M. next day. Special car to Alken and Augusta, Scuthern Railway Office, 828 Chestnut Street.

Pennsylvania Rallroad Offices, 838 Chestnut 1411 Chestnut Bourse Building, 3962 Market St. and Broad Street Station. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M.

CULP, 3d Vice Pres. Gen'1 Mgr. Traffic Mgr. W. A.

TURK. Gen'l Pass. Agt. BALTIMORFOR AND THE OHIO RAILROAD. Leave Station, Chestnut and 24th Streets.

Chicago, 7.30 A M. 4.20 P. M. dally. Cineinnati, St.

Louts and Indianapolis, 7,30 A.M. 12.20. 8.35 P. M. dally.

Pittsburg, 7.30 A. 4.20 and 8. 35 P. M. daily.

Toledo and Detroit. 8.35 P. M. daily. Cleveland.

4.20 P. ROYAL BLUE LINE FOR BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. 3.35, 7.30, 10,26 12.20 1.37 3.07. 4.20 5.07 7.30 8.35 M. Sundays, 3.35 7.30 12.20 20 1.37 4.20 5.07 7.30 8.35 P.

M. Trains carry B. and 0. Dining Cars. "R' Most superb daylight train in the world.

Dining Car. Pullman Parlor and Observation Smoking Cars. No extra fare other than regular Poliman charge Pullman State-room Sleeping Cats Dining Cars. First-class fare. Philadelphia to Pittsburg, this train only, $5.00.

For other trains to Chester and Wilmington, secure time tables from Tinket Agents. Offices 834 Chestnut 13th and Chestnut Sta. 1005 Chestnut 3962 Market 609 S. 34 1209 N. 2d St.

and Station 24th and Chestnut St. ul Hanke, Emma, Heishon, Joseph, Hewitson, Joseph. Imbrey, Dennis. Kane. Mary A.

Klufkee, Teresa A. Lister, William P. Loeb, Moses A. McGrory, Jeremiah, McMullen, James, Mackin, Mary A. Magill.

Virginia. Maxwell, Joseph. Minniek, Sophia. Mogan, Michael. Montgomery, James, Morgan, Sarah.

Obdyke, Elizabeth C. Phillips. Samuel. Plachter. Edward.

Quinn, Lucy. Richmond, Hannah H. Riddle, Clara M. Rorke, Allen B. Stockton, Samuel.

Theders, Anna E. Trainor, Annie. Vile, Mary, Viney, William. Ward, George, 3RT.

The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.